34 research outputs found

    application of the ads method to predict a hidden basal detachment nw borneo fold and thrust belt

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    Abstract The NW Borneo margin is characterized by a complex deepwater fold-and-thrust belt. Despite previous studies, the definition of a univocal detachment level for folding and thrusting is still lacking. The area-depth-strain (ADS) method can be used to determine the location for a detachment in areas lacking data, and to balance geological cross sections. This study applies the ADS method to the central part of the NW Borneo fold-and-thrust belt to predict a structurally conclusive detachment level in an area lacking a seismic detachment reflection. Seismic interpretations were completed after the ADS-determination of the basal detachment, providing input for a 2D sequential restoration that delivered values on shortening distribution and shortening rate. The kinematic and mechanic analyses presented, document that the central part of the NW Borneo fold-and-thrust belt is affected by both, near- and far-field stresses, and that the far-field crustal shortening component becomes more important northward. This work demonstrates that the ADS method can be effectively applied in fold-thrust belt settings with limited information on the detachment, supports in a quantitative way the tectonic and stratigraphic interpretation of seismic-reflection data and provides a robust structural base for the restoration of balanced cross-sections, including the reconstruction of syn-kinematically eroded stratigraphy

    The influence of subsurface geology on the distribution of earthquakes during the 2016‐-2017 Central Italy seismic sequence

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    Abstract In 2016–2017, a destructive sequence of earthquakes affected a wide portion of Central Italy, activating a complex, 80-km long system of SW-dipping normal faults and causing impressive surface faulting and widespread damage. Former studies providing reconstructions of the fault systems activated during this sequence, are mostly based on high-resolution seismological and geodetic data. In this paper, we integrate surface and subsurface geological data with the ones obtained by an irregular network of seismic reflection profiles, aimed at providing a comprehensive reconstruction of the subsurface lithologies and structures in this area. We have constructed a set of five geological cross-sections, passing through the mainshock epicentral areas (Mw > 5.5) of the seismic sequence. The cross-sections are extrapolated down to a depth of ca. 12 km, along which we have plotted relocated seismicity. Combined geological and seismological data support a new 3D seismotectonic model, illustrating the propagation through time and space of the seismic ruptures during the sequence. Our results show that the litho-mechanical stratigraphy exerted a primary control on the distribution of seismicity, as it is mostly hosted in the more competent lithologies (i.e. the Late Triassic-Paleogene succession, consisting of carbonates and evaporites). In addition, we illustrate the crucial role played by the inherited compressional structures in determining the lateral and vertical variations of the rheological properties of the upper crust and, eventually, the overall geometry and segmentation of the seismogenic extensional system. The workflow proposed here can be applied to other seismogenic zones throughout the world, since reliable seismotectonic models require an accurate reconstruction of the subsurface geological setting, based on a close integration of geological, geophysical and seismological data


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    In the last three years, we developed, tested and improved an automatic analysis code to calculate the shear wave splitting parameters, fast polarization direction (φ) and delay time (∂t). The code is a set of MatLab scripts able to retrieve crustal anisotropy parameters from three-component seismic recording of local earthquakes using horizontal component cross-correlation method. The analysis procedure consists in choosing an appropriate frequency range, that better highlights the signal containing the shear waves, and a length of time window on the seismogram centred on the S arrival (the temporal window contains at least one cycle of S wave). The code was compared to other two automatic analysis code (SPY and SHEBA) and tested on three Italian areas (Val d’Agri, Tiber Valley and L’Aquila surrounding) along the Apennine mountains. For each region we used the anisotropic parameters resulting from the automatic computation as a tool to determine the fracture field geometries connected with the active stress field. The anisotropic fast directions are used to define the active stress field (EDA model), finding a general consistence between fast direction and main stress indicators (focal mechanism and borehole break-out). The magnitude of delay time is used to define the fracture field intensity finding higher value in the volume where micro-seismicity occurs. Furthermore we studied temporal variations of anisotropic parameters in order to explain if fluids play an important role in the earthquake generation process. The close association of anisotropic parameters variations and seismicity rate changes supports the hypothesis that the background seismicity is influenced by the fluctuation of pore fluid pressure in the rocks


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    During the last decades, the study of seismic anisotropy has provided useful information for the interpretation and evaluation of the stress field and active crustal deformation. Seismic anisotropy can yield valuable information on upper crustal structure, fracture field, and presence of fluid-saturated rocks crossed by shear waves. Several studies worldwide demonstrate that seismic anisotropy is related to stress-aligned, filled-fluid micro-cracks (EDA model). An automatic analysis code, “Anisomat+”, was developed, tested and improved to calculate the anisotropic parameters: fast polarization direction (φ) and delay time (∂t). Anisomat+ has been compared to other two automatic analysis codes (SPY and SHEBA) and tested on three zones of the Apennines (Val d’Agri, Tiber Valley and L’Aquila surroundings). The anisotropic parameters, resulting from the automatic computation, have been interpreted to determine the fracture field geometries; for each area, we defined the dominant fast direction and the intensity of the anisotropy, interpreting these results in the light of the geological and structural setting and of two anisotropic interpretative models, proposed in the literature. In the first one, proposed by Zinke and Zoback, the local stress field and cracks are aligned by tectonics phases and are not necessarily related to the presently active stress field. Therefore the anisotropic parameters variations are only space-dependent. In the second, EDA model, and its development in the APE model fluid-filled micro-cracks are aligned or ‘opened’ by the active stress field and the variation of the stress field might be related to the evolution of the pore pressure in time; therefore in this case the variation of the anisotropic parameters are both space- and time- dependent. We recognized that the average of fast directions, in the three selected areas, are oriented NW-SE, in agreement with the orientation of the active stress field, as suggested by the EDA model, but also, by the proposed by Zinke and Zoback model; in fact, NW-SE direction corresponds also to the strike of the main fault structures in the three study regions. The mean values of the magnitude of the normalized delay time range from 0.005 s/km to 0.007 s/km and to 0.009 s/km, respectively for the L'Aquila (AQU) area, the High Tiber Valley (ATF) and the Val d'Agri (VA), suggesting a 3-4% of crustal anisotropy. In each area are also examined the spatial and temporal distribution of anisotropic parameters, which lead to some innovative observations, listed below. 1) The higher values of normalized delay times have been observed in those zones where most of the seismic events occur. This aspect was further investigated, by evaluating the average seismic rate, in a time period, between years 2005 and 2010, longer than the lapse of time, analyzed in the anisotropic studies. This comparison has highlighted that the value of the normalised delay time is larger where the seismicity rate is higher. 2) In the Alto Tiberina Fault area the higher values of normalised delay time are not only related to the presence of a high seismicity rate but also to the presence of a tectonically doubled carbonate succession. Therefore, also the lithology, plays a important role in hosting and preserving the micro-fracture network responsible for the anisotropic field. 3) The observed temporal variations of anisotropic parameters, have been observed and related to the fluctuation of pore fluid pressure at depth possibly induced by different mechanisms in the different regions, for instance, changes in the water table level in Val D’Agri, occurrence of the April 6th Mw=6.1 earthquake in L’Aquila.Since these variations have been recognized, it is possible to affirm that the models that better fit the results, both in term of fast directions and of delay times, seems to be EDA and APE models

    Geophysical downhole logging analysis within the shallow depth ICDP STAR drilling project (Central Italy)

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    The ICDP STAR drilling project aims to study the seismic and aseismic fault slip behaviour of the active low-angle Alto Tiberina normal Fault (ATF) in the Northern Apennines, Central Italy, drilling and instrumenting six shallow boreholes with seismometers and strainmeters. During the STAR field work, a geophysical downhole logging campaign was carried on defining the optimal target depth for instrument deployment and formation rock characterization. In particular, the main objectives of this study were to define in situ physical properties of the rocks and the tectonic discontinuity geometry along the boreholes. The downhole logging data provide new findings and knowledge especially with regards to the physical properties such as resistivity, gamma ray and wave velocity. The collected parameters were compared to the results of literature data collected in similar lithologies, as well as with the results of logging performed in deeper wells drilled for commercial purposes. The physical properties of the Mesozoic-Early Tertiary calcareous formations show low Gamma Ray values and high compressional (Vp) and shear wave (Vs) velocities (up to 5.3 km/s and 2.9 km/s, respectively), whereas the overlying clay-rich Late Tertiary formations exhibit high Gamma Ray and low resistivity and relatively low Vp and Vs values (up to 3.5 km/s and 2.0 km/s, respectively). The results obtained from the analysis of the orientations of the tectonic structures, measured along the six boreholes, show a good agreement with the orientations of the present-day extensional stress field, NE-SW oriented. Our study allowed to bridge the gap between the physical properties obtained from literature data and those obtained from the deep wells measurements, representing a possible case history for future projects. These new data will contribute to the advancement of knowledge of the physical properties of the rocks at shallow depths, typically overlooked

    Thin vs. thick-skinned tectonics in the Umbria-Marche fold-and-thrust belt: Contrast or coexistence?

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    The structural style at depth of the Umbria-Marche fold-and-thrust belt, which occupies the outer province of the Northern Apennines of peninsular Italy, has long been debated and interpreted in terms of thin-skinned or thick-skinned deforma- tion models, respectively. Thin-skinned models predict that the Mesozoic–Tertiary sedimentary cover was detached along Upper Triassic evaporites and translated northeastward along stepped thrust faults above a relatively undeformed basement. On the other hand, thick-skinned models predict the direct involvement of conspicu- ous basement slices within thrust-related folds. A description of selected examples in the southeastern part of the Umbria-Marche belt reveals that some compressional structures are indeed thin-skinned, their style being controlled by rheological proper- ties of a mechanically heterogeneous stratigraphy containing multiple décollements, whereas other structures are genuinely thick-skinned, their style being dominated by the reverse-reactivation of pre-orogenic normal faults deeply rooted within the basement. Therefore, the contrast of thin- versus thick-skinned structural styles, an issue that has generated a long-lasting debate, is only apparent, since both styles are documented to coexist and to have concurred in controlling the final compressional geometry of the fold-and-thrust belt

    Fault architecture and deformation mechanisms in exhumed analogues of seismogenic carbonate-bearing thrusts

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    4noreservedFaults in carbonates are well known sources of upper crustal seismicity throughout the world. In the outer sector of the Northern Apennines, ancient carbonate-bearing thrusts are exposed at the surface and represent analogues of structures generating seismicity at depth. We describe the geometry, internal structure and deformation mechanisms of three large-displacement thrusts from the km scale to the microscale. Fault architecture and deformation mechanisms are all influenced by the lithology of faulted rocks. Where thrusts cut across bedded or marly limestones, fault zones are thick (tens of metres) and display foliated rocks (S-CC' tectonites and/or YPR cataclasites) characterized by intense pressure-solution deformation. In massive limestones, faulting occurs in localized, narrow zones that exhibit abundant brittle deformation. A general model for a heterogeneous, carbonate-bearing thrust is proposed and discussed. Fault structure, affected by stratigraphic heterogeneity and inherited structures, influences the location of geometrical asperities and fault strain rates. The presence of clay minerals and the strain rate experienced by fault rocks modulate the shifting from cataclasis-dominated towards pressure-solution-dominated deformation. Resulting structural heterogeneity of these faults may mirror their mechanical and seismic behaviour: we suggest that seismic asperities are located at the boundaries of massive limestones in narrow zones of localized slip whereas weak shear zones constitute slowly slipping portions of the fault, reflecting other types of "aseismic" behaviour. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.mixedTesei, T.; Collettini, C.; Viti, C.; Barchi, M.R.Tesei, T.; Collettini, C.; Viti, C.; Barchi, M. R

    Gravity and magnetic anomalies across central Apennines

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    This dataset contains the magnetic and gravity anomalies across three profiles in the Central Apennines