56 research outputs found

    Utječe li produktivnost na profitabilnost poduzeća u industriji prerade mlijeka? Iskustva Slovenije, Hrvatske i Srbije

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    This paper provides insights into productivity in dairy processing companies in Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia. The aim is to find out whether EBITDA per employee, as a measure of overall productivity as well as labour and capital productivity and their management positively affect company’s profitability. Literature review shows that this issue was relatively neglected, although increase in productivity is regarded as the most important factor in maintaining a competitive advantage in most developed countries. Results obtained show that comprehensive measure of productivity EBITDA per employee has statistically significant positive impact on company’s profitability, the same as productivity management components labour cost competitiveness and capital productivity.Ovaj rad pruža uvid u produktivnost poduzeća iz industrije prerade mlijeka u Sloveniji, Hrvatskoj i Srbiji, kako bi se utvrdilo postoji li pozitivan utjecaj ukupne produktivnosti, produktivnosti rada te produktivnosti kapitala na profitabilnost. Pregled dosadašnje literature pokazuje kako je ova problematika bila prilično zapostavljena, iako je povećanje produktivnosti i u najrazvijenijim zemljana naglašeno kao najznačajniji čimbenik u održavanju konkurentske prednosti. Istraživanjem je dokazan pozitivan utjecaj produktivnosti na profitabilnost, pri čemu je produktivnost mjerena sveobuhvatnom mjerom EBITDA po zaposlenom, te parcijalnim mjerama troškovna konkurentnost rada i kapitalna produktivnost

    Razmak i dubina setve semena ozime raži

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    Proper seed distribution over area and depth is the essential condition that provides later uniform plants distribution over the vegetation space. Paper presents statistical analysis of two drills accuracy results in winter rye sowing. Experiment was done in north Kosovo, during rye sowing with two mechanical seed drills, OLT Gama and IMT 634.23. Besides the comparative analysis of the sowing results achieved by these two drills, in the paper is tested and verified the applicability of Gaussian function for analytical description of longitudinal, transverse and depth distribution of winter rye seed at the experimental plot.Pravilna raspodela semena po površini i dubini predstavlja osnovni uslov za obezbedjenje ravnomerne raspodele biljaka u vegetacionom prostoru. U radu je predstavljena statistička analiza rezultata ispitivanja tačnosti distribucije semena dve uskoredne sejalice u setvi ozime raži. Ispitivanja su izvedena na severu Kosova, u toku setve semena raži primenom dve sejalice Olt Gama 14 i IMT 634.23. Osim komparativne analize rezultata setve koji su dobijeni primenom ove dve sejalice, u radu je testirana i proverena primenljivost Gausove funkcije za analitičko opisivanje uzdužne, poprečne i raspodele semena ozime raži po dubini na eksperimentalnoj parceli

    Razmak i dubina setve semena ozime raži

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    Proper seed distribution over area and depth is the essential condition that provides later uniform plants distribution over the vegetation space. Paper presents statistical analysis of two drills accuracy results in winter rye sowing. Experiment was done in north Kosovo, during rye sowing with two mechanical seed drills, OLT Gama and IMT 634.23. Besides the comparative analysis of the sowing results achieved by these two drills, in the paper is tested and verified the applicability of Gaussian function for analytical description of longitudinal, transverse and depth distribution of winter rye seed at the experimental plot.Pravilna raspodela semena po površini i dubini predstavlja osnovni uslov za obezbedjenje ravnomerne raspodele biljaka u vegetacionom prostoru. U radu je predstavljena statistička analiza rezultata ispitivanja tačnosti distribucije semena dve uskoredne sejalice u setvi ozime raži. Ispitivanja su izvedena na severu Kosova, u toku setve semena raži primenom dve sejalice Olt Gama 14 i IMT 634.23. Osim komparativne analize rezultata setve koji su dobijeni primenom ove dve sejalice, u radu je testirana i proverena primenljivost Gausove funkcije za analitičko opisivanje uzdužne, poprečne i raspodele semena ozime raži po dubini na eksperimentalnoj parceli

    Productivity of some winter wheat genotypes

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    Yields given by different genotypes are affected by many factors, but mostly by genotype, climatic conditions and applied growing practice. Therefore, the aim of this study was to establish productivity of many winter wheat genotypes in southern Serbia, through macro-trials. The results showed the difference of grain yield mean between the investigated seasons, and that difference amounted about 1300 kg/ha. The average yield was the highest in cultivars Toplica, Stamena, Evropa, NS-rana 5, and Renesansa. The lowest grain yield was given by cultivars Tina, Sara, Sreća, and Mina

    Kretanje čestice đubriva duž lopatice centrifugalnog rasipača sa diskom pretpostavljajući čisto klizanje čestice

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    At present, spreading of mineral fertilizers in Europe is most commonly performed using centrifugal disk spreaders with attached vanes. The motion of an ideal spherical homogeneous fertilizer particle along the straight vane attached to a flat rotating disc was analyzed in this paper. The analysis was performed in the non-inertial reference coordinate system. From the assumptions introduced to enable analytical describing of the real particle motion as well as the general tools of solid mechanics, the ordinary in-homogenous second-order differential equation having constant coefficients arose. Its solution represents an approximation of the real relative motion of the fertilizer particle along the straight radial vane fixed to the flat horizontal disc rotating at a constant angular velocity. However, the solution of this kind can be very useful for the optimization of centrifugal spreader working parameters.U Evropi se za rasipanje granularnog mineralnog đubriva najčešće koriste centrifugalni rasipači sa lopaticama. U ovom radu je analizirano kretanje idealne, loptaste, homogene granule đubriva duž lopatica postavljenih po rotirajućem disku. Analiza je izvedena primenom neinercijalnog referentnog koordinatnog sistema. Uvođenjem određenih pretpostavki i primenom zakona teorijske mehanike za opisivanje kretanja čestice, formirana je nehomogena diferencijalna jednačina drugog reda sa konstantnim koeficijentima. Njeno rešenje aproksimira realno relativno kretanje čestice đubriva duž ravnih radijalnih lopatica pričvršćenih za horizontalni disk, koji se obrće konstantnom ugaonom brzinom. Dobijeno rešenje se svakako može koristiti za optimizaciju radnih parametara centrifugalnog rasipača sa diskom

    Rezultati ispitivanja ratarskih prskalica u uslovima centralne Srbije

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    Proper protection and quality work of sprayer enable the optimization of the pesticide application and reduces the harmful effects on the environment and human health. The efficiency of the implemented protection is reflected in several aspects, and one of the most important is the quality of the work of sprayers, that is, the equality of pesticides distribution with nozzles. The paper presents an analysis and comparison of test results in the framework of the inspection of field crop sprayers in the exploitation conditions of central Serbia, in accordance with European standards EN 13790, which prescribes methods and equipment for inspection. The aim of the research was to determine the quality of the work of chests and the uniformity of the flow of various sprays, depending on the defined parameters. The test equipment used 'AAMSSALVARANI' measuring equipment, and the flow of the nozzles was measured by the SN S001 individual nozzles. On the basis of the obtained results, it was concluded that the average values of the flow of the sprayer amounted to 0.954 l min-1 (typ A), 1.169 l min-1 (typ B), or until 1.190 l min-1 (sprayer typ C), where the coefficient of variation was in the range 12.24% to 29.49%.Pravilnom zaštitom i kvalitetnim radom prskalica omogućuje se optimizacija aplikacije pesticida i smanjuje štetni uticaj na životnu sredinu i zdravlje ljudi. Efikasnost izvedene zaštite ogleda se sa više aspekata a jedan od najznačajnijih je kvalitet rada prskalica, odnosno uniformnost distribucije pesticida rasprskivačima. Rad predstavlja analizu i upoređenje rezultata ispitivanja u sklopu inspekcijske kontrole ratarskih prskalica u eksploatacionim uslovima centralne Srbije, u skladu sa evropskim normama EN 13790 koji propisuje metode i opremu za obavljanje inspekcije. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi kvalitet rada prsaklica i uniformnost protoka različitih rasprskivača u zavisnosti od definisanih parametara. Za ispitivanje je korišćena merna oprema 'AAMSSALVARANI', a protok rasprskivača je meren pomoću ispitivača pojedinačnih rasprskivača SN S001. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata zaključeno je da su prosečne vrednosti protoka rasprskivača iznosile 0,954 l min-1 (tip A), 1,169 l min-1 (tip B), odnosno 1,190 l min-1 (tip C), pri čemu je koeficijent varijacije bio u rasponu 12,24% do 29,49%


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    Precipitation and temperatures are of particular importance for maize production. The aim of these studies was to analyze the yields of different maize hybrids in years that were both favorable and unfavorable for their production. Thus, the yield of maize in 2020 and 2021 was analyzed in the area of Southern Serbia (Leskovac). The year 2020 can be considered favorable for the production of maize, primarily due to the amount of precipitation during the vegetation (436 mm) and its proper distribution in the summer months. The year 2021 can be considered unfavorable for the production of maize, which is especially evident by the small amount of precipitation during the growing season (219 mm). The influence of the year, especially the climatic conditions of the year, was very pronounced. Thus, the average yield in 2021 was lower by 36% compared to 2020. The influence of hybrids on yield was pronounced, and differences in yield were statistically very significant. Hybrids with a shorter vegetation period had good yields in the unfavorable (dry) year, all due to the earlier passing of silking, fertilization, and grain formation phases. In years favorable for maize production, such as 2020, hybrids with a longer vegetation period showed their genetic potential for yield and were more dominant than hybrids with a shorter vegetation period. If maize is grown on dry soil, it is recommended to sow more hybrids of different vegetation lengths, for safer production

    Analiza tehničko eksploatacionih karakteristika traktora

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    This paper presents analysis of technical tractor characteristic of some famous world producers in 6 varieties and 24 models. Subject was relation of engine power and tractors weight in optimal working regime. The aim of researching was to give edit ional information about optimal using regime, in sense of achieving productivity that is appropriate for pulling and energy tractors potential.U rada je izvršena analiza tehničkih karakteristika traktora renomiranih proizvođača i to 6 serija i 24 modela. Predmet rada je izučavanje odnosa snage i mase traktora pri optimalnom režimu rada. Cilj rada je da da dopunske informacije o optimalnom načinu korišćenja traktora radi postizanja učinka koji odgovara vučno-energetskom potencijalu traktora

    Ispitivanje karakteristika ratarskih prskalica u Rasinskom okrugu

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    In agricultural production, pests and diseases of agricultural crops, as well as weed plants, cause significant losses in the yield and quality of agricultural products. One of the most effective ways of fighting is the use of a wide range of chemicals called pesticides. In accordance with the EU Directives 2009/128/EC and 2006/42/EC underlying the standard EN 13790, the Plant Protection Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment of the Republic of Serbia has established a framework for the control of sprayers and mist blowers. Maintaining sprayers for pesticide application in a good state of repair and proper working order reduces their harmful effects on human health and the environment. The nozzle is one of the most important parts of plant protection machines, responsible for the following major functions: delivery of a given amount of liquid in a unit of time, dispersion of the liquid by making droplets of different sizes and forming a stream of a particular shape. Testing of the working safety of sprayers and nozzles was carried out in accordance with the European Standard EN 13790 which specifies the methods and equipment for inspection. The flow rate of nozzles was measured by an S001 nozzle tester (AAMS-Salvarani, Belgium). The measuring equipment used for testing the pesticide application device can accurately determine any deviation and irregularity in the application.U poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji, štetočine i bolesti poljoprivrednih kultura, kao i korovske biljke svake godine prouzrokuju značajne gubitke u prinosu i kvalitetu poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Jedan od najefikasnijih načina borbe jeste primena brojnih i različitih hemijskih sredstava, koja se nazivaju opštim nazivom pesticidi. U skladu sa Direktivama Evropskog parlamenta 2009/128/EC i 2006/42/EC, kojima je osnova standard EN 13790, koji propisuje obavezni pregled mašina za zaštitu bilja, Uprava za zaštitu bilja Ministarstva poljoprivrede i životne sredine Republike Srbije uspostavlja okvir za kontrolu sistema prskalica i orošivača. Upotrebom tehnički ispravnih i kontrolisanih ratarskih prskalica za primenu pesticida smanjuje se njihov štetni uticaj na zdravlje ljudi i životnu okolinu. Jedan od najznačajnijih delova mašina za zaštitu bilja predstavljaju rasprskivači. Oni obavljaju najvažnije funkcije, kao što su: propuštaju zadate količine tečnosti u jedinici vremena, raspršuju tečnost praveći kapljice odgovarajućih veličina i formiraju mlaz odgovarajućeg oblika. Testiranje radne ispravnosti prskalice i rasprskivača vršeno je u skladu sa evropskim normativom EN 13790, koji propisuje metode i opremu kojom se obavlja inspekcija. Protok rasprskivača je meren pomoću ispitivača pojedinačnih rasprskivača S001 belgijskog proizvođača 'AAMS-Salvarani'. Primenom merne opreme za ispitivanje ispravnosti rada uređaja za primenu pesticida, merenjem je moguće tačno ustanoviti svako odstupanje i nepravilnost u radu. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da postoje značajna odstupanja ispitivanih parametara

    Fatty acid profiles and mineral content of Serbian traditional white brined cheeses

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    This study deals with fatty acid profiles and mineral contents of traditional Serbian white cheeses in brine. Study covered four Serbian traditional white brined cheeses: Zlatar cheese, Sjenica cheese, Svrljig cheese and Homolje cheese prepared from raw cow and ovine milk. Fatty acid profiles of traditional cheeses were qualitatively and quantitatively different. The content of saturated fatty acids was in the range of 65.97 %-76.61 % (cow cheeses) and 69.68 %-74.52 % (ovine cheeses). Unsaturated fatty acids range of cow and ovine cheeses was 23.39 %-34.03 % and 25.48 %-30.08 %, respectively. Depending on the type of cheese, the ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids was 1.66 %-11.03 %. The lowest content of saturated fatty acids was observed in Sjenica cow cheeses. Thus, this type of traditional cheeses had the most favorable health indices including atherogenicity index (1.89), thrombogenicity index (1.37) and desirable fatty acid ratio (46.34 %). Mineral content of traditional cheeses was also different. The ratio Ca:P was in the range of 0.70-1.33. The highest level of Ca, P, K, Mg, Zn, Cu and Cr was detected in Sjenica cheeses prepared from cow milk. The absence of Cd was observed in all cheeses