7 research outputs found

    Visualisering av geografiske data som varierer over tid

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    This task creates a web application that visualizes data that varies geograph- ically and over time on a digital map. The development used the PERN as a technology stack and was implemented accordingly. The application uses Mapbox as a digital map, which also has great navigation options in terms of usability. The visualization dealt with data from Statistics Norway and MET which gave real values that were visualized over Norway. Several principles from both User-Centered Design and Visualization Pipeline were practiced.This task creates a web application that visualizes data that varies geograph- ically and over time on a digital map. The development used the PERN as a technology stack and was implemented accordingly. The application uses Mapbox as a digital map, which also has great navigation options in terms of usability. The visualization dealt with data from Statistics Norway and MET which gave real values that were visualized over Norway. Several principles from both User-Centered Design and Visualization Pipeline were practiced

    Visualisering av geografiske data som varierer over tid

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    This task creates a web application that visualizes data that varies geograph- ically and over time on a digital map. The development used the PERN as a technology stack and was implemented accordingly. The application uses Mapbox as a digital map, which also has great navigation options in terms of usability. The visualization dealt with data from Statistics Norway and MET which gave real values that were visualized over Norway. Several principles from both User-Centered Design and Visualization Pipeline were practiced.This task creates a web application that visualizes data that varies geograph- ically and over time on a digital map. The development used the PERN as a technology stack and was implemented accordingly. The application uses Mapbox as a digital map, which also has great navigation options in terms of usability. The visualization dealt with data from Statistics Norway and MET which gave real values that were visualized over Norway. Several principles from both User-Centered Design and Visualization Pipeline were practiced

    Visualisering av geografiske data som varierer over tid

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    This task creates a web application that visualizes data that varies geograph- ically and over time on a digital map. The development used the PERN as a technology stack and was implemented accordingly. The application uses Mapbox as a digital map, which also has great navigation options in terms of usability. The visualization dealt with data from Statistics Norway and MET which gave real values that were visualized over Norway. Several principles from both User-Centered Design and Visualization Pipeline were practiced.This task creates a web application that visualizes data that varies geograph- ically and over time on a digital map. The development used the PERN as a technology stack and was implemented accordingly. The application uses Mapbox as a digital map, which also has great navigation options in terms of usability. The visualization dealt with data from Statistics Norway and MET which gave real values that were visualized over Norway. Several principles from both User-Centered Design and Visualization Pipeline were practiced

    Solução Económica Baseada em RSSFs para Monitorização da Água Potável em Regiões Desfavorecidas

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Informática apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra.Os Recentes avanços das tecnologias de sistemas electrónicos têm proporcionado o desenvolvimento de componentes de baixo custo e de baixo consumo energético, podendo apresentar tamanhos relativamente reduzidos. Através disso, as redes de sensores sem fios tornaram-se mais presentes em diversas aplicações que envolvem comunicação entre nós sensores. O tratamento e a interpretação dos parâmetros de nós sensores são feitos por programas de computador escritos em linguagens de alto nível. A alternativa passa a ser mais eficiente quando colectam dados em tempo real, favorecendo tomadas de decisões que se reflectem em acções imediatas e com um grau de precisão satisfatório. Nos países subdesenvolvidos as análises tradicionais para determinar a qualidade da água potável não se encontra ao alcance de todos devido aos custos relativamente elevados que acarretam. A tecnologia de RSSFs é um complemento importante que pode ajudar minimizar esses custos e, pode ainda, ajudar evitar várias doenças de veiculação hídrica. Neste contexto, existem vários países no mundo considerados subdesenvolvidos que enfrentam várias dificuldades, principalmente económicas, essas dificuldades acabam por repercutir negativamente em vários domínios do desenvolvimento desses países por exemplo, no domínio da saúde e saneamento básico, agricultura, etc. Para superar algumas destas questões, este projecto propõe uma solução tecnológica baseada em RSSFs e de baixo custo, que permite monitorizar parâmetros químicos da água por exemplo pH. Os dados recolhidos são pré-processados no dispositivo sensor e, em seguida transmitidos sem fios para uma Gateway ligada ao servidor do sistema que exibe esses dados indicando se os valores encontram-se dentro ou fora dos limites estabelecidos. Finalmente, os profissionais habilitados na área podem aceder a uma aplicação Web para a visualização e análise de informação referente a alguns parâmetros da água. Caso haja valores fora do limite estabelecido, é accionado um sinal de alerta que poderá obrigar à realização de novas análises laboratoriais

    Visualisering av geografiske data som varierer over tid

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    This task creates a web application that visualizes data that varies geograph- ically and over time on a digital map. The development used the PERN as a technology stack and was implemented accordingly. The application uses Mapbox as a digital map, which also has great navigation options in terms of usability. The visualization dealt with data from Statistics Norway and MET which gave real values that were visualized over Norway. Several principles from both User-Centered Design and Visualization Pipeline were practiced

    Visualisering av geografiske data som varierer over tid

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    This task creates a web application that visualizes data that varies geograph- ically and over time on a digital map. The development used the PERN as a technology stack and was implemented accordingly. The application uses Mapbox as a digital map, which also has great navigation options in terms of usability. The visualization dealt with data from Statistics Norway and MET which gave real values that were visualized over Norway. Several principles from both User-Centered Design and Visualization Pipeline were practiced

    Visualisering av geografiske data som varierer over tid

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    This task creates a web application that visualizes data that varies geograph- ically and over time on a digital map. The development used the PERN as a technology stack and was implemented accordingly. The application uses Mapbox as a digital map, which also has great navigation options in terms of usability. The visualization dealt with data from Statistics Norway and MET which gave real values that were visualized over Norway. Several principles from both User-Centered Design and Visualization Pipeline were practiced