2,765 research outputs found

    Monolithic integration of a very low threshold GaInAsP laser and metal-insulator-semiconductor field-effect transistor on semi-insulating InP

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    Monolithic integration of 1.3-µm groove lasers and metal-insulator-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MISFET) is achieved by a simple single liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) growth process. Laser thresholds as low as 14 mA for 300-µm cavity length are obtained. MIS depletion mode FET's with n channels on LPE grown InP layer show typical transconductance of 5–10 mmho. Laser modulation by the FET current is demonstrated at up to twice the threshold current

    Parallel Repetition of Entangled Games with Exponential Decay via the Superposed Information Cost

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    In a two-player game, two cooperating but non communicating players, Alice and Bob, receive inputs taken from a probability distribution. Each of them produces an output and they win the game if they satisfy some predicate on their inputs/outputs. The entangled value ω(G)\omega^*(G) of a game GG is the maximum probability that Alice and Bob can win the game if they are allowed to share an entangled state prior to receiving their inputs. The nn-fold parallel repetition GnG^n of GG consists of nn instances of GG where the players receive all the inputs at the same time and produce all the outputs at the same time. They win GnG^n if they win each instance of GG. In this paper we show that for any game GG such that ω(G)=1ε<1\omega^*(G) = 1 - \varepsilon < 1, ω(Gn)\omega^*(G^n) decreases exponentially in nn. First, for any game GG on the uniform distribution, we show that ω(Gn)=(1ε2)Ω(nlog(IO)log(ε))\omega^*(G^n) = (1 - \varepsilon^2)^{\Omega\left(\frac{n}{\log(|I||O|)} - |\log(\varepsilon)|\right)}, where I|I| and O|O| are the sizes of the input and output sets. From this result, we show that for any entangled game GG, ω(Gn)(1ε2)Ω(nQlog(IO)log(ε)Q)\omega^*(G^n) \le (1 - \varepsilon^2)^{\Omega(\frac{n}{Q\log(|I||O|)} - \frac{|\log(\varepsilon)|}{Q})} where pp is the input distribution of GG and Q=I2maxxypxy2minxypxyQ= \frac{|I|^2 \max_{xy} p_{xy}^2 }{\min_{xy} p_{xy} }. This implies parallel repetition with exponential decay as long as minxy{pxy}0\min_{xy} \{p_{xy}\} \neq 0 for general games. To prove this parallel repetition, we introduce the concept of \emph{Superposed Information Cost} for entangled games which is inspired from the information cost used in communication complexity.Comment: In the first version of this paper we presented a different, stronger Corollary 1 but due to an error in the proof we had to modify it in the second version. This third version is a minor update. We correct some typos and re-introduce a proof accidentally commented out in the second versio

    Electronic transport in a series of multiple arbitrary tunnel junctions

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    Monte Carlo simulations and an analytical approach within the framework of a semiclassical model are presented which permit the determination of Coulomb blockade and single electron charging effects for multiple tunnel junctions coupled in series. The Coulomb gap in the I(V) curves can be expressed as a simple function of the capacitances in the series. Furthermore, the magnitude of the differential conductivity at current onset is calculated in terms of the model. The results are discussed with respect to the number of junctions.Comment: 3 figures, revte

    Valence fuctuation and magnetic ordering in EuNi2(P1-xGex)2 single crystals

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    Unusual phases and phase transitions are seen at the magnetic-nonmagnetic boundary in Ce, Eu and Yb-based compounds. EuNi2_2P2_{2} is a very unusual valence fluctuating Eu system, because at low temperatures the Eu valence stays close to 2.5 instead of approaching an integer value. Eu valence and thus the magnetic property in this system can be tuned by Ge substitution in P site as EuNi2_2Ge2_{2} is known to exhibit antiferromagnetc (AFM) ordering of divalent Eu moments with TNT_N = 30 K. We have grown EuNi2_2(P1x_{1-x}Gex_x)2_2 (0.0 \leq xx \leq 0.5) single crystals and studied their magnetic, thermodynamic and transport properties. Increasing Ge doping to x>x > 0.4 results in a well-defined AFM ordered state with TNT_N = 12 K for xx = 0.5. Moreover, the reduced value of magnetic entropy for xx = 0.5 at TNT_N suggests the presence of valance fluctuation/ Kondo effect in this compound. Interestingly, the specific heat exhibits an enhanced Sommerfeld coefficient upon Ge doping. Subsequently, electronic structure calculations lead to a non-integral valence in EuNi2_2P2_{2} but a stable divalent Eu state in EuNi2_2Ge2_{2} which is in good agreement with experimental results.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Quantum memory for squeezed light

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    We produce a 600-ns pulse of 1.86-dB squeezed vacuum at 795 nm in an optical parametric amplifier and store it in a rubidium vapor cell for 1 us using electromagnetically induced transparency. The recovered pulse, analyzed using time-domain homodyne tomography, exhibits up to 0.21+-0.04 dB of squeezing. We identify the factors leading to the degradation of squeezing and investigate the phase evolution of the atomic coherence during the storage interval.Comment: To appear in PRL. Changes to version 3: we present a larger data set featuring somewhat less squeezing, but also better statistics and a lower margin of error. Some additional revisions are made in response to the referees' comment

    Relative humidity and its effect on aerosol optical depth in the vicinity of convective clouds

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    The hygroscopic growth of aerosols is controlled by the relative humidity (RH) and changes the aerosols' physical and hence optical properties. Observational studies of aerosol–cloud interactions evaluate the aerosol concentration using optical parameters, such as the aerosol optical depth (AOD), which can be affected by aerosol humidification. In this study we evaluate the RH background and variance values, in the lower cloudy atmosphere, an additional source of variance in AOD values beside the natural changes in aerosol concentration. In addition, we estimate the bias in RH and AOD, related to cloud thickness. This provides the much needed range of RH-related biases in studies of aerosol–cloud interaction. Twelve years of radiosonde measurements (June–August) in thirteen globally distributed stations are analyzed. The estimated non-biased AOD variance due to day-to-day changes in RH is found to be around 20% and the biases linked to cloud development around 10%. Such an effect is important and should be considered in direct and indirect aerosol effect estimations but it is inadequate to account for most of the AOD trend found in observational studies of aerosol–cloud interactions

    Modifications of comet materials by the sublimation process: Results from simulation experiments

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    An active comet like comet Halley loses by sublimation a surface layer of the order of 1 m thickness per perihelion passage. In situ measurements show that water ice is the main constituent which contributes to the gas emission although even more volatile species (CO, NH3, CH4, CO2 etc.) have been identified. Dust particles which were embedded in the ices are carried by the sublimating gases. Measurements of the chemical composition of cometary grains indicate that they are composed of silicates of approximate chondritic composition and refractory carbonaceous material. Comet simulation experiments show that significant modifications of cometary materials occur due to sublimation process in near surface layers which have to be taken into account in order to derive the original state of the material