47 research outputs found


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    Contemplative Practices and Teaching Scitovsky’s The Joyless Economy

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    In order to make choices that lead to our well-being, we need discernment and understanding to determine the conditions that bring about positive outcomes and the awareness to recognize them in order to act in ways that are congruent with our well-being. This is a paper exploring the context of teaching undergraduates to understand the expression of their own desires in markets. In this paper, I will describe an exercise that illustrates the concepts of Tibor Scitovsky’s work on well-being. Students experience the concepts outlined by Scitovsky and come to understand them more deeply through engaging with practices that allow them to directly experience the embedded ideas. In addition, once they see the benefits from closely watching their experience, they become more curious about cultivating attention and begin to inquire more deeply into the nature of their desires and actions

    Introduction to the First Issue

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    Effect of burimamide on histamine- and pentagastrin-stimulated acid and pepsin secretion in the pig

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    Burimamide, a specific histamine H2-receptor antagonist, is an effective inhibitor of histamine and pentagastrinstimulated gastric acid secretion in the innervated pig stomach. Pepsin secretion, and acid secretion from denervated gastric pouches, were not significantly depressed by burimamide in the dose used in this study. Atropine inhibited pentagastrin- but not histaminestimulated gastric acid secretion from the innervated and denervated portions of the pig stomach.S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 1985 (1974)