203 research outputs found

    Chinese Civil Society

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    Chinese values : conception and practice : English synopsis

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    Overseas investment of Chinese enterprises : a casebook on corporate social responsibility

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    This book offers unique case studies on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in overseas investments of Chinese Enterprises, covering different industry sectors and regions. The decision making process of key stakeholders in ethical dilemmas, successes, failures and lessons learnt in CSR are analyzed. This book also offers an analysis of the core principles of effective stakeholder engagement, strategic planning and due diligence in the investment process, in topics such as infrastructure, mergers and acquisition, integration of local employees, trade unions and responsible advertising. It reiterates the importance of responsible business for the success of effective Outbound Direct Investment (ODI) strategies

    CSR Report on Chinese Business Overseas Operation

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    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to corporate behaviour that pro-actively meets the ethical expectations of the public and voluntarily contributes to the society. The global CSR movement yields numerous initiatives, standards and legislation. Owing to the need for development as well as the reform and opening-up policy, mounting Chinese enterprises are “going global” with large amounts of capital. Nevertheless, some foreign governments cast doubt on China’s strategic intent, and the general public is dissatisfied with Chinese CSR performance. Chinese enterprises must strengthen their capacities regarding risk control, internal governance, public communication etc., so as to achieve mutual benefit with multi-stakeholders and build an image of responsible global citizenship

    Philanthropy in China

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    Philanthropy in China is fast growing. A new important charity law of China came into effect in 2016. This book is a comprehensive report about these developments: Philanthropy is considered the third form of wealth distribution (private means to public ends and communities) after market competition and taxation scheme. In individualistic and market-oriented societies, philanthropy is more established and relevant than in societies, where the state controls distribution. This book compares Chinese and Western concepts of philanthropy and analyzes the history, drivers, institutional environment, latest legal frame, donation patterns, the role of civil society, corporate giving and the media in Chinese philanthropy. The report serves as comprehensive overview for all actors in society in China and internationally who are dealing with philanthropy in China. (Globethics.net Publications

    中国价值观:理念与实践 : Chinese values : conception and practice

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    拥有悠久历史与深厚底蕴的中国,在当今全球舞台扮演着愈发积 极且重要的角色。由24字组成的社会主义核心价值观,集中体现 了中国官方所推崇的当代中国集体价值诉求与实践纲领,本书旨 在从历史、政治与文化的视角,初步尝试发掘并解读其形成的根 源及合理性,并帮助读者理解其背后根深蒂固的伦理价值体系。 China represents a profound, long history, a vibrant presence and an important role in the world. This book offers a profound and initial attempt to excavate and decipher the historical, political and cultural moral values of China. It shows the rationale and legitimacy behind Chinese socialist value propositions of contemporary Chinese nation. It contributes to the understanding of values and the appreciation of Chinese cultural norms with its nuanced approach


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    INTRODUCTION: Rearfoot motion can be quantified in three dimensions by examining the movements of the rearfoot relative to the leg occurring at the ankle/subtalar joint complex. In turn, these movements can be broken down into their components of dorsiflexion/plantarflexion, inversion/eversion and adduction/abduction. The aim of the present study was to quantify the shoe control of rearfoot motion during walking and running


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    INTRODUCTION: Taekwondo is form of athletics involving lower limb movement. In this sport, knee extension is important. As a result, the maximum extension force index of knee is one of important force targets for Taekwondo athletes to achieve. The focus of this experiment is the lower extremity force of an experienced male Taekwondo athlete. The purpose of this study is to understand the kinetic of lower extremity force and to find some regularity so as to provide scientific reference for training and selecting the Taekwondo athlete

    中国企业 “走出去” 社会责任研究报告

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    企业的社会责任指企业主动满足公众对其的道德期待或自 愿为社会作出额外贡献的行为。随着全球企业社会责任运动的发 展,各类倡议、规范和立法层出不穷。在改革开放政策和自身发 展需求的推动下,中国企业加快了“走出去”的步伐。但部分外 国政府对中方的战略意图尚有疑虑,海外公众对中国企业的责任 表现仍有微词。中国企业亟须提高风险管控、内部治理、公共沟 通等能力,进而实现与诸多利益相关者的互利共赢,树立负责任 的全球公民形象