277 research outputs found

    A new perspective of the Alboran Upwelling System reconstruction during the Marine Isotope Stage 11: A high-resolution coccolithophore record

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    A high-resolution study of the MIS 12/MIS 11 transition and the MIS 11 (430–376 kyr) coccolithophore assemblages at Ocean Drilling Program Site 977 was conducted to reconstruct the palaeoceanographic and climatic changes in the Alboran Sea from the variability in surface water conditions. The nannofossil record was integrated with the planktonic oxygen and carbon stable isotopes, as well as the Uk'37 Sea Surface Temperature (SST) at the studied site during the investigated interval. The coccolithophore primary productivity, reconstructed from the PPP (primary productivity proxy = absolute values of Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica + small Gephyrocapsa group) revealed pronounced fluctuations, that were strongly associated with variations in the intensity of the regional Alboran Upwelling System. The comparison of the nannoplankton record with opal phytolith content for the studied site and the already available pollen record at the nearby Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1385, suggests an association of the upwelling dynamics with the variability of the North Atlantic Oscillation-like (NAO-like) phase. High PPP during positive (+) NAO-like phases is the result of intensified upwelling, owing to the complete development of the surface hydrological structures at the Alboran Sea. This scenario was identified during the MIS 12/MIS 11 transition (428-422 kyr), the late MIS 11c (405-397 kyr), and MIS11 b to MIS 11a (397-376 kyr). Two short-term minima in the PPP and SST were observed during MIS 11 b and were coeval with the North Atlantic Heinrich-type (Ht) events Ht3 (∼390 kyr) and Ht2 (∼384 kyr). Increased abundance of the subpolar Coccolithus pelagicus subsp. pelagicus and Gephyrocapsa muellerae was consistent with the inflow of cold surface waters into the Mediterranean Sea during the Ht events. Lowered PPP during negative (−) NAO-like phases is the result of moderate upwelling by the incomplete development of surface hydrological structures at the Alboran Sea. This scenario is expressed during the early MIS 11c (422-405 kyr). Overall, the results of our study provide evidence of the important role of atmospheric circulation patterns in the North Atlantic region for controlling phytoplankton primary production and oceanographic circulation dynamics in the Western Mediterranean during MIS 11

    Comparative Assessment of Soil-Structure Interaction Regulations of ASCE 7-16 and ASCE 7-10

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    This paper evaluates the consequences of practicing soil structure interaction (SSI) regulations of ASCE 7-16 on seismic performance of building structures. The motivation for this research stems from the significant changes in the new SSI provisions of ASCE 7-16 compared to the previous 2010 edition. Generally, ASCE 7 considers SSI as a beneficial effect, and allows designer to reduce the design base shear. However, literature shows that this idea cannot properly capture the SSI effects on nonlinear systems. ASCE 7-16 is the first edition of ASCE 7 that considers the SSI effect on yielding systems. This study investigates the consequences of practicing the new provisions on a wide range of buildings with different dynamic characteristics on different soil types. Ductility demand of the structure forms the performance metric of this study, and the probability that practicing SSI provisions, in lieu of fixed-base provisions, increases the ductility demand of the structure is computed. The analyses are conducted within a probabilistic framework which considers the uncertainties in the ground motion and in the properties of the soil-structure system. It is concluded that, for structures with surface foundation on moderate to soft soils, SSI regulations of both ASCE 7-10 and ASCE 7-16 are fairly likely to result in a similar and larger structural responses than those obtained by practicing the fixed-base design regulations. However, for squat and ordinary stiff structures on soft soil or structures with embedded foundation on moderate to soft soils, the SSI provisions of ASCE 7-16 result in performance levels that are closer to those obtained by practicing the fixed-base regulations. Finally, for structures on very soft soils, the new SSI provisions of ASCE 7-16 are likely to rather conservative designs.Comment: ASCE Structures Congress, Fort Worth, TX, USA, April 19-21 (2018

    Epigenetic mechanisms and metabolic reprogramming in fibrogenesis: dual targeting of G9a and DNMT1 for the inhibition of liver fibrosis

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    OBJECTIVE: Hepatic stellate cells (HSC) transdifferentiation into myofibroblasts is central to fibrogenesis. Epigenetic mechanisms, including histone and DNA methylation, play a key role in this process. Concerted action between histone and DNA-mehyltransferases like G9a and DNMT1 is a common theme in gene expression regulation. We aimed to study the efficacy of CM272, a first-in-class dual and reversible G9a/DNMT1 inhibitor, in halting fibrogenesis. DESIGN: G9a and DNMT1 were analysed in cirrhotic human livers, mouse models of liver fibrosis and cultured mouse HSC. G9a and DNMT1 expression was knocked down or inhibited with CM272 in human HSC (hHSC), and transcriptomic responses to transforming growth factor-β1 (TGFβ1) were examined. Glycolytic metabolism and mitochondrial function were analysed with Seahorse-XF technology. Gene expression regulation was analysed by chromatin immunoprecipitation and methylation-specific PCR. Antifibrogenic activity and safety of CM272 were studied in mouse chronic CCl4 administration and bile duct ligation (BDL), and in human precision-cut liver slices (PCLSs) in a new bioreactor technology. RESULTS: G9a and DNMT1 were detected in stromal cells in areas of active fibrosis in human and mouse livers. G9a and DNMT1 expression was induced during mouse HSC activation, and TGFβ1 triggered their chromatin recruitment in hHSC. G9a/DNMT1 knockdown and CM272 inhibited TGFβ1 fibrogenic responses in hHSC. TGFβ1-mediated profibrogenic metabolic reprogramming was abrogated by CM272, which restored gluconeogenic gene expression and mitochondrial function through on-target epigenetic effects. CM272 inhibited fibrogenesis in mice and PCLSs without toxicity. CONCLUSIONS: Dual G9a/DNMT1 inhibition by compounds like CM272 may be a novel therapeutic strategy for treating liver fibrosis

    Self-Assembly of the Recombinant Capsid Protein of a Swine Norovirus into Virus-Like Particles and Evaluation of Monoclonal Antibodies Cross-Reactive with a Human Strain from Genogroup II

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    Noroviruses (NoVs) are responsible for the majority of gastroenteritis outbreaks in humans. Recently, NoV strains which are genetically closely related to human genogroup II (GII) NoVs have been detected in fecal specimens from swine. These findings have raised concern about the possible role of pigs as reservoirs for NoVs that could infect humans. To better understand the epidemiology of swine NoVs in both the swine and the human populations, rapid immunoassays are needed. In this study, baculovirus recombinants were generated to express the capsid gene of a swine NoV GII genotype 11 (GII.11) strain which self-assembled into virus-like particles (VLPs). Subsequently, the purified VLPs were used to evoke monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) in mice. A panel of eight promising MAbs was obtained and evaluated for their ability to bind to heterologous VLPs, denaturated antigens, and truncated capsid proteins. The MAbs could be classified into two groups: two MAbs that recognized linear epitopes located at the amino-terminal half (shell domain) of the swine NoV GII.11 VLPs and that cross-reacted with human GII.4 NoV VLPs. The other six MAbs bound to conformational epitopes and did not cross-react with the human GII.4 VLPs. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the characterization of MAbs against swine NoVs. The swine NoV VLPs and the MAbs described here may be further used for the design of diagnostic reagents that could help increase our knowledge of the prevalence of NoV infections in pigs and the possible role of pigs as reservoirs for NoVs

    Molecular characterisation of virulence graded field isolates of myxoma virus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Myxoma virus </it>(MV) has been endemic in Europe since shortly after its deliberate release in France in 1952. While the emergence of more resistant hosts and more transmissible and attenuated virus is well documented, there have been relatively few studies focused on the sequence changes incurred by the virus as it has adapted to its new host. In order to identify regions of variability within the MV genome to be used for phylogenetic studies and to try to investigate causes of MV strain attenuation we have molecularly characterised nine strains of MV isolated in Spain between the years 1992 and 1995 from wide ranging geographic locations and which had been previously graded for virulence by experimental infection of rabbits.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The findings reported here show the analysis of 16 genomic regions accounting for approximately 10% of the viral genomes. Of the 20 genes analysed 5 (M034L, M069L, M071L, M130R and M135R) were identical in all strains and 1 (M122R) contained only a single point mutation in an individual strain. Four genes (M002L/R, M009L, M036L and M017L) showed insertions or deletions that led to disruption of the ORFs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The findings presented here provide valuable tools for strain differentiation and phylogenetic studies of MV isolates and some clues as to the reasons for virus attenuation in the field.</p


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    Background and Aims: To maximize cost/efficay of boceprevirbased triple therapy (BOC) in patients with HCV-related advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis. Methods: ITT SVR12, safety and futility rules value were evaluated in the multicenter national Italian and Spanish early access Name- Patient-Program which includes treatment-experienced patients with HCVG1-related advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis (Metavir F3/4) treated with BOC in both countries. Results: 402 patients (mean age 55 years; range 22–75), 316 (78.6%) G1b, 255 (63.4%) F4, 60 (30.9%) with oesophageal varices, 137 (34.1%) relapsers, 95 (23.6%) partial and 168 (41.8%) null responders were enrolled. Platelets count <100,000 and albumin levels <3.5 g/dl were present in 49 (12.2%) and 22 (6.3%) patients, respectively. 369 (91.8%) received at least 1 dose of BOC. Overall ITT SVR12 rates and according to prior response to P/R, fibrosis stage and TW8 HCV-RNA value to P/R/BOC are reported in the table. At multivariate analysis, the strongest predictors of SVR12 were TW8 HCV-RNA undetectability (RR, 30.8; 95% CI, 8.7–108.7) and HCV-RNA detectable but <1000 IU/mL (RR, 9.1; 95% CI, 2.6–31.8) compared to those with HCV-RNA ≥1000 IU/mL. Two patients (0.5%) died from multi-organ failure, 13 (3.2%) developed hepatic decompensation, 41 (10.2%) had severe anemia (<8.5 g/dl) and 31 (7.7%) required at least one blood transfusion. Conclusions: In treatment-experienced patients with advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis, SVR12 attained by BOC was satisfactory. Mortality, life-threatening adverse events and severe anemia rates were similar to those reported in other real-practice studies. A TW8 futility rule enables a safely discontinuation of BOC in patients who are extremely unlikely to achieve SVR, thus optimizing the effectiveness of treatment in this difficult-to-cure population

    Peripheral T-cell lymphoma: Molecular profiling recognizes subclasses and identifies prognostic markers

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    Peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL) is a clinically aggressive disease, with a poor response to therapy and a low overall survival rate of approximately 30% after 5 years. We have analyzed a series of 105 cases with a diagnosis of PTCL using a customized NanoString platform (NanoString Technologies, Seattle, WA) that includes 208 genes associated with T-cell differentiation, oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, deregulated pathways, and stromal cell subpopulations. A comparative analysis of the various histological types of PTCL (angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma [AITL]; PTCL with T follicular helper [TFH] phenotype; PTCL not otherwise specified [NOS]) showed that specific sets of genes were associated with each of the diagnoses. These included TFH markers, cytotoxic markers, and genes whose expression was a surrogate for specific cellular subpopulations, including follicular dendritic cells, mast cells, and genes belonging to precise survival (NF-κB) and other pathways. Furthermore, the mutational profile was analyzed using a custom panel that targeted 62 genes in 76 cases distributed in AITL, PTCL-TFH, and PTCL-NOS. The main differences among the 3 nodal PTCL classes involved the RHOAG17V mutations (P < .0001), which were approximately twice as frequent in AITL (34.09%) as in PTCL-TFH (16.66%) cases but were not detected in PTCL-NOS. A multivariate analysis identified gene sets that allowed the series of cases to be stratified into different risk groups. This study supports and validates the current division of PTCL into these 3 categories, identifies sets of markers that can be used for a more precise diagnosis, and recognizes the expression of B-cell genes as an IPI-independent prognostic factor for AITL

    Phylogenetic Relationships within the Opisthokonta Based on Phylogenomic Analyses of Conserved Single-Copy Protein Domains

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    Many of the eukaryotic phylogenomic analyses published to date were based on alignments of hundreds to thousands of genes. Frequently, in such analyses, the most realistic evolutionary models currently available are often used to minimize the impact of systematic error. However, controversy remains over whether or not idiosyncratic gene family dynamics (i.e., gene duplications and losses) and incorrect orthology assignments are always appropriately taken into account. In this paper, we present an innovative strategy for overcoming orthology assignment problems. Rather than identifying and eliminating genes with paralogy problems, we have constructed a data set comprised exclusively of conserved single-copy protein domains that, unlike most of the commonly used phylogenomic data sets, should be less confounded by orthology miss-assignments. To evaluate the power of this approach, we performed maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses to infer the evolutionary relationships within the opisthokonts (which includes Metazoa, Fungi, and related unicellular lineages). We used this approach to test 1) whether Filasterea and Ichthyosporea form a clade, 2) the interrelationships of early-branching metazoans, and 3) the relationships among early-branching fungi. We also assessed the impact of some methods that are known to minimize systematic error, including reducing the distance between the outgroup and ingroup taxa or using the CAT evolutionary model. Overall, our analyses support the Filozoa hypothesis in which Ichthyosporea are the first holozoan lineage to emerge followed by Filasterea, Choanoflagellata, and Metazoa. Blastocladiomycota appears as a lineage separate from Chytridiomycota, although this result is not strongly supported. These results represent independent tests of previous phylogenetic hypotheses, highlighting the importance of sophisticated approaches for orthology assignment in phylogenomic analyses. © The Author 2011. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. All rights reserved

    Fine Tuning of the Lactate and Diacetyl Production through Promoter Engineering in Lactococcus lactis

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    Lactococcus lactis is a well-studied bacterium widely used in dairy fermentation and capable of producing metabolites with organoleptic and nutritional characteristics. For fine tuning of the distribution of glycolytic flux at the pyruvate branch from lactate to diacetyl and balancing the production of the two metabolites under aerobic conditions, a constitutive promoter library was constructed by randomizing the promoter sequence of the H2O-forming NADH oxidase gene in L. lactis. The library consisted of 30 promoters covering a wide range of activities from 7,000 to 380,000 relative fluorescence units using a green fluorescent protein as reporter. Eleven typical promoters of the library were selected for the constitutive expression of the H2O-forming NADH oxidase gene in L. lactis, and the NADH oxidase activity increased from 9.43 to 58.17-fold of the wild-type strain in small steps of activity change under aerobic conditions. Meanwhile, the lactate yield decreased from 21.15±0.08 mM to 9.94±0.07 mM, and the corresponding diacetyl production increased from 1.07±0.03 mM to 4.16±0.06 mM with the intracellular NADH/NAD+ ratios varying from 0.711±0.005 to 0.383±0.003. The results indicated that the reduced pyruvate to lactate flux was rerouted to the diacetyl with an almost linear flux variation via altered NADH/NAD+ ratios. Therefore, we provided a novel strategy to precisely control the pyruvate distribution for fine tuning of the lactate and diacetyl production through promoter engineering in L. lactis. Interestingly, the increased H2O-forming NADH oxidase activity led to 76.95% lower H2O2 concentration in the recombinant strain than that of the wild-type strain after 24 h of aerated cultivation. The viable cells were significantly elevated by four orders of magnitude within 28 days of storage at 4°C, suggesting that the increased enzyme activity could eliminate H2O2 accumulation and prolong cell survival