187 research outputs found

    Preparation and characterization of Thioflavin T doped silica nanoparticles

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    Fluorescent silica nanoparticles with diameters of about 300nm were synthesized based on Stober's method, using Thioflavin T as fluorescent co-reagent. The particles were characterized via transmission electron microscopy and fluorimetry measurements. Fluorescence intensity of the sols was ten times higher than that of the ethanol phase solutions of Thioflavin T. Release of dye molecules in stable alcosols was investigated by measuring UV-Vis absorbance spectrum of the supernatant. To try an alternative route, we investigated accumulation of dye molecules in native silica particles. No release effect was detected, and slow accumulation was observed. Water contact angles of the particles were assessed from analyzing the Langmuir films, and were found to be 18, very similar to native silica particles. Langmuir-Blodgett films of the particles were deposited on a glass substrate and were examined via UV-Vis spectrophotometry, fluorimetry and scanning electron microscopy. Presence of the film was revealed; the particles formed a continuous, well-packed monolaye

    Calculation of the entropy of binary hard sphere mixtures from pair correlation functions

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/97/3/10.1063/1.463103.We evaluate the entropy of several binary hard sphere fluid mixtures using two approximate expressions that require as input only the pair correlation functions,g αβ(r). An approximation based on the incompressible limit is found to be accurate for medium to high density fluids

    Comparison of milk production of the progeny of blad-carrier and healthy Holstein bulls in Hungary

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    'Bovine Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency' (BLAD) is a recessive monofactorial, lethal inheritable defect occurring in Holstein-Friesian cattle and often passed on by well-known top bulls. The aim of this study was to find a relationship between the BLAD genotype of bulls, their genetic evaluation for milk and their daughters' milk production. BLAD-carrier and healthy bulls were compared on the basis of their breeding value published in November 1997. The first 100 bulls ranked according to the Total Production Index (TPI) were used, including nine BLAD carriers with 2,835 daughters and 77 healthy sires with 21,950 female progenies. For 14 bulls the BLAD genotype was not indicated. The healthy animals significantly outperformed the BLAD carriers, which result contradicts our earlier findings (Dohy et al., 1996; Jánosa and Dohy, 1997). In a BLAD elimination programme, the identification of BLAD carriers and properly planned mating are of great importance in order to avoid'inter se'mating of BLAD-carrier top animals which can be of significant influence in Holstein breeding

    GRA.LE.D. (GRApevine LEaf Digitalization) Software for the Detection and Graphic Reconstruction of Ampelometric Differences Between Vitis Leaves

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    Raster graphic ampelometric software was not exclusively developed for the estimation of leaf area,but also for the characterization of grapevine (Viti vinifera L.) leaves. The software was written in C++programming language, using the C++ Builder 2007 for Windows 95-XP and Linux operation systems. Ithandles desktop-scanned images. On the image analysed with the GRA.LE.D., the user has to determine11 points. These points are then connected and the distances between them calculated. The GRA.LE.D.software supports standard ampelometric measurements such as leaf area, angles between the veins andlengths of the veins. These measurements are recorded by the software and exported into plain ASCII textfiles for single or multiple samples. Twenty-two biometric data points of each leaf are identified by theGRA.LE.D. It presents the opportunity to statistically analyse experimental data, allows comparison ofcultivars and enables graphic reconstruction of leaves using the Microsoft Excel Chart Wizard. The GRA.LE.D. was thoroughly calibrated and compared to other widely used instruments and methods such asphoto-gravimetry, LiCor Li3100, WinDIAS2.0 and ImageTool. By comparison, the GRA.LE.D. presentedthe most accurate measurements of leaf area, but the LiCor Li3100 and the WinDIAS2.0 were faster, whilethe photo-gravimetric method proved to be the most time-consuming. The WinDIAS2.0 instrument wasthe least reliable. The GRA.LE.D. is uncomplicated, user-friendly, accurate, consistent, reliable and haswide practical application

    Stability of Ampelometric Characteristics of Vitis vinifera L. cv. ‘Syrah’ and ‘Sauvignon blanc’ Leaves: Impact of Within-vineyard Variability and Pruning Method/Bud Load

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    Historically, grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) leaf characterisation has been a driving force in the identificationof cultivars. In this study, ampelometric (foliometric) analysis was done on leaf samples collected fromhand-pruned, mechanically pruned and minimally pruned ‘Sauvignon blanc’ and ‘Syrah’ vines to estimatethe impact of within-vineyard variability and a change in bud load on the stability of leaf properties.The results showed that within-vineyard variability of ampelometric characteristics was high within acultivar, irrespective of bud load. In terms of the O.I.V. coding system, zero to four class differences wereobserved between minimum and maximum values of each characteristic. The value of variability of eachcharacteristic was different between the three levels of bud load and the two cultivars. With respect to budload, the number of shoots per vine had a significant effect on the characteristics of the leaf laminae. Singleleaf area and lengths of veins changed significantly for both cultivars, irrespective of treatment, while anglebetween veins proved to be a stable characteristic. A large number of biometric data can be recorded on asingle leaf; the data measured on several leaves, however, are not necessarily unique for a specific cultivar.The leaf characteristics analysed in this study can be divided into two groups according to the response toa change in bud load, i.e. stable (angles between the veins, depths of sinuses) and variable (length of theveins, length of the petiole, single leaf area). The variable characteristics are not recommended to be usedin cultivar identification, unless the pruning method/bud load is known

    Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis in cattle: A review

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    Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is reviewed and novel fields where it may be applied are investigated. Technical advances of PGD in cattle embryos have already enabled its integration as a part of the MOET (Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer) breeding system. PGD for well-defined selection targets can enhance cattle breeding and embryo trade. It allows embryo selection according to their sex, and it may be used to breed special cow lines, or top bulls, by selecting embryos for valuable production traits using Marker Assisted Selection (MAS). A good allelic profile and/or the insertion of a transgene can be detected by PGD. This review article presents the technical requirements for PGD, and shows that this biotechnological method has great economic potential

    Which mechanism underlies the water-like anomalies in core-softened potentials?

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    Using molecular dynamics simulations we investigate the thermodynamic of particles interacting with a continuous and a discrete versions of a core-softened (CS) intermolecular potential composed by a repulsive shoulder. Dynamic and structural properties are also analyzed by the simulations. We show that in the continuous version of the CS potential the density at constant pressure has a maximum for a certain temperature. Similarly the diffusion constant, DD, at a constant temperature has a maximum at a density ρmax\rho_{\mathrm{max}} and a minimum at a density ρmin<ρmax\rho_{\mathrm{min}}<\rho_{\mathrm{max}}, and structural properties are also anomalous. For the discrete CS potential none of these anomalies are observed. The absence of anomalies in the discrete case and its presence in the continuous CS potential are discussed in the framework of the excess entropy.Comment: 8 page

    Dynamical ensembles in stationary states

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    We propose as a generalization of an idea of Ruelle to describe turbulent fluid flow a chaotic hypothesis for reversible dissipative many particle systems in nonequilibrium stationary states in general. This implies an extension of the zeroth law of thermodynamics to non equilibrium states and it leads to the identification of a unique distribution \m describing the asymptotic properties of the time evolution of the system for initial data randomly chosen with respect to a uniform distribution on phase space. For conservative systems in thermal equilibrium the chaotic hypothesis implies the ergodic hypothesis. We outline a procedure to obtain the distribution \m: it leads to a new unifying point of view for the phase space behavior of dissipative and conservative systems. The chaotic hypothesis is confirmed in a non trivial, parameter--free, way by a recent computer experiment on the entropy production fluctuations in a shearing fluid far from equilibrium. Similar applications to other models are proposed, in particular to a model for the Kolmogorov--Obuchov theory for turbulent flow.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figures, compile with dvips (otherwise no pictures

    Lyapunov instability of fluids composed of rigid diatomic molecules

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    We study the Lyapunov instability of a two-dimensional fluid composed of rigid diatomic molecules, with two interaction sites each, and interacting with a WCA site-site potential. We compute full spectra of Lyapunov exponents for such a molecular system. These exponents characterize the rate at which neighboring trajectories diverge or converge exponentially in phase space. Quam. These exponents characterize the rate at which neighboring trajectories diverge or converge exponentially in phase space. Qualitative different degrees of freedom -- such as rotation and translation -- affect the Lyapunov spectrum differently. We study this phenomenon by systematically varying the molecular shape and the density. We define and evaluate ``rotation numbers'' measuring the time averaged modulus of the angular velocities for vectors connecting perturbed satellite trajectories with an unperturbed reference trajectory in phase space. For reasons of comparison, various time correlation functions for translation and rotation are computed. The relative dynamics of perturbed trajectories is also studied in certain subspaces of the phase space associated with center-of-mass and orientational molecular motion.Comment: RevTeX 14 pages, 7 PostScript figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.