1,733 research outputs found

    Efeito da suplementação sobre o desempenho de ovinos terminados a pasto em sistema orgânico de produção.

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    Foi conduzido na Embrapa Caprinos experimento para avaliar 0 efeito da suplementaçao sobre o desempenho de cordeiros mantidos em Caatinga, sob sistema organico de produçao. Os animais foram mantidos em pasto diferido de capim-gramao em area de Caatinga. Foram avaliados tres tratamentos: suplemento 1 (60% feno de leucena: 40%sorgo grao); suplemento 2 (60% feno de gliricidia:40% sorgo grao); e sem suplementaçao. 0 manejo dos animais em pastejo, bem como, 0 manejo sanitario seguiu as normas do sistema organico de producao. Ao longo do periodo experimental, os animais alimentados com 0 suplemento contendo feno de leucena obtiveram melhor consumo de materia seca, proteina bruta e fibra em detergente neutro. Os majores ganhos de peso foram medidos nos animais que receberam feno de leucena. Em geral, os ganhos foram menores, desta forma, e importante que a carne produzida nesse sistema tenha valor diferenciado para compensar nao so ecologicamente, mas tambem economicamente a producao organica

    Epistemological Character of Sustainability

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    Epistemology has as its function, among others, to define what provides conditions for examining relations between facts and theories. The question is what does conceptual aspect contribute to awareness and improvement to the relation of capital, labor, and society? Apply the Theory U as argumentation in this relation. The general and main objective of this experiment is to deal with the epistemological aspect of sustainability against the capital, labor, and society based on the Theory U; the specific objectives are collecting the sustainability theoretical-conceptual character to explain its epistemological core (1); identify the relation of capital, labor, and society (2); and identify the conceptual innovation required from the contextualized indoctrinated constitution. Apply the Content Analysis Method and procedures such as cleavage, categorization, and criticism. As result, the conceptual aspect contributes to awareness and improvement of the relation of capital, labor, and society considering the discourses treated; in fragile environments in the western Amazon, there is a latent concern related to solid waste, deserving a conceptual highlight in which the origin of sustainability becomes the emergency; the mechanisms created by capital with domination over human labor, make the worker passive in the society marked by capitalist hegemony; lead structural changes is an epistemological question witch happen pragmatically, increasing the fragile aspect of perception and awareness resulting in innovations to sustained development, motivating learning where leaders promote changes in complex systems. This article interests researchers and others people involved in theoretical issues to delineate researches in the axis of applied social sciences

    Efeito de diferentes presas e temperaturas nos parâmetros físicos de larvas de Coccidophilus citricola Brèthes, 1905 (Coleoptera: coccinellidae).

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    O objetivo deste trabalho doi estudar o efeito de diferentes presas e temperaturas na largura e comprimento de larvas de Coccidophilus citricola..

    Fear Heuristics in Forced Settlements and the Socio-Environmental Crisis

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    The heuristics of fear refers to the negative motivation which awakes as one responsible action, to adopte wise choice to do care with attention for life today and in future. The question to be answered is how is the ethical involvement regarding the social-environmental insecure in the settlement in Porto Velho at Nova Mutum Paraná? As argumentation, apply the U Theory and Eco-development Theory. The principal objective of this article is to analyze the heuristics of fear in a social system in the settlement established in Nova Mutum Paraná, City of Porto Velho, Rondonia, Brazil; and the specific objectives are the following: seek the cause-effect phenomenon of the fear in the social system in the Novo Mutum Paraná settlement (1); establish the social-environment responsibilities due to the settle (2); and indicate the possible convergence in perspective of the U Theory (3). Apply the study of cases method and its procedures. As consequence of the ethical implications of social-environmental unsafe in the settlement is delineated by the legal responsibility and the ethical responsibility. The innovation in the hyper-complexity of the system which causes eviction, deterritorialization requires the ability to operate from the deepest fields of social emergency and activates the sources of social fields. Should be adjusted (tuned) in every single involved, as following: open mind, open heart, and open goodwill; educate to be prudent with the heuristic of hope. This article will be the concern to researchers and other people involved on theoretical questions to delineate investigations about applied social sciences

    Chemical and microbiological changes in a sandy soil with pig liquid waste application in southern Brazil.

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    Liquid residue from pig farming contains nutrients that can be used for the fertilization of cultivated soils. The aim of this study was to evaluate chemical and microbiological changes in a sandy soil under pasture with Bermuda Grass (Cynodon spp) that received doses of pig liquid waste (PLW). The experiment was conducted in Cianorte-PR, Brazil , in a Typic Hapludox soil with sandy te xture . The treatments consisted of 30, 60 and 90 m3 ha-1yr-1 of PLW or chemical fertilizer (CF ) applied for two years in a randomized block design, with three replications. Soil samples were taken at 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm and 20-40 cm layers , after three mont hs of the second consecutive application of PLW in the second year, before grazing. PLW increased the concentrations of P, C and K at 10-20 and 20-40 cm soil depth, in addition to increasing the microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen and the population of rhizobia at 0-10-10 cm, in the treatment with 90 m3 ha -1yr-1. PLW improve the chemical fertility at deeper soil layers and the biological fertility at 0 -10 cm of a sandy soil under pasture

    Productive sustainability in a silvopastoral system.

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    The objective was to analyze the productive and economic sustainability of the silvopastoral system, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The system had been implanted five years earlier, using Eucalyptus sp. (GG100), arranged in stands with three rows in an East/West direction, 20 meters apart, with 1.2 meters between plants and 1.5 meters between rows. The eucalyptus trees were planted in consortium with Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu and Nelore heifers, in the rearing (post-weaning) phase, weighing 186.2 Kg (± 21.18) and aged approximately 12 months

    Endurecimento dos frutos causado por vírus: um dos principais problemas da cultura do maracujá.

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    O endurecimento dos frutos e a sua importância; Sintomas do endurecimento dos frutos; Manejo da doença