5,257 research outputs found

    Low-wage Workers Are Older and Better Educated than Ever

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    Relative to any of the most common benchmarks -- the cost of living, the wages of the average worker, or average productivity levels -- the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour is well below its historical value. These usual reference points, however, understate the true erosion in the minimum wage in recent decades because the average low-wage worker today is both older and much better educated than the average low-wage worker was in the past

    Attitude stability of spinning flexible spacecraft

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    The stability of spinning flexible satellites in a force-free environment was analyzed. The satellite was modeled as a rigid core having attached to it a flexible appendage idealized as a collection of particles (point masses) interconnected by springs. Both Liapunov and Routh-Hurwitz stability procedures are used. In the former, the Hamiltonian of the system, constrained through the angular momentum integral so as to admit complete damping, is used as a testing function. Equations of motion are written using the hybrid coordinate formulation, which readily accepts a modal coordinate transformation ultimately allowing truncation to a level amenable to literal stability analysis. Closed form stability criteria are generated for the first mode of a restricted appendage model lying in a plane containing the system center of mass and orthogonal to the spin axis. The effects of spin on flexible bodies are discussed by considering a very elementary particle model. Control of passively unstable spacecraft is briefly considered

    Chemistry vs. Physics: A Comparison of How Biology Majors View Each Discipline

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    A student's beliefs about science and learning science may be more or less sophisticated depending on the specific science discipline. In this study, we used the physics and chemistry versions of the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey (CLASS) to measure student beliefs in the large, introductory physics and chemistry courses, respectively. We compare how biology majors -- generally required to take both of the courses -- view these two disciplines. We find that these students' beliefs are more sophisticated about physics (more like the experts in that discipline) than they are about chemistry. At the start of the term, the average % Overall Favorable score on the CLASS is 59% in physics and 53% in chemistry. The students' responses are statistically more expert-like in physics than in chemistry on 10 statements (P lesser-than-or-equal-to 0.01), indicating that these students think chemistry is more about memorizing disconnected pieces of information and sample problems, and has less to do with the real world. In addition, these students' view of chemistry degraded over the course of the term. Their favorable scores shifted -5.7% and -13.5% in 'Overall' and the 'Real World Connection' category, respectively; in the physics course, which used a variety of research-based teaching practices, these scores shifted 0.0% and +0.3%, respectively. The chemistry shifts are comparable to those previously observed in traditional introductory physics courses

    Genetic Deletion of Hesx1 Promotes Exit from the Pluripotent State and Impairs Developmental Diapause

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    The role of the homeobox transcriptional repressor HESX1 in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) remains mostly unknown. Here, we show that Hesx1 is expressed in the preimplantation mouse embryo, where it is required during developmental diapause. Absence of Hesx1 leads to reduced expression of epiblast and primitive endoderm determinants and failure of diapaused embryos to resume embryonic development after implantation. Genetic deletion of Hesx1 impairs self-renewal and promotes differentiation toward epiblast by reducing the expression of pluripotency factors and decreasing the activity of LIF/STAT3 signaling. We reveal that Hesx1-deficient ESCs show elevated ERK pathway activation, resulting in accelerated differentiation toward primitive endoderm, which can be prevented by overexpression of Hesx1. Together, our data provide evidence for a novel role of Hesx1 in the control of self-renewal and maintenance of the undifferentiated state in ESCs and mouse embryos

    Baseline design of the filters for the LAD detector on board LOFT

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    The Large Observatory for X-ray Timing (LOFT) was one of the M3 missions selected for the phase A study in the ESA's Cosmic Vision program. LOFT is designed to perform high-time-resolution X-ray observations of black holes and neutron stars. The main instrument on the LOFT payload is the Large Area Detector (LAD), a collimated experiment with a nominal effective area of ~10 m 2 @ 8 keV, and a spectral resolution of ~240 eV in the energy band 2-30 keV. These performances are achieved covering a large collecting area with more than 2000 large-area Silicon Drift Detectors (SDDs) each one coupled to a collimator based on lead-glass micro-channel plates. In order to reduce the thermal load onto the detectors, which are open to Sky, and to protect them from out of band radiation, optical-thermal filter will be mounted in front of the SDDs. Different options have been considered for the LAD filters for best compromise between high quantum efficiency and high mechanical robustness. We present the baseline design of the optical-thermal filters, show the nominal performances, and present preliminary test results performed during the phase A study.Comment: Proc. SPIE 9144, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 91446

    Developing a novel approach to analyse the regimes of temporary streams and their controls on aquatic biota

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    Temporary streams are those water courses that undergo the recurrent cessation of flow or the complete drying of their channel. The biological communities in temporary stream reaches are strongly dependent on the temporal changes of the aquatic habitats determined by the hydrological conditions. The use of the aquatic fauna structural and functional characteristics to assess the ecological quality of a temporary stream reach can not therefore be made without taking into account the controls imposed by the hydrological regime. This paper develops some methods for analysing temporary streams' aquatic regimes, based on the definition of six aquatic states that summarize the sets of mesohabitats occurring on a given reach at a particular moment, depending on the hydrological conditions: flood, riffles, connected, pools, dry and arid. We used the water discharge records from gauging stations or simulations using rainfall-runoff models to infer the temporal patterns of occurrence of these states using the developed aquatic states frequency graph. The visual analysis of this graph is complemented by the development of two metrics based on the permanence of flow and the seasonal predictability of zero flow periods. Finally, a classification of the aquatic regimes of temporary streams in terms of their influence over the development of aquatic life is put forward, defining Permanent, Temporary-pools, Temporary-dry and Episodic regime types. All these methods were tested with data from eight temporary streams around the Mediterranean from MIRAGE project and its application was a precondition to assess the ecological quality of these streams using the current methods prescribed in the European Water Framework Directive for macroinvertebrate communities

    Promoting Physical Activity in Low Income African Americans: Project LAPS

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    Low income African Americans are at increased risk for physical inactivity and related chronic illnesses. Thus, effective interventions are needed to address these health disparities. The current study examined the efficacy of a home-based physical activity intervention among a low income African American sample with high rates of chronic illnesses (obesity, hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol). Participants (n=214) were randomly assigned to either the home-based physical activity intervention (self-help print materials, five monthly newsletters, two telephone counseling sessions) or an attention control condition, which promoted healthy diet. Results indicated that the intervention did not produce significantly greater increases in physical activity from baseline to six months than the control group. Lessons learned from the current study include the importance of using proactive retention strategies with low income African American participants and taking into consideration the cultural relevance of the intervention

    The puzzling interpretation of NIR indices: The case of NaI2.21

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    We present a detailed study of the Na I line strength index centered in the KK-band at 2210022100, {\AA} (NaI2.21 hereafter) relying on different samples of early-type galaxies. Consistent with previous studies, we find that the observed line strength indices cannot be fit by state-of-art scaled-solar stellar population models, even using our newly developed models in the NIR. The models clearly underestimate the large NaI2.21 values measured for most early-type galaxies. However, we develop a Na-enhanced version of our newly developed models in the NIR, which - together with the effect of a bottom-heavy initial mass function - yield NaI2.21 indices in the range of the observations. Therefore, we suggest a scenario in which the combined effect of [Na/Fe] enhancement and a bottom-heavy initial mass function are mainly responsible for the large NaI2.21 indices observed for most early-type galaxies. To a smaller extent, also [C/Fe] enhancement might contribute to the large observed NaI2.21 values.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Characterization of a novel HESX1 mutation in a pediatric case of septo-optic dysplasia

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    Septo‐optic dysplasia (SOD) is a rare condition for which the precise etiology is still unclear. Elucidating the genetic component of SOD is a difficult but necessary task for the future. We describe herein a novel HESX1 c.475C>T (p.R159W) mutation and demonstrate its potential pathogenicity in the development of this rare disease

    Shale oil : potential economies of large-scale production, preliminary phase

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    Producing shale oil on a large scale is one of the possible alternatives for reducing dependence of the United States on imported petroleum. Industry is not producing shale oil on a commercial scale now because costs are too high even though industry dissatisfaction is most frequently expressed about "non-economic" barriers: innumerable permits, changing environmental regulations, lease limitations, water rights conflicts, legal challenges, and so on. The overall purpose of this study is to estimate whether improved technology might significantly reduce unit costs for production of shale oil in a planned large-scale industry as contrasted to the case usually contemplated: a small industry evolving slowly on a project-by-project basis. In this preliminary phase of the study, we collected published data on the costs of present shale oil technology and adjusted them to common conditions; these data were assembled to help identify the best targets for cost reduction through improved large-scale technology They show that the total cost of producing upgraded shale oil (i.e. shale oil accpetable as a feed to a petroleum refinery) by surface retorting ranges from about 18to18 to 28/barrel in late '78 dollars with a 20% chance that the costs would be lower than and 20% higher than that range. The probability distribution reflects our assumptions about ranges of shale richness, process performance, rate of return, and other factors that seem likely in a total industry portfolio of projects. About 40% of the total median cost is attributable to retorting, 20% to upgrading, and the remaining 40% to resource acquisition, mining, crushing, and spent shale disposal and revegetation. Capital charges account for about 70% of the median total cost and operating costs for the other 30%. There is a reasonable chance that modified in-situ processes (like Occidental's) may be able to produce shale oil more cheaply than surface retorting, but no reliable cost data have been published; in 1978, DOE estimated a saving of roughly $5/B for in-situ. Because the total costs of shale oil are spread over many steps in the production process, improvements in most or all of those steps are required if we seek a significant reduction in total cost. A June 1979 workshop of industry experts was held to help us identify possible cost-reduction technologies. Examples of the improved large-scale technologies proposed (for further evaluation) to the workshop were: - Instead of hydrotreating raw shale oil to make syncrude capable of being refined conventionally, rebalance all of a refinery's processes (or develop new catalysts/processes less sensitive to feed nitrogen) to accommodate shale oil feed -- a change analogous to a shift from sweet crude to sour crude. - Instead of refining at or near the retort site, use heated pipelines to move raw shale oil to existing major refining areas. - Instead of operating individual mines, open-pit mine all or much of the Piceance Creek Basin. - Instead of building individual retorts, develop new methods for mass production of hundreds of retorts