17 research outputs found

    Measurement of proteinuria

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    In pregnancy, there is a focus on measurement of proteinuria as it has been regarded as critical to the diagnosis of pre-eclampsia, the most dangerous of the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. However, it is increasingly recognised that proteinuria is not essential for the diagnosis of pre-eclampsia, which can be based on other end-organ complications (such as elevated liver enzymes). Although heavy proteinuria has been linked with an increased risk of stillbirth in a ‘signs and symptoms only’ model of maternal risk (i.e., miniPIERS), we lack the ability to identify a level of proteinuria above which maternal and/or perinatal risk is heightened. Therefore, at present, we rely on the detection of proteinuria that exceeds what is normally excreted by healthy pregnant women. Proteinuria detection methods are also a matter of keen debate, with all available methods having advantages and disadvantages.Publisher PD

    Maternal and Newborn Health in Karnataka State, India: The Community Level Interventions for Pre-Eclampsia (CLIP) Trial's Baseline Study Results.

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    Existing vital health statistics registries in India have been unable to provide reliable estimates of maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity, and region-specific health estimates are essential to the planning and monitoring of health interventions. This study was designed to assess baseline rates as the precursor to a community-based cluster randomized control trial (cRCT)-Community Level Interventions for Pre-eclampsia (CLIP) Trial (NCT01911494; CTRI/2014/01/004352). The objective was to describe baseline demographics and health outcomes prior to initiation of the CLIP trial and to improve knowledge of population-level health, in particular of maternal and neonatal outcomes related to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, in northern districts the state of Karnataka, India. The prospective population-based survey was conducted in eight clusters in Belgaum and Bagalkot districts in Karnataka State from 2013-2014. Data collection was undertaken by adapting the Maternal and Newborn Health registry platform, developed by the Global Network for Women's and Child Health Studies. Descriptive statistics were completed using SAS and R. During the period of 2013-2014, prospective data was collected on 5,469 pregnant women with an average age of 23.2 (+/-3.3) years. Delivery outcomes were collected from 5,448 completed pregnancies. A majority of the women reported institutional deliveries (96.0%), largely attended by skilled birth attendants. The maternal mortality ratio of 103 (per 100,000 livebirths) was observed during this study, neonatal mortality ratio was 25 per 1,000 livebirths, and perinatal mortality ratio was 50 per 1,000 livebirths. Despite a high number of institutional deliveries, rates of stillbirth were 2.86%. Early enrollment and close follow-up and monitoring procedures established by the Maternal and Newborn Health registry allowed for negligible lost to follow-up. This population-level study provides regional rates of maternal and newborn health in Belgaum and Bagalkot in Karnataka over 2013-14. The mortality ratios and morbidity information can be used in planning interventions and monitoring indicators of effectiveness to inform policy and practice. Comprehensive regional epidemiologic data, such as that provided here, is essential to gauge improvements and challenges in maternal health, as well as track disparities found in rural areas

    Community Engagement for Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness in the Community Level Interventions for Pre-eclampsia (CLIP) Trial in India: A Mixed-Method Evaluation

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    Objective: To describe the process of community engagement (CE) in northern Karnataka, India and its impact on pre-eclampsia knowledge, birth preparedness and complication readiness, pregnancy-related care seeking and maternal morbidity. Design: This study was a secondary analysis of a cluster randomised trial of Community Level Interventions for Pre-eclampsia (CLIP). A total of 12 clusters based on primary health centre catchment areas were randomised to intervention or control. CE was conducted in intervention clusters. CE attendance was summarised according to participant group using both quantitative and qualitative assessment. Pre-eclampsia knowledge, birth preparedness, health services engagement and perinatal outcomes was evaluated within trial surveillance. Outcomes were compared between trial arms using a mixed effects logistic regression model on RStudio (RStudio, Boston, USA). Community feedback notes were thematically analysed on NVivo V.12 (QSR International, Melbourne, Australia). Setting: Belagavi and Bagalkote districts in rural Karnataka, India. Participants: Pregnant women and women of reproductive age, mothers and mothers-in-law, community stakeholders and male household decision-makers and health workers. Results: A total of 1379 CE meetings were conducted with 39 362 participants between November 2014 and October 2016. CE activities may have had an effect on modifying community attitudes towards hypertension in pregnancy and its complications. However, rates of pre-eclampsia knowledge, birth preparedness, health services engagement and maternal morbidities among individual pregnant women were not significantly impacted by CE activities in their area. Conclusion: Evaluation of our CE programme in India demonstrates the feasibility of reaching pregnant women alongside household decision-makers, community stakeholders and health workers. More research is needed to explore the pathways of impact between broad community mobilisation to strengthen support for maternal care seeking and clinical outcomes of individual pregnant women. Trial registration number: NCT01911494

    Measurement of proteinuria

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    In pregnancy, there is a focus on measurement of proteinuria as it has been regarded as critical to the diagnosis of pre-eclampsia, the most dangerous of the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. However, it is increasingly recognised that proteinuria is not essential for the diagnosis of pre-eclampsia, which can be based on other end-organ complications (such as elevated liver enzymes). Although heavy proteinuria has been linked with an increased risk of stillbirth in a ‘signs and symptoms only’ model of maternal risk (i.e., miniPIERS), we lack the ability to identify a level of proteinuria above which maternal and/or perinatal risk is heightened. Therefore, at present, we rely on the detection of proteinuria that exceeds what is normally excreted by healthy pregnant women. Proteinuria detection methods are also a matter of keen debate, with all available methods having advantages and disadvantages

    Community health worker knowledge and management of pre-eclampsia in rural Karnataka State, India

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    Background: In India, the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and postpartum haemorrhage are responsible for nearly 40 % of all maternal deaths. Most of these deaths occur in primary health settings which frequently lack essential equipment and medication, are understaffed, and have limited or no access to specialist care. Community health care workers are regarded as essential providers of basic maternity care; and the quality of care they provide is dependent on the level of knowledge and skills they possess. However, there is limited research regarding their ability to manage pregnancy complications. This study aims to describe the current state of knowledge regarding pre-eclampsia and eclampsia among community health care workers (auxiliary nurse midwives, accredited social health activists, staff nurses) in northern Karnataka, India. Furthermore, this study describes the treatment approaches used by various cadres of community health workers for these conditions. The findings of this study can help plan focussed training sessions to build upon their strengths and to address the identified gaps. Methods: Data were collected as part of a larger study aimed at assessing the feasibility of community-based treatment for pre-eclampsia. Eight focus group discussions were conducted in 2012–2013 in northern Karnataka State: four with staff nurses and auxiliary nurse midwives and four with accredited social health activists. In addition, twelve auxiliary nurse midwives and staff nurses completed questionnaires to explore their competence and self-efficacy in managing pre-eclampsia. Qualitative data were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and translated for thematic analysis using NVivo 10. Results: Community health workers described their understanding of the origins of hypertension and seizures in pregnancy. Psychological explanations of hypertension were most commonly reported: stress, tension, and fear. The most common explanation for eclampsia was not receiving a tetanus vaccination. Despite some common misperceptions regarding aetiology, these community health workers demonstrated a good grasp of the potential consequences of hypertension in pregnancy. According to auxiliary nurse midwives and staff nurses, if hypertension was detected they encouraged rest, decreased salt intake, iron supplementation and tetanus vaccination. In addition, some staff nurses administered antihypertensives, MgSO4, or other anticonvulsants. All auxiliary nurse midwives had some awareness of MgSO4, but none had administered it themselves. Conclusions: This study showed that knowledge regarding the aetiology of pre-eclampsia was limited. Nevertheless, their basic knowledge and skills could be strengthened to more effectively manage the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in their communities. Trial registration NCT01911494Medicine, Faculty ofOther UBCNon UBCObstetrics and Gynaecology, Department ofReviewedFacult