697 research outputs found

    The gamma-subunit of the Na-K-ATPase as a potential regulator of apical and basolateral Na+-pump isozymes during development of bovine pre-attachment embryos.

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    Expression and activity of the Na-K-ATPase within the basolateral membrane domains of the trophectoderm epithelium provide the driving force for accumulation of Na(+) and Cl(-) across the nascent epithelium, mediating fluid movement into the forming blastocoel. Within the trophectoderm of the bovine blastocyst, multiple isozymes of the Na-K-ATPase are expressed. Immunolocalization has demonstrated that the alpha1-isozyme localizes within the basolateral membrane, whereas the alpha 3-isozyme localizes to the apical cell margins. Gene-specific RT-PCR and wholemount indirect immunofluorescence confocal laser scanning microscopy were used to examine expression of the Na-K-ATPase gamma-subunit (a regulatory subunit of the Na-K-ATPase) throughout development of bovine preattachment embryos in vitro. Expression of mRNA transcripts for the gamma-subunit was detected throughout bovine pre-attachment development from the fertilized one-cell embryo to the blastocyst stage. A similar pattern of expression was also observed for gamma-subunit protein, and immunofluorescence was detected within the membranes of embryonic blastomeres at all stages of development. In contrast to the expression patterns observed for the alpha-subunits, gamma-subunit proteins were detected in both the basolateral and apical cell margins of the trophectoderm, and surrounding all cells of the inner cell mass. Co-localization studies demonstrated that gamma-subunit peptides are co-expressed with the alpha1-subunit in the basolateral domains of the trophectoderm. These results indicate a role for the gamma-subunit of the Na-K-ATPase in modulating Na(+)-pump activity in both apical and basolateral margins of the trophectoderm during formation and expansion of the bovine blastocyst, and adds a further level of complexity to Na(+)-pump regulation of cavitation

    Aquaporin proteins in murine trophectoderm mediate transepithelial water movements during cavitation.

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    Mammalian blastocyst formation is dependent on establishment of trophectoderm (TE) ion and fluid transport mechanisms. We have examined the expression and function of aquaporin (AQP) water channels during murine preimplantation development. AQP 3, 8, and 9 proteins demonstrated cell margin-associated staining starting at the 8-cell (AQP 9) or compacted morula (AQP 3 and 8) stages. In blastocysts, AQP 3 and 8 were detected in the basolateral membrane domains of the trophectoderm, while AQP3 was also observed in cell margins of all inner cell mass (ICM) cells. In contrast, AQP 9 was predominantly observed within the apical membrane domains of the TE. Murine blastocysts exposed to hyperosmotic culture media (1800 mOsm; 10% glycerol) demonstrated a rapid volume decrease followed by recovery to approximately 80% of initial volume over 5 min. Treatment of blastocysts with p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonic acid (pCMPS, \u3e or =100 microM) for 5 min significantly impaired (P \u3c 0.05) volume recovery, indicating the involvement of AQPs in fluid transport across the TE. Blastocysts exposure to an 1800-mOsm sucrose/KSOMaa solution did not demonstrate volume recovery as observed following treatment with glycerol containing medium, indicating glycerol permeability via AQPs 3 and 9. These findings support the hypothesis that aquaporins mediate trans-trophectodermal water movements during cavitation

    Deletion of the Na/K-ATPase alpha1-subunit gene (Atp1a1) does not prevent cavitation of the preimplantation mouse embryo.

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    Increases in Na/K-ATPase activity occur concurrently with the onset of cavitation and are associated with increases in Na(+)-pump subunit mRNA and protein expression. We have hypothesized that the alpha1-isozyme of the Na/K-ATPase is required to mediate blastocyst formation. We have tested this hypothesis by characterizing preimplantation development in mice with a targeted disruption of the Na/K-ATPase alpha1-subunit (Atp1a1) using embryos acquired from matings between Atp1a1 heterozygous mice. Mouse embryos homozygous for a null mutation in the Na/K-ATPase alpha1-subunit gene are able to undergo compaction and cavitation. These findings demonstrate that trophectoderm transport mechanisms are maintained in the absence of the predominant isozyme of the Na(+)-pump that has previously been localized to the basolateral membranes of mammalian trophectoderm cells. The presence of multiple isoforms of Na/K-ATPase alpha- and beta-subunits at the time of cavitation suggests that there may be a degree of genetic redundancy amongst isoforms of the catalytic alpha-subunit that allows blastocyst formation to progress in the absence of the alpha1-subunit

    mRNAs encoding aquaporins are present during murine preimplantation development.

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    The present study was conducted to investigate the mechanisms underlying fluid movement across the trophectoderm during blastocyst formation by determining whether aquaporins (AQPs) are expressed during early mammalian development. AQPs belong to a family of major intrinsic membrane proteins and function as molecular water channels that allow water to flow rapidly across plasma membranes in the direction of osmotic gradients. Ten different AQPs have been identified to date. Murine preimplantation stage embryos were flushed from the oviducts and uteri of superovulated CD1 mice. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) methods employing primer sets designed to amplify conserved sequences of AQPs (1-9) were applied to murine embryo cDNA samples. PCR reactions were conducted for up to 40 cycles involving denaturation of DNA hybrids at 95 degrees C, primer annealing at 52-60 degrees C and extension at 72 degrees C. PCR products were separated on 2% agarose gels and were stained with ethidium bromide. AQP PCR product identity was confirmed by sequence analysis. mRNAs encoding AQPs 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 9 were detected in murine embryos from the one-cell stage up to the blastocyst stage. AQP 8 mRNAs were not detected in early cleavage stages but were present in morula and blastocyst stage embryos. The results were confirmed in experimental replicates applied to separate embryo pools of each embryo stage. These results demonstrate that transcripts encoding seven AQP gene products are detectable during murine preimplantation development. These findings predict that AQPs may function as conduits for trophectoderm fluid transport during blastocyst formation

    Trophectoderm differentiation in the bovine embryo: characterization of a polarized epithelium.

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    Blastocytst formation is dependent on the differentiation of a transporting epithelium, the trophectoderm, which is coordinated by the embryonic expression and cell adhesive properties of E-cadherin. The trophectoderm shares differentiative characteristics with all epithelial tissues, including E-cadherin-mediated cell adhesion, tight junction formation, and polarized distribution of intramembrane proteins, including the Na-K ATPase. The present study was conducted to characterize the mRNA expression and distribution of polypeptides encoding E-cadherin, beta-catenin, and the tight junction associated protein, zonula occludens protein 1, in pre-attachment bovine embryos, in vitro. Immunocytochemistry and gene specific reverse transcription--polymerase chain reaction methods were used. Transcripts for E-cadherin and beta-catenin were detected in embryos of all stages throughout pre-attachment development. Immunocytochemistry revealed E-cadherin and beta-catenin polypeptides evenly distributed around the cell margins of one-cell zygotes and cleavage stage embryos. In the morula, detection of these proteins diminished in the free apical surface of outer blastomeres. E-cadherin and beta-catenin became restricted to the basolateral membranes of trophectoderm cells of the blastocyst, while maintaining apolar distributions in the inner cell mass. Zonula occludens protein 1 immunoreactivity was undetectable until the morula stage and first appeared as punctate points between the outer cells. In the blastocyst, zonula occludens protein 1 was localized as a continuous ring at the apical points of trophectoderm cell contact and was undetectable in the inner cell mass. These results illustrate that the gene products encoding E-cadherin, beta-catenin and zonula occludens protein 1 are expressed and maintain cellular distribution patterns consistent with their predicted roles in mediating trophectoderm differentiation in in vitro produced bovine embryos

    Implications for the future of obstetrics and gynaecology following the COVID-19 pandemic: a commentary.

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    In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. At the time of writing, more than 261,184 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in the UK resulting in over 36,914 directly attributable deaths.1 The National Health Service (NHS) has been confronted with the unprecedented task of dealing with the enormity of the resultant morbidity and mortality. In addition, the workforce has been depleted as a direct consequence of the disease, in most cases temporarily, but in some tragic cases permanently