29 research outputs found

    Comunicação online para a saúde cardiovascular: a mensagem das entidades públicas de saúde e de cardiologia portuguesas e a sua receção por residentes do concelho de Lisboa

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    Tese especialmente elaborada para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências da ComunicaçãoA comunicação é, de acordo com a revisão da literatura, um pilar para a saúde, funcionando como um reforço na promoção da saúde e na prevenção e tratamento da doença. As redes sociais online e os websites têm sido utilizados neste sentido, existindo, no entanto, algumas relutâncias quanto à sua viabilidade, tendo em conta que são ferramentas relativamente recentes e existe uma certa desconfiança que as envolve. As doenças cardiovasculares são as principais causas de morte em Portugal e em todo o mundo. Esta tese propõe-se a caracterizar a mensagem presente no Facebook e nos websites de três entidades públicas de saúde e três organizações cardiovasculares portuguesas, bem como o seu potencial retórico. Adicionalmente, identificam-se as melhores práticas destacadas pelos emissores e as preferências dos recetores – residentes do concelho de Lisboa. A investigação apoia-se no método misto, incluindo a análise de conteúdo, a análise de websites, a análise retórica, a entrevista e o inquérito por questionário. Ancorou-se no funcionalismo e no interpretativismo, no domínio da epistemologia e, quanto às teorias, na teoria dos usos e gratificações, na teoria da retórica, no modelo encoding-decoding, no framing, no modelo de crenças em saúde e no modelo transteórico para a mudança de comportamento. Entre os resultados, anota-se a atenção das entidades emissoras em querer informar, mantendo uma lógica pedagógica que se sobrepõe a uma lógica influenciadora de comportamentos saudáveis. Além disso, identifica-se um valor direcional da mensagem significativamente neutral, que desvenda um uso envergonhado dos apelos às emoções. No entanto, o Facebook e websites são considerados ferramentas promissoras no reforço para a mudança para comportamentos saudáveis, considerando as respostas dos inquiridos e cumprindo a maioria dos requisitos de veracidade da informação. Assim, entende-se que exista o uso ativo do Facebook e dos websites no âmbito da comunicação para a saúde cardiovascular, ainda que recatado, não colocando em prática várias estratégias desenhadas pelas teorias.Communication is, according to the literature review, a pillar for health, working as a reinforcement in health promotion and disease prevention and treatment. Online social media and websites have been used in this sense, although there are some reluctances regarding their viability, due to their relatively recent tools and a certain mistrust that surrounds them. Cardiovascular diseases are the main causes of death in Portugal and worldwide. This thesis aims to characterize the message present on Facebook and on the websites of three public health entities and three Portuguese cardiovascular organizations, as well as its rhetorical potential. Additionally, the best practices highlighted by the issuers and the preferences of the receivers – residents of the municipality of Lisbon – are identified. The investigation is based on the mixed method, including content analysis, website analysis, rhetorical analysis, interview, and questionnaire survey. It was anchored in functionalism and interpretivism, in the domain of epistemology and, in terms of theories, in the theory of uses and gratifications, in the theory of rhetoric, in the encoding-decoding model, in framing, in the health belief model and in the transtheoretical model for behavior change. Among the results, the entities' aim to inform is noticed, maintaining a pedagogical logic that overlaps a logic that influences healthy behaviors. In addition, a significantly neutral directional value of the message is identified, which reveals a shy use of appeals to emotions. However, Facebook and websites are considered promising tools in reinforcing the change to healthy behaviors, considering the respondents' responses, and fulfilling most of the information veracity requirements. Thus, it is understood that there is an active use of Facebook and websites in the context of communication for cardiovascular health, even if modest, not putting into practice various strategies designed by theories.N/

    A contrapropaganda na comunicação eleitoral: análise aos cartazes das eleições legislativas e presidenciais portuguesas de 2001 a 2016

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Comunicação Social, na vertente de Comunicação EstratégicaComprometendo-se a aferir os objetivos da campanha contrapropagandística, esta investigação intenta também apurar a estratégia e especificidades dos cartazes contrapropagandísticos, compreender como os inquiridos lisboetas os percecionam e identificar quais as características comuns do uso da contrapropaganda nos cartazes, visa responder à pergunta de partida Qual o contributo da contrapropaganda para os cartazes políticos nas eleições legislativas e presidenciais portuguesas de 2001 a 2016? A abordagem metodológica é qualitativa e quantitativa, compondo-se da pesquisa documental, da entrevista individual em profundidade, do focus group, do inquérito por questionário online, da análise de conteúdo e semiológica. Segundo os resultados, os principais objetivos da campanha contrapropagandística são prejudicar a mensagem do adversário, limitar a sua aceitação e identificar incoerências nas propostas rivais. O cartaz contrapropagandístico tende a recorrer a figuras políticas concorrentes como protagonistas, cores da bandeira portuguesa, o ângulo normal, e a regra “referência a medidas políticas dos adversários”. Os inquiridos avaliam a contrapropaganda como “importante”, o cartaz contrapropagandístico como sendo mais chamativo, e a regra mais eficaz a “colocação da propaganda do adversário em contradição com os factos”. Os inquiridos que votam sempre, ou quase sempre, e dizem estar informados e ter interesse na política, tendem a rejeitar o cartaz contrapropagandísticoBesides wanting to know the purposes of counterpropaganda, this investigation aims to study the strategy and specificities of counterpropagandatic posters, to understand how the respondents perceive them and to identify the common characteristics of the use of counterpropaganda in posters, in order to answer the question of departure What is the contribution of counterpropaganda to political posters in the Portuguese legislative and presidential elections from 2001 to 2016? The methodological approach is qualitative and quantitative, consisting of documentary research, individual in-depth interview, focus group, online questionnaire survey, content analysis and semiology. According to the results, the main objectives of the counterpropagandist campaign are to undermine the adversary's message, limit its acceptance and identify inconsistencies in rival proposals. The counterpropagandistic poster tends to appeal to political figures competing as protagonists, colors of the Portuguese flag, the normal angle, and the rule "reference to political measures of opponents." Respondents rate counterpropaganda as "important," the counterpropagandatic poster as being flashier, and the most effective rule is "placing adversarial propaganda in contradiction with the facts." Respondents who always vote, or almost always, and say they are informed and interested in politics, tend to reject the counterpropagandistic posterN/

    Giving a ”like” to cardiovascular health: the positive and negative strategy and the reception of Facebook messages from public health entities and Portuguese cardiology organizations

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    As doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) continuam a ser a principal causa de morte em Portugal e em todo o mundo (Direção-Geral da Saúde [DGS], 2017, p. 5), ainda que exista uma melhoria em comparação com décadas anteriores. Essa redução é atribuída a comunicação, um pilar para a saúde. Com o advento da inovação nas tecnologias digitais, alguns autores têm apontado para o contributo das redes sociais online na promoção da saúde e prevenção da doença (e.g. Parvanta & Bass, 2020) O presente artigo concentra-se na comunicação online sobre DCV, examinando especificamente as mensagens do Facebook de entidades de saúde pública e organizações de cardiologia portuguesas. Tem como objetivo conhecer as estratégias persuasivas adotadas e a sua receção pelos residentes do concelho de Lisboa, utilizando a teoria do enquadramento (Rice & Atkin, 2013) e o paradigma de codificação-descodificação (Hall, 1973), em contexto online. A pesquisa foca-se na produção e nos efeitos das mensagens que utilizam estratégias positivas e negativas, explorando dimensões cognitivas, emocionais e comportamentais. O estudo aplica análise de conteúdo – a publicações do Facebook – e um inquérito por questionário – aos residentes do concelho de Lisboa. Os resultados apresentam paradoxos, uma vez que sugerem que a negatividade desperta mais emoções e tem mais potencial para a mudança comportamental, mas pode negligenciar o aspeto pedagógico associado à comunicação para a saúde. É por isso recomendada a comparação dos resultados com outros países, para entender a estratégia de mensagem em cardiologia e a sua receção de forma internacional, bem como o estudo do uso e receção da abordagem negativa e positiva na comunicação de prevenção de outras doenças.Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) continue to be the leading cause of death in Portugal and worldwide (Direção-Geral da Saúde [DGS], 2017, p. 5), although there has been an improvement compared to previous decades. This reduction is attributed to communication, a cornerstone for health. With the advent of innovation in digital technologies, some authors have pointed to the contribution of online social networks in promoting health and disease prevention (e.g. Parvanta & Bass, 2020). This article focuses on online communication about CVD, specifically examining the Facebook messages of public health entities and Portuguese cardiology organizations. It aims to know the persuasive strategies adopted and their reception by residents in the Lisbon district, using framing theory (Rice & Atkin, 2013) and the encoding-decoding paradigm (Hall, 1973) in an online context. The research focuses on the production and effects of messages utilizing positive and negative strategies, exploring cognitive, emotional, and behavioral dimensions. The study employs content analysis to Facebook posts and a survey administered to residents in the Lisbon municipality. The findings present paradoxes, as they suggest that negativity elicits more emotions and has more potential for behavior change, but it may overlook the pedagogical aspect associated with health communication. Therefore, it is recommended to compare the results with other countries to understand the messaging strategy in cardiology and its reception on an international scale, as well as to study the use and reception of negative and positive approaches in communicating the prevention of other diseases.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    “No, you cannot”: O cartaz contrapropagandístico e estratégias de persuasão nas eleições legislativas e presidenciais portuguesas de 2001 a 2016

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    Este artigo foca‑‑se no cartaz com feição de contrapropaganda e na sua estratégia persuasiva nas eleições legislativas e presidenciais portuguesas de 2001 a 2016. Visa apurar a estratégia e especificidades dos cartazes e perceber a sua capacidade persuasiva sobre o eleitorado. A abordagem metodológica é mista, compondo‑‑se da análise de conteúdo e semiológica e do inquérito por questionário online aplicado aos lisboetas. Os resultados indicam que o cartaz contrapropagandístico tende a usar políticos concorrentes como protagonistas, o excesso de tempo governativo como assunto e a regra “referência a medidas políticas dos adversários”. Os inquiridos avaliam a regra “colocação da propaganda do adversário em contradição com os factos” como a mais eficaz. Apura‑‑se quatro relações estatisticamente significativas

    Educomunicación y Empoderamiento en la Salud Cardiovascular de Residentes de Lisboa

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    Online educommunication and empowerment are crucial dimensions in awareness, literacy and change processes, and their articulation may bring benefits to cardiovascular health, given that cardiovascular diseases are the deadliest in the world, including in Portugal. This paper aims to explore the relationship between online educommunication and empowerment in cardiovascular health, using Lisbon citizens as a case. The theoretical framework is composed by the interactivity and empowerment model, the health belief model and the uses and gratifications theory. The questionnaire survey was applied to a gender and age quota sample (N=400). The questionnaire includes thematic dimensions, such as online informative practices on cardiovascular health, the eHEALS scale, and the importance and effectiveness of the educommunicative message on cardiovascular health features. Results show that the educommunicative message has characteristics at the level of purpose, content, type, format, emotions, and logic, which enhance it the most. This indicates that exposure to messages with these characteristics may instigate empowerment and behavior change. Respondents self-rated with the most positive levels on the eHEALS scale, showing empowerment at the eHealth level, with age rather than gender differences. There is evidence that eHealth skills and having cardiovascular disease influence information seeking and empowerment. The main contribution lies in identifying characteristics of the cardiovascular health educommunication message that can optimize recipient’s empowerment.La educomunicación en línea y el empoderamiento son dimensiones cruciales en los procesos de concienciación, alfabetización y cambio, y su articulación puede aportar beneficios a la salud cardiovascular, dado que las enfermedades cardiovasculares son las más mortíferas del mundo, incluso en Portugal. Este trabajo pretende explorar la relación entre educomunicación online y empoderamiento en salud cardiovascular, utilizando como caso los residentes del municipio de Lisboa. El marco teórico está compuesto por el modelo de interactividad y empoderamiento, el modelo de creencias en salud y la teoría de usos y gratificaciones. El cuestionario se aplica a una muestra por cuotas de sexo y edad (N=400). El cuestionario incluye dimensiones temáticas, como las prácticas informativas en línea sobre salud cardiovascular, la escala eHEALS, la importancia y la eficacia de las características del mensaje educomunicativo sobre salud cardiovascular. Los resultados muestran que el mensaje educomunicativo tiene características a nivel de propósito, contenido, tipo, formato, emociones y lógica, que lo realzan más, según la evaluación de los encuestados. Esto indica que la exposición a mensajes con estas características puede instigar la capacitación y el cambio de comportamiento. Los encuestados se autocalificaron con los niveles más positivos en la escala eHEALS, lo que demuestra su capacitación a nivel de eSalud, con diferencias más de edad que género. Existen pruebas de que las competencias en eSalud y el hecho de padecer una enfermedad cardiovascular influyen en la búsqueda de información y en la capacitación.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fiber Optic Sensing System for Temperature and Gas Monitoring in Coal Waste Pile Combustion Environments

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    International audienceIt is presented an optical fiber sensing system projected to operate in the demanding conditions associated with coal waste piles in combustion. Distributed temperature measurement and spot gas sensing are requirements for such a system. A field prototype has been installed and is continuously gathering data, which will input a geological model of the coal waste piles in combustion aiming to understand their dynamics and evolution. Results are presented on distributed temperature and ammonia measurement, being noticed any significant methane emission in the short time period considered. Carbon dioxide is also a targeted gas for measurement, with validated results available soon. The assessment of this technology as an effective and reliable tool to address the problem of monitoring coal waste piles in combustion opens the possibility of its widespread application in view of the worldwide presence of coal related fires

    Towards the new Thematic Core Service Tsunami within the EPOS Research Infrastructure

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    Tsunamis constitute a significant hazard for European coastal populations, and the impact of tsunami events worldwide can extend well beyond the coastal regions directly affected. Understanding the complex mechanisms of tsunami generation, propagation, and inundation, as well as managing the tsunami risk, requires multidisciplinary research and infrastructures that cross national boundaries. Recent decades have seen both great advances in tsunami science and consolidation of the European tsunami research community. A recurring theme has been the need for a sustainable platform for coordinated tsunami community activities and a hub for tsunami services. Following about three years of preparation, in July 2021, the European tsunami community attained the status of Candidate Thematic Core Service (cTCS) within the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) Research Infrastructure. Within a transition period of three years, the Tsunami candidate TCS is anticipated to develop into a fully operational EPOS TCS. We here outline the path taken to reach this point, and the envisaged form of the future EPOS TCS Tsunami. Our cTCS is planned to be organised within four thematic pillars: (1) Support to Tsunami Service Providers, (2) Tsunami Data, (3) Numerical Models, and (4) Hazard and Risk Products. We outline how identified needs in tsunami science and tsunami risk mitigation will be addressed within this structure and how participation within EPOS will become an integration point for community development

    Towards the new Thematic Core Service Tsunami within the EPOS Research Infrastructure

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    Tsunamis constitute a significant hazard for European coastal populations, and the impact of tsunami events worldwide can extend well beyond the coastal regions directly affected. Understanding the complex mechanisms of tsunami generation, propagation, and inundation, as well as managing the tsunami risk, requires multidisciplinary research and infrastructures that cross national boundaries. Recent decades have seen both great advances in tsunami science and consolidation of the European tsunami research community. A recurring theme has been the need for a sustainable platform for coordinated tsunami community activities and a hub for tsunami services. Following about three years of preparation, in July 2021, the European tsunami community attained the status of Candidate Thematic Core Service (cTCS) within the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) Research Infrastructure. Within a transition period of three years, the Tsunami candidate TCS is anticipated to develop into a fully operational EPOS TCS. We here outline the path taken to reach this point, and the envisaged form of the future EPOS TCS Tsunami. Our cTCS is planned to be organised within four thematic pillars: (1) Support to Tsunami Service Providers, (2) Tsunami Data, (3) Numerical Models, and (4) Hazard and Risk Products. We outline how identified needs in tsunami science and tsunami risk mitigation will be addressed within this structure and how participation within EPOS will become an integration point for community development.publishedVersio

    Highly-Birefringent Photonic Bandgap Bragg Fiber Loop Mirror for Sensing Applications

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    International audienceA highly-birefringent photonic bandgap Bragg fiber loop mirror sensor is proposed. Thanks to the Bragg fiber geometry, one can observe the group birefringence and the bandgap fiber in the transfer function. The sensing head presented different sensitivities for strain and temperature measurements. Using the matrix method, both the physical parameters can be discriminated. It is important to highlight that this Bragg fiber presents sensitivity to temperature of ~5.75 nm/ºC, for the group birefringence measurand