5 research outputs found

    Preservando a memória das pedras

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    Para as comunidades do passado o mundo “físico” seria entendido como cheio de propriedades significantes. No seguimento dos trabalhos de Ingold (2000), Bradley (2000, 2009), ou Scarre (2009), o que hoje vemos como material inerte seria considerada “viva”. Essa será a presente perspetiva de abordagem. Certos afloramentos naturais estão associados a lendas ou crenças muitas vezes ligadas a criaturas mágicas ou estranhas “habitando” no seu interior ou “vivendo” entre eles o que, em muitos casos, converge na determinação de um lugar com denominação. Tal como as pessoas, os afloramentos podem ser vistos como entidades que podem e fazem a diferença, atuando como agentes que corporizam significados e histórias (Tilley, 2002, 2004), consequentemente passados ao longo de gerações. Durante a Pré-História alguns afloramentos foram gravados com motivos; outros, pela sua forma peculiar ou estranha, formaram parte de mitos históricos e de folclore. Em ambos os casos os afloramentos funcionaram como contentores de memória. Pretende-se focar a importância da fotogrametria e do registo tridimensional deste tipo de património cultural (frequentemente em risco de destruição), mostrando o potencial desta ferramenta na inventariação e no estudo deste tipo de lugares de memória. Muitos casos de estudo apresentados foram objeto de análise em diferentes projetos, desenvolvidos de acordo com metodologias da Arqueologia e Antropologia Cultural aplicadas ao Noroeste da Ibéria. Este tipo de trabalho é fundamental tendo em conta a interpretação e o entendimento do papel dos afloramentos para as sociedades humanas e o seu contributo para a construção das paisagens pré-históricas e presentes.To past and pre-modern societies “physical” world was full of significant properties. Following the works of Ingold (2000), Bradley (2000, 2009), Gosden (2009), or Scarre (2009), what today is seen as inert matter was considered “alive”, and that should be the present perspective. Certain natural outcrops are attached to legends and beliefs often referred to magical or odd creatures “inhabiting” inside or “living” within them, and the majority is linked to place-names. Like people, outcrops can be seen as entities that can and make difference, acting as agents that embody meanings and stories (Tilley, 2002, 2004) subsequently passed over generations. During Prehistory some outcrops were engraved with motifs; others, by their odd or peculiar forms, formed part of historical myths and folklore. In both cases outcrops worked as memory containers. It is pretended to focus on the importance of photogrammetry and tridimensional record of this kind of cultural heritage (frequently in risk or destruction) and to show the potential of this tool in matters of inventory and study of these places of memory. Several case studies presented were matter of analysis in different projects and developed according to archaeological and cultural anthropology methodologies applied to the Northwest of Iberia. This type of work is fundamental to achieve rock art interpretations and to understand the role of outcrops to human societies and their contribution to the construction of prehistoric and present landscape

    A Multi-Analytical study of Rock Paintings from Leandro 5 Megalithic Barrow, North-Weastern Portugal

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    The colourant composition of a northern Portugal megalithic barrow decorated with ‘solar’ motifs was studied using a multi-analytical approach, allowing the characterisa- tion of the painting techniques, pigments and binders. The red pigment was prepared with iron oxide minerals, using vegetal oils as organic additives, while the black pigment was char- coal without any organic additives or binders. The solar motif was first drawn with charcoal and subsequently painted with a red pigment.The work was supported by UID/QUI/50006/2019 with funding from FCT/MCTES through national funds. César Oliveira acknowledges Instituto de Ciências e Tecnologias Agrárias e Agro-Alimentares, Porto (ICETA), for his contract under project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000011. This work was also developed under the project ‘Funerary and ceremonial practices between the Neolithic and the Bronze Age approached by archaeometry’ (ARQUEOM/Project-Sept2014)

    Estudo experimental de linfonodo sentinela na mama da cadela com azul patente e Tecnécio Tc99m Experimental study of the sentinel lymph node in the dog breast using blue dye and technetium Tc99m

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    Pesquisa do Linfonodo Sentinela (LS) tem se mostrado efetiva na avaliação axilar nas portadoras de neoplasia mamária. O LS negativo torna desnecessário o esvaziamento axilar. OBJETIVO: Identificar o LS da região subareolar da mama em cadelas utilizando corante azul patente (AP), Tecnécio Tc99m ou a associação de ambas as técnicas e compará-las quanto à sensibilidade na detecção do linfonodo sentinela. MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas dezessete cães fêmeas. Um total de 55 mamas foram analisadas. Utilizou-se AP (2,5%/0,5 ml) e/ou Tc99m (1,0 mC/0,8ml) para identificação do LS. A aplicação do Tc99m era realizada duas horas antes da realização do experimento. O AP era injetado na região subareolar da mama. Localizado o LS, realizava-se sua exérese. RESULTADOS: Dos 44 linfonodos em que se utilizou AP, pôde-se verificar que 40 estavam corados (90,90%). Dos 48 linfonodos em que se utilizou Tc99m, 47 linfonodos estavam radioativos (97,91%) (p=0.18; k= - 0.067). Nas 37 mamas em que se associou AP ao Tc99m, apesar de 02 linfonodos não estarem corados, todos estavam radioativos (AP vs AP+Tc: p=0.12; k=0.083; Tc vs AP+Tc: p=1.0; k=0.018). CONCLUSÃO: O Tc99m e o corante azul patente, isolados ou associados, prestam-se à identificação do LS da mama do animal.<br>The sentinel lymph node research (SLN) has been effective in the evaluation of nodal status in patients with breast cancer. A negative SLN makes an axillary lymphadenectomy unnecessary. PURPOSE: To identify the SLN of the subareolar region in female dog breasts using blue dye (BD), Technetium (Tc99m) or the association of both techniques and to compare their sensibility in the detection of the SLN. METHODS: Seventeen female dogs were studied. 55 breasts were analyzed. DB and/or Tc99m were used for the identification of SLN. Tc99m was introduced two hours before the experiment. BD was introduced some minutes before the procedure. Once the SLN was localized its dissection was performed. RESULTS: From all 44 lymph nodes in which BD was used, 40 were colored (90,90%). Tc99m was used in 48 lymph nodes and 47 of them were radioactive (97,91%) (BD vs Tc99m: p=0.18; k= - 0.067). BD and Tc99mwere associated in 37 lymph nodes, although 02 lymph nodes were not colored, all of them were radioactive (100%)(BD vs BD+Tc99m: p=0.12; k=0.083; Tc99m vs BD+ Tc99m: p=1.0; k=0.018). CONCLUSION: Tc99mand BD isolated or in association, were effective in the identification of the SLN in the female dog breasts studied