58 research outputs found

    Wireless multimedia sensor network for plant disease detections

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    International audienceTo minimize pesticide use it is necessary to detect at the early stage the present of plant disease and perform local treatment instead of global systematic treatment. To achieve this goal, one of the techniques may be used is image processing through the deployment of WMSN in the cultivated field. However, transmitting massive image data wirelessly will increase significantly network traffic and particularly energy consumption. In this paper, we propose a plant disease detection approach which is designed to run on the resource-constrained WMSN nodes. Through the analysis of plant images acquired by the node, this new approach is able to make a preliminary local decision on the health condition of the plant and determine the necessity of sending back images to the control centre for further inspection, thus improving the efficiency of the monitoring network. The complete method includes image segmentation based on both color and shape, and uses 2D histogram as the feature for classification. Experiments on the plant images with nutrient deficiency symptoms show the classification accuracy of the new method reaches 87.5%

    The Covariant Entropy Bound, Brane Cosmology, and the Null Energy Condition

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    In discussions of Bousso's Covariant Entropy Bound, the Null Energy Condition is always assumed, as a sufficient {\em but not necessary} condition which helps to ensure that the entropy on any lightsheet shall necessarily be finite. The spectacular failure of the Strong Energy Condition in cosmology has, however, led many astrophysicists and cosmologists to consider models of dark energy which violate {\em all} of the energy conditions, and indeed the current data do not completely rule out such models. The NEC also has a questionable status in brane cosmology: it is probably necessary to violate the NEC in the bulk in order to obtain a "self-tuning" theory of the cosmological constant. In order to investigate these proposals, we modify the Karch-Randall model by introducing NEC-violating matter into AdS5AdS_5 in such a way that the brane cosmological constant relaxes to zero. The entropy on lightsheets remains finite. However, we still find that the spacetime is fundamentally incompatible with the Covariant Entropy Bound machinery, in the sense that it fails the Bousso-Randall consistency condition. We argue that holography probably forbids all {\em cosmological} violations of the NEC, and that holography is in fact the fundamental physical principle underlying the cosmological version of the NEC.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, version 2:corrected and greatly improved discussion of the Bousso-Randall consistency check, references added; version3: more references added, JHEP versio

    Can we live on a D-brane? -- Effective theory on a self-gravitating D-brane --

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    We consider a D-brane coupled with gravity in type IIB supergravity on S^5 and derive the effective theory on the D-brane in two different ways, that is, holographic and geometrical projection methods. We find that the effective equations on the brane obtained by these methods coincide. The theory on the D-brane described by the Born-Infeld action is not like Einstein-Maxwell theory in the lower order of the gradient expansion, i.e., the Maxwell field does not appear in the theory. Thus the careful analysis and statement for cosmology on self-gravitating D-brane should be demanded in realistic models.Comment: 13 pages, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Holographic Cosmic Quintessence on Dilatonic Brane World

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    Recently quintessence is proposed to explain the observation data of supernova indicating a time-varying cosmological constant and accelerating universe. Inspired by this and its mysterious origin, we look for the possibility of quintessence as the holographic dark matters dominated in the late time in the brane world scenarios. We consider both the cases of static and moving brane in a dilaton gravity background. For the static brane we use the Hamilton-Jacobi method motivated by holographic renormalization group to study the intrinsic FRW cosmology on the brane and find out the constraint on the bulk potential for the quintessence. This constraint requires a negative slowly varying bulk potential which implies an anti-de Sitter-like bulk geometry and could be possibly realized from the higher dimensional supergravities or string theory. We find the similar constraint for the moving brane cases and that the quintessence on it has the effect as a mildly time-varying Newton constant.Comment: 16pages, no figure, Latex; revised version, references added, typos corrected, abstract and comments improved; final version, will appear in PR

    Stable, Time-Dependent, Exact Solutions for Brane Models with a Bulk Scalar Field

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    We derive two classes of brane-world solutions arising in the presence of a bulk scalar field. For static field configurations, we adopt a time-dependent, factorizable metric ansatz that allows for radion stabilization. The solutions are characterized by a non-trivial warping along the extra dimension, even in the case of a vanishing bulk cosmological constant, and lead to a variety of inflationary, time-dependent solutions of the 3D scale factor on the brane. We also derive the constraints necessary for the stability of these solutions under time-dependent perturbations of the radion field, and we demonstrate the existence of phenomenologically interesting, stable solutions with a positive cosmological constant on the brane.Comment: 24 pages, latex, 4 eps figur

    The dS/CFT Correspondence and the Big Smash

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    Recent observations suggest that the cosmological equation-of-state parameter w is close to -1. To say this is to imply that w could be slightly less than -1, which leads to R.Caldwell's "Phantom cosmologies". These often have the property that they end in a "Big Smash", a final singularity in which the Universe is destroyed in a finite proper time by excessive *expansion*. We show that, classically, this fate is not inevitable: there exist Smash-free Phantom cosmologies, obtained by a suitable perturbation of the deSitter equation of state, in which the spacetime is in fact asymptotically deSitter. [Contrary to popular belief, such cosmologies, which violate the Dominant Energy Condition, do not necessarily violate causality.] We also argue, however, that the physical interpretation of these classically acceptable spacetimes is radically altered by ``holography'', as manifested in the dS/CFT correspondence. It is shown that, if the boundary CFTs have conventional properties, then recent ideas on "time as an inverse renormalization group flow" can be used to rule out these cosmologies. Very recently, however, it has been argued that the CFTs in dS/CFT are of a radically unconventional form, and this opens up the possibility that Smash-free Phantom spacetimes offer a simple model of a "bouncing" cosmology in which the quantum-mechanical entanglement of the field theories in the infinite past and future plays an essential role.Comment: 22 pages, clarification of triple analytic continuation, additional Comments added in the light of hep-th/020724

    BEC Collapse and Dynamical Squeezing of Vacuum Fluctuations

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    We analyze the phenomena of Bose Novae, as described by Donley et al [Nature 412, 295 (2001)], by focusing on the behavior of excitations or fluctuations above the condensate, as driven by the dynamics of the condensate (rather than the dynamics of the condensate alone or the kinetics of the atoms). The dynamics of the condensate squeezes and amplifies the quantum excitations, mixing the positive and negative frequency components of their wave functions thereby creating particles which appear as bursts and jets. By analyzing the changing amplitude and particle content of these excitations, our simple physical picture (based on a test field approximation) explains well the overall features of the Bose Novae phenomena and provide excellent quantitative fits with experimental data on several aspects, such as the scaling behavior of the collapse time and the amount of particles in the jet. The predictions of the bursts at this level of approximation is less than satisfactory but may be improved on by including the backreaction of the excitations on the condensate. The mechanism behind the dominant effect -- parametric amplification of vacuum fluctuations and freezing of modes outside of horizon -- is similar to that of cosmological particle creation and structure formation in a rapid quench (which is fundamentally different from Hawking radiation in black holes). This shows that BEC dynamics is a promising venue for doing `laboratory cosmology'.Comment: Latex 36 pages, 6 figure

    Brane cosmology with curvature corrections

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    We study the cosmology of the Randall-Sundrum brane-world where the Einstein-Hilbert action is modified by curvature correction terms: a four-dimensional scalar curvature from induced gravity on the brane, and a five-dimensional Gauss-Bonnet curvature term. The combined effect of these curvature corrections to the action removes the infinite-density big bang singularity, although the curvature can still diverge for some parameter values. A radiation brane undergoes accelerated expansion near the minimal scale factor, for a range of parameters. This acceleration is driven by the geometric effects, without an inflaton field or negative pressures. At late times, conventional cosmology is recovered.Comment: RevTex4, 8 pages, no figures, minor change

    Dilatonic quantum multi-brane-worlds

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    d5 dilatonic gravity action with surface counterterms motivated by AdS/CFT correspondence and with contributions of brane quantum CFTs is considered around AdS-like bulk. The effective equations of motion are constructed. They admit two (outer and inner) or multi-brane solutions where brane CFTs may be different. The role of quantum brane CFT is in inducing of complicated brane dilatonic gravity. For exponential bulk potentials the number of AdS-like bulk spaces is found in analytical form.The correspondent flat or curved (de Sitter or hyperbolic) dilatonic two branes are created, as a rule, thanks to quantum effects. The observable early Universe may correspond to inflationary brane. The found dilatonic quantum two brane-worlds usually contain the naked singularity but in couple explicit examples the curvature is finite and horizon (corresponding to wormhole-like space) appears.Comment: LaTeX file, 25 pages, discussion is enlarge