1,086 research outputs found

    Rifampicin-induced acute thrombocytopenia.

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    Rifampicin is an essential component of the treatment regimen for tuberculosis. Extensive clinical experience has shown that the drug is well tolerated, but on rare occasions it can cause life threatening adverse reactions like acute renal failure and thrombocytopenia. At the Tuberculosis Research Centre, we have treated more than 8000 patients with pulmonary and extra-pulmonary tuberculosis with rifampicin-containing regimens over the past 30 years and we are reporting a case of acute thrombocytopenia probably rifampicin induced, in a patient who was retreated for tuberculosis. The physician treating tuberculosis patients must be aware of this rare life threatening complication, which if detected early, is completely reversible

    Photoreactivation of total heterotrophic bacteria in bottled drinking water after inactivation with pulsed ultra-violet light

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    Bacteria which cause opportunistic infections such as Pseudomonas can self resuscitate incircumstances where effective UV disinfection is compromised and is exposed to sunlight. The study investigated the effect of sub-lethal doses of pulsed ultra-violet (PUV) light on total heterotrophic bacteria (THB) in three brands of bottled water packed in glass and plastic bottles and how photoreactivation and dark repair occurred. The effect of exposure time on photoreactivation of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa after inactivation with PUV was also investigated. THB in brands 1, 2 and 3 were completely inactivated by 7, 3 and 5 pulses of UV light respectively. Light repair of THB varied in the three brands of bottled water due perhaps to differences in the ionic composition of the three brands. Brands 1, 2 and 3 having 0.4, 0.7 and 1.7 log units of repair. respectively. Evidence of dark repair was not significant. Photo-repair in E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa increased gradually with continual exposure to irradiating light for a period after which there was a decrease, suggesting that for a particular bacterium and illuminating source, an optimum time of exposure exist during which maximum photo-repair occur

    An Implementation of Polyglot Voice Supervise Home Device Using Raspberry Pi

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    Most of us tend to enjoy the ease of living by doing the bare minimum. The same applies while operating the devices at home by just a few touches or by using our voice in the preferred language. A smart home is an Internet of Things (IoT) platform that uses the internet to control the devices at our home, and this technology has grown enormously over the past few years encouraging new ideas. And with that thought, this system will be implementing Home Automation with Raspberry Pi and Google Assistant by controlling the appliances like lights, fans, air conditioners, temperature sensors, and more, in any preferred language.  Platforms like If This Then That (IFTTT), Adafruit, Message Queueing Telemetry Transport (MQTT), and Raspberry Pi IO are used to connect the hardware with the software that is a common path for devices that are connected to the Relay module and the Google Assistant. The IFTTT platforms are easily available on our smartphones or a website that makes it easy for us to access different devices at different parts of the house or anywhere. Home automation minimizes the manual switching  ON/OFF of the appliances whilst being controlled by the commands that are given by the users. This project builds an automation system that uses the range of Wifi or Bluetooth, which is easily accessible by the users to connect their devices and control them by voice through Google Assistant. This makes it easy for the users to access their devices wherever they are.  Home automation comes as an advantage for older people and especially the physically disabled. The main objective of this proposed project is to provide a comfortable and a digitalized environment to use the day-to-day appliances with added security

    Three-body decay of 6^{6}Be

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    Three-body correlations for the ground-state decay of the lightest two-proton emitter 6^{6}Be are studied both theoretically and experimentally. Theoretical studies are performed in a three-body hyperspherical-harmonics cluster model. In the experimental studies, the ground state of 6^{6}Be was formed following the α\alpha decay of a 10^{10}C beam inelastically excited through interactions with Be and C targets. Excellent agreement between theory and experiment is obtained demonstrating the existence of complicated correlation patterns which can elucidate the structure of 6^{6}Be and, possibly, of the A=6 isobar.Comment: 17 pages, 21 figures, 5 table

    Optimizing Pre-Trained Models of Deep Learning for Identification of Plant Disease

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    The Plant diseases should be identified early to prevent the economic loss of farmers and ensure the availability of food for humans. The plant disease identification can be automated by using the Artificial Intelligence techniques. Researchers have proposed many deep learning methods for identifying plant diseases. Deep learning models use an increased number of parameters, it requires higher computational power, training a deep learning model from start requires more time. In this article we utilized transfer learning along with fine tuning for identification of plant diseases. Cassava plant disease dataset was utilised for training. and evaluate the suggested model. The performance accuracy achieved by Resnet50 is 73.12 % and fine-tuned Resnet50 is 80.84 %. The fine-tuned model achieves greater accuracy with a lesser amount of parameters Impact Statement–Artificial Intelligence is evolving all around the world. The AI techniques are used to automate the process of plant disease identification. Traditional methods are not accurate and time consuming. To help the farmers in diagnosing plant disease and stop economic loss to them, we employ deep learning models to do the work. The pretrained models predict the plant diseases, further we fine-tune them in order to get high accuracy. Early identification of the diseases accurately will avoid loss and improve productivity of the crops


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    Level kinerja adalah salah satu faktor utama dalam perencanaan gedung bertingkat yang berfungsi untuk mengetahui batas kekuatan gedung tersebut menerima beban. Batas level kinerja yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini antara lain, Immediate Occupancy (Penggunaan Sedang), Damage Control (Kontrol Kerusakan), Life Safety (Aman untuk Dihuni), Structural Stability (Stabilitas Struktur). Bangunan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Gedung Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado, dengan jumlah lantai 13 dengan atap dan tinggi total bangunan 56 m dengan lebar bentang arah X 21 m dan bentang arah Y 40 m. Adapun penelitian ini juga menggunakan Respon Spectrum area Manado, Sulawesi Utara dengan nilai Ss= 1,036 g dan S1= 0.442 g.Untuk mencari atau menentukan level kinerja biasanya dilakukan dengan cara analisis pushover, atau analisis beban dorong statik untuk mengetahui perilaku keruntuhan bangunan terhadap gempa. Analisis Pushover biasanya dihitung dengan menggunakan bermacam program.Dalam penelitian ini analisis Pushover menggunakan program PERFORM 3D untuk mengetahui beberapa besar gaya maksimum yang dapat ditahan struktur serta besar perpindahan struktur. Analisis pushover (build-in pada program PERFORM 3D dilakukan berdasarkan ATC – 40 (capacity spectrum method) dimana kondisi kerusakan (damage states) dikategorikan dalam berbagai level, dan FEMA – 356 merupakan metode dengan memodifikasi respon elastic linier sistem struktur sehingga diperoleh perpindahan yang disebut sebagai target perpindahan.Dari Hasil penelitian didapat nilai perpindahan maksimum 0,998 m dan gaya geser maksimum 3017866,5 kg untuk arah X dan untuk arah Y nilai perpindahan maksimum 0,728 m dan gaya geser maksimum 2590323,88. Dari hasil evaluasi struktur FEMA 356 level kinerja struktur bangunan tinjauan berada pada batas antara Life Safety (LS), berdasarkan ATC 40 masuk dalam kategori B.  Kata Kunci: pushover, assessment, level kinerja, PERFORM 3

    COVID-19 in pregnant women: a comparative observational study of pregnancy outcome in three waves of COVID-19 in district hospital, Ballari

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    Background: A three wave pattern of corona virus has been seen in many countries during the 2020 pandemic. Observed data show that the effects of the virus do vary between the three waves. Differences in severity of the disease have been reported, although the comparative characteristics of the three waves still remain largely unknown.Methods: This was a prospective cross sectional study continuation of our first paper comparing 133 pregnant COVID- 19 positive patients in the first wave and 251 patients admitted during second wave and 92 patients in third wave who delivered at district hospital, Bellary.Results: In the present study 72.8% patients were in the age of 20-30 years, 85.87% patients belong to lower socio- economic status, mild anaemia about 32.6% in third wave, moderate anaemia seen in 10.8% in third wave, and 3.44% had severe anaemia. Non-severe pre-eclampsia was present in 10.8% of the patients, severe pre-eclampsia was seen in 6.52% of the cases and. Mode of delivery was 29.34% FTND, 3.26% FTVD emergency LSCS was 63.06% in third wave, and preterm delivery was seen in 4.34% in third wave. Elevated levels of D-dimer were found 25% in third wave. 0 deaths being reported in third wave.Conclusions: This study compared the obstetric and clinical outcome in COVID-19 positive patients who are in labor in first, second, and third wave of COVID-19 infection. Although our conclusions are limited, the finding so obtained are important for understanding the clinical parameters, obstetric parameters and perinatal outcome in three waves

    Astrophysical S factor for the radiative capture 12N(p,gamma)13O determined from the 14N(12N,13O)13C proton transfer reaction

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    The cross section of the radiative proton capture reaction on the drip line nucleus 12N was investigated using the Asymptotic Normalization Coefficient (ANC) method. We have used the 14N(12N,13O)13C proton transfer reaction at 12 MeV/nucleon to extract the ANC for 13O -> 12N + p and calculate from it the direct component of the astrophysical S factor of the 12N(p,gamma)13O reaction. The optical potentials used and the DWBA analysis of the proton transfer reaction are discussed. For the entrance channel, the optical potential was inferred from an elastic scattering measurement carried out at the same time with the transfer measurement. From the transfer, we determined the square of the ANC, C^2(13Og.s.) = 2.53 +/- 0.30 fm-1, and hence a value of 0.33(4) keVb was obtained for the direct astrophysical S factor at zero energy. Constructive interference at low energies between the direct and resonant captures leads to an enhancement of Stotal(0) = 0.42(5) keVb. The 12N(p,gamma)13O reaction was investigated in relation to the evolution of hydrogen-rich massive Population III stars, for the role that it may play in the hot pp-chain nuclear burning processes, possibly occurring in such objects.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables submitted to Phys. Rev.
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