26 research outputs found

    Thoracic Radionecrosis Following Repeated Cardiac Catheterization

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    Radiodermatitis is a known complication in patients having undergone radiotherapy. It usually appears 2 to 5 years after irradiation. We are reporting on a case of radiodermatitis that occurred within months after coronary dilatation and stenting. It started with painful swelling, followed by a typical appearance on the skin surface. Histological finding confirmed the diagnosis. However, magnetic resonance imaging showed changes in the subcutaneous tissue extending into the ribs. A radical debridement was performed including removal of a partially necrotic 4th rib. The defect was closed with a latissimus dorsi transposition flap. Our findings are compared with the literature reports

    A comparative evaluation of intrathoracic latissimus dorsi and serratus anterior muscle transposition

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    Background: Comparison of intrathoracic latissimus dorsi (LD) versus serratus anterior (SA) muscle transposition for treatment of infected spaces, broncho-pleural fistulae, and for prophylactic reinforcement of the mediastinum after extended resections following induction therapy. Patients and methods: Twenty LD and 17 SA transfers were performed for prophylactic reinforcement (11 LD; nine SA), and treatment of infections (nine LD; eight SA) from 1995 to 1998. Results: The 30-day mortality was 0% following prophylactic reinforcement and 29% following treatment of infections (three LD; two SA). Prophylactic mediastinal reinforcement was successful in 11 of 11 patients with LD and nine of nine with SA transpositions, and treatment of infected spaces in eight of nine patients with LD and two of three with SA transfers. Morbidity requiring re-intervention consisted of flap necrosis (one LD), bleeding (one SA), and skin necrosis over a winged scapula (one SA). Subcutaneous seromas and chest wall complaints were more frequent following LD (45 and 36%, respectively) compared with SA transfers (29 and 27%, respectively), whereas impaired shoulder girdle function was more frequent after SA than after LD transfer (27 vs. 21%). Conclusion: Intrathoracic LD and SA muscle transpositions are both efficient for the prevention or control of infections following complex thoracic surgery, and are both associated with similar and acceptable morbidity and long-term sequela

    Aesthetic outcome and oncological safety of nipple-areola complex replantation after mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction

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    Immediate breast reconstruction (IBR) has become an established procedure for women necessitating mastectomy. Traditionally, the nipple-areola complex (NAC) is resected during this procedure. The NAC, in turn, is a principal factor determining aesthetic outcome after breast reconstruction, and due to its particular texture and shape, a natural-looking NAC can barely be reconstructed with other tissues. The aim of this study was to assess the oncological safety as well as morbidity and aesthetic outcome after replantation of the NAC some days after IBR. Retrospective analysis of 85 patients receiving 88 mastectomies and IBR between 1998 and 2007 was conducted. NAC (n=29) or the nipple alone (n=23) were replanted 7 days (median, range 2-10 days) after IBR in 49 patients, provided the subareolar tissue was histologically negative for tumour infiltration. Local recurrence rate was assessed after 49 months (median, range 6-120 months). Aesthetic outcome was evaluated by clinical assessment during routine follow-up at least 12 months after the last intervention. Malignant involvement of the subareolar tissue was found in eight cases (9.1%). Patients qualifying for NAC replantation were in stage 0 in 29%, stage I in 15%, stage IIa in 31%, stage IIb in 17% and stage III in 8%. Total or partial necrosis occurred in 69% and 26% if the entire NAC or only the nipple were replanted, respectively (P<0.01). Depigmentation was seen in 52% and corrective surgery was done in 11 out of 52 NAC or nipple replantations. Local recurrence and isolated regional lymph node metastasis were observed in one single case each. Another 5.8% of the patients showed distant metastases. We conclude that the replantation of the NAC in IBR is oncologically safe, provided the subareolar tissue is free of tumour. However, the long-term aesthetic outcome of NAC replantation is not satisfying, which advocates replanting the nipple alone

    Outcome analysis of breast reconstruction with free transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous (TRAM) flaps

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    QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: With the reduction in breast cancer mortality in recent years the aesthetic outcome after treatment has gained increasing attention. The aim of this study was to assess the outcome quality of our single institution concept of free TRAM flap breast reconstruction with the aim of providing data to assist the patient's decision-making when breast reconstruction is an option. PRINCIPLES/METHODS: Thirty-two consecutive patients receiving immediate (n = 14) or delayed (n = 18) breast reconstruction with free transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous (TRAM) flaps were included. The selection of patients was based on their own wish and the availability of abdominal tissue, without excluding patients at risk for wound healing complications. Patient data were assessed prospectively and the aesthetic outcome was rated after the final result had been achieved. RESULTS: Ten patients sustained wound healing complications (4 of 9 smokers, 8 of 16 patients with a BMI over 25 kg/m2), 8 of them requiring revisional surgery. An average of 1.06 corrective procedures were performed per patient. The aesthetic outcome was judged to be good by 20 patients, fair by 5 and poor by 1 patient who sustained severe tissue loss. CONCLUSIONS: Our results revealed that a large measure of satisfaction is achievable from breast reconstruction with free TRAM flaps, in spite of the invasive nature of the procedure and the inclusion of patients at risk for wound healing complications. These data may be used in the decision-making process by patients eligible for breast reconstruction after mastectomy

    Evaluation of late results in breast reconstruction by latissimus dorsi flap and prosthesis implantation

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    BACKGROUND: Breast reconstruction by latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap in combination with a prosthesis is a widely used, well-established procedure. Short- and medium-term evaluation after this procedure is well described in the literature, but there have been no evaluations of the late course (over 10 years) published until now. METHODS: In a retrospective study, 68 patients operated on by means of this technique at the authors' institution from 1981 to 1993 resulting in a minimal follow-up of 10 years were included. Patients were invited to an interrogation, clinical examination, and photographic documentation (n = 51). Incidence of late flap or prosthesis-related complications, number of and indications for corrective procedures, and the correlation of the patients' subjective judgment and objective results in the late course have been the main interest of the authors' survey. RESULTS: The authors found that 50 percent of the patients needed a late reoperation for change or removal of the prosthesis. Seven (10 percent) of 68 patients needed a definitive removal of the implant in the late course. Assessment of the photographic documentation of the late result by four nonprofessionals showed that the objective aesthetic results of a considerable number of the authors' reconstructions were not sufficient. CONCLUSION: The procedure combines two basic techniques of reconstructive surgery, the soft-tissue restoration by a pedicled flap as the autologous reconstructive component and the volume reconstruction by prosthesis. Therefore, these patients are subject to a cumulation of the basic morbidity of the two techniques. The authors conclude that the indication for this procedure should be restricted to patients not qualifying for "pure" reconstructive techniques

    Sciatic neuropathy after body contouring surgery in massive weight loss patients

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    To date, obesity affects a substantial population in industrialised countries. Due to the increased awareness of obesity-related morbidity, efficient dietary regimens and the recent successes with bariatric surgery, there is now a high demand for body contouring surgery to correct skin abundancies after massive weight loss. The known risks for this type of surgery are mainly wound-healing complications, and, more rarely, thromboembolic or respiratory complications. We present two female patients (23 and 39 years of age) who, in spite of standard positioning and precautions, developed sciatic neuropathy after combined body contouring procedures, including abdominoplasty and inner thigh lift. Complete functional loss of the sciatic nerve was found by clinical and electroneurographic examination on the left side in patient one and bilaterally in patient two. Full nerve conductance recovery was obtained after 6 months in both patients. Although the occurrence of spontaneous neuropathies after heavy weight loss is well documented, this is the first report describing the appearance of such a phenomenon following body contouring surgery. One theoretical explanation may be the compression of the nerve during the semirecumbent positioning combined with hip flexion and abduction, which was required for abdominal closure and simultaneous access to the inner thighs. We advise to avoid this positioning and to include the risk of sciatic neuropathy in the routine preoperative information of patients scheduled for body contouring surgery after heavy weight loss

    Review of 197 consecutive free flap reconstructions in the lower extremity

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    Complications and failures after microvascular free tissue transfer for lower extremity reconstruction have a negative impact on postoperative course and final outcome. Therefore, a 10-year analysis on lower extremity reconstruction with free flaps was performed with a special emphasis on patient co-morbidities such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, body mass index and history of smoking, in order to identify potential risk factors. Complications such as haematoma, seroma, infection, wound dehiscence, as well as partial flap loss, postoperative thrombosis of the anastomosis and eventual total flap loss were gathered from the medical records. Limb salvage was 100%, however 40% suffered from complications ranging from minor wound dehiscence to total flap loss. None of the above-mentioned potential risk factors was associated with an increased rate of complications. However, in flaps that required revision for thrombosis, the age of the patients was significantly higher in the group of flaps that eventually failed when compared to flaps that were salvaged. In conclusion, lower extremity reconstruction with microvascular free tissue transfer is a safe and reliable procedure with a high success rate, however partial flap loss remains an important issue. Increased age was the only factor identified with an increased risk for subsequent flap loss in cases that were revised for thrombosis

    Redistribution of microcirculatory blood flow within the intestinal wall during sepsis and general anesthesia

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    BACKGROUND: Hypoperfusion of the intestinal mucosa remains an important clinical problem during sepsis. Impairment of the autoregulation of microcirculatory blood flow in the intestinal tract has been suggested to play an important role in the development of multiple organ failure during sepsis and surgery. The authors studied microcirculatory blood flow in the gastrointestinal tract in anesthetized subjects during early septic shock. METHODS: Eighteen pigs were intravenously anesthetized and mechanically ventilated. Regional blood flow in the superior mesenteric artery was measured with ultrasound transit time flowmetry. Microcirculatory blood flow was continuously measured with a six-channel laser Doppler flowmetry system in the mucosa and the muscularis of the stomach, jejunum, and colon. Eleven pigs were assigned to the sepsis group, while seven animal served as sham controls. Sepsis was induced with fecal peritonitis, and intravenous fluids were administered after 240 min of sepsis to alter hypodynamic sepsis to hyperdynamic sepsis. RESULTS: In the control group, all monitored flow data remained stable throughout the study. During the hypodynamic phase of sepsis, cardiac output, superior mesenteric artery flow, and microcirculatory blood flow in the gastric mucosa decreased by 45%, 51%, and 40%, respectively, compared to baseline (P < 0.01 in all). Microcirculatory blood flow in the muscularis of the stomach, jejunum, and colon decreased by 55%, 64%, and 70%, respectively (P < 0.001 in all). In contrast, flow in the jejunal and colonic mucosa remained virtually unchanged. During the hyperdynamic phase of sepsis, there was a threefold increase in cardiac output and superior mesenteric artery flow. Blood flow in the gastric, jejunal, and colonic mucosa also increased (22%, 24%, and 31% above baseline, respectively). Flow in the muscularis of the stomach returned to baseline, while in the jejunum and colon, flow in the muscularis remained significantly below baseline (55% and 45%, respectively, P< 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: It appears that in early septic shock, autoregulation of microcirculatory blood flow is largely intact in the intestinal mucosa in anesthetized pigs, explaining why microcirculatory blood flow remained virtually unchanged. This may be facilitated through redistribution of flow within the intestinal wall, from the muscularis toward the mucosa