210 research outputs found

    Medicaid as a Platform for Broader Health Reform: Supporting High-Need and Low-Income Populations

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    Outlines how policy makers can build on Medicaid to expand health coverage for low-income, high-need people by basing eligibility on income, boosting provider participation, increasing federal funding, and containing costs as a step toward broader reform

    Selecting Crawfish for Cooking.

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    How should we manage a patient with a positive PPD and prior BCG vaccination?

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    Prior bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination increases the likelihood of a positive tuberculosis (TB) 5TU purified protein derivative (PPD) skin test. The PPD response following BCG vaccine varies with age at vaccination, number of years since the BCG vaccination, number of times vaccinated, and number of PPDs performed. An induration of greater than 14 mm is unlikely to be due to prior BCG vaccination (strength of recommendation [SOR]: A, based on meta-analysis of validation cohort studies)

    Selecting Crawfish for Cooking.

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    The contributions of family care-givers at end of life: A national post-bereavement census survey of cancer carers' hours of care and expenditures.

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    BACKGROUND: Family members provide vital care at end of life, enabling patients to remain at home. Such informal care contributes significantly to the economy while supporting patients' preferences and government policy. However, the value of care-givers' contributions is often underestimated or overlooked in evaluations. Without information on the activities and expenditures involved in informal care-giving, it is impossible to provide an accurate assessment of carers' contribution to end-of-life care. AIM: The aim of this study was to investigate the contributions and expenditure of informal, family care-giving in end-of-life cancer care. DESIGN: A national census survey of English cancer carers was conducted. Survey packs were mailed to 5271 people who registered the death of a relative to cancer during 1-16 May 2015. Data were collected on decedents' health and situation, care support given, financial expenditure resulting from care, carer well-being and general background information. RESULTS: In all, 1504 completed surveys were returned (28.5%). Over 90% of respondents reported spending time on care-giving in the last 3 months of the decedent's life, contributing a median 69 h 30 min of care-giving each week. Those who reported details of expenditure (72.5%) spent a median £370 in the last 3 months of the decedent's life. CONCLUSION: Carers contribute a great deal of time and money for day-to-day support and care of patients. This study has yielded a unique, population-level data set of end-of-life care-giving and future analyses will provide estimates of the economic value of family care-givers' contributions

    Physical Activity Minimum Threshold Predicting Improved Function in Adults With Lower‐Extremity Symptoms

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    Objective To identify an evidence‐based minimum physical activity threshold to predict improved or sustained high function for adults with lower‐extremity joint symptoms. Methods Prospective multisite data from 1,629 adults, age ≥49 years with symptomatic lower‐extremity joint pain/aching/stiffness, participating in the Osteoarthritis Initiative accelerometer monitoring substudy were clinically assessed 2 years apart. Improved/high function in 2‐year gait speed and patient‐reported outcomes (PROs) were based on improving or remaining in the best (i.e., maintaining high) function quintile compared to baseline status. Optimal thresholds predicting improved/high function were investigated using classification trees for the legacy federal guideline metric requiring 150 minutes/week of moderate‐vigorous (MV) activity in bouts lasting 10 minutes or more (MV‐bout) and other metrics (total MV, sedentary, light intensity activity, nonsedentary minutes/week). Results Optimal thresholds based on total MV minutes/week predicted improved/high function outcomes more strongly than the legacy or other investigated metrics. Meeting the 45 total MV minutes/week threshold had increased relative risk (RR) for improved/high function (gait speed RR 1.8, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 1.6, 2.1 and PRO physical function RR 1.4, 95% CI 1.3, 1.6) compared to less active adults. Thresholds were consistent across sex, body mass index, knee osteoarthritis status, and age. Conclusion These results supported a physical activity minimum threshold of 45 total MV minutes/week to promote improved or sustained high function for adults with lower‐extremity joint symptoms. This evidence‐based threshold is less rigorous than federal guidelines (≥150 MV‐bout minutes/week) and provides an intermediate goal towards the federal guideline for adults with lower‐extremity symptoms

    Thermal Analysis, Compressibility, and Decomposition of Synthetic Bastnäsite-(La) to Lanthanum Oxyfluoride

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    Understanding basic material properties of rare earth element (REE) bearing minerals such as their phase stability and equations of state can assist in understanding how economically viable deposits might form. Bastnäsite is the most commonly mined REE bearing mineral. We synthesized the lanthanum-fluoride end member, bastnäsite-(La) (LaCO3F), and investigated its thermal behavior and decomposition products from 298 K to 1173 K under ambient pressure conditions through thermogravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, evolved gas analysis, and high temperature powder X-ray diffraction. We also investigated the compressibility of bastnäsite-(La) via single crystal X-ray diffraction in diamond anvil cells at an ambient temperature up to 11.3 GPa and from 4.9 GPa to 7.7 GPa up to 673 K. At ambient pressure, bastnäsite-(La) was stable up to 598 K in air, where it decomposed into CO2 and tetragonal γ-LaOF. Above 948 K, cubic α-LaOF is stable. High temperature X-ray diffraction data were used to fit the Fei thermal equation of state and the thermal expansion coefficient α298 for all three materials. Bastnäsite-(La) was fit from 298 K to 723 K with V0 = 439.82 Å3, α298 = 4.32 × 10−5 K−1, a0 = −1.68 × 10−5 K−1, a1 = 8.34 × 10−8 K−1, and a2 = 3.126 K−1. Tetragonal γ-LaOF was fit from 723 K to 948 K with V0 = 96.51 Å3, α298 = 2.95×10−4 K−1, a0 = −2.41×10−5 K−1, a1 = 2.42×10−7 K−1, and a2 = 41.147 K−1. Cubic α-LaOF was fit from 973 K to 1123 K with V0 = 190.71 Å3, α298 = −1.12×10−5 K−1, a0 = 2.36×10−4 K−1, a1 = −1.73 × 10−7 K−1, and a2 = −17.362 K−1. An ambient temperature third order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state was fit with V0 = 439.82 Å3, K0 = 105 GPa, and K’ = 5.58

    Endocrine therapy in epithelial ovarian cancer

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    INTRODUCTION: The estrogen receptor (ER) is expressed at high levels in many epithelial ovarian cancers (EOC) and represents a potential target for endocrine therapy. Both anti-estrogens and aromatase inhibitors have been evaluated in phase II clinical trials. Areas covered: We present an overview of the phase II and phase III trials of anti-estrogens (tamoxifen and fulvestrant) and aromatase inhibitors (letrozole, anastrazole and exemestane) undertaken in epithelial ovarian cancer identified through a Pubmed search. We describe predictive biomarkers that are being investigated to identify responsive cancers. Expert commentary: The efficacy of endocrine therapy in epithelial ovarian cancer is likely to be confined to histological subtypes with the highest ER expression while low grade serous ovarian cancer appears to be one subgroup with good sensitivity to these agents. The low toxicity profile of these agents is favourable although their use is unlicensed and the optimal setting undefined. Prospective clinical trials of endocrine agents in the early relapse and maintenance settings are urgently required to establish their definitive role in the management of epithelial ovarian cancer