62 research outputs found


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    Aim. To analyze the literary sources on the surgical treatment of diseases of the periampullary organs and highlight the contemporary and unresolved problems.Conclusion. At the current stage of medical development, it was possible to reduce mortality after pancreaticoduodenal resection of less than 5%, but the incidence of complications reaches 30-70% and does not tend to decrease. The most formidable complications are the failure of pancreaticodigestive anastomosis and pancreatic necrosis of the stump of the pancreas, the main prognostic risk factor for which is the "soft" parenchyma of the organ. The "softness" of the parenchyma, as a rule, is evaluated intraoperatively by visual examination and palpation. At present, the literature does not report research on the objective and pre-operative evaluation of this criterion. In order to prevent complications, a huge variety of technical solutions for the treatment of the distal stump of the pancreas have been proposed, but none of them can be considered unified

    Степлерні езофагоєюноанастомози. Сучасні тенденції

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    The review of works on technology stepler anastomosis of the esophagus and the small intestine after gastrectomy for the last 5years is presented. Improving stepler devices is going in compression depending on the thickness of tissue, heads with variableposition, the presence of feedback mechanism.Представлено огляд робіт із степлерної техніки анастомозування стравоходу і тонкої кишки після гастректомії заостанні 5 років. Удосконалення степлерних апаратів відбувається в напрямі дозованої компресії тканин залежно відтовщини стінок органів, головок із змінним положенням, наявності систем зворотного зв’язку


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    В статье представлен многолетний опыт совершенствования сценария инклюзивного туристического маршрута, показаны модели вовлечения участников, принадлежащих к различным социальным группам в процесс формирования инклюзивной культуры, а также сделана попытка описать трансформационные процессы и указать некоторые феномены, ускоряющие процессы адаптации и развития новых компетенций в рамках средового подхода.The article presents many years of experience in improving the scenario of an inclusive tourist route, shows models of involving participants belonging to different social groups in the process of forming an inclusive culture, and also attempts to describe transformational processes and indicate some phenomena that accelerate the processes of adaptation and development new competencies within the environmental approach

    Interval total colorings of graphs

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    A total coloring of a graph GG is a coloring of its vertices and edges such that no adjacent vertices, edges, and no incident vertices and edges obtain the same color. An \emph{interval total tt-coloring} of a graph GG is a total coloring of GG with colors 1,2,.˙.,t1,2,\...,t such that at least one vertex or edge of GG is colored by ii, i=1,2,.˙.,ti=1,2,\...,t, and the edges incident to each vertex vv together with vv are colored by dG(v)+1d_{G}(v)+1 consecutive colors, where dG(v)d_{G}(v) is the degree of the vertex vv in GG. In this paper we investigate some properties of interval total colorings. We also determine exact values of the least and the greatest possible number of colors in such colorings for some classes of graphs.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur

    Inclusive Interaction as a Method of Overcoming the Learned Safety

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    The article presents the first historical experience of the study of the influence of scenarios using extrability on personal value limitations in groups of drug addicts undergoing rehabilitation in the Ural Without Drugs center (now the State Healthcare Institution of the Sverdlovsk Region “Regional Narcological Hospital”). All the activities described in this article are held jointly with the White Cane ANO, YYekaterinburg.В статье представлен исторически первый опыт исследования влияния сценариев с использованием экстрабилити на личностные ценностные ограничения в группах наркозависимых, проходящих реабилитацию в центре «Урал без наркотиков» (ныне государственное учреждение здравоохранения Свердловской области «Областная наркологическая больница»). Все мероприятия, описанные в данной статье, проводятся совместно с АНО «Белая трость», Екатеринбург

    Mirror symmetry and quantization of abelian varieties

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    The paper consists of two sections. The first section provides a new definition of mirror symmetry of abelian varieties making sense also over pp-adic fields. The second section introduces and studies quantized theta-functions with two-sided multipliers, which are functions on non-commutative tori. This is an extension of an earlier work by the author. In the Introduction and in the Appendix the constructions of this paper are put into a wider context.Comment: 24 pp., amstex file, no figure

    Changing the Paradigm of Inclusion: How Blind People Could Help People without Disabilities to Acquire New Competences

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    Received 8 August 2021. Accepted 16 December 2021. Published online 30 December 2021.People with disabilities have been increasingly regarded as the most powerful and overlooked workforce in the labor market, although frequently confronted with ineffectiveness in cooperation with colleagues without disabilities. The traditional paradigm of inclusion considers blind people as dependents needing help. Inclusive society is highly aimed at effective interactions between the workforce with and without disabilities. The present article regards people with disabilities as those having diverse potentials, which stem from different cultural backgrounds, and behaving differently during intercultural interactions with individuals without disabilities. This article proposes a new disability inclusion paradigm involving successful blind professionals in mentoring activities, to share their experience with top managers and experts in Russian organizations. Through focus groups and in-depth interviews, this article finds specific differences in explicit and implicit interactive behaviors between individuals with and without blindness. Furthermore, the present article highlights the positive effect of a disability inclusion paradigm on cultural intelligence development of organizational managers and experts.This work was supported by Abroad PhD Studying Scholarship, The China Scholarship Council, and a supplementary grant from the Ural Federal University


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    The article presents a clinical case with iatrogenic injury to the common bile duct after laparoscopic cholecystectomy and surgical treatment with the use of minimally invasive percutaneous techniques. The patient was admitted to the regional clinical hospital №2 of Krasnodar with iatrogenic injury to the common bile duct at ( 11 Bismush or (+1) Halperin), on the 3rd day after operation. Patient's health was hard, marked clinical manifestations a mechanical icterus syndrome and sys-temic inflammatory response syndrome. The patient performed ultrasound diagnosis of ab-dominal organs, laboratory blood tests. Patients showed signs of bile hypertension. We did per-cutaneous drainage of the bile ducts under the control of radiological methods as preoperative period. After 2 months, the patient made a planned reconstructive surgery - biliodigestive anas-tomosis Roux. There were not complications in the postoperative period. Literature review and difficulties of timely diagnosis, examination and minimally invasive treatment of these patients are showed

    An algebraic proof of Bogomolov-Tian-Todorov theorem

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    We give a completely algebraic proof of the Bogomolov-Tian-Todorov theorem. More precisely, we shall prove that if X is a smooth projective variety with trivial canonical bundle defined over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0, then the L-infinity algebra governing infinitesimal deformations of X is quasi-isomorphic to an abelian differential graded Lie algebra.Comment: 20 pages, amspro

    On the Open-Closed B-Model

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    We study the coupling of the closed string to the open string in the topological B-model. These couplings can be viewed as gauge invariant observables in the open string field theory, or as deformations of the differential graded algebra describing the OSFT. This is interpreted as an intertwining map from the closed string sector to the deformation (Hochschild) complex of the open string algebra. By an explicit calculation we show that this map induces an isomorphism of Gerstenhaber algebras on the level of cohomology. Reversely, this can be used to derive the closed string from the open string. We shortly comment on generalizations to other models, such as the A-model.Comment: LaTeX, 48 pages. Citation adde