
Measurement of proteinuria


In pregnancy, there is a focus on measurement of proteinuria as it has been regarded as critical to the diagnosis of pre-eclampsia, the most dangerous of the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. However, it is increasingly recognised that proteinuria is not essential for the diagnosis of pre-eclampsia, which can be based on other end-organ complications (such as elevated liver enzymes). Although heavy proteinuria has been linked with an increased risk of stillbirth in a ‘signs and symptoms only’ model of maternal risk (i.e., miniPIERS), we lack the ability to identify a level of proteinuria above which maternal and/or perinatal risk is heightened. Therefore, at present, we rely on the detection of proteinuria that exceeds what is normally excreted by healthy pregnant women. Proteinuria detection methods are also a matter of keen debate, with all available methods having advantages and disadvantages.Publisher PD

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