10 research outputs found

    Religious Attitude in First and Last Year Medical Students of Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences and its Relationship with Self-esteem

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Background and Objective: Religious attitude and self-esteem are the concepts that have tremendous effects on all aspects of human life and have been studied in various studies. The aim of this study was to examine the religious attitude and self-esteem of medical students in Ahwaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences and determine the relationship between these two variables.Method: In this descriptive-analytical study, 197 first- and last-year medical students were selected and evaluated. Data collection instruments were 25-item religious attitude questionnaire (Golris-Barahani), and 10-item Rosenberg Self-Esteem questionnaire. The results were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Spearman correlation coefficient, independent sample t-test, and Mann-Whitney test. All ethical issues were observed in this study and the researchers declared no conflicts of interest.Results: The mean age of the freshmen and senior’s were18.93±.94 and 24.59±1.28, respectively. The mean of religious attitudes and self-esteem score of students, on a scale of 100 and 40, were 60.42±10.01 and 26.51±5.92, respectively. The mean and standard deviation of the religious attitude scores of the first and last year students were 63.39±10.01 and 57.55±10.3, respectively, which was statistically significant (p<0.001). The mean and standard deviation of self-esteem scores in the first and last years of medical education were 26.58±6.14 and 26.43±5.71, respectively. This difference was not statistically significant (p=0.85). Pearson correlation coefficient showed a positive relationship between religious attitudes and self-esteem (r=0.156, p=0.032) and a negative relationship between intrinsic religious attitudes and age of students (r=0.293, p=0.001).Conclusion: The results showed that the religious attitude of medical students is high at the time of entering university, but this attitude has weakened upon graduation. Identifying the factors lowering students’ religious attitudes to implement strategic plans can provide a basis for strengthening students' religious beliefs.For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Please cite this article as: Shakurnia A,Baniasad M.Religious Attitude in First and Last Year Medical Students of Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences and its Relationship with Self-esteem. J Res Relig Health. 2019; 5(3):5-17. doi: https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v5i3.1739

    An investigation of N-benzyl amide synthesis via oxypyridinium salts

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    Over the last few years, 2-benzyloxy-1-methylpyridinium triflate (BnOPT), has proven to be an efficient benzyl transfer reagents. BnOPT allows for the transfer of benzyl groups to both alcohols and carboxylic acids to synthesize the corresponding benzyl ethers and benzyl esters, respectively. BnOPT eliminated the need for strong acidic or basic additives associated with the traditional methods of ether and ester synthesis, allowing for relatively neutral reaction conditions. Previous studies have shown the mechanistic pathway of transferring benzyl group using BnOPT is SN1- favored. In an SN1-like pathway, the identity of the nucleophile is less important as the driving force for these reactions would be the formation of a carbocation. Therefore, potentially any nucleophilic compound could be utilized in these reactions. The use of nitriles as nucleophiles in reactions with BnOPT was expected to afford N-benzylamides which are useful to synthetic chemists. Although nitriles are weaker nucleophiles compared to alcohols and carboxylic acids, it became logical to investigate their reactivity in this project. Exploring different oxypyridinium salts in reaction with nitriles showed that transferring benzyl group (or its analog) to nitriles is viable, even though it is not as efficient as transferring these groups to alcohols. Further investigation is needed to get the best conditions for an optimal reaction.Thesis (M.S.)Department of Chemistr

    بررسی نگرش مذهبی در دانشجویان سال اول و آخر رشته‌ی پزشکی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی جندی شاپور اهواز و رابطه‌ی آن با عزّت نفس

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    خلفية البحث وأهدافه: النظرة الدينية وعزّة النفس هما مصطلحان لهما تأثيرهما الكبير على كافة أبعاد الحياة البشرية وأجريت الكثير من البحوث حولهما. هذه الدراسة تمت بهدف مناقشة النظرة الدينية وعزّة النفس لدى طلاب جامعة قسم الطب بجامعة جندي شابور للعلوم الطبية في الاهواز والعلاقة بين هاذين المتغييرين. منهجية البحث: في هذه الدراسة التوصيفية-التحليلية، تم اختيار ودراسة 197 طالباً من طلاب السنةالاولى والأخيرة في اختصاص الطب بأسلوب الاحصاء من بين الجميع. المعلومات تم جمعُها بواسطة الاستمارات ذات المقياس الموحد لقياس النظرة الدينية عند كلريز و براهني، وعزّة النفس عند روزنبرغ. ان تحليل وتجزئة المعطيات تمت عبر الاستفادة من اختبارات الاحصاء لضريب التضامن عند بيرسون، اختبار تي ومن ويتني. تمت مراعاة جميع الموارد الاخلاقية في هذا البحث واضافة الى هذا فإن مؤلفي البحث لم يشيروا الى اي تضارب في المصالح. الكشوفات: معدل أعمار الطلاب في السنة الاولى 94/0±93/18 والسنة الاخيرة 28/1±59/24 و معدل علامة النظرة الدينية وعزّة النفس عند الطلاب من الحد الاقصى100 و 40 كانت 56/10±42/60 و 92/5±51/26 على التوالي. إضافة الى هذا فإن معدل وانحراف المعيار لعلامات النظرة الدينية عند طلاب السنة الاولى والاخيرة في الطب كانت 01/10±39/63 و 35/10±55/57 على التوالي حيث ان هذا التفاوت من الناحية الاحصائية كان ذات دلالة احصائية (001/0>P). وكذلك فإن معدل وانحراف المعيار لعلامات عزّة النفس عند طلاب السنة الاولى والاخيرة في الطب كانت بالترتيب 14/6±58/26 و71/5±43/26 حيث ان هذا التفاوت لم يكن ذات دلالة احصائية (85/0=P). اظهر ضریب تضامن بیرسون ايضا أن هناك علاقة ايجابية دالة احصائية ما بين النظرة الدينية وعزّة النفس (156/0=r و 032/0=P)؛ و هناك علاقة سلبية وذات معنى ما بين النظرة الدينية والعمر (293/0-=r و 001/0=P). الاستنتاج: أظهرت النتائج ان مستوى النظرة الدينية عند طلاب الطب في بداية الدخول الى الجامعة كان مرتفع جداً ولكن في نهاية الدراسة الجامعية كانت منخفضة. لهذا السبب فإن معرفة أسباب أنخفاض النظرة الدينية  عند الطلاب و تنفيذ برامج استراتيجية يمكن أن يوفر الفرصة لتعزيز المعتقدات الدينية.   يتم استناد المقالة على الترتيب التالي: Shakurnia A, Baniasad M. Religious Attitude in First and Last Year Medical Students of Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences and its Relationship with Self-esteem. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2019;5(3):5-17. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v5i3.17392Background and Objective: Religious attitude and self-esteem are the concepts that have tremendous effects on all aspects of human life and have been studied in various studies. The aim of this study was to examine the religious attitude and self-esteem of medical students in Ahwaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences and determine the relationship between these two variables. Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, 197 first- and last-year medical students were selected and evaluated. Data collection instruments were 25-item religious attitude questionnaire (Golris-Barahani), and 10-item Rosenberg Self-Esteem questionnaire. The results were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Spearman correlation coefficient, independent sample t-test, and Mann-Whitney test. In this study, all the ethical considerations have been observed and no conflict of interest was reported by the authors. Results: The mean age of the freshmen and senior’s were18.93±.94 and 24.59±1.28, respectively. The mean of religious attitudes and self-esteem score of students, on a scale of 100 and 40, were 60.42±10.01 and 26.51±5.92, respectively. The mean and standard deviation of the religious attitude scores of the first and last year students were 63.39±10.01 and 57.55±10.3, respectively, which was statistically significant (P<0.001). The mean and standard deviation of self-esteem scores in the first and last years of medical education were 26.58±6.14 and 26.43±5.71, respectively. This difference was not statistically significant (P=0.85). Pearson correlation coefficient showed a positive relationship between religious attitudes and self-esteem (r=0.156, P=0.032) and a negative relationship between intrinsic religious attitudes and age of students (r=0.293, P=0.001). Conclusion: The results showed that the religious attitude of medical students is high at the time of entering university, but this attitude has weakened upon graduation. Identifying the factors lowering students’ religious attitudes to implement strategic plans can provide a basis for strengthening students' religious beliefs.   Please cite this article as: Shakurnia A, Baniasad M. Religious Attitude in First and Last Year Medical Students of Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences and its Relationship with Self-esteem. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2019;5(3):5-17. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v5i3.17392سابقه و هدف: نگرش مذهبی و عزّت نفس مقوله‌هایی هستند که در تمام جنبه‌هاي زندگی بشر تأثیر بسزایی دارند و پژوهش‌های بسیاری دراین‌باره انجام شده است. این مطالعه با هدف بررسی نگرش مذهبی و عزّت نفس در دانشجویان رشته‌ی پزشکی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی جندی شاپور اهواز و رابطه‌ی بین این دو متغیّر صورت گرفته است. روش کار: در این مطالعه‌ی توصیفی-تحلیلی، 197 نفر از دانشجویان سال اول و آخر رشته‌ی پزشکی به روش تمام‌شماری، انتخاب و بررسی شدند. داده‌ها با استفاده از پرسش‌نامه‌های استاندارد نگرش‌سنج مذهبی گلریز و براهنی و عزّت نفس روزنبرگ جمع‌آوری شد. تجزیه ‌و تحلیل داده‌ها با استفاده از آزمون‌های آماری ضریب همبستگی پیرسون، آزمون تی و من ویتنی انجام شد. در این پژوهش همه‌ی موارد اخلاقی رعایت شده است و نویسندگان مقاله هیچ‌گونه تضاد منافعی گزارش نکرده‌اند. یافته‌ها: میانگین سن دانشجویان سال اول 94/0±93/18 و سال آخر 28/1±59/24؛ و میانگین نمره‌ی نگرش مذهبی و عزّت نفس دانشجویان از حداکثر 100 و 40 به‌ترتیب 56/10±42/60 و 92/5 ±51/26 بود. علاوه‌براین، میانگین و انحراف معیار نمرات نگرش مذهبی دانشجویان سال اول و آخر پزشکی نیز به‌ترتیب 01/10±39/63 و 35/10±55/57 بود که این تفاوت از نظر آماری معنی‌دار بود (001/0>p). همچنین میانگین و انحراف معیار نمرات عزّت نفس دانشجویان سال اول و آخر پزشکی به‌ترتیب 14/6±58/26 و 71/5±43/26 بود که این تفاوت از نظر آماری معنی‌دار نبود (85/0=p). ضریب همبستگی پیرسون نیز نشان داد که بین نگرش مذهبی و عزّت نفس رابطه‌ی مثبت معنی‌دار (156/0= rو 032/0=p)؛ و بین نگرش مذهبی و سن رابطه‌ی منفی و معنی‌داری وجود داشت (293/0-= r و 001/0=p). نتیجه‌گیری: نتایج نشان داد که میزان نگرش مذهبی دانشجویان پزشکی در بدو ورود به دانشگاه بسیار زیاد بود اما در پایان تحصیل کاهش یافته بود. ازاین‌رو، شناسايي عوامل كاهش‌دهنده‌ی نگرش مذهبی دانشجویان و اجرای برنامه‌های راهبردی می‌تواند زمینه‌‌ی تقویت باورهای دینی را فراهم کند. استناد مقاله به این صورت است: Shakurnia A, Baniasad M. Religious Attitude in First and Last Year Medical Students of Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences and its Relationship with Self-esteem. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2019;5(3):5-17. https://doi.org/10.22037/jrrh.v5i3.1739

    Biotechnology: employing organism as bioreactors

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    Biological products, especially proteins, have numerous applications including prevention, diagnosis, and treating diseases. Advances in biotechnology in recent years have opened up many ways to manufacture these products in large scales. To engineer biopharmaceuticals, often pro and/or eukaryotic sustainable resources are used. Selection of the cellular factory depends on the type and application of protein needed. In this review, we explore current resources used to produce biologics, examine these resources critically for their biological output, and finally highlight impact of using sustainable resources in modern medicine

    Investigating the Social Dimensions of Disability, a Systematic Review

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    Aim: Considering the effect of disability on social and economic dimensions of society and on the social life of a person with disability, the study and analysis of various aspects of this group of society seems necessary. The purpose of this study was to systematically review research on social aspects of disability in Iran.Methods:This study was a systematic review study. The statistical population of the study included of all research articles from quantitative and qualitative studies conducted in Iran that were published in Persian on social aspects of disability from 1378 to July 1398, in order to achieve Related studies, keywords including social and social dimensions, disability, exceptional, special needs and disabilities were searched in the scientific databases. After screening at different stages, 25 articles were studied in depth and analyzed.Results:Out of 26 articles, 10 articles in quantitative method, 12 articles in qualitative method and 4 articles in mixed method had been done. Used tools included 8 researcher-made questionnaires and 15 ready-made questionnaires.Also Information on 16 articles was obtained through interviews and focus group meetings. The target group 77% of the articles consisted from persons with physical-motor disability, 15% with sensory impairment (blindness and hearing loss), and 8% with mental disability. Also, two articles (8%) focused on the social dimensions of women's disability.Conclusion:The results showed that disability affects the social dimension of people's lives .The findings of this study can lead to a comprehensive understanding of these people and increase awareness in this field

    Molecular analysis of Mycobacterium isolates from patients with BCG-induced lymphadenitis

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    The Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine is administered to all newborns within the first days of life for the prevention of tuberculosis (TB) in many of the developing countries, including Iran. BCG vaccine is prepared from a special strain of Mycobacterium bovis. This vaccine is safe, but local and systemic side effects are associated with BCG vaccine. Severe adverse effects of BCG vaccination are extremely rare in immunocompetent children, but lymphadenitis, which is the most common side effect of BCG vaccination in children, is seen with high frequency in Iran. Different studies have shown that the vaccine strain and its genetic variations are important in inducing these side effects. Therefore, in this study, the aim is to analyze the genetic characterizations of vaccine strains used in Iran. Methods: The samples were collected from infants showing lymphadenitis induced by BCG vaccination. After acid-fast staining and culture of samples on Lowenstein–Jensen medium, DNA was extracted from samples using Phenol–chloroform method. Using primer for 16sRNA gene, the genus of the isolates was characterized. Then using RD1, RD14 and DU1 primers and followed by the next step using RD9, RD4 Deleted, RD4 Present and RD1 Deleted primers, the species and strains of the isolates were characterized. Results: All 30 samples of acid-fast bacilli that were isolated from infants with BCG complications confirmed as Mycobacterium genus using 16sRNA PCR and using RD1, RD14, DU1, RD9, RD4 Deleted, RD4 Present and RD1 Deleted primers confirmed that all isolates were M. bovis BCG strain Pasteur. Conclusion: As all of the strains isolated from the patients were confirmed as M. bovis BCG strain Pasteur, the other possible factors causing BCG complications, including BCG overdose, faulty intradermal technique, and disturbance of cellular immunity, must be considered

    Experimental investigation of the effect of mechanical vibration and rotating magnetic field on the hydrothermal performance of water-Fe3O4 ferrofluid inside a rifled tube

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    Vibration can enhance the hydrothermal performance by disturbing the thermal boundary layer. Also, the magnetic field increases the ferrofluid mixing, thereby enhancing the heat transfer rate. In this study, an experimental analysis of ferrofluid flow inside a rifled tube under the vibration and rotational magnetic field (RMF) effects was conducted by considering different Reynolds numbers (Re), nanoparticle concentrations (φ), and rifled tube pitches (P). In the first stage, the effect of Re and φ on the hydrothermal performance of the system in the absence of the vibration and RMF was explored. In the second stage, the effect of vibration on the performance evaluation criterion (PEC) of the system was investigated. Finally, the RMF effect was considered. Based on the results, the system with P = 5 mm showed the highest PEC in all experiments. The highest PEC without the vibration and RMF effects was obtained as 1.62 for P = 5 mm and φ = 0% at Re = 2000. The highest PEC under the vibration effect (1.28) was also found for Re = 2000 but at φ of 2%, when the highest vibration acceleration (5 m/s2) was applied. Among the RMFs examined, the RMF with the counter clock-wise along with the counter clock-wise fluid flow inside the rifled tube resulted in the highest PEC of 1.62. RMF improved the PEC of the system from 1.28 to 1.62, corresponding to a 21.32% increase, under the vibration

    Time-resolved multi-omics illustrates host and gut microbe interactions during Salmonella infection.

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    Salmonella infection, also known as Salmonellosis, is one of the most common food-borne illnesses. Salmonella infection can trigger host defensive functions, including an inflammatory response. The provoked-host inflammatory response has a significant impact on the bacterial population in the gut. In addition, Salmonella competes with other gut microorganisms for survival and growth within the host. Compositional and functional alterations in gut bacteria occur because of the host immunological response and competition between Salmonella and the gut microbiome. Host variation and the inherent complexity of the gut microbial community make understanding commensal and pathogen interactions particularly difficult during a Salmonella infection. Here we present metabolomics and lipidomics analyses along with 16s rRNA sequence analysis, revealing a comprehensive view of the metabolic interactions between the host and the gut microbiota during Salmonella infection in a CBA/J mouse model. We found that different metabolic pathways were altered over the four investigated time points of Salmonella infection (days -2, +2, +6, and +13). Furthermore, metatranscriptomics analysis integrated with metabolomics and lipidomics analysis facilitated an understanding of the heterogeneous response of mice depending on the degree of dysbiosis