61 research outputs found

    A Multipath Routing Protocol Based on Clustering and Ant Colony Optimization for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    For monitoring burst events in a kind of reactive wireless sensor networks (WSNs), a multipath routing protocol (MRP) based on dynamic clustering and ant colony optimization (ACO) is proposed. Such an approach can maximize the network lifetime and reduce the energy consumption. An important attribute of WSNs is their limited power supply, and therefore some metrics (such as energy consumption of communication among nodes, residual energy, path length) were considered as very important criteria while designing routing in the MRP. Firstly, a cluster head (CH) is selected among nodes located in the event area according to some parameters, such as residual energy. Secondly, an improved ACO algorithm is applied in the search for multiple paths between the CH and sink node. Finally, the CH dynamically chooses a route to transmit data with a probability that depends on many path metrics, such as energy consumption. The simulation results show that MRP can prolong the network lifetime, as well as balance of energy consumption among nodes and reduce the average energy consumption effectively

    The Lunar Lander Neutron and Dosimetry (LND) Experiment on Chang'E 4

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    Chang'E 4 is the first mission to the far side of the Moon and consists of a lander, a rover, and a relay spacecraft. Lander and rover were launched at 18:23 UTC on December 7, 2018 and landed in the von K\'arm\'an crater at 02:26 UTC on January 3, 2019. Here we describe the Lunar Lander Neutron \& Dosimetry experiment (LND) which is part of the Chang'E 4 Lander scientific payload. Its chief scientific goal is to obtain first active dosimetric measurements on the surface of the Moon. LND also provides observations of fast neutrons which are a result of the interaction of high-energy particle radiation with the lunar regolith and of their thermalized counterpart, thermal neutrons, which are a sensitive indicator of subsurface water content.Comment: 38 pages, submitted to Space Science Review

    Whole-genome sequencing of the snub-nosed monkey provides insights into folivory and evolutionary history

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    Colobines are a unique group of Old World monkeys that principally eat leaves and seeds rather than fruits and insects. We report the sequencing at 146× coverage, de novo assembly and analyses of the genome of a male golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) and resequencing at 30× coverage of three related species (Rhinopithecus bieti, Rhinopithecus brelichi and Rhinopithecus strykeri). Comparative analyses showed that Asian colobines have an enhanced ability to derive energy from fatty acids and to degrade xenobiotics. We found evidence for functional evolution in the colobine RNASE1 gene, encoding a key secretory RNase that digests the high concentrations of bacterial RNA derived from symbiotic microflora. Demographic reconstructions indicated that the profile of ancient effective population sizes for R. roxellana more closely resembles that of giant panda rather than its congeners. These findings offer new insights into the dietary adaptations and evolutionary history of colobine primates

    Assessing the impact of afforestation on soil organic C sequestration by means of sequential density fractionation.

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    Afforestation is a prevalent practice carried out for soil recovery and carbon sequestration. Improved understanding of the effects of afforestation on soil organic carbon (SOC) content and dynamics is necessary to identify the particular processes of soil organic matter (SOM) formation and/or decomposition that result from afforestation. To elucidate these mechanisms, we have used a sequential density fractionation technique to identify the transfer mechanisms of forest derived C to soil fractions and investigate the impact of afforestation on SOC sequestration. Surface soil samples from continuous maize crop land (C4) and forest land (C3), which had been established 5, 12 and 25 yr, respectively, on the Northeast China Plain were separated into five density fractions. SOC, nitrogen (N) concentration and δ13C data from the three forests and adjacent cropland were compared. Afforestation decreased SOC concentration in the < 2.5 g cm-3 fractions from 5 yr forest sites, but increased SOC content in the < 2.0 g cm-3 fractions from 25 yr forest sites. Afforestation did not affect soil mass distribution, SOC and N proportional weight distributions across the density fractions. The < 1.8 g cm-3 fractions from 12 and 25 yr forests showed higher C/N and lower δ13C as compared to other fractions. Incorporation of forest litter-derived C occurred from low density (< 1.8 g cm-3) fractions to aggregates of higher density (1.8-2.5 g cm-3) through aggregate recombination and C transport in the pore system of the aggregates. Some forest litter-derived C could transfer from the light fractions or directly diffuse and adsorb onto mineral particles. Results from this study indicate that microaggregate protection and association between organic material and minerals provide major contribution to the SOC sequestration in the afforested soil system

    Distribution of mass, SOC and N across the density fractions from the crop and forest land (F5, 5 yr forest; C5, F5 adjacent crop soil; F12, 12 yr forest; C12, F12 adjacent crop soil; F25, 25 yr forest; C25, F25 adjacent crop soil.

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    <p>Error bars are standard error of the means; ns: P > 0.05. The density axis in this graph reflects the midpoint of each density range except for the two extremes which are plotted as the lowest and highest minus or plus 0.1 g cm<sup>-3</sup>.</p

    δ<sup>13</sup>C for the 5 density fractions from 5, 12 and 25 yr forest and adjacent crop sites.

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    <p>Error bars are standard error of the means. The δ<sup>13</sup>C data for arable crop litter and forest litter were-12.8‰ and-29.0‰, respectively.</p

    X-ray diffraction traces for the density fractions from each soil.

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    <p>A. 5 year old forest; b. 12 year old forest; c. 25 year old forest. Al: albite; Am: amphibole; Cl: clinochlore; Mi: microcline; Mu: muscovite; Q: quartz. For a specific density fraction, soil samples from the Crop lands showed the same X-ray diffraction traces with that of adjacent forest soil. Therefore, only the results for forest soils were presented.</p

    SOC concentration for the 5 density fractions from 5, 12 and 25 yr forest and the adjacent crop soil.

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    <p>Error bars are standard error of the means; Within a group, different letters indicate a significant difference between land uses (P < 0.05).</p