22 research outputs found

    Logistics pooling technology of FMCG distribution

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    Kinematic instrumental analysis of the shoulder and elbow joint in normal conditions and with hypermobility of the joint in the gait cycle

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    Assess the functional state of the shoulder and elbow joints in normal conditions and with joint hypermobility syndrome (JHS) using the kinematic instrumental method of analyzing gai


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    When frequency-controlled drives are used, higher harmonic components are generated in the mains supply, so determination of harmonic components value in the current and voltage curve and of means for their reduction according to ГОСТ 13109-97 is an urgent and relevant practice.В связи с применением частотно-регулируемых приводов наблюдается генерация в питающую сеть высших гармонических составляющих, поэтому определение значения гармонических составляющих в кривой тока и напряжения и средств их снижения в соответствии с ГОСТ 13109-97 является актуальной и востребованной практикой.У зв’язку із застосуванням частотно-регульованих приводів спостерігається генерація у живлячу мережу вищих гармонійних складових, тому визначення значення вищих гармонійних складових кривої струму та напруги та засобів для їх зниження згідно з ГОСТ 13109-97 є актуальною та затребуваною практикою

    On hyperbolicity and solution properties of the continual models of micro/nanoparticle aggregation and sedimentation in concentrated suspensions

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    In continual mechanics sedimentation of aggregating particles in concentrated suspensions are determined by the mass and momentum conservation laws for each component of the suspension. The resulting quasilinear system of differential equations governing the flow could be hyperbolic, strongly strictly or weakly hyperbolic depending on the model accepted. The type and Eigenvalues of the matrix influence the characteristics of the pattern formation during the sedimentation that is essential for the model application in modern medical, microbiological and nanofluidic technologies. In this paper the hyperbolicity of the three-phase model of aggregation and sedimentation of micro/nanoparticles is studied.Key words: Aggregation, Sedimentation, Multiphase Continuous Media, Hyperbolic Systems, Eigenvalues, Characteristics.Pages of the article in the issue: 60 - 63Language of the article: Englis

    Mathematical modelling of particle aggregation and sedimentation in the inclined tubes

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    Sedimentation of the aggregating particles in the gravity field is widely used as an easy and cheap test of the suspension stability of different technical suspensions, blood and nanofluids. It was established the tube inclination makes the test much faster that is known as the Boycott effect. The dependence of the sedimentation rate on the angle of inclination is complex and poorly understood yet. In this paper the two phase model of the aggregating particles is generalized to the inclined tubes. The problem is formulated in the two-dimensional case that corresponds to the narrow rectangle vessels or gaps of the viscosimeters of the cone-cone type. In the suggestion of small angles of inclination the equations are averaged over the transverse coordinate and the obtained hyperbolic system of equations is solved by the method of characteristics. Numerical computations revealed the increase in the initial concentration of the particles, their aggregation rate, external uniform force and inclination angle accelerate the sedimentation while any increase in the fluid viscosity decelerates it that is physically relevant. Anyway, the behaviors of the acceleration are different. Based on the results, a novel method of estimation of the suspension stability is proposed.Key words: Boycott effect, suspension, aggregation, sedimentation, medical diagnostics. Pages of the article in the issue: 52-57Language of the article: EnglishSedimentation of the aggregating particles in the gravity field is widely used as an easy and cheap test of the suspension stability of different technical suspensions, blood and nanofluids. It was established the tube inclination makes the test much faster that is known as the Boycott effect. The dependence of the sedimentation rate on the angle of inclination is complex and poorly understood yet. In this paper the two phase model of the aggregating particles is generalized to the inclined tubes. The problem is formulated in the two-dimensional case that corresponds to the narrow rectangle vessels or gaps of the viscosimeters of the cone-cone type. In the suggestion of small angles of inclination the equations are averaged over the transverse coordinate and the obtained hyperbolic system of equations is solved by the method of characteristics. Numerical computations revealed the increase in the initial concentration of the particles, their aggregation rate, external uniform force and inclination angle accelerate the sedimentation while any increase in the fluid viscosity decelerates it that is physically relevant. Anyway, the behaviors of the acceleration are different. Based on the results, a novel method of estimation of the suspension stability is proposed.Key words: Boycott effect, suspension, aggregation, sedimentation, medical diagnostics.Pages of the article in the issue: 52 - 57Language of the article: Englis


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    When frequency-controlled drives are used, higher harmonic components are generated in the mains supply, so determination of harmonic components value in the current and voltage curve and of means for their reduction according to ГОСТ 13109-97 is an urgent and relevant practice.В связи с применением частотно-регулируемых приводов наблюдается генерация в питающую сеть высших гармонических составляющих, поэтому определение значения гармонических составляющих в кривой тока и напряжения и средств их снижения в соответствии с ГОСТ 13109-97 является актуальной и востребованной практикой.У зв’язку із застосуванням частотно-регульованих приводів спостерігається генерація у живлячу мережу вищих гармонійних складових, тому визначення значення вищих гармонійних складових кривої струму та напруги та засобів для їх зниження згідно з ГОСТ 13109-97 є актуальною та затребуваною практикою

    System of automatic registration, storage and analysis of sedimentation curves for biomedical and technical applications

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    Розглядається система автоматичної реєстрації, зберігання, обробки та аналізу кривих седиментації частинок в технічних або біологічних суспензіях для оцінки їх суспензійної стабільності. Комплекс включає центрифугу для створення неоднорідного поля сил, яка прискорює процес осідання до 10–20 хвилин замість 2–3 годин та забезпечує автоматичну реєстрацію кривих осідання за допомогою оптичних сенсорів. Розроблені математична модель рідини як трифазної суспензії та комп'ютерний код для обробки кривих і обчислення індексів, що характеризують її стан. Виявлені статистично значущі показники, які можна використати в системах прийняття рішень на основі штучного інтелекту.Рассматривается система автоматической регистрации, хранения, обработки и анализа кривых седиментации частиц в технических или биологических суспензиях для оценки их суспензионной стабильности. Комплекс включает центрифугу для создания неоднородного поля сил, которая ускоряет процесс оседания до 10–20 минут вместо 2–3 часов и обеспечивает автоматическую регистрацию кривых оседания с помощью оптических сенсоров. Разработаны математическая модель жидкости как трехфазной суспензии и программа для обработки кривых и вычисления индексов, характеризующих состояние суспензии. Выявлены статистически значимые показатели, которые можно использовать в системах принятия решений на основе искусственного интеллекта.A new system for automatic registration, storage, processing and analysis of sedimentation curves for settling of micro anoparticles in technical or biological suspensions is studied/ The aim of the developed system is reasonable quantitative estimation of the aging indexes of technical suspensions, the activity level in the microbiological suspensions, or medical diagnostics of diseases on the samples of biological tissues of patients. The elaborated system includes a centrifuge to create an inhomogeneous force field that accelerates the settling process up to 10-20 minutes instead of 1-3 hours in the slow gravitation sedimentation. The sedimentation curves have been registered as the time dependencies of a height of the column of the base fluid at the top of the sedimentation tube using special optical sensors. The mathematical model of the liquid under study as a three-phase suspension of aggregating solid particles, and a computer code for curve processing and calculation of a series of indices characterizing the suspension’s state are developed. The engineered system with computer processing, statistical analysis and the developed mathematical model has been successfully tested on the patients with potential medical and food allergy for some allergens. An example of using the system is given on the evaluation of the erythrocyte aggregation rate in the settling blood sample for different groups of diseases. As it was shown on the accumulated database (726 curves of healthy volunteers and patients with oncology, stroke, pneumonia and diabetes) the proposed additional indicators like the value of the first local maximum of the settling speed and the time of its attainment, magnitudes of the initial and differential phase curves provide additional information for differential diagnostics of the diseases. The determined parameters could be used for more precise diagnostics based on the artificial intelligence that is promising for more reliable differential diagnostics of severe disease and the quantitative estimation of success of their medical treatment