80 research outputs found

    A kunhalmok védelmét szolgáló intézkedések gazdálkodói megítélésének vizsgálata

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    Kunhalmok eltemetett talajainak talajgenetikai és paleoökológiai rekonstrukciója = Soil genetic and paleoecological reconstruction of soils buried in kurgans

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    A munka során a Nagyalföld területéről választott kunhalmok felmérésével értékeltük az egykori (holocén) környezet talajait, tájait. A recens talajok, a halom és környezetének talajtani, botanikai és térinformatikai felmérése nemcsak kiegészítette vizsgálatainkat, hanem a halmok védelmét, az adatrögzítést is szolgálta. Több mint ötven halom helyszíni bejárása után választottuk ki a 4 vizsgált halmot. A hatósági engedélyek megszerzése után hálózatos térképező fúrást végeztünk. A morfológiai leírások alapján értékeltük a halmok rétegzettségét, tártuk fel a halom paleotalaját és alapkőzetét. A halmok rétegeiből megvett mintákon kidolgoztuk és kipróbáltuk azt az elemzési sort, amelynek segítségével a paleotalajokról a szükséges információk megszerezhetők. A talajtani információkat paleoökológiai vizsgálatokkal bővítettük. Egyes halmok eltemetett talajainak korát is meghatároztuk. A talajvíz szerepét és hatását a Csípő-halomnál telepített mérőkutakkal vizsgáljuk. 2004. évben megkezdtük egy megbontott halom feltárását is. A halmok és környezetük talajtani morfológiai, laboratóriumi és malakológiai vizsgálatai alapján a halmok egykori környezeteként a maihoz hasonló meleg, száraz sztyepp, illetve félárnyékos magasfüves sztyepp környezet rekonstruálható, amelyet mozaikosan vizes és szikes területek vehettek körül. Zárt erdőborításra, tartós erdőtalaj-képződésre utaló nyomot nem találtunk. | Present application has been submitted in 2001 with the aim to evaluate the former, Holocene soils, and the landscape of various kurgans situated on the Great Plain. The examination of soils, the botanical and GIS examination of the mounds assisted data collection towards the nature conservation actions. After visiting over fifty mounds we selected 4 mounds. We obtained the permissions before the soil mapping drillings. With regard to the morphological examinations of the drillings we evaluated the stratification of the mounds and excavated the paleosoil, as well as the parent material. On the samples we have built the methodology, which was further on suitable to gain base-line data on the buried paleosoils. Pedological results were complemented with paleoecological examinations. With radiocarbon dating we were able to specify the age of some soil horizons. The role and effect of groundwater is still being analysed through monitoring wells around the Csípő-mound. In 2004, we began the detailed and precise examination of a partly disrupted kurgan. In connection with the morphological, malacological and labor analysis of the mounds and their environment we visualise a warm, dry steppe environment with half-shaded grassland vegetation, which is alike to the recent landscape, but with mosaics of wetland type, small territories. Salinization can not yet be excluded from the ancient environmental factors. We could not detect the traces of Luvisol development nor forest vegetation

    The Legislative Background of the Application of Fermentation Residues to Agricultural Lands in Hungary

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    The broad presence of biogas plants – facilities using organic wastes and by-products to generate energy – now seems to warrant urgent attention to the land application of by-products (fermentation residues) from biogas plants. In Hungary, this activity can be carried out under statutory conditions, subject to official licensing. The protection provided by law is necessary because an adaptable and sustainable agriculture based on effects and interactions also requires such attention, since the most important natural resource of agriculture is soil, which, by nature, is a conditionally renewable natural resource [1] [2]. Protection of soil means primarily protection of quality: sustainable and adaptable agriculture contributes to retain the ecological functions of soil and its role in the ecosystem [3]. This publication analyses the possibilities and challenges of natural resource management by studying the agricultural use of fermentation residues from biogas plants. In order to be used in agriculture, fermentation residue should be classified according to its character and nutritional value, namely as harmless waste from non-agricultural sources. This substance may have the properties of slurry, and in certain cases it may be classified as a substance with characteristics of waste water/sewage sludge or sewage sludge compost. Main elements of the preparation of the soil protection plan: detailed laboratory tests of the fermentation residue according to standards and regulations; classification of the fermentation residue on the basis of the measured parameters and the field tests corresponding to the character of fermentation residue according to the relevant legislation. Soil protection plan is prepared by expert based on on-site investigation and laboratory reports. This is the basis of the licensing process. Land application of fermentation residues therefore requires expert analysis to ensure that the ecological functions of soil are not damaged. This, however, requires that the regulations governing the framework for the conditions of such application are carefully studied and interpreted