583 research outputs found

    Large Scale Earth's Bow Shock with Northern IMF as simulated by PIC code in parallel with MHD model

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    In this paper, we propose a 3D kinetic model (Particle-in-Cell PIC ) for the description of the large scale Earth's bow shock. The proposed version is stable and does not require huge or extensive computer resources. Because PIC simulations work with scaled plasma and field parameters, we also propose to validate our code by comparing its results with the available MHD simulations under same scaled Solar wind ( SW ) and ( IMF ) conditions. We report new results from the two models. In both codes the Earth's bow shock position is found to be ~14.8 RE along the Sun-Earth line, and ~ 29 RE on the dusk side. Those findings are consistent with past in situ observations. Both simulations reproduce the theoretical jump conditions at the shock. However, the PIC code density and temperature distributions are inflated and slightly shifted sunward when compared to the MHD results. Kinetic electron motions and reflected ions upstream may cause this sunward shift. Species distributions in the foreshock region are depicted within the transition of the shock (measured ~2 c/{\omega}pi for {\Theta}Bn =90o and MMS =4.7 ) and in the downstream. The size of the foot jump in the magnetic field at the shock is measured to be (1.7 c/{\omega}pi ). In the foreshocked region, the thermal velocity is found equal to 213 km.sec-1 at 15 RE and is equal to 63 km.sec-1at 12 RE (Magnetosheath region). Despite the large cell size of the current version of the PIC code, it is powerful to retain macrostructure of planets magnetospheres in very short time, thus it can be used for a pedagogical test purposes. It is also likely complementary with MHD to deepen our understanding of the large scale magnetosphereComment: 26 pages, 8 figures, 1 table , 66 references, JOAA-D-16-00005/201

    Susceptibility of staphylococal biofilms to multiple combination of antimicrobials

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    Scientific supervisor: A.G. Dyachenk

    Susceptibility of staphylococal biofilms to multiple combination of antimicrobials

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    Scientific supervisor: A.G. Dyachenk

    Personalization framework for adaptive robotic feeding assistance

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comThe deployment of robots at home must involve robots with pre-defined skills and the capability of personalizing their behavior by non-expert users. A framework to tackle this personalization is presented and applied to an automatic feeding task. The personalization involves the caregiver providing several examples of feeding using Learning-by- Demostration, and a ProMP formalism to compute an overall trajectory and the variance along the path. Experiments show the validity of the approach in generating different feeding motions to adapt to user’s preferences, automatically extracting the relevant task parameters. The importance of the nature of the demonstrations is also assessed, and two training strategies are compared. © Springer International Publishing AG 2016.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A soa-based e-government data integration

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    Data Integration presents a core issue in the Palestinian e-Government Technical Framework. The currently used data integration model relies on the Integrated Central Database which lacks quality attributes such as: interoperability and flexibility. We purpose a SOA-based approach for data integration that achieves the above attributes. We present and analyze the current architecture and implementation of the Palestinian e-Government Integrated Central Database model. We transform the current model into a SOA framework that is realized using Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and Web Services. The proposed framework offers database replication and connectivity functionalities for the Central Database. The proposed framework is evaluated using a scenario-based software architecture evaluation method and proves that it achieves the framework goals of quality attributes: interoperability and flexibility. Moreover, a prototype of the framework is implemented and validates the framework correctness. A specific usage is presented and further proves that the framework accomplishes its functionality and quality attributes

    The Effect of Home Environmental Factors on Students’ Academic Achievement: A Case of Community Secondary Schools in Monduli District, Tanzania

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    This study investigated on the effect of home environmental factors on students’ academic achievement among secondary schools in Monduli District, Tanzania using a descriptive design. A sample of 318 students from seven schools participated by filling the questionnaire. Validity of the instrument was ensured through expert judgment and the Cronbach’s Alpha in all three variables was above 0.6. Analysis of data employed descriptive and inferential statistics. The study established existence of parental involvement in pupils’ academic affairs. This was indicated by the facts that parents were committed to monitor students’ learning activities and give all kind of supports needed. Parents’ social economic status afforded to facilitate school needs of their children. Lastly, the study established a direct correlation between parental involvement and academic achievement, between social economic status and academic achievement and between social economic status and parental involvement. Based on these conclusions the researchers recommend that there is need to encourage parents to continue their parental involvement in their children’s academic affairs as this is a way of improving academic achievement. Furthermore, parents should be encouraged to come up with strategies that will help to improve their income, as this will enable sustainable provision of basic and school needs

    Building a SOA-Based Model for Purchase Order Management in E-Commerce Systems

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    Purchase Order Management (POM) is one of the most popular E-Commerce applications conducted between B2C and B2B systems. In many cases nowadays POM components use integration approaches that lack interoperability and manageability features. The purpose of this paper is to build a SOA based model for POM in E-Commerce system that achieves the goals of interoperability and manageability. In this paper a technical model of POM E-Commerce system is presented and analyzed. A new POM model based on SOA solution is proposed that overcomes the shortcoming of currently used model. The main contribution of this paper is to align a SOA-based model to the B2C and B2B E-Commerce domain

    Ecology of Aedes Mosquitoes, the Major Vectors of Arboviruses in Human Population

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    Aedes aegypti (Stegomyia) has been human vectors for many human diseases globally. In recent years, dengue virus has been diagnosed in different regions such as Asia and Latin America vectored by Aedes spp. mosquitoes. Dengue cases have been reported again in the several parts of African and other continental hospital. The different types of breeding sites have been found to be abundant in both urban and rural areas. The abundance of adult Ae. aegypti and habitat productivity in different settings escalates the risk of dengue transmission if viruses are found in asymptomatic population. The insecticide resistance has been found to occur in the wild population of Aedes aegypti to insecticides commonly used for indoor residual spray and long-lasting insecticidal net treatments. The control of human vector population is still a challenge as the vector has a diurnal feeding and outdoor resting behavior. Environmental management is still the best practice to be adopted in many countries for Aedes aegypti control. The currently discovered dengue vaccine might be an immediate arsenal for the community immunization

    Human Emotion Recognition Approach Based on Facial Expression, Ethnicity and Gender Using Backpropagation Artificial Neural Network

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    The emotions of the human are create by God almighty since the creation of humankind. Human emotions are mostly represents based on the psychological situation of humans through facial expressions, speech, or through the movement of the body. Overall, the interactions between humans are using several factors including the knowledge of these emotions. Although people differ in their veins, races and languages, the language of emotions is almost general and comprehensive which makes it easy to understand. There are six basic emotions which usually researchers consider, these are happy, sad, fear, disgust, anger and shame. In this thesis, we study the impact of both race and gender on the accuracy of the recognition of emotion through facial expressions. We claim that knowing the gender and race would increase the accuracy of the emotion recognition. This is due to the difference between the face appearances of various races and gender. To test our claim, we developed an approach based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) using backpropgation algorithm to recognize the human emotion. The proposed model consists of five stages: the first stage is inputting the image. Second stage is for image preprocessing. The third is to identifying points of the face, which will help in defining the face features. The fourth stage is to extract the features and the last stage is the emotion recognition. These stages are divides into two sections: the first section consists of the first four stages and the second section consists of only the fifth stage. We have built a program to implement the first section and we used Matlab to implement the other section. Our model has been test by using MSDEF dataset, and we found that there is a positive effect on the accuracy of the recognition of emotion if we use both the ethnic group and gender as inputs to the system. Although this effect is not significant, but considerable (Improvement rate reached 8%). In addition, we found that females have a more accurate emotion expression recognition than males. In additional, regardless of the used dataset, our approach obtained better results than some researches on emotion recognition. This could be due to various reasons such as the type of the selected features and consideration of race and gender