73 research outputs found

    DAIM: a Mechanism to Distribute Control Functions within OpenFlow Switches

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    Abstract—Telecommunication networks need to support a wide range of services and functionalities with capability of autonomy, scalability and adaptability for managing applications to meet business needs. Networking devices are increasing in complexity among various services and platforms, from different vendors. The network complexity is required experts ’ operators. This paper explores an introduction to networks programmability, by distributing independent computing environment, which would be demonstrated through a structured system named DAIM model (Distributed Active information Model). In addition it seeks to enhance current SDN (Software-Defined Networking) approach which has some scalability issues. The DAIM model can provide richness of nature-inspired adaptation algorithms on a complex distributed computing environment. The DAIM model uses a group of standard switches, databases, and corresponding between them by using DAIM agents. These agents are imposed by a set of network applications, which is integrated with a DAIM model databases. DAIM model also considers challenges of autonomic functionalities, where each network’s device can make its own decisions on the basis of collected information by the DAIM agents. The DAIM model is expected to satisfy the requirement of autonomic functionalities. Moreover, this paper discussed the processing of packets forwarding within DAIM model as well as the risk scenarios of the DAIM model

    Optimization of the OpenFlow Controller in Wireless Environments for Enhancing Mobility

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    OpenRoads or OpenFlow Wireless is an open-source platform for deploying an innovative and realistic strategy for different services in wireless networks. It provides a wireless extension for OpenFlow. It is developed to support existing Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) and Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) networks. It can provide several mobility managers and run them concurrently in the network including hard handover, informed handover, n-casting and Hoolock. However, the provided mobility support for flow-based routing, where flows of one source taking different paths through multiple wireless access points or base stations, is not simple and hard to be deployed in the traditional routing algorithms. This paper proposes an intelligent mobility enhancement control and then develops an algorithm to decide which neighbor switches need to be selected for the installation of new flow entries and to allocate the appropriate idle-timeout for the selected switches. The proposed approach provides a simple solution to solve the user mobility problem in wireless OpenFlow environments which can handle the fast migration of user addresses (e.g. IP addresses) between several wireless access points and base stations. This approach leads to improvement in the end users' experience

    Developing an application based on OpenFlow to enhance mobile IP networks

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    Mobile Internet Protocol (IP) has been developed to maintain permanent IP addresses for mobile users while they are moving from one point to another where the Mobile Terminal (MT) device will have two IP addresses: a static home address and a care-of address which will be changed and re-attached at each point of the movement of the MT. However, a location update message is required to be sent to the home agent for each new connection. This will potentially increase the handoff latency and leads to high load on the global Internet. This paper presents the concepts and the challenges of Mobile IP networks and then proposes the use of OpenFlow approach as an alternate transport mechanism to perform routing and to provide network connectivity for Mobile IP networks. The proposed application determines calculations and reroutes the subsequent packets. OpenFlow aims to optimize routing path and handoff performance by using controller's application and exchanges controllers' information. © 2013 IEEE

    The effect of antioxidants on UV-irradiated melanocytes and melanoma cells

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    The effect of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) on cell viability, melanin content, ROS levels, Tumour Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α), TNF-α Converting Enzyme (TACE), and furin expression as well as the phosphorylation of Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) including p-38, c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK), extracellular-signal-regulated kinases (ERK), and B-RAF were investigated. The effect of vitamin C (1 mM) or the vitamin E analogue trolox (0.1 mM) on the above mentioned changes were examined using human lightly pigmented MM418-C1, darkly pigmented MM418-C5 melanoma cells and primary melanocytes (HEM). Cell viability was measured 24 h post-UV-irradiation. MM418-C1 and MM418-C5 cells were more sensitive to UVB and UVAB radiation than were HEM cells. Only vitamin C conferred a protective effect to UVB-irradiated MM418-C1 cells, but not the other cells. The effect of acute or chronic doses of UVR were examined to see if a single UV dose enhanced tyrosinase expression and increased melanin levels to a greater extent than did two smaller doses given 24 h apart. Acute and chronic doses of UVA or/and UVB did not significantly alter tyrosinase expression. Only acute doses of UVB and UVAB radiation significantly increased melanin levels in MM418-C1 cells. Antioxidant treatment had no effect on intracellular melanin levels in the irradiated cells. Intracellular ROS (peroxide but not superoxide levels) were increased in all cells exposed to UVB and UVAB radiation. Melanin may have a negative regulatory effect post-UVR exposure, as the least pigmented cells (MM418-C1 and HEM cells) had the highest increase in peroxide levels. TNF-α levels released from MM418-C1 cells were higher than those from MM418-C5 cells. Exposure to UVB and UVAB greatly increased the levels of TNF-α secreted from MM418-C1 cells but not MM418-C5 cells. Similarly, Interleukin-1α (IL-1α) stimulated the release of TNF-α from MM418-C1 cells but not MM418-C5 cells. Neither TACE nor furin expression, were altered post-UVR exposure in both melanoma cell lines, even if IL-1α was present. Antioxidant treatment did not affect TNF-α release, nor the expression of TACE and furin. As TNF-α levels released from UV-irradiated MM418-C1 cells were higher than that from MM418-C5 cells, it suggests that high melanin levels may negatively regulate TNF-α formation/release from these irradiated cells. The effect of antioxidants on intracellular signalling pathways in the UV-irradiated cells was examined. Intracellular p-p38 and p-JNK levels reached a peak 30 min post-irradiation. The highest increase in p-p38 and p-JNK levels was seen in the UV-irradiated MM418-C5 cells. Antioxidant treatment did not affect the expression of these signalling intermediates in all cell lines. It seems that following exposure to UVR, high melanin levels increased p38 signalling activity but reduced JNK-1 signalling activity, which was opposite to that seen in cells containing less melanin. In summary, vitamin C and trolox did not confer protection to both pigmented melanoma cell lines and melanocytes from UVR-induced cell death. We conclude that the use of UVR doses causing 50% cell death probably overwhelmed the ability of these cells to overcome UV-induced damage, thereby negating any potential protective effect that may have been conferred by the antioxidants

    Intelligent techniques using molecular data analysis in leukaemia: an opportunity for personalized medicine support system

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    The use of intelligent techniques in medicine has brought a ray of hope in terms of treating leukaemia patients. Personalized treatment uses patient’s genetic profile to select a mode of treatment. This process makes use of molecular technology and machine learning, to determine the most suitable approach to treating a leukaemia patient. Until now, no reviews have been published from a computational perspective concerning the development of personalized medicine intelligent techniques for leukaemia patients using molecular data analysis. This review studies the published empirical research on personalized medicine in leukaemia and synthesizes findings across studies related to intelligence techniques in leukaemia, with specific attention to particular categories of these studies to help identify opportunities for further research into personalized medicine support systems in chronic myeloid leukaemia. A systematic search was carried out to identify studies using intelligence techniques in leukaemia and to categorize these studies based on leukaemia type and also the task, data source, and purpose of the studies. Most studies used molecular data analysis for personalized medicine, but future advancement for leukaemia patients requires molecular models that use advanced machine-learning methods to automate decision-making in treatment management to deliver supportive medical information to the patient in clinical practice.Haneen Banjar, David Adelson, Fred Brown, and Naeem Chaudhr

    A novel software-defined networking controller: The Distributed Active Information Model (DAIM)

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    © 2018 Polish Academy of Sciences. All Rights Reserved. This paper presents a new OpenFlow controller: the Distributed Active Information Model (DAIM). The DAIM controller was developed to explore the viability of a logically distributed control plane. It is implemented in a distributed way throughout a software-defined network, at the level of the switches. The method enables local process flows, by way of local packet switching, to be controlled by the distributed DAIM controller (as opposed to a centralised OpenFlow controller). The DAIM ecosystem is discussed with some sample code, together with flowcharts of the implemented algorithms. We present implementation details, a testing methodology, and an experimental evaluation. A performance analysis was conducted using the Cbench open benchmarking tool. Comparisons were drawn with respect to throughput and latency. It is concluded that the DAIM controller can handle a high throughput, while keeping the latency relatively low. We believe the results to date are potentially very interesting, especially in light of the fact that a key feature of the DAIM controller is that it is designed to enable the future development of autonomous local flow process and management strategies

    Enhancement of In Vitro Skin Transport and In Vivo Hypoglycemic Efficacy of Glimepiride Transdermal Patches

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    Purpose: To utilize hydroxybutyl-β-cyclodextrin (HB-β-CD) and polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) for the enhancement of the transdermal delivery of glimepiride (GMD).Methods: Matrix-type transdermal patches containing GMD, drug  coprecipitate or its inclusion complex were prepared using different gelling agents, viz, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC), carbopol and chitosan. In vitro skin permeation evaluation of the formulations was conducted using automated diffusion system. Selected patch formulations were assessed for hypoglycemic activity as well as for GMD plasma concentration in rats.Results: GMD- hydroxybutyl-β-cyclodextrin (HB-β-CD) binary systems (1:2 molar ratio) enhanced GMD aqueous solubility by > 10-fold. Diffusion test showed improved release of GMD-HB-β-CD inclusion complex compared with GMD alone. Maximum cumulative amounts of GMD- HB-β-CD that permeated through rat skin was 26.97 and 14.28 µg/cm2 for patches prepared with fchitosan and HPMC, respectively. Thus, GMD-chitosan  patches showed significantly higher (p < 0.05) drug permeation than GMD-HPMC after 6 h. Both chitosan and HPMC patches of GMD-HB-β-CD demonstrated substantial reduction (p < 0.05) in blood glucose level (192.67 ± 21.18 and 201 ± 15.11 mg/ dl, respectively), compared with the baseline value of 240 mg/ dl.Conclusion: Application of chitosan and HPMC transdermal patches of GMD-HB-β-CD can serve as a potential alternative to peroral GMD with improved bioavailability and patient compliance.Keywords: Glimepiride, Transdermal patch, Coprecipitate, Inclusion complex, Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, Polyvinyl pyrrolidone, Chitosan, Skin permeatio

    Evaluasi Ketersediaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Publik Berdasarkan Jumlah Penduduk Di Kecamatan Ciledug Kota Tangerang

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    Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) merupakan bagian dari suatu kota yang memiliki fungsi untuk kawasan lindung. Wilayah hijau kota termasuk atas pertamanan dan kawasan hijau rekreasi suatu wilayah wajib memiliki RTH sebesar 30 % yang terdiri dari RTH Publik dan Privat. Masalah yang dihadapi yaitu bertambahnya jumlah penduduk dan alih fungsi lahan untuk pemukiman, perkantoran dan lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi kebutuhan RTH publik berdasarkan jumlah penduduk di Kecamatan Ciledug Kota Tangerang. Sedangkan Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Deskriptif kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan kebutuhan akan RTH pada Kecamatan Ciledug melalui perhitungan matematis sederhana dan proyeksi jumlah penduduk serta menggunakan teknik penggumpulan data dengan menggunakan observasi lapangan dengan menggunakan kuesioner pertanyaan tertutup. Hasil dari kuesioner tersebut akan digunakan sebagai pertimbangan dalam penyediaan RTH. Langkah pertama yang akan dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah dengan menganalisis RTH yang ada sesuai dengan Permen PU No. 5 Tahun 2008. Langkah selanjutnya menganalisis kesesuaianRTH Publik yang sesuai pada wilayah penelitian dengan menggunakan teknik overlay dan skoring. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, semua wilayah belum mencukupi kebutuhan RTHpublik baik kebutuhan berdasarkan jumlah penduduk dan juga luasan sedangkan beberapa tanah kosong dapat di jadikan Raung terbuka Hijau Publik.Kata Kunci: Ruang Terbuka Hijau, Jumlah Penduduk, luasan, Pertamanan, Ruang Publi

    Using an ICN Approach to Support Multiple Controllers in OpenFlow

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    Abstract — Information Centric Networking (ICN) is an innovative direction for next generation networks. It is a concept of networking paradigm which is considered as a new technique for future search activities. ICN is based on caching contents in several nodes and replicating these contents. It provides contents requested by users from the nearest node instead of creating a communication channel between sender and receiver just for calling information. This paper aims to scale OpenFlow network in traffic engineering by reducing number of transactions, predicting and pre-populating flow entries using the ICN approach. In addition, the paper shows the advantages of implementing ICN designs within OpenFlow. The proposed approach aims to implement ICN concepts to enhance OpenFlow network. This will enable the deployment of networking solutions in the existing network infrastructure and will lead to more flexibility in OpenFlow network. In addition, OpenFlow will have a global management view for all connected networks managed by different controllers. The proposed solution can fulfill current management and utilization of network demands. The paper then debates the implementation of ICN’s design and features based on Software Defined Networking (SDN)

    Cardioprotection by 6-gingerol in diabetic rats

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    The current study was conducted to evaluate the effect of 6-gingerol (6G) on cardiac complications in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic (DM) rats. STZ-induced DM rats (single 50 mg/kg i.p. injection, 15 days prior to drug treatment) or time-matched controls were treated with 6G (75 mg/day route orally). After a further 8 weeks, blood was collected for biochemical analysis and 8-isoprostenol was measured in urine. Cardiac hemodynamics and ECG was assessed. 6G significantly attenuated the increased level of blood glucose in diabetic rats and improved cardiac hemodynamics in including RR interval, max dP/dt, min dP/dt and Tau. In addition, 6G alleviated the elevated ST segment, T amplitude and R amplitude with no significant effect on disturbed levels of adiponectin, TGF-β or 8-isoprostenol induced by diabetes. The results showed that treatment with 6G has an ameliorative effect on cardiac dysfunction induced by diabetes. Which may be not related to its potential antioxidant effect
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