10 research outputs found

    Eyes wide open: perceived exploitation and its consequences

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    Drawing on the array of literature on exploitation from several social science disciplines, we propose a new way of seeing employer-employee relationships by introducing the concept of perceived exploitative employee-organization relationships, distinguish it from related concepts, and conduct five studies to develop a scale and test our theoretical model of the effects of such employee perceptions. Contributing to the Employee-Organization Relationships and workplace emotions literatures, perceived exploitation is defined as employees’ perceptions that they have been purposefully taken advantage of in their relationship with the organization, to the benefit of the organization itself. We propose and find that such perceptions are associated with both outward-focused emotions of anger and hostility toward the organization and inward-focused ones of shame and guilt at remaining in an exploitative job. In two studies including construction workers and a time-lagged study of medical residents, we find that the emotions of anger and hostility partially mediate the effects of perceived exploitation on employee engagement, revenge against the organization, organizational commitment, and turnover intentions, whereas the emotions of shame and guilt partially mediate the effects of perceived exploitation on employee burnout, silence, and psychological withdrawal


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    The article presents the current state of the available stock of guided air weapons and the problem of transition of guided air weapons to operation according to technical condition. The transfer of guided air weapons to operation according to technical condition involves increasing the role of measurement operations and control of their parameters and characteristics. This will determine the actual technical condition and make informed decisions about further operation. In general, the effective-ness of control a technical condition of aviation missiles significantly affects the readiness for use of aviation equipment and the combat capabilities of this equipment in performance of the tasks. The exciting control model and methods for selecting parameters of technical condition is universal in relation to the variants of construction of the technical maintenance program a guided air weapons allows to conduct research into these indicators. However, this program does not indicate the plural of variant that should be selected if the undetermined influence of different nature factors to carry out a set of maintenance and repair work for guided air weapons. The possibility of using the principle of correlation, when choosing the program of technical operation a guid-ed air weapons during the transition to operation according to technical condition. With the help of the correlation principle, an approach to the choice of the program of technical operation a guided air weapons can be developed in case of unknown infor-mation about the mechanisms of influence of various internal and external factors on the properties of the guided air weapons, their effect on the technical condition and features of the units of aviation guided missile that are not amenable to instrumental con-trol. To implement the control of guided air weapons with using a principle of correlation need to use the results of practical appli-cations of aviation guided missile, including other types of fire tests, sample tests using the physico-chemical analysis of powder and explosive charges.У статті розглядається сучасний стан наявного запасу керованих авіаційних засобів ураження та проблематика переходу авіаційних керованих ракет на експлуатацію за технічним станом. Показана можливість використання принципу співвіднесення для вибору програми технічної експлуатації керованих авіаційних засобів ураження при переході на експлуатацію за технічним станом. Принцип співвіднесення дає змогу враховувати необхідні та достатні умови для вибору схем контролю технічного стану керованих авіаційних засобів ураження у разі невизначеної інформації про механізми впливу на їх технічний стан

    Method of hidden in voice message transfer of information in voice message

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    В статті розглядається актуальне питання функціонування системи інформаційної підтримки вико-нання бойових завдань екіпажами повітряних суден. Аналізуються зразки існуючого вітчизняного та закор-донного обладнання обміну інформаційними повідомленнями. Для усунення виявлених обмежень щодо функ-ціонування розглянутого обладнання в єдиному інформаційному просторі пропонується напрямок, який пе-редбачає маскування даних в мовних повідомленнях з подальшою передачею в аналогових радіостанціях. Сформовано вимоги до алгоритму, які полягають у мінімізації спотворень вихідного голосового повідом-лення в результаті вбудовування інформації. Розроблено метод маскування даних в мовних повідомленнях на основі модифікації фаз фрагментів за непрямим правилом. На основі програмної моделі проведено оцінку розробленого методу.В статье рассматривается актуальный вопрос функционирования системы информационной поддержки выполнения боевых заданий экипажами воздушных суден. Анализируются образцы существующего отечественного и заграничного оборудования обмена информационными сообщениями. Для устранения выявленных ограничений относительно функционирования рассмотренного оборудования в едином информационном пространстве предлагается направление, которое предусматривает маскировку данных в голосовых сообщениях с дальнейшей передачей в аналоговых радиостанциях. Сформированы требования к алгоритму, которые заключаются в минимизации искажений исходящего голо-сового сообщения в результате встраивания информации. Разработан метод маскировки данных в голосовых сообщениях на основе модификации фаз фрагментов по непрямому правилу. На основе программной модели проведена оценка разработанного метода.The article deals with the actual question of the functioning of the information support system for the performance of com-bat missions by aircraft crews. Samples of existing domestic and foreign equipment for the exchange of information messages are analyzed. On the basis of the analysis, it was discovered that the existing radio station of the domestic specimen does not meet modern requirements for the protection of information. At the same time, the RF-7850A-MR provides the bandwidth require-ments of the data channels and the level of security. But the modernization of aircraft on the basis of the considered radio station requires significant material costs and implementation of NATO standards. The factors influencing the threat of information security of data exchange, taking into account the experience of ATO and EOS, were also analyzed. An important aspect of the operation of data exchange systems in conditions of active confrontation is to provide a given level of security. In order to elimi-nate the revealed restrictions on the functioning of the considered equipment in a single information space, a direction is pro-posed that provides for the masking of data in voice messages with further transmission in analogue radio stations. The require-ments for the algorithm are formed, which consist in minimizing the distortion of the outgoing voice message as a result of em-bedding information. A method for masking data in voice messages based on modifying the phases of fragments according to an indirect rule has been developed. In this case, masking allows you to hide the information messages in the containers without attracting attention. An algorithm for disguising information from a speech message is also developed, the binary information extracted can be used by aircraft equ ipment to provide information support for comveloped method was assessed

    Construction of Methods for Determining the Contours of Objects on Tonal Aerospace Images Based on the Ant Algorithms

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    A method has been proposed for determining contours of objects on tonal aerospace images based on ant algorithms. The method, in contrast to those already known, takes into consideration patterns in the image formation; the ant algorithm is used for determining the contours. Determining an object's contours in the image has been reduced to calculating the fitness function, the totality of agents' motion areas, and the pheromone concentration along agents' motion routes.We have processed a tonal image for determining the contours of objects using a method based on the ant algorithm. In order to reduce the number of "junk" objects, the main principles and stages of the method for multi-scale processing of aerospace images based on the ant algorithm have been outlined. Determining the contours on images with a different value of the scale factor is carried out applying a method based on the ant algorithm. In addition, we rescale images with a different scale factor value to the original size and calculate the image filter. The resulting image is a pixelwise product of the original image and the image filter.The multiscale processing of tonal aerospace images with different scale values has been performed using methods based on the ant algorithms. It was established that application of a multi-scale processing reduces the number of "junk" objects. At the same time, due to multi-scale processing, not the objects' contours are determined but the objects in full.We estimated errors of first and second kind in determining the contours of objects on tonal aerospace images based on the ant algorithms. It was established that using the constructed methods has made it possible to reduce the first and second kind errors in determining the contours on tonal aerospace images by the magnitude of 18–22 % on averag

    Eyes Wide Open: Perceived Exploitation and Its Consequences

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    How Do Leader Departures Affect Subordinates’ Organizational Attachment? A 360-Degree Relational Perspective

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    An Ecological Systems Perspective on Mentoring at Work: A Review and Future Prospects

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