102 research outputs found

    Flushing of a Dense Fluid from an Isolated Urban Canyon

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    The mechanics of shear-driven flushing of a dense fluid from a canyon is investigated through a series of laboratory experiments. Such a flow has many environmental applications including the removal of dense pollutants trapped in urban canyons and the purging of salt water from bed depressions at river mouths. While there is an extensive literature on flow in canyons and cavities for the neutrally buoyant case, the problem of flushing a dense fluid from canyon has received considerably less attention. To understand the dynamics of the mixing and to quantify the buoyant contaminant flushing rate, a broad range of experimental results using multiple techniques to quantify the flushing rate are presented First the effect of the fluid density in the canyon, which is parameterized in terms of the flow Richardson number, is examined. For a square canyon a total of 26 experiments were conducted for Richardson numbers ranging from 0.08 to 4.5. The effect of the buoyancy on the in-canyon flow structure is examined and the regime diagram showing the flow observed in different ranges of Richardson number is presented. Also the flushing time and decay rate of the dense fluid is quantified. Three different mean stratifications are observed, namely well-mixed, continuously stratified, and two-layer. Increasing the Richardson number decreases the rate of flushing from the cavity. Curve fits through the measured buoyancy over time were used to calculate the flushing rate. The effect of canyon aspect ratio on the flushing of a dense fluid is considered through four series of finite release experiments for different aspect ratios (W/H=0.45, 0.75, 1, 2). A total of 64 experiments are conducted over a range of Richardson numbers. The effect of the canyon width on the observed flow regime, in-canyon vortex structure and buoyancy stratification is demonstrated. Empirical equations for the initial decay rate are also determined for all aspect ratios and their results are compared with the existing data in the literature. For high Richardson numbers which is a two-layer stratification, the lower dense layer in the stratification acts as a soft bottom to the canyon, alters the effective aspect ratio of the canyon and changes the flow dynamics. Narrower canyons were found to flush more slowly as the large scale vortex that drives most of the mixing is restricted laterally and, therefore, does not penetrate deep into the canyon. An experimental investigation of the effect of the upstream surface roughness is also provided in order to highlight the impact of the upstream boundary properties on the flushing. This is the first such systematic investigation of the role of turbulence intensity on flushing of fluid form a canyon. Three series of tests for different upstream surface roughness (d84= 1.14, 0.83 and 0 cm) have been conducted. It is shown that the initial purging of dense fluid is driven by the mean flow. However, at later stages, the turbulence within the flow is the dominant cause of mixing. Finally an analytical model is developed to describe both continuous and finite release flows. A series of continuous release experiments were run in order to measure the exact rate of mixing for a broad range of source buoyancies and layer depths. The results of this two-layer model coupled with a revised equation for non-two layer flow regimes shows a good agreement with the all the experimental data presented in this study. It is shown that all the mixing rate data from the finite release and continuous release experiments collapse onto a single line when parameterized in terms of a layer Richardson number

    Breath figures under electrowetting: electrically controlled evolution of drop condensation patterns

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    We show that electrowetting (EW) with structured electrodes significantly modifies the distribution of drops condensing onto flat hydrophobic surfaces by aligning the drops and by enhancing coalescence. Numerical calculations demonstrate that drop alignment and coalescence are governed by the drop size-dependent electrostatic energy landscape that is imposed by the electrode pattern and the applied voltage. Such EW-controlled migration and coalescence of condensate drops significantly alter the statistical characteristics of the ensemble of droplets. The evolution of the drop size distribution displays self-similar characteristics that significantly deviate from classical breath figures on homogeneous surfaces once the electrically-induced coalescence cascades set in beyond a certain critical drop size. The resulting reduced surface coverage, coupled with earlier drop shedding under EW, enhances the net heat transfer.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Petrologia e petrogênese do maciço intrusivo de SiahKuh no sul de KhoshYeilagh

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    SiahKuh is located in the NorthEastern part of Shahrood city and in the Eastern Alborz zone. The study of the area using geochemical models where 60 samples of intrusive rocks were used, allowed to determine that the petrological composition of the region consists of Gabbro, Monzodiorite, Syenite, Monzonite and Diorite. Plagioclase, Pyroxene and Olivine constitute the main minerals of Gabbro`s and Diorite`s. Granular, Intergranular and Optic texture are also observed. In the Syenite and Monzonite, Plagioclase, alkali feldspar and sometimes quartz, granular and variolite texture can be seen. Based on geochemical studies, the magma produced from the rocks to the intermediate calk alkaline with high potassium and the negative anomalies of Nb, Rb, P and the enrichment of the rocks of the region from rare earth elements (LRRE) and the high ratio of LREE/HREE represents spread of the crust and an indication of the presence of the Garnet phase in the mantle source. The initial basalt magma was created from a mantle with a composition of Lerzolite-Garnet with a melting point of 12-15%. Structure evidence suggests the formation of these rocks in the intercontinental rift. The formation of these rocks can be attributed to the effects of intercontinental tensile phases associated with deep fault during alpine orogenic phases in the time eocene.SiahKuh se encuentra en la parte noreste de la ciudad de Shahrood y en la zona oriental de Alborz. El estudio del área utilizando modelos geoquímicos donde se utilizaron 60 muestras de rocas intrusivas, permitió determinar que la composición petrológica de la región consiste en Gabbro, Monzodiorita, Sienita, Monzonita y Diorita. Plagioclasa. Piroxeno y olivino constituyen los principales minerales de Gabbro y Diorita. También se observan texturas granulares, intergranulares y ópticas. En la sienita y monzonita, se puede observar plagioclasa, feldespato alcalino y algunas veces cuarzo, granular y variolita. Con base en estudios geoquímicos, el magma produjo desde las rocas hasta la calca alcalina intermedia con potasio alto y las anomalías negativas de Nb, Rb, P y el enriquecimiento de las rocas de la región a partir de elementos de tierras raras (LRRE) y la alta proporción de LREE / HREE representa la propagación de la corteza y una indicación de la presencia de la fase Granate en la fuente del manto. El magma de basalto inicial se creó a partir de un manto con una composición de Lerzolite-Granate con un punto de fusión del 12-15%. La evidencia estructural sugiere la formación de estas rocas en la grieta intercontinental. La formación de estas rocas se puede atribuir a los efectos de las fases de tracción intercontinentales asociadas con fallas profundas durante las fases orogénicas alpinas en el tiempo del eoceno.SiahKuh está localizado na parte nordeste da cidade de Shahrood e na zona leste de Alborz. A área de estudo utilizando modelos geoquímico onde foram utilizadas 60 amostras rochas intrusivas, revelou que a região composição petrological consiste gabro, Monzodiorita, sienite, diorite .. Monzonite e plagioclase. Piroxena e olivina são os principais minerais de Gabro e Diorito. Texturas granulares, intergranulares e ópticas também são observadas. No sienito e monzonito, plagioclásio, feldspato alcalino e, às vezes, quartzo, granular e variolite podem ser observados. Com base em geoquímico, magma produzido a partir de rochas para alcalina calca alta potássio intermediário e anomalias negativas de Nb, Rb, P e enriquecimento das rochas na região a partir de elementos de terras raras (LRRE) e a alta proporção de LREE / HREE representa a propagação da crosta e uma indicação da presença da fase de granada na fonte do manto. Magma de basalto inicial foi criado a partir de um manto com uma composição de Lerzolite-Garnet com um ponto de fusão de 12-15%. Evidências estruturais sugerem a formação dessas rochas na fenda intercontinental. A formação dessas rochas pode ser atribuída aos efeitos das fases de tração intercontinental associadas a falhas profundas durante as fases orogênicas alpinas no período do Eoceno

    Slippery when wet: mobility regimes of confined drops in electrowetting

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    The motion of confined droplets in immiscible liquid-liquid systems strongly depends on the intrinsic relative wettability of the liquids on the confining solid material and on the typical speed, which can induce the formation of a lubricating layer of the continuous phase. In electrowetting, which routinely makes use of aqueous drops in ambient non-polar fluids that wet the wall material, electric stresses enter the force balance in addition to capillary and viscous forces and confinement effects. Here, we study the mobility of droplets upon electrowetting actuation in a wedge-shaped channel, and the subsequent relaxation when the electrowetting actuation is removed. We find that the droplets display two different mobility regimes: a fast regime, corresponding to gliding on a thin film of the ambient fluid, and a slow regime, where the film is replaced by direct contact between the droplet and the channel walls. Using a combination of experiments and numerical simulations, we show that the cross-over between these regimes arises from the interplay between the small-scale dynamics of the thin film of ambient fluid and the large-scale motion of the droplet. Our results shed light on the complex dynamics of droplets in non-uniform channels driven by electric actuation, and can thus help the rational design of devices based on electrowetting-driven droplet transport

    Contact angle hysteresis and oil film lubrication in electrowetting with two immiscible liquids

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    Electrowetting (EW) of water drops in ambient oil has found a wide range of applications including lab-on-a-chip devices, display screens, and variable focus lenses. The efficacy of all these applications is dependent on the contact angle hysteresis (CAH), which is generally reduced in the presence of ambient oil due to thin lubrication layers. While it is well-known that AC voltage reduces the effective contact angle hysteresis (CAH) for EW in ambient air, we demonstrate here that CAH for EW in ambient oil increases with increasing AC and DC voltage. Taking into account the disjoining pressure of the fluoropolymer-oil-water system, short range chemical interactions, viscous oil entrainment and electrostatic stresses, we find that this observation can be explained by progressive thinning of the oil layer underneath the drop with increasing voltage. This exposes the droplet to the roughness of the underlying solid and thereby increases hysteresis.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Parametric comparison of different lobe rotor geometry for positive displacement turbine in water distribution network

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    The application of hydro turbines for harnessing water energy within distribution networks, as an alternative to pressure relief valves, is steadily increasing. These turbines are particularly suitable for recovering energy from incompressible subsonic fluid flows. In this research paper, three models of positive displacement lobe machine designed to function as water turbines were extensively examined and compared. The three selected turbine types included the circular lobe turbine, the cycloidal arc lobe turbine and the epicycloid arc lobe turbine. These turbines were meticulously designed and developed for their respective applications. Under identical operational conditions, optimization processes were applied to enhance volumetric efficiency and power efficiency for all three turbine variants, each having a different number of blades. A computer program was devised to facilitate the optimization and calculation of blade geometries under various operating conditions. This research delved into the impact of blade geometry type and the number of blades on turbine efficiency and size. The data obtained from the present investigation were systematically analyzed, and the performance of the different turbines were compared. Notably, the circular lobe turbine was found to be the largest among the three, occupying more space. The cycloidal arc requiring a greater amount of material resulting in rotor volume, which subsequently resulted in a higher overall cost. In contrast, the cycloidal arc lobe turbine emerged as the smallest variant, demanding less space for operation. Efficiency-wise, the cycloidal arc lobe turbine exhibited the highest efficiency with two blades, while the circular lobe turbine displayed the lowest efficiency with six blades. Moreover, among the turbines with the same number of lobes, the cycloidal arc lobe turbine consistently demonstrated superior efficiency compared to the circular lobe turbine

    Controlling shedding characteristics of condensate drops using electrowetting

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    We show here that ac electrowetting (ac-EW) with structured electrodes can be used to control the gravity-driven shedding of drops condensing onto flat hydrophobic surfaces. Under ac-EW with straight interdigitated electrodes, the condensate drops shed with relatively smaller radii due to the ac-EW-induced reduction of contact angle hysteresis. The smaller shedding radius, coupled with the enhanced growth due to coalescence under EW, results in increased shedding rate. We also show that the condensate droplet pattern under EW can be controlled, and the coalescence can be further enhanced, using interdigitated electrodes with zigzag edges. Such enhanced coalescence in conjunction with the electrically-induced trapping effect due to the electrode geometry results in larger shedding radius, but lower shedding rate. However, the shedding characteristics can be further optimized by applying the electrical voltage intermittently. We finally provide an estimate of the condensate volume removed per unit time in order to highlight how it is enhanced using ac-EW-controlled dropwise condensation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Investigating the Effect of Saffron Plant Age on Its Production in Lorestan Province

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    AbstractSaffron is a very popular medicinal plant and the most expensive spice in the world. It is highly considered in traditional medicine for the treatment of varied diseases. From among Iranian agricultural crops, it is one of the most valuable products. Due to its special characteristics, its production and export can be developed. As the largest producer and exporter of saffron in the world, Iran accounts for more than 90% of global saffron production. In 2018, more than 71% of the global export of saffron belonged to Iran. Lorestan Province is becoming one of the important areas for cultivating this crop due to its natural conditions and farmers’ interest. This study tried to identify the factors affecting the sustainable development of this crop. For this purpose, during the two consecutive years of 2017 and 18, 3 regions in Kuhdasht, Kuhnani, and Khorramabad townships were selected, in which 5 sample farms were chosen based on the field research. The selected farms had a planting history of 1 to 5 years. Several quadrants were established in the farms and the phenological measurements were recorded based on them. The statistics of these farms were collected to determine the required yields. The means and ANOVA comparisons were applied to analyze the results. The studied parameter was farm age from 1 to 5 years in the 3 regions of Kuhdasht, Kuhnani, and Khorramabad townships. In this investigation, saffron flower characteristics and dry weights of stigma were determined simultaneously with daily phenological inspections of the farms. The results in both years revealed that age was the major factor in yield change in all the 3 regions in a way that saffron yield increased with increasing farm age up to 4 years and then decreased. The effects of farm age on saffron flower and stigma yields were statistically significant. It was found that the lowest and highest yields were respectively related to the 1-, 2-, and 5-year-old farms and 3-year-old farms with a peak yield for the 4-year-old farms. During the study of the role of temperature in the two consecutive years, it was observed that the average temperature had been higher in 2017 and thus the flowering duration had decreased. Accordingly, saffron yield in this year compared to 2018 showed a smaller value, which indicated the role of temperature in yield enhancement during the flowering period. Yield differences were significant in the 3 studied regions. The highest and lowest yields were related to Kuhnani and Khorramabad farms, respectively. Keywords: saffron, Lorestan, farm age, yield, comparison of means Introduction:As a very popular medicinal plant, saffron, is the most expensive spice in the world. It is highly regarded in traditional medicine for being used in the treatment of some diseases. Among Iranian agricultural products, it is one of the most valuable plants since its production and export can be expanded based on its special characteristics. Iran is the largest producer and exporter of saffron in the world and accounts for more than 90% of global saffron production. In 2018, more than 71% of the global export of saffron belonged to Iran. Lorestan Province is located in the west of Iran and has more potential for the production of agricultural products due to its environmental conditions, especially climate, when compared to other eastern, southern, and central provinces. In recent decades, farmers in different parts of this province like other provinces have been more interested in cultivating this crop due to the occurrence of drought and lack of water for agriculture on the one hand and its valuable characteristics on the other hand. Therefore, this province is becoming one of the important areas for farming saffron because of the dominating natural conditions and farmers’ increasing interest in its cultivation. Methodology:This research was conducted in the 3 townships of Kuhdasht, Kuhnani, and Khorramabad in Lorestan Province through field and laboratory methods in 2017 and 2018. Aphenological monitoring site was created in the vicinity of synoptic meteorological stations located in the mentioned townships upon the recommendation of the Agricultural Research Center of the province and the farmers, who had grown saffron bulbs on their farms at the first year in 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 and whose plants were still continuing their biological activities. They were invited to cooperate with the researcher at the time of dormancy of their plants or corms in mid-spring (late May) in 2017. Also, another farm, on which saffron plant was to be cultivated in 2017, was planned to be equipped with the mentioned monitoring site. In the middle of May,2018, the farmers removed the saffron corms or bulbs planted on their farms in 2013 for sale and subsequent crop rotation. To replace any farms excluded from the research, a new farm was designated in the selected area in each township and the monitoring was continued. In these farms, the cultivated plants, which had lived from 1 to 5 years, were examined in terms of their phenological stages during the two years of monitoring. In the selected farms, they were divided into equal parts and a code was given to each part. Then, from among the codes, 3 codes were randomly selected for creating a quadrant. Monitoring of the phenological phases was performed based on the BBCH coding system at the same time as recording the relevant weather conditions. In this way, 15 quadrants were created, in which the plants aging 1-5 years could be monitored. Monitoring was continued on the same farms in the second year as well. Discussion:In both years, the results revealed that age was the most important factor in yield change in all the 3 regions. With the increasing ages of the farms up to 4 years, saffron yield showed an upward trend and then decreased. Its flower and stigma yields were low during the first years of cultivation in all the 3 study regions in the two consecutive years. With increasing farm age up to 4 years, saffron yield had an upward trend and reached its peak. Then, the flower and stigma productions decreased until 5 years of farm age. The lowest and highest yields were respectively related to the 1-, 2-, and 5-year-old farms and the 3-year-old farms with a peak in the 4th year. Saffron yields were affected by the natural conditions of the regions and farm age. The total Growing Degree-Days (GDDs) were calculated according to the effective and active temperatures and growth period lengths in Kuhdasht, Kuhnani, and Khorramabad townships during the two years of research. In the first year, the plants in the farms of the mentioned townships had 213, 239, and 204 GDDs and 333, 360, and 314 GDDs based on the active and effective temperatures, respectively. These GDDs were achieved within 24, 24, and 22 days, respectively. In the second year, these farms obtained 190, 263, and 186 GDDs and 327, 371, and 306 GDDs based on the mentioned temperatures, respectively. These GDDs were achieved within 26, 27, and 24 days, respectively.Saffron is a cold-loving plant and its activity and growth period start as the weather begins to get relatively cold. During the study on the role of temperature in the two consecutive years, it was observed that the average temperature was higher in 2017, thus reducing flowering duration. Saffron yield showed a lower amount in this year compared to 2018, which indicated the role of temperature in the flowering period. Conclusion:The results of this research demonstrated that age was the major factor in yield change in a way that saffron yield had an upward trend up to 4 years and then decreased with increasing farm age. Also, the highest flower and stigma yields were observed in the 4-year-old farms, while flower yield decreased with increasing the farm age up to 5 years. In addition, increasing farm age caused enhanced dry weights of the corms. In the first years of saffron cultivation, saffron flower and stigma yields were low and saffron yield was augmented as farm age increased up to 4 years, thus reaching its peak. Afterwards, the amounts of flower and stigma productions per unit area lowered with increasing farm age so that the lowest and highest yields were respectively obtained from the 1-, 2-, and 5-year-old farms and the 3-year-old farms with a peak in the 4-year-old farms. Saffron flower and stigma yields were influenced by the natural conditions of the regions and farm age. Based on the data analysis, the differences in the flower and stigma yields in the 3 studied regions were significant. The highest and lowest yields were related to the farms of Kuhnani and Khorramabad townships, respectively. The effects of farm age on saffron flower and stigma yields were significant as well. Analysis of Variance allows checking certainty of the existence of a linear relationship between variables. Since the levels of significance in the mentioned townships were less than 5%, a significant relationship between farm age and saffron yield could be deduced. Comparison of the sums of squares within the groups and outside the groups of the 3 studied regions demonstrated that the sum of squares within the groups had a smaller share in the total dispersion and thus, the assumption that the yields in the regions were the same was rejected. The GDDs in terms of effective and active temperatures and the growth period length were calculated during the two years of research in the townships. According to the calculation results, 213, 239, and 204 GDDs and 333, 360, and 314 GDDs were obtained based on the active and effective temperatures in the farms of Kuhdasht, Kuhnani, and Khorramabad townships in the first year of the plant cultivation, respectively. These GDDs were achieved within 24, 24, and 22 days, respectively. In the second year, the farms of the mentioned townships obtained 190, 236, and 186 GDDs and 327, 371, and 306 GDDs based on the mentioned temperatures, respectively. The GDDs were achieved within 26, 27, and 24 days, respectively.Saffron is a cold-loving plant and its activity and growth period start as the weather begins to get relatively cold. During the study on the role of temperature in the two consecutive years, the average temperature was observed to be higher in 2017, thus alleviating the flowering duration. A lower value of saffron yield was evidenced in this year compared to 2018, which was indicative of the role of temperature in yield enhancement during the flowering period. References- Bazrafshan, O., Ramezani Etedali, H., Gerkani Nezhad Moshizi, Z., & Shamili, M. (2019). Virtual water trade and water footprint accounting of saffron production in Iran. Agricultural Water Management, 213(5) 368-374. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2018.10.034- El Hajj, A., Moustafa, S., Oleik, S,. Telj1, V., Taha, N. Chehabeldine, H., & El Tachach, T.(2019). Yield of Saffron (Crocus sativus) under Different Corm Densities. 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International Journal of Plant Production, Vol. 3, 3(1), January, 2009 .ISSN: 1735-6814 (Print), 1735-8043 (Online) .This is a refereed journal and all articles are professionally screened and reviewed.- Fig. 1: Location of the studied cities- Table 1: Geographical characteristics of the study areas- Table 2: Average temperature, average minimum and maximum temperatures, and precipitation in the study areas in 2017-2018- Fig. 2: Graph of average monthly temperatures of the stations in 2017 and 2018- Fig. 3: Graph of average monthly rainfalls of the stations in 2017 and 2018- Fig. 2: Locations of the selected farms by age in the cities of Kuhnani, Kuhdasht, and Khorramabad in 2017-2018- Table 3: Comparison of means in all the 3 study areas in 2017-2018- Table 4: Beginning and ending dates, means of minimum and maximum temperatures, and mean daily temperature during the flowering phase in the study areas in 2017- Table 5: Beginning and ending dates, means of minimum and maximum temperatures, and mean daily temperature during the flowering phase in the study areas in 2018- Table 6: Saffron yield (g/ha) in terms of plant age in the studied areas in 2017-2018- Fig. 5: Diagram of saffron crop yield in the studied areas in 2017- Fig. 6: Diagram of saffron crop yield in the studied areas in 201

    Attitude toward God, self and others in schizophrenic, bipolar and depressed patients: A qualitative and comparative study

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    The purpose of this study was to compare comparative attitudes toward God, attitudes toward self and attitudes toward others in patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression. The present study was conducted qualitatively. The statistical population was patients diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression hospitalized in the spring and summer period of 2018 Azar 5 hospitals in Gorgan. From the mentioned population, 15 people from each group were selected by available sampling method and matched by considering age, marriage and gender. The research tools included a checklist of demographic information and a semi-structured interview form based on the research variables, the validity of which was reviewed and confirmed by supervisors and consultants. The results showed that people with bipolar disorder had a better attitude toward God than people with depression and schizophrenia and people with depression had a better attitude toward God than people with schizophrenia. The results indicate the existence of healthy parts of these patients in the attitude towards God, self and others, that communication and therapeutic alliance with these healthy parts and inner capabilities can improve the cost-benefit of treatment

    The Effect of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) on Increasing Self-Esteem in Female Students

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    Abstract Introduction: Self-esteem is a psychological phenomenon that has strong influence on the emotional and cognitive aspects of human and is a strong predictor of life satisfaction. As a postmodern approach, short-term solution-focused therapy emphasizes on therapist and client work together to find solutions. This study aimed to determine the efficacy of solution-focused brief therapy on increasing self-esteem in female students. Methods: The present study was an applied research and experimental method with a pre-posttest design with control group. The population included all the second-grade female students of Hashtgerd city high schools during the 2014-2015 Academic year. One school was randomly selected from female high schools in the city and after the initial screening, 24 students who scored below average on the basis of the research tool were selected and randomly assigned to treatment and control groups. The instrument was Cooper Smith self-esteem questionnaire (1967), which was completed by the participants in pretest and posttest. In this study, the experimental group was treated with group practices and weekly method for six weeks. Data was gathered using univariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and analyzed in SPSS 18 statistical software. Results: The findings showed that self-esteem scores in the experimental group had a significant increase compared with the control group. In other words, short-term, solution-focused therapy increased the self-esteem of the experimental group at posttest (F = 164.905 and P < 0.001). Conclusions: Short-term, solution-focused therapy was effective on increasing the self-esteem of female high school students. It is recommended to school counselors to use this effective and efficient approach to better solve the psychological problems of students