13 research outputs found

    Impact of the salinity gradient on the mollusc fauna in flooded mine subsidences (Karvina, Czech Republic)

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    This paper presents the impact of salinisation on the aquatic mollusc fauna in fl ooded mine subsidences in the Karvina region (Czech Republic). The results of the previous research on salinity in fl ooded mine subsidences show that some of them contain a high content of dissolved inorganic substances (above 1000 mg·l-1). These substances can affect the vegetation and animals occurring in the water and the surrounding area. The phylum of Mollusca was selected as a model group for the fi eldwork as it includes species with the proven bioindication potential. The occurrence of aquatic mollusc species was studied at 10 sites. The sites were selected based on the content of dissolved substances (the salinity gradient from 1000 mg·l-1. A total of 12 aquatic mollusc species were found, including one species identifi ed as a potential bioindicator of the negative effect of salinisation on aquatic biota. The analysis showed statistically signifi cant positive correlations between the content of dissolved inorganic substances and the presence of alien species Potamopyrgus antipodarum (J.E. Gray, 1843). The gradient of salinity signifi cantly affects the species composition of the mollusc fauna in fl ooded mine subsidences and may affect the biodiversity of this group.Web of Science401898

    Control Methods of Invasive Plant Species and the Influence of Cultural Vegetation on the Microclimate within the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant in Ostrava – Pilot Results

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    This study is a pilot document focusing on two subjects. The first one concernscontrol methods of invasive plant species in the floodplain of the river Odra, specifically on wooded wetlands with pools. The second presents the influence of cultural vegetation on the microclimate within the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant in Ostrava (CWWTP).The problem is the spread of invasive plant species, especially the Canadian goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) and the Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera), which are expanding in the area to such an extent that they create monodominant invasive vegetation. Variousmethods of controllinginvasive species were gradually tested indefined areas in the forested wetland. Both mechanical and chemical methods were used, as well as their combinations,to find outthe most effective one. The processincludes partial works,such as the selection of areas, the determination of diversity by using phytosociology, the subsequent application of selected interventions,andthe monitoring of given invasive plants with growing accompanying species. This research is time-consuming; therefore,longer application,in termsof years,is assumed, which should lead to much more relevantresults.The CWWTP area acts as a heated island, where surfaces are regularly overheated, negatively affecting the biota and the working environment. One of the working results will be the design of suitable vegetation composition,effectively reducingextreme surface temperatures, especially insummer. The determination of diversity is linked to this sinceany vegetation of different diversity can contribute to a favourablemicroclimate. An area inventory of tree and shrub vegetation and a phytosociological analysis of selected areas are used to evaluate diversity.These surveys were carried out in the wetland ecosystem and the CWWTP area.Another important step is the measurement of surface temperatures of cultural vegetation and built-up areas in the area of the CWWTP, which was carried out by remote sensing. Later, it will be possible to assesswhich of the existing biotopes contributesmore and which less to the cooling function of the urban heat islandand,at the same time,how tocare forthis vegetation so that it fulfillsits role.In the article, we present the results of the pilot survey. For the control oftheinvasive species Impatiens glanduliferaand Solidago canadensis, three control methods were chosen: mechanical (mowing), chemical (herbicide with the active ingredients of triclopyr and fluroxypyr (A.),and herbicide with pelargonic acid (B.)),and combined (A. + mowing, mowing + B.). The initial reactions of these plants to the interventions were visible after about 20–30 days. It was most pronounced in the area withthe dead-end river branch with the combination of A. + mowing, where Impatiens glanduliferaoccurred, and then in the forest area with the occurrence of Solidago canadensiswith the application of herbicide A. When measuring the surface temperatures of the cultural vegetation and built-up areas in the CWWTP area as a heat island, approximate temperatures were recorded: on average, the cultural vegetation ranged from 26.43 to 34.45 °C, the average temperature of the built-up areas was from 47.26to 58.32 °C,and the water surfaces (CWWTP reservoirs) then around 20.65 °C. As part of the tree and shrub layer inventory, we recorded 17 tree species and 5 shrub species in the wetland ecosystem. The phytosociological analysis showed that due to the massive occurrence of invasive plants, theareas in the wetland ecosystem are poorer in species than theareas of the CWWTP with cultural vegetation

    Oceňování externalit v území dlouhodobě ovlivněném dobýváním uhlí v lokalitě Orlová-Poruba

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    The article analyses the basic issues of procedural methods for evaluating the environment affected by the exploitation of mineral resources. The paper deals with the area, which was affected by black coal extraction already in the last century and is located in the area of Orlová-Poruba. Tthe first part explicates the basic concepts of landscape restoration issues, views of the methods of assessment and evaluation of the environment and related negative and positive externalities incurred. Another part of this paper assesses the affected area using the so-called Hessian method. Finally, we assess possible solutions of the evaluation of mostly positive externalities ocurred under the conditions in the Czech Republic and the desirability of the proposed new methodology for environmental assessment, including possible solutions.Článek rozebírá základní problematiku metod postupů oceňování ţivotního prostředí postiţeného těţbou nerostných surovin. Příspěvek se zabývá územím, které bylo postiţeno dobýváním černého uhlí jiţ v minulém století a nachází se v lokalitě Orlová-Poruba. Tato problematika je řešena v rámci projektu Grantové agentury GA 105/08/1072. V první části rozebíráme základní pojmy problematiky obnovy krajiny, pohledy na metody hodnocení a oceňování ţivotního prostředí a s tímto souvisejícími vzniklými negativními a pozitivními externalitami. Další část tohoto příspěvku hodnotí postiţené území s vyuţitím tzv. Hessenské metody. V závěru hodnotíme moţnosti řešení ocenění převáţně vzniklých pozitivních externalit v podmínkách ČR a vhodností nově navrhované metodiky hodnocení ţivotního prostředí, včetně moţných východisek

    Evaluation Of Externalities In The Long-Time Influenced Mining Area In Orlová - Poruba / Oceňování Externalit V Území Dlouhodobě Ovlivněném Dobýváním Uhlí V Lokalitě Orlová - Poruba

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    Článek rozebírá základní problematiku metod postupů oceňování ţivotního prostředí postiţeného těţbou nerostných surovin. Příspěvek se zabývá územím, které bylo postiţeno dobýváním černého uhlí jiţ v minulém století a nachází se v lokalitě Orlová-Poruba. Tato problematika je řešena v rámci projektu Grantové agentury GA 105/08/1072. V první části rozebíráme základní pojmy problematiky obnovy krajiny, pohledy na metody hodnocení a oceňování ţivotního prostředí a s tímto souvisejícími vzniklými negativními a pozitivními externalitami. Další část tohoto příspěvku hodnotí postiţené území s vyuţitím tzv. Hessenské metody. V závěru hodnotíme moţnosti řešení ocenění převáţně vzniklých pozitivních externalit v podmínkách ČR a vhodností nově navrhované metodiky hodnocení ţivotního prostředí, včetně moţných východisek

    Investigation of the influence of nickel in precipitation through the surface properties of moss Pleurozium schreberi

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    Článek je přístupný po bezplatné registraci na webu vydavatele.3D stereophotogrammetric scanner was used to obtain 3D model of canopy structure of Pleurozium schreberi moss samples in order to determine changes in the surface roughness index caused by the exposition to the simulated precipitation with known nickel concentrations. In mosses, surface roughness index is known to be a significant indicator of the environmental conditions and is strongly correlated with microclimatic state of the vicinity of the plant. Samples were divided to two groups and either 5 mg.l-1 or 50 mg.l-1 solutions of pH 5 were applied as a simulated rainfall for the total period of eight weeks, 3D model of the sample surface was obtained every time before and after irrigation. In addition, organic material was analysed for the final nickel content using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). Calculated surface roughness indices revealed substantial alteration the pattern of canopy properties changes during irrigation – nickel in the simulated precipitation therefore affects the surface of the moss canopy and thus the ecophysiological properties of the moss used. Total accumulated nickel was found to reflect the concentration of the metal in the precipitation with the nickel content in moss being ten times higher in the case of ten times higher content in the solution used for the irrigation (1922 mg.kg-1 compared to 195 mg.kg-1 following the application of 50 mg.l-1 and 5 mg.l-1 nickel solution, respectively).Web of Science9215815

    Effect of forest reclamation on the Křivý důl spoil heap (Upper Silesia, Czech Republic)

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    Článek je přístupný po bezplatné registraci na webu vydavatele.The contribution deals with the issue of social functions of forest woody plants on a reclaimed spoil heap Křivý Důl in the Stonava cadastral area. In the year 2010 the evaluation of real effects of func-tions of forest woody plants and their impact on the degree of coverage and abundances of species in the undergrowth was carried out here. There was verified the suitability of using the method: Quantification and Evalu-ation of Czech Forest Functions for anthropogenic substrates. There were evaluated the social func-tions, i.e. bioproduction, ecological-stabilization, hydric-water management, edaphic-soil-conservation, social-re-creation and sanitary-hygienic functions. On the basis of acquired results, the highest real effect was proved in the case of social hydric-water management function and the lowest one in the case of bioproduction function. Furthermore, the influence of woody plants on the character of the herb layer, the lowest species diversity in which was recorded in stand groups with allochthonous woody plant species, was proved. On the contrary, the highest species diversity was proved in stand groups with autochthonous species. On the basis of our results it can be stated that the used method can be applied al-so to the evaluation of anthropogenic areas (not only for natural soil conditions), but with emphasis put on the character of specific site; an integral part of the evaluation should also be herb layer evaluation.Web of Science7121220

    Plant communities on brownfield sites in Upper Silesia (Czech Republic)

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    Článek je přístupný po bezplatné registraci na webu vydavatele.Research was directed towards the collection of phytocenologic, dendrologic and site-related data in the area of interest. From March 2012 to the end of November 2012, 19 spoil heaps situated in mining claims within the Ostrava-Karviná Coalfield, in the cadastral areas of municipalities of Doubrava, Horní Suchá, Karviná-Doly, Karviná – Louky, Ostrava, Paskov, Rychvald, Staříč and Stonava were mapped. The subject of research is plant communities in various stages of spontaneous succession in reclaimed and unreclaimed areas, site conditions; the research is focused on assessing the significance of specific nutrients to the development of herb and woody plant compositions of stands growing on the brownfield sites. Based on the results, the biodiversity in both the layers was found in the case of areas reclaimed technically and biologically with soiling was the lowest.Web of Science9217717

    Impact of chromium, arsenic and selected environmental variables on the vegetation and soil seed bank of subsidence basins

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    As a result of hard coal mining, specific areas of subsidence basins, which are often waterlogged, were created in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Coal District. These areas may not have a high ecological value or, on the contrary, promising biotopes may arise here under suitable conditions, which should be our goal. As part of this work, the above-ground vegetation, and the soil seed bank (using the cultivation method) were investigated. The concentration of the risk elements chromium and arsenic, which are usually increased in mining areas, was determined by neutron activation analysis. Other environmental variables that can affect both the vegetation and the soil seed bank of subsidence basins (fine earth, slope, biotopes, and their representation in the vicinity) were also determined. Using multivariate DCA analysis, a statistically significant influence of chromium concentration and other variables on above-ground vegetation, characterized by the occurrence of many metallophytes and their high coverage, was found. The soil seed bank, which can impact the further development of vegetation, is mainly influenced by forest and wetland biotopes and the representation of areas covered by tailings in the vicinity of sampling sites. It is evident that there are species capable of resisting or accumulating chromium and arsenic pollution in both the above-ground vegetation and the soil seed bank, which can lead to the gradual rehabilitation of subsidence basins. This research can lead to a better understanding of the development of subsidence basins to increase their future ecological values.Web of Science17241240

    Řešení vegetace v zemědělské krajině‚ krajinné plánování:Výzkum komplexního řešení systému trvalé vegetace v krajině zaměřené na posílení deficitních ploch vegetace s požadovanými účinky v daném prostředí. Výběr dřevin pro účely revitalizace zemědělské krajiny a nové přístupy k zakládání jejich výsadeb

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    Zpráva přináší výsledky dvou projektů. Projekt 0231 Výzkum komplexního řešení systému trvalé vegetace obsahuje vedle publikace věnované problematice meliorační funkce trvalé zeleně v krajině i zkrácenou verzi charakteristik jednotlivých subsystémů. Projekt 0232 Výběr dřevin pro účely revitalizace zemědělské krajiny a nové přístupy k zakládání jejich výsadeb přináší souhrnné výsledky sledování modelových výsadeb dřevin založených na zemědělské půdě v lokalitě Valová u obce Bedihošť. Výzkum je zaměřen na porovnání rozdílných způsobů založení výsadeb dřevin