11,024 research outputs found

    Two-component radiation model of the sonoluminescing bubble

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    Based on the experimental data from Weninger, Putterman & Barber, Phys. Rev. (E), 54, R2205 (1996), we offer an alternative interpretation of their experimetal results. A model of sonoluminescing bubble which proposes that the electromagnetic radiation originates from two sources: the isotropic black body or bramsstrahlung emitting core and dipole radiation-emitting shell of accelerated electrons driven by the liquid-bubble interface is outlined.Comment: 5 pages Revtex, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Evidence for O(2) universality at the finite temperature transition for lattice QCD with 2 flavours of massless staggered quarks

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    We simulate lattice QCD with 2 flavours of massless quarks on lattices of temporal extent N_t=8, to study the finite temperature transition from hadronic matter to a quark-gluon plasma. A modified action which incorporates an irrelevant chiral 4-fermion interaction is used, which allows simulations at zero quark mass. We obtain excellent fits of the chiral condensates to the magnetizations of a 3-dimensional O(2) spin model on lattices small enough to model the finite size effects. This gives predictions for correlation lengths and chiral susceptibilities from the corresponding spin-model quantities. These are in good agreement with our measurements over the relevant range of parameters. Binder cumulants are measured, but the errors are too large to draw definite conclusions. From the properties of the O(2) spin model on the relatively small lattices with which we fit our `data', we can see why earlier attempts to fit staggered lattice data to leading-order infinite-volume scaling functions, as well as finite size scaling studies, failed and led to erroneous conclusions.Comment: 27 pages, Latex with 10 postscript figures. Some of the discussions have been expanded to satisfy a referee. Typographical errors were correcte

    Comment on Mie Scattering from a Sonoluminescing Bubble with High Spatial and Temporal Resolution [Physical Review E 61, 5253 (2000)]

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    A key parameter underlying the existence of sonoluminescence (SL)is the time relative to SL at which acoustic energy is radiated from the collapsed bubble. Light scattering is one route to this quantity. We disagree with the statement of Gompf and Pecha that -highly compressed water causes the minimum in scattered light to occur 700ps before SL- and that this effect leads to an overestimate of the bubble wall velocity. We discuss potential artifacts in their experimental arrangement and correct their description of previous experiments on Mie scattering.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    The Sound of Sonoluminescence

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    We consider an air bubble in water under conditions of single bubble sonoluminescence (SBSL) and evaluate the emitted sound field nonperturbatively for subsonic gas-liquid interface motion. Sound emission being the dominant damping mechanism, we also implement the nonperturbative sound damping in the Rayleigh-Plesset equation for the interface motion. We evaluate numerically the sound pulse emitted during bubble collapse and compare the nonperturbative and perturbative results, showing that the usual perturbative description leads to an overestimate of the maximal surface velocity and maximal sound pressure. The radius vs. time relation for a full SBSL cycle remains deceptively unaffected.Comment: 25 pages; LaTex and 6 attached ps figure files. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Quasiperiodic spin-orbit motion and spin tunes in storage rings

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    We present an in-depth analysis of the concept of spin precession frequency for integrable orbital motion in storage rings. Spin motion on the periodic closed orbit of a storage ring can be analyzed in terms of the Floquet theorem for equations of motion with periodic parameters and a spin precession frequency emerges in a Floquet exponent as an additional frequency of the system. To define a spin precession frequency on nonperiodic synchro-betatron orbits we exploit the important concept of quasiperiodicity. This allows a generalization of the Floquet theorem so that a spin precession frequency can be defined in this case too. This frequency appears in a Floquet-like exponent as an additional frequency in the system in analogy with the case of motion on the closed orbit. These circumstances lead naturally to the definition of the uniform precession rate and a definition of spin tune. A spin tune is a uniform precession rate obtained when certain conditions are fulfilled. Having defined spin tune we define spin-orbit resonance on synchro--betatron orbits and examine its consequences. We give conditions for the existence of uniform precession rates and spin tunes (e.g. where small divisors are controlled by applying a Diophantine condition) and illustrate the various aspects of our description with several examples. The formalism also suggests the use of spectral analysis to ``measure'' spin tune during computer simulations of spin motion on synchro-betatron orbits.Comment: 62 pages, 1 figure. A slight extension of the published versio

    Mechanisms for Stable Sonoluminescence

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    A gas bubble trapped in water by an oscillating acoustic field is expected to either shrink or grow on a diffusive timescale, depending on the forcing strength and the bubble size. At high ambient gas concentration this has long been observed in experiments. However, recent sonoluminescence experiments show that in certain circumstances when the ambient gas concentration is low the bubble can be stable for days. This paper presents mechanisms leading to stability which predict parameter dependences in agreement with the sonoluminescence experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures on request (2 as .ps files

    Dynamic Response of Ising System to a Pulsed Field

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    The dynamical response to a pulsed magnetic field has been studied here both using Monte Carlo simulation and by solving numerically the meanfield dynamical equation of motion for the Ising model. The ratio R_p of the response magnetisation half-width to the width of the external field pulse has been observed to diverge and pulse susceptibility \chi_p (ratio of the response magnetisation peak height and the pulse height) gives a peak near the order-disorder transition temperature T_c (for the unperturbed system). The Monte Carlo results for Ising system on square lattice show that R_p diverges at T_c, with the exponent νz≅2.0\nu z \cong 2.0, while \chi_p shows a peak at TceT_c^e, which is a function of the field pulse width δt\delta t. A finite size (in time) scaling analysis shows that Tce=Tc+C(δt)−1/xT_c^e = T_c + C (\delta t)^{-1/x}, with x=νz≅2.0x = \nu z \cong 2.0. The meanfield results show that both the divergence of R and the peak in \chi_p occur at the meanfield transition temperature, while the peak height in χp∼(δt)y\chi_p \sim (\delta t)^y, y≅1y \cong 1 for small values of δt\delta t. These results also compare well with an approximate analytical solution of the meanfield equation of motion.Comment: Revtex, Eight encapsulated postscript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Ground-State and Domain-Wall Energies in the Spin-Glass Region of the 2D ±J\pm J Random-Bond Ising Model

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    The statistics of the ground-state and domain-wall energies for the two-dimensional random-bond Ising model on square lattices with independent, identically distributed bonds of probability pp of Jij=−1J_{ij}= -1 and (1−p)(1-p) of Jij=+1J_{ij}= +1 are studied. We are able to consider large samples of up to 3202320^2 spins by using sophisticated matching algorithms. We study L×LL \times L systems, but we also consider L×ML \times M samples, for different aspect ratios R=L/MR = L / M. We find that the scaling behavior of the ground-state energy and its sample-to-sample fluctuations inside the spin-glass region (pc≤p≤1−pcp_c \le p \le 1 - p_c) are characterized by simple scaling functions. In particular, the fluctuations exhibit a cusp-like singularity at pcp_c. Inside the spin-glass region the average domain-wall energy converges to a finite nonzero value as the sample size becomes infinite, holding RR fixed. Here, large finite-size effects are visible, which can be explained for all pp by a single exponent ω≈2/3\omega\approx 2/3, provided higher-order corrections to scaling are included. Finally, we confirm the validity of aspect-ratio scaling for R→0R \to 0: the distribution of the domain-wall energies converges to a Gaussian for R→0R \to 0, although the domain walls of neighboring subsystems of size L×LL \times L are not independent.Comment: 11 pages with 15 figures, extensively revise

    Additional evidence that juvenile oyster disease is caused by a member of the roseobacter group and colonization of nonaffected animals by stappia stellulata-like strains

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    Juvenile oyster disease (JOD) causes significant annual mortalities of hatchery-produced Eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, cultured in the Northeast. We have reported that a novel species of the α-proteobacteria Roseobacter group (designated CVSP) was numerically dominant in JOD-affected animals sampled during the 1997 epizootic on the Damariscotta River, Maine. In this study we report the isolation of CVSP bacteria from JOD-affected oysters during three separate epizootics in 1998. These bacteria were not detected in nonaffected oysters at the enzootic site, nor in animals raised at a JOD-free site. Animals raised at the JOD enzootic site that were unaffected by JOD were stably and persistently colonized by Stappia stellulata-like strains. These isolates (designated M1) inhibited the growth of CVSP bacteria in a disk-diffusion assay and thus may have prevented colonization of these animals by CVSP bacteria in situ. Laboratory-maintained C. virginica injected with CVSP bacteria experienced statistically significant elevated mortalities compared to controls, and CVSP bacteria were recovered from these animals during the mortality events. Together, these results provide additional evidence that CVSP bacteria are the etiological agent of JOD. Further, there are no other descriptions of specific marine α-proteobacteria that have been successfully cultivated from a defined animal host. Thus, this system presents an opportunity to investigate both bacterial and host factors involved in the establishment of such associations and the role of the invertebrate host in the ecology of these marine α-proteobacteria

    Differential criterion of a bubble collapse in viscous liquids

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    The present work is devoted to a model of bubble collapse in a Newtonian viscous liquid caused by an initial bubble wall motion. The obtained bubble dynamics described by an analytic solution significantly depends on the liquid and bubble parameters. The theory gives two types of bubble behavior: collapse and viscous damping. This results in a general collapse condition proposed as the sufficient differential criterion. The suggested criterion is discussed and successfully applied to the analysis of the void and gas bubble collapses.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
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