128 research outputs found

    Signalling pathways activated by glucagon-like peptide-1 (7-36) amide in the rat heart and their role in protection against ischaemia

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    The original publication is available at http://www.cvja.co.za/Glucagon-like peptide-1 is an incretin hormone proposed to have insulinomimetic effects on peripheral insulin-sensitive tissue. We examined these effects on the heart by using isolated, perfused rat hearts and adult ventricular myocytes. During normoxic perfusion, no effects of escalating concentrations of GLP-1 on either heart rate or left ventricular developed pressure were found. With functional performance as readout, we found that GLP-1 directly protected the heart against damage incurred by global low-flow ischaemia. This protection was sensitive to the presence of iodo-acetate, implicating activation of glycolysis, and was abolished by wortmannin, indicative of PI-3-kinase as mediator of protection. I n addition, GLP-1 had an infarct-sparing effect when supported by the presence of the dipeptidyl peptidase-IV inhibitor valine pyrrolidide. GLP-1 could not directly activate protein kinase B (also called Akt) or the extracellular regulated kinases Erk1/2 in hearts or cardiocytes under normoxic conditions, but phosphorylation of the AMP-activated kinase (AMPK) on Thr172 was enhanced. I n addition, the glycolytic enzyme phosphofructokinase- 2 was activated dose dependently. During reperfusion after ischaemia, modulation of the phosphorylation of PKB/Akt as well as AMPK was evident. GLP-1 therefore directly protected the heart against low-flow ischaemia by enhancing glycolysis, probably via activation of AMP kinase and by modulating the profile of activation of the survival kinase PKB/Akt.Publisher's versio

    "Kevin kann einfach auch nicht Paul heiĂźen": Methodologische Ăśberlegungen zur Anonymisierung von Namen

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    Die Anonymisierung von Personendaten stellt im Forschungsprozess in der Regel ein "unproblematisches Problem" dar, das intuitiv von den Forschenden gelöst wird. Wenn überhaupt, wird dieser Verfremdungsvorgang nur mit forschungsethischen und forschungspragmatischen Überlegungen begründet. Kaum berücksichtigt wird bislang, dass mit der Art und Weise, wie anonymisiert wird, eine methodologische Entscheidung getroffen wird, woraus sich Konsequenzen für den Forschungsprozess ergeben. Im Beitrag werden anhand von fünf Varianten der Anonymisierung von Vornamen mögliche methodologische Bezüge und sich daraus ergebende Konsequenzen für den forschungspraktischen Umgang mit Personendaten zur Diskussion gestellt.Generally, the anonymization of personal data is an "unproblematic problem" within the research process. Usually, researchers solve this problem intuitively. If any explanations are given at all, they are founded on ethical or pragmatic considerations. However, the way of anonymization can also be seen as a methodological decision, which has consequences for the analytical process. The paper discusses five ways to anonymize first names, possible methodological references, which go along with this decision, and their further consequences within the analysis

    Introduction partie II:: Analyser méthodiquement les défis et faire profiter la communauté professionnelle du travail réalisé

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    Analyser méthodiquement les défis et faire profiter la communauté professionnelle du travail réalis

    Introduction partie II

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    Social and education-oriented use of the funds from the "Gute-KiTa-Gesetz" ["Good Day-Nursery Act"]. A conceptual proposal, using the example of Thuringia

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    Zum 1. Januar 2019 trat das Gesetz zur „Weiterentwicklung der Qualität und zur Teilhabe in der Kindertagesbetreuung“ (KiQuTG) in Kraft, das unter der Bezeichnung „Gute-KiTa-Gesetz“ bekannt wurde. Im Beitrag wird die These vertreten, dass die durch dieses Gesetz bereitgestellten Mittel erstens gezielt und prioritär für die Verbesserung der Struktur-, Prozess- und Ergebnisqualität in Kindertageseinrichtungen genutzt werden sollten. Zweitens wird argumentiert, dass nur durch eine einrichtungs- und sozialraumbezogene Konzentration der Ressourcen wirksame Effekte hinsichtlich des Ausgleichs sozial bedingter Nachteile in Bezug auf Bildungs- und Teilhabechancen zu erwarten sind. Ein entsprechender Vorschlag wird am Beispiel Thüringen erläutert. Fördermodelle dieser Art sollten auch als Signal an den schulischen Bereich verstanden werden, da schon länger auf Effekte unterschiedlicher sozialräumlicher Ausgangslagen von Schulen hingewiesen wurde. (DIPF/Orig.)On 01.01.2019, the so-called „Further Development of Quality and Participation in Early Childhood Education and Care Act” (KiQuTG), known as “Good Day-Nursery Act”, came into effect. In this paper we support the position that the related state funding should primarily be used for improving the quality of structure, processes and out-comes of early childhood education and care. Furthermore, we argue that the consequences of social inequality (e.g., less educational and participatory opportunities) can only be effectively reduced by a funding model, which focusses on institutions with a high number of children living in disadvantaged circumstances or located in underprivileged areas. We explain our argument using Th uringia as an example. Such models can also be understood as signals for the school system, as effects of school’s social environment have been already pointed out for a long time. (DIPF/Orig.

    Bioinduced precipitation of barite and celestite in dolomite microbialites Examples from Miocene lacustrine sequences in the Madrid and Duero Basins, Spain

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    This paper provides an ancient analogue for biologically mediated celestite and barite formation in dolomite precipitating microbial mats developed in lacustrine environments during the Miocene. Barite and celestite occurrences were studied in three temporally and spatially separated sedimentary successions: S1 and S2 in the Madrid Basin and S3 in the Duero Basin. In S1, macrocrystalline selenite gypsum occurs as laterally continuous beds; in the two other successions (S2 and S3), calcite pseudomorphs of lenticular gypsum aggregates are hosted in dolomite beds as evidence for the former presence of this evaporite. In S1, only celestite is associated with dolomite. Celestite crystals occur as both intergrown clusters, concentrated in pockets likely created by the dissolution of intrasedimentary anhydrite precursors, and as single precipitates associated with dolomite masses that replace selenite gypsum. Celestite crystals are nucleated commonly on organic substances that are pervasively associated with them. In S2 and S3, scarce single celestite crystals are restricted to calcite pseudomorphs after gypsum, whereas barite is the sulphate precipitated in the pseudomorphs' surroundings. Barite is commonly present as patchy poikilotopic crystals which include microbial structures and is embedded in organic matter. Additionally, barite is found as a secondary precipitate within Ba-bearing feldspars. Feldspar weathering is, thus, envisaged as amajor source of barium at these sites. Petrographical, isotopic and compositional observations point out that the barite and celestite formation was not caused by abiological processes only. Rather, the patchy distribution of the sulphates, close links to organic matter with biogenic isotope signatures, and inclusion of microbial structures, such as biologically mediated dolomite, provides evidence for the involvement of microbes in the formation of the sulphates. The coprecipitation of barite and celestite with dolomite entails complex interactions between different microorganisms and reinforces the biological formation of dolomite in saline lakes
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