13 research outputs found

    Highly Conserved Microchromosomal Organization in Passeriformes Birds Revealed via BAC-FISH Analysis

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    Passeriformes birds are widely recognized for their remarkable diversity, with over 5700 species described so far. Like most bird species, they possess a karyotype characteristic of modern birds, which includes a bimodal karyotype consisting of a few pairs of macrochromosomes and many pairs of microchromosomes. Although the karyotype is typically 2n = 80, the diploid number can atypically vary greatly, ranging from 56 to approximately 100 chromosomes. In this study, we aimed to understand the extent of conservation of the karyotype’s organizational structure within four species of this group using Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes via Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (BAC-FISH) with microchromosome probes from Chicken (Gallus gallus) or Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia guttata) per microchromosomes (GGA10-28, except GGA16). By examining the chromosome complement of four passerine species—the Streaked Flycatcher (Myiodynastes maculatus), Shiny Cowbird (Molothrus bonariensis), Southern House Wren (Troglodytes aedon), and Double-collared Seedeater (Sporophila caerulescens)—we discovered a new chromosome number for Southern House Wren. Through FISH experiments, we were able to observe the same pattern of microchromosome organization as in the common ancestor of birds. As a result, we propose a new diploid number for Southern House Wren and confirm the conservation status of microchromosome organization, which may confer evolutionary advantages to this group

    Microchromosome BAC-FISH Reveals Different Patterns of Genome Organization in Three Charadriiformes Species

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    Microchromosomes, once considered unimportant elements of the genome, represent fundamental building blocks of bird karyotypes. Shorebirds (Charadriiformes) comprise a wide variety of approximately 390 species and are considered a valuable model group for biological studies. Despite this variety, cytogenetic analysis is still very scarce in this bird order. Thus, the aim of this study was to provide insight into the Charadriiformes karyotype, with emphasis on microchromosome evolution in three species of shorebirds—Calidris canutus, Jacana jacana, and Vanellus chilensis—combining classical and molecular approaches. Cross-species FISH mapping applied two BAC probes for each microchromosome, GGA10–28 (except GGA16). The experiments revealed different patterns of microchromosome organization in the species investigated. Hence, while in C. canutus, we found two microchromosomes involved in chromosome fusions, they were present as single pairs in V. chilensis. We also described a new chromosome number for C. canutus (2n = 92). Hence, this study contributed to the understanding of genome organization and evolution of three shorebird species

    Polymorphism of Sooty-fronted Spinetail (Synallaxis frontalis Aves: Furnariidae): Evidence of chromosomal rearrangements by pericentric inversion in autosomal macrochromosomes

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    Abstract The Passeriformes is the most diverse and cytogenetically well-known clade of birds, comprising approximately 5,000 species. The sooty-fronted spinetail (Synallaxis frontalis Aves: Furnariidae) species, which belongs to the order Passeriformes, is typically found in South America, where it is widely distributed. Polymorphisms provide genetic variability, important for several evolutionary processes, including speciation and adaptation to the environment. The aim of this work was to analyze the possible cytotypes and systemic events involved in the species polymorphism. Of the sampled 19 individuals, two thirds were polymorphic, an event supposedly linked to mutations resulting from genomic evolution that can be transmitted hereditarily. A chromosomal polymorphism was detected between the 1st and 3rdpairs of autosomal macrochromosomes. This type of polymorphism is related to a pericentric inversion in regions involving chromosomal rearrangements. Differently from other polymorphism studies that report a link between polymorphic chromosomes and phenotypic changes, S. frontalis did not present any morphological variation in the sampled individuals

    Direct Chromosome Preparation Method in Avian Embryos for Cytogenetic Studies: Quick, Easy and Cheap

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    Avian cell culture is widely applied for cytogenetic studies, the improvement of which increasingly allows for the production of high-quality chromosomes, essential to perform both classical and molecular cytogenetic studies. Among these approaches, there are two main types: fibroblast and bone marrow culture. Despite its high cost and complexity, fibroblast culture is considered the superior approach due to the quality of the metaphases produced. Short-term bone marrow cultivation provides more condensed chromosomes but nonetheless is quicker and easier. In the search for a quicker, cheaper way to prepare metaphases without losing quality, the present work developed a novel, widely applicable protocol for avian chromosome preparation. Twenty-one bird embryos from distinct families were sampled: Icteridae, Columbidae, Furnariidae, Estrildidae, Thraupidae, Troglodytidae and Ardeidae. The protocol was based on a combination of modified fibroblast culture and bone marrow cultivation, taking the advantages of both. The results show that all species consistently presented good mitotic indexes and high-quality chromosomes. Overall, the application of this protocol for bird cytogenetics can optimize the time, considering that most fibroblast cultures take at least 3 days and often much longer. However, our protocol can be performed in 3 h with a much-reduced cost of reagents and equipment

    Evidence of morphometric differentiation among Antarctic moss populations as a response to local microenvironment

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    ABSTRACTStudies on phenotypic variation among populations growing in different microenvironments may provide information about plasticity related to environmental pressures, and thus help to elucidate the potential evolutionary forces contributing to the origin and maintenance of diversity in any region. In this study we investigate morphometric variation on a small geographic scale for three species of Antarctic mosses. All species revealed significant differentiation among populations for all evaluated traits. The comparison of morphometric measures of populations of Polytrichum juniperinumfrom Nelson Island and from southern Brazil suggests that the effects of a small geographic scale in Antarctica are the same as a large geographic scale in environments where the climate is more homogeneous and microhabitats have minor influence on vegetation. However, further investigations over a larger area, evaluating more species, and using controlled garden experiments are recommended in order to evaluate the capacity for plasticity of moss species in different climatic conditions and on different geographic scales

    The distribution of 45s rDNA sites in bird chromosomes suggests multiple evolutionary histories

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    Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel SuperiorUniversidade Federal do Paraná. Departamento de Genética. Curitiba, PR, Brazil.Universidade Federal do Pampa. São Gabriel, RS, Brazil.Universidade Federal do Pampa. São Gabriel, RS, Brazil.Universidade Federal do Pará. Belém, PA, Brazil / Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Laboratório Cultura de Tecidos e Citogenética. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Instituto de Biociências. Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.Universidade Federal do Pampa. São Gabriel, RS, Brazil.Universidade Federal do Pampa. São Gabriel, RS, Brazil.Universidade Federal do Paraná. Departamento de Genética. Curitiba, PR, Brazil.The distribution of 45S rDNA cluster in avian karyotypes varies in different aspects, such as position, number of bearer chromosomes, and bearers being macro- or microchromosomes. The present study investigated the patterns of variation in the 45S rDNA-bearer chromosomes of birds in order to understand the evolutionary dynamics of the cluster configuration and its contribution to the evolution of bird karyotypes. A total of 73 bird species were analyzed, including both published data and species for which rDNA-FISH was conducted for the first time. In most birds, the 45S rDNA clusters were located in a single pair of microchromosomes. Hence, the location of 45S rDNA in macrochromosomes, observed only in Neognathae species, seems to be a derived state, probably the result of chromosomal fusion between microchromosomes and distinct macrochromosomes. Additionally, the 45S rDNA was observed in multiple microchromosomes in different branches of the bird phylogeny, suggesting recurrence of dispersion processeses, such as duplications and translocations. Overall, this study indicated that the redistribution of the 45S rDNA sites in bird chromosomes followed different evolutionary trajectories with respect to each lineage of the class Aves

    Repeat Sequence Mapping Shows Different W Chromosome Evolutionary Pathways in Two Caprimulgiformes Families

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    Although birds belonging to order Caprimulgiformes show extensive karyotype variation, data concerning their genomic organization is still scarce, as most studies have presented only results obtained from conventional staining analyses. Nevertheless, some interesting findings have been observed, such as the W chromosome of the Common Potoo, Nyctibius griseus (2n = 86), which has the same morphology and size of the Z chromosome, a rare feature in Neognathae birds. Hence, we aimed to investigate the process by which the W chromosome of this species was enlarged. For that, we analyzed comparatively the chromosome organization of the Common Potoo and the Scissor-tailed Nightjar, Hydropsalis torquata (2n = 74), which presents the regular differentiated sex chromosomes, by applying C-banding, G-banding and mapping of repetitive DNAs (microsatellite repeats and 18S rDNA). Our results showed an accumulation of constitutive heterochromatin in the W chromosome of both species. However, 9 out of 11 microsatellite sequences hybridized in the large W chromosome in the Common Potoo, while none of them hybridized in the W chromosome of the Scissor-tailed Nightjar. Therefore, we can conclude that the accumulation of microsatellite sequences, and consequent increase in constitutive heterochromatin, was responsible for the enlargement of the W chromosome in the Common Potoo. Based on these results, we conclude that even though these two species belong to the same order, their W chromosomes have gone through different evolutionary histories, with an extra step of accumulation of repetitive sequences in the Common Potoo

    Karyotype evolution and genomic organization of repetitive dnas in the saffron finch, Sicalis flaveola (Passeriformes, aves)

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    This research was funded by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, Proc. PDE 204792/2018-5, PDJ 151056/2020-0, and PQ 307382/2019-2), and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council UK (BB/K008226/1)University of Kent. School of Biosciences. Canterbury, UK.Instituto Federal do Pará. Abaetetuba, PA, Brazil.Universidade Federal do Pampa. Laboratório de Diversidade Genética Animal. São Gabriel, RS, Brazil.Universidade Federal do Pampa. Laboratório de Diversidade Genética Animal. São Gabriel, RS, Brazil.Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Departamento de Genética e Evolução. Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde. Laboratório de Citogenética de Peixes. São Carlos , SP, Brasil.1Universidade Federal do Pampa. Laboratório de Diversidade Genética Animal. São Gabriel, RS, Brazil.Universidade Federal do Pampa. Laboratório de Diversidade Genética Animal. São Gabriel, RS, Brazil.Universidade Federal do Pará. Instituto de Ciências Exatas e Naturais. Belém, PA, Brasil / Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Laboratório de Cultura de Tecidos e Citogenética. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.University of Kent. School of Biosciences. Canterbury, UK.The Saffron finch (Sicalis flaveola), a semi-domestic species, is tolerant of human proximity and nesting in roof spaces. Considering the importance of cytogenomic approaches in revealing different aspects of genomic organization and evolution, we provide detailed cytogenetic data for S. flaveola, including the standard Giemsa karyotype, C- and G-banding, repetitive DNA mapping, and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) FISH. We also compared our results with the sister groups, Passeriformes and Psittaciformes, bringing new insights into the chromosome and genome evolution of birds. The results revealed contrasting rates of intrachromosomal changes, highlighting the role of SSR (simple short repetition probes) accumulation in the karyotype reorganization. The SSRs showed scattered hybridization, but brighter signals were observed in the microchromosomes and the short arms of Z chromosome in S. flaveola. BACs probes showed conservation of ancestral syntenies of macrochromosomes (except GGA1), as well as the tested microchromosomes. The comparison of our results with previous studies indicates that the great biological diversity observed in Passeriformes was not likely accompanied by interchromosomal changes. In addition, although repetitive sequences often act as hotspots of genome rearrangements, Passeriformes species showed a higher number of signals when compared with the sister group Psittaciformes, indicating that these sequences were not involved in the extensive karyotype reorganization seen in the latter

    Karyotype Evolution and Genomic Organization of Repetitive DNAs in the Saffron Finch, Sicalis flaveola (Passeriformes, Aves)

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    The Saffron finch (Sicalis flaveola), a semi-domestic species, is tolerant of human proximity and nesting in roof spaces. Considering the importance of cytogenomic approaches in revealing different aspects of genomic organization and evolution, we provide detailed cytogenetic data for S. flaveola, including the standard Giemsa karyotype, C- and G-banding, repetitive DNA mapping, and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) FISH. We also compared our results with the sister groups, Passeriformes and Psittaciformes, bringing new insights into the chromosome and genome evolution of birds. The results revealed contrasting rates of intrachromosomal changes, highlighting the role of SSR (simple short repetition probes) accumulation in the karyotype reorganization. The SSRs showed scattered hybridization, but brighter signals were observed in the microchromosomes and the short arms of Z chromosome in S. flaveola. BACs probes showed conservation of ancestral syntenies of macrochromosomes (except GGA1), as well as the tested microchromosomes. The comparison of our results with previous studies indicates that the great biological diversity observed in Passeriformes was not likely accompanied by interchromosomal changes. In addition, although repetitive sequences often act as hotspots of genome rearrangements, Passeriformes species showed a higher number of signals when compared with the sister group Psittaciformes, indicating that these sequences were not involved in the extensive karyotype reorganization seen in the latter