950 research outputs found

    Empirically probing the quantity-quality model

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    This paper tests whether family size has a causal effect on girls' education in Mexico. It exploits son preference as the main source of random variation in the propensity to have more children, and estimates causal effects using instrumental variables. Overall, it finds no evidence of family size having an adverse effect on education, once the endogeneity of family size is accounted for. Results are robust to another commonly used instrument in this literature, the occurrence of twin births. A divisive concern throughout this literature is that the instruments are invalid, so that inferences including policy recommendations may be misleading. An important contribution of this paper is to allow for the possibility that the instruments are invalid and to provide an answer to the question of just how much the assumption of instrument exogeneity drives findings. It concludes that the assumption of exogeneity does not affect the results that much, and the effects of family size on girls' schooling remain extremely modest at most.

    Utilization of Infrared Thermography in Cattle Production and Its Application Potency in Indonesia

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    Infrared thermography (IRT) is a non-invasive remote sensing method to detect temperature. Many studies have shown that temperature in several regions of the body could be representative of core body temperature. Body temperature of cattle can be used to evaluate health status, stress, thermal balance, and feed efficiency. The aim of this article is to review utilization of IRT in cattle production system and its potency to be applied in Indonesia. The ability of IRT to detect even the small change of body surface temperature has made this device is very useful in cattle production industry. Infrared thermography has been used as a tool to detect an early detection of inflammation as sign of some diseases such as mastitis, foot and mouth disease. Infrared thermography can also evaluate feed efficiency through detection of heat production produced by metabolism process. Some important constraints of cattle production in Indonesia such as diseases and low feed efficiency may have strong correlation with body temperature change. Therefore, IRT is very potential to be applied in cattle farms in Indonesia

    Exploring the role of healing spaces in the metaphysical and physical realm: towards a place for meditation in Durban.

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    Master of Art in Architecture. University of KwaZulu-Natal. Durban, 2017.Over the course of seventy years, the structure of global society has drastically changed following the trend of globalization. Factors such as stress and anxiety have becoming increasingly common, affecting nearly one in thirteen people on both a local and international scale (Psychological medicine, 2012:471). Financial responsibilities, family commitments and work obligations are but few attributing causes to the fluctuation of one’s stress and anxiety levels. Unfortunately, many of our living and working environments pay little to no regard to human comfort, sensual experience and wellbeing, thereby creating negative environments which aggravate stress and anxiety. Although studies have shown the importance of nature on the human mind and body, many of individuals still prefer to remain indoors based on social conventions. The aim of this project is to therefore help improve the quality of life for individuals seeking to find balance by using architecture as a healing agent across the metaphysical and physical realm. In doing so, people have the opportunity to unlock the inner depths of their consciousness whilst establishing links with nature and place which are vital towards achieving holistic wellbeing

    Mental Health Stigma in South Asians with Crohn’s Disease

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    Chronically ill individuals often face comorbid mental illnesses. Mental illness symptoms can cause their chronic illness symptoms to worsen; the converse is also true. Such is the case with Crohn’s disease (CD) patients. The present literature lacks research on the relationship between CD and mental illness symptoms. Additionally, the literature lacks chronically ill participants who are South Asian Americans (SAA). SAA often face more mental health stigma than their white peers which can worsen one’s mental illness symptoms. This study examines the impact that mental health symptoms have on the psychological distress faced by SAA who are diagnosed with CD. Additionally, mental illness type, mental health stigma, acculturation status, quality of life, and illness intrusiveness will moderate this relationship. A sample of 757 SAA participants, both with and without CD, will complete a survey that measures their acculturation status, quality of life, illness intrusiveness, mental health stigma, mental illness type, and psychological distress. It is hypothesized that being diagnosed with CD leads to an increase in mental health symptoms which leads to higher levels of mental health stigma which ultimately results in higher levels of psychological distress. CD participants will experience higher levels of mental health stigma, illness intrusiveness, and psychological distress and lower levels of quality of life than non-CD participants. This study provides a more nuanced look into two underrepresented populations (CD patients and SAA individuals) and can help clinicians develop culturally-informed mental health interventions for SAA CD patients

    Compassion in difficult spaces: Improving support for mentally ill offenders in Canadian federal prisons

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    Incarcerated individuals are more likely to deal with mental health challenges than the broader Canadian public. Mental illness can be a contributor to criminal behaviour, while the experience of incarceration can exacerbate underlying mental health conditions. However, there are limited existing supports for these incarcerated individuals, meaning that offenders may become trapped in vicious cycles of recidivism linked to ongoing mental health challenges. This study explores what might be done to this policy problem in Canadian correctional facilities. Drawing on existing literature, case studies and a series of expert interviews, the study presents, and evaluates, four possible policy paths forward. The analysis supports three policy recommendations to begin to tackle this issue: transferring healthcare responsibilities to provincial Ministries of Health; introducing mandatory mental health training for staff; and creating a community program liaison officer pilot project

    Novel fingerprint development techniques

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    There are numerous pre-existing fingerprint development techniques, however, often prints are difficult to develop, depending on their age or the surface upon which they have been deposited. Forensic scientists are relentlessly looking for new and better methods to enhance fingerprints. More recent technologies have higher sensitivity to very low levels of constituents present in residues and so are able to unearth significant details from a person’s fingerprints at molecular level e.g. DNA, drug metabolites. Therefore, research continues in an attempt to generate novel, nondestructive processes that can enhance latent fingerprints. Exposing fingerprints to the p-block compounds selenium dioxide (SeO2), phosphorus sulfides (P4Sx) and phosphonitrilic chloride trimer (NPCl2)3, in the vapour phase resulted in latent prints being visualized on a range of media. Selenium dioxide revealed prints on metal surfaces (e.g. brass) which were enhanced further upon formation of a dark brown coating of copper-selenide formed on the surface when exposed to moisture, giving a better contrast. P4S3 vapour revealed a higher percentage of prints and samples had greater stability in air while although (NPCl2)3 was able to develop fingerprints, the low quality was undesirable. Initially it was thought that (NPCl2)3 has the potential for further derivatisation but was proven very difficult to interact with compounds especially those with the potential to induce fluorescence. However, all three compounds are commercially available and sublimation techniques are straightforward. [Continues.
