3,364 research outputs found

    Towards a register-based census in Oman

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    ICEGOV 2020: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic GovernanceA national census is an official count of a country’s population that aims to motivate and measure sustainable development. Traditionally, a census is a cumbersome manual operation that involves distributing surveys to all households in the country through field agents or by mail. Recently, some countries have utilized voluntary electronic submissions in addition to the manual work to reduce costs and increase efficiency. However, an increasing number of countries are resorting to a register-based census that uses pre-existing official registers to derive its data. This paper describes Oman’s upcoming register-based census, e- Census 2020, and analyses it against the European Commission’s necessary conditions that facilitate a successful transition from a traditional to a register-based censusNORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000037. "SmartEGOV: Harnessing EGOV for Smart Governance (Foundations, methods, Tools) / NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000037", supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (EFDR

    Crossover of thermal to shot noise in chaotic cavities

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    We study the crossover between thermal and shot-noise power in a chaotic quantum dot in the presence of non-ideal contacts at finite temperature. The result explicitly demonstrates that the temperature affect the suppression-amplification effect present in the main quantum noise. In particular, the weak localization contribution to the noise has an anomalous thermal behavior when one let the barriers vary, indicating the presence of a critical point related to specific value of the tunneling barriers. We also show how to get to the opaque limit of the quantum dot at finite temperature.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. To be published in Europhysics Letter

    Convergence of genes and cellular pathways dysregulated in autism spectrum disorders

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    Rare copy-number variation (CNV) is an important source of risk for autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). We analyzed 2,446 ASD-affected families and confirmed an excess of genic deletions and duplications in affected versus control groups (1.41-fold, p = 1.0 × 10(-5)) and an increase in affected subjects carrying exonic pathogenic CNVs overlapping known loci associated with dominant or X-linked ASD and intellectual disability (odds ratio = 12.62, p = 2.7 × 10(-15), ∼3% of ASD subjects). Pathogenic CNVs, often showing variable expressivity, included rare de novo and inherited events at 36 loci, implicating ASD-associated genes (CHD2, HDAC4, and GDI1) previously linked to other neurodevelopmental disorders, as well as other genes such as SETD5, MIR137, and HDAC9. Consistent with hypothesized gender-specific modulators, females with ASD were more likely to have highly penetrant CNVs (p = 0.017) and were also overrepresented among subjects with fragile X syndrome protein targets (p = 0.02). Genes affected by de novo CNVs and/or loss-of-function single-nucleotide variants converged on networks related to neuronal signaling and development, synapse function, and chromatin regulation

    The adipokine sFRP4 induces insulin resistance and lipogenesis in the liver

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    Secreted frizzled-related protein (sFRP) 4 is an adipokine with increased expression in white adipose tissue from obese subjects with type 2 diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Yet, it is unknown whether sFRP4 action contributes to the development of these pathologies. Here, we determined whether sFRP4 expression in visceral fat associates with NAFLD and whether it directly interferes with insulin action and lipid and glucose metabolism in primary hepatocytes and myotubes. The association of sFRP4 with clinical measures was investigated in obese men with or without type 2 diabetes and with or without biopsy-proven NAFLD. To determine the impact of sFRP4 on metabolic parameters, primary human myotubes (hSkMC), or primary hepatocytes from metabolic healthy C57B16 and from systemic insulin-resistant mice, i.e. aP2-SREBP-1c, were used. Gene expression of sFRP4 in visceral fat from obese men associated with insulin sensitivity, triglycerides and NAFLD. In C57B16 hepatocytes, sFRP4 disturbed insulin action. Specifically, sFRP4 decreased the abundance of IRS1 and FoxO1 together with impaired insulin-mediated activation of Akt-signalling and glycogen synthesis and a reduced suppression of gluconeogenesis by insulin. Moreover, sFRP4 enhanced insulin-stimulated hepatic de novo lipogenesis (DNL). In hSkMC, sFRP4 induced glycolysis rather than inhibiting insulin signalling. Finally, in hepatocytes from aP2-SREBP-1c mice, sFRP4 potentiates existing insulin resistance. Collectively, we show that sFRP4 interferes with hepatocyte insulin action. Physiologically, sFRP4 promotes DNL in hepatocytes and glycolysis in myotubes. These sFRP4-mediated responses may result in a vicious cycle, in which enhanced rates of DNL and glycolysis aggravate hepatic lipid accumulation and insulin resistance

    Potential of novel desert microalgae and cyanobacteria for commercial applications and CO2 sequestration

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    CO2 fixation by phototrophic microalgae and cyanobacteria is seen as a possible global carbon emissions reducer; however, novel microalgae and cyanobacterial strains with tolerance to elevated temperatures and CO2 concentrations are essential for further development of algae-based carbon capture. Four novel strains isolated from the Arabian Gulf were investigated for their thermotolerance and CO2-tolerance, as well as their carbon capture capability. Two strains, Leptolyngbya sp. and Picochlorum sp., grew well at 40 °C, with productivities of 106.6 ± 10.0 and 87.5 ± 2.1 mg biomass L−1 d−1, respectively. Tetraselmis sp. isolate showed the highest biomass productivity and carbon capture rate of 157.7 ± 10.3 mg biomass L−1 d−1 and 270.8 ± 23.9 mg CO2 L−1 d−1, respectively, both at 30 °C. Under 20% CO2, the biomass productivity increased over 2-fold for both Tetraselmis and Picochlorum isolates, to 333.8 ± 41.1 and 244.7 ± 29.5 mg biomass L−1 d−1. These two isolates also presented significant amounts of lipids, up to 25.6 ± 0.9% and 28.0 ± 2.0% (w/w), as well as presence of EPA and DHA. Picochlorum sp. was found to have a suitable FAME profile for biodiesel production. Both Tetraselmis and Picochlorum isolates showed promising characteristics, making them valuable strains for further investigation towards commercial applications and CO2 capture.The authors would like to thank Mahroof Eroth, Dr. Ahmed Easa, and Dr. Abdulrahman Al Muftah from Qatar University, Andy Selwood from Cawthron Institute, and the QDVC team for their support. This work was supported by QDVC and Qatar University [Project QUEX-CAS-QDVC-14/15-7]

    Pain Intensity and Time to Death of Cancer Patients Referred to Palliative Care

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    Introdução: A dor é uma experiência frequente nos doentes com cancro, especialmente naqueles em fase final de vida. Com este estudo, pretendemos estudar a intensidade de dor nos doentes com cancro avançado, referenciados aos cuidados paliativos, analisar os factores associados à ocorrência de dor moderada ou intensa e avaliar a sua relação com o tempo até à morte destes doentes. Material e Métodos: Estudo prospectivo observacional que incluiu consecutivamente todos os doentes referenciados aos cuidados paliativos com tumores sólidos metastizados e sem tratamento oncológico específico. Foi considerada a intensidade de dor da escala de Edmonton, de acordo com a graduação zero a 10, onde 0 = ausência de dor e 10 = máxima dor possível. Resultados: Entre outubro de 2012 e junho de 2015, foram incluídos 301 doentes, com idade mediana de 69 anos (37 - 94), 57% homens e 64,8% dos doentes com performance status 3/4. Aproximadamente 42% dos doentes apresentaram dor ≥ 4 e cerca de 74,4% estavam medicados com analgesia opióide. A intensidade de dor esteve associada ao performance status dos doentes, de acordo com a análise multivariável (OR: 1,7; IC 95%: 1,0 - 2,7; p = 0,045). A mediana do tempo de sobrevivência foi de 37 dias (IC 95%: 28 - 46), tendo os doentes com dor moderada ou intensa (intensidade de dor ≥ 4) uma mediana de sobrevivência de 29 dias (IC 95%: 21 - 37), comparada com os 49 dias (IC 95%: 35 - 63) para os doentes sem dor ou dor ligeira (p = 0,022). Discussão: O performance status, para além de ter estado associado a uma maior intensidade de dor, esteve associado a um menor tempo até à morte dos doentes com cancro avançado referenciados aos cuidados paliativos. Também o internamento, a presença de metastização intra-abdominal e a analgesia opióide estiveram associados de forma negativa ao tempo até à morte destes doentes. Conclusão: A dor oncológica continua a ser um problema clinicamente relevante nos doentes com cancro avançado

    Hepatic insulin resistance and related obesity: highlighting the ameliorative role of nutraceuticals, dietary intervention, and pharmaceuticals.

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    Insulin resistance (IR) is the unifying denominator of all obesity-related metabolic abnormalities. It possesses a definite higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). NAFLD is intimately linked to an accumulation of detrimental oxidative intermediates, which in turn promote insulin receptor substrates serine/threonine phosphorylation and ultimately block hepatic insulin signalling, and hepatic IR. The causal relationship between hepatic IR and NAFLD is bidirectional, and hepatic IR itself is "selective" in terms of resisting only insulin's suppressive effects on glucose production while keeping those enhancing hepatic lipogenesis intact. The present Research Topic aims to highlight the effect of natural compounds, dietary intervention, and synthetic drugs on hepatic IR and disorders related to obesity

    Clements and the concept of clímax

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    The American botanist Frederic Edward Clements (1874-1945), left contributions to ecology during the first four decades of the 20th century. He proposed concepts such as ecological succession and climax. The present paper aims to discuss the path that led Clements to the concept of climax between 1904 and 1936. Besides that, to clarify how the scientific community received this contribution at the time. This research led to the conclusion that the term climax, or even its connotation, did not appear immediately in Clements' publications (1904; 1905). They have only appeared in 1916 (Clements, 1916) and are closely related to other Clements' concepts such as association and complex organism, present in his previous works (Clements, 1904; Clements, 1905). Clement's started from inquiries on vegetation as well as laboratory work. We did not detect any significant changes concerning the concept of climax between 1916 and 1936. There was only the addition of more details and refinement of the previous explanations. The scientific community of the time  mainly criticized the restriction of the climax to climatic aspects and the idea of a complex organism used in a nom metaphorical way.Frederic Edward Clements (1874-1945), botânico norte-americano, deixou contribuições para a ecologia durante as quatro primeiras décadas do século XX. A ele é atribuída a proposta de conceitos como sucessão ecológica e clímax. O objetivo deste artigo é discutir sobre o percurso que levou Clements ao conceito de clímax no período compreendido entre 1904 e 1936. Além disso, esclarecer como esta contribuição foi recebida pela comunidade científica na época.  Esta pesquisa levou à conclusão de que o termo clímax, ou mesmo sua conotação, não surgiram de imediato nas publicações de Clements (1904; 1905). Eles só apareceram a partir de 1916 (Clements, 1916) e estão intimamente relacionados com outras concepções suas como associação e organismo complexo, presentes em trabalhos anteriores (Clementes, 1904; Clements, 1905).  Clements se baseou em estudos de campo e laboratório e em contribuições de outros autores. Não detectamos mudanças significativas em relação ao conceito de clímax entre 1916 e 1936. Ocorreu apenas a adição de mais detalhes e um refinamento das explicações anteriores. Quanto à recepção por parte da comunidade científica da época, pode-se dizer que as críticas foram dirigidas principalmente à restrição do clímax a aspectos climáticos e sua relação com a ideia de organismo complexo

    Dossiê entre mídias: Dramaturgia e Tradução

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    This dossier, a publication organized by the Research Group on Theater Translation (GTT-CNPq), presents the most recent research by its members and makes room for other studies on the same topic by authors not linked to the group.We propose a reflection on the relationship between dramaturgy and literary genre, which encompasses the study of dramaturgical construction processes both in dramatic texts themselves and in texts that use theatricality to create impact, blur limits, enrich their language.Este dossiê, uma publicação organizada pelo Grupo de Pesquisa em Tradução Teatral (GTT-CNPq), apresenta as pesquisas mais recentes de seus integrantes e abre espaço para outros estudos, sobre o mesmo tema, de autores não vinculados ao grupo.Propomos a reflexão acerca da relação entre dramaturgia e gênero literário, o que abrange o estudo dos processos de construção dramatúrgica tanto nos textos dramáticos propriamente ditos quanto em textos que se utilizam da teatralidade para criar impacto, borrar limites, enriquecer sua linguagem