57 research outputs found

    Literary Tourism: Elevating the Potential of Literature to Increase Tourist Attractions

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    Literary studies have always been critical, particularly with the rise of critical theories such as poststructuralism, postmodernism, deconstruction, and postcolonialism. This study employs a library method, which comprises collecting and evaluating relevant material. The presence of literary tourism studies provides not only objective thinking abilities, but also new avenues for developing new objects of study that have previously lacked a clear structure or target audience. The introduction of this literary tourism works is intended to encourage the creation of new interests in examining literature from new aspects, thereby improving the creativity and originality of literary studies

    Nilai Pendidikan Karakter dalam Tradisi Lokal

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    Local traditions contain character educations for their owner. Every people has specific in character education. Cheater education has to uncover from culture elements; language, literature works, customs, and so on. In this era we see our nation take away their character educations that they have get them for centuries to take care of their identities. The put foreign culture (pop, trend), but in the next time it show us many problems have to be solved

    The Prince of Diponegoro: The Knight of the Javanese War, His Profile of the Spirit and Struggle against the Invaders

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    Prince Diponegoro's spirit is a spirit of heroism that never goes out. His soul seemed to continue to live up to the present time. Prince Diponegoro was the leader of the Javanese resistance against Dutch colonialism in 1825-1830. Javanese environment of religion and customs which is very strict makes the Prince does not deign to return to the palace which has been incited by Dutch deception and Western culture. Although the struggle was still limited to Java, Diponegoro provided inspiration for freedom fighters. Additionally, among the Indonesian people to take up arms against the Dutch. The Diponegoro War, which was also the Javanese War, was the biggest war that the Dutch had experienced at that time. Prince Diponegoro teaches about mortality from wealth and position. The struggle in society is seen as far more valuable. Spirit of Diponegoro becomes important in strengthening our nationalism frame


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    This research is about ritual and Islamic value in Javanese folklore. The research shows that Islamic values are found in many Javanese ritual and mixed with the former ritual. The former ritual is added with Islamic values e.g. reciting Holly Quran, pray, or appeared with Islamic characters such as Nabi Sulaiman, Nabi Khidir and Syaikh Karim. The method is qualitative research method along with observation, in-depth interview, and content analysis. The Islamic rituals have growth rapidly since Islam became the ideology of Mataram Kingdom/ Kasunanan. Islam is legitimated by the story of Brawijaya (latest Majapahit’s king) who believe and convert to Islam and change his name to be Sunan Lawu. The forms of Islamic ritual are sadranan (ritual in cemetery), reciting Yaasin together, praying, marriage ritual, and grebeg in Kasunanan Palace

    Malay Poetry Socialization For The Nation's Moral Education

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    This study method seeks to understand more about the excellent moral teachings in traditional Malay poetry. This study was carried out using a moral perspective and a qualitative approach that presents and describes data objectively. The data source for this study is classical Malay poetry, which presents moral ideas that are considered to be guidance for future generations of Indonesians despite the development of time and modern living. The document approach was used to collect data in this study. The results of this study show that syair (poetry), as an old literary output, expresses high values and recommendations that have a profound connection to society. Poetry expresses the author's feelings, thoughts, or personal experiences via rhyming and rhythmic stanzas. Moral education can be instilled through the means of Malay classical poetry education. The two poems discussed in this study reflect teachings based on morality about how people must live well in order to become good individuals and how they must avoid bad behavior by imbibing and implementing moral values and teachings that are good and acceptable to society. Educators can use classical Malay poetry to socialize the values of moral education on the poems (syair) as a guiding reference for the lives of the younger generation in today's modern er

    KONSEP KETUHANAN ISLAM JAWA DIENG (Studi Terhadap Aliran Tunggul Sabda Amungraga)

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    This research reveals the teaching of a religious sect in Dieng which focuses on theological concept. Clifford Geerts' concept is used to discuss the social and art area. There are some results on this research; a belief to the invisible nature, the Islamic teaching from Sunan Kalijaga, Mataram teaching with some enculturation, and a statement that Allah is the only one who is worth to be worshipped

    Hegemoni Budaya dalam Tradisi Manaqiban

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    This research is to find out how cultural hegemony that occur in manaqiban tradition in Desa Sari Kecamatan Gajak Kabupaten Demak that can affect the outside community by exercising powers that happened. Manaqiban tradition is a ritual performed by the society in which the people of Java and Madura as a tribute to something about it. Manaqiban tradition also conducted in Desa Sari with a time of implementation is on the eve of the sacred. This tradition was carried out as a form in order to honor the founder of the Desa Sari. Manaqiban tradition in the Desa Sari implemented in a tomb of the gentry named Mbah Djomo. This study used a qualitative approach and data sources of gatekeeper Mbah Djomo. The technique used is by collecting data through observation, interviews, and documentation

    The Concept of Ukhuwah Wathoniah in the 12 Gurindam Poems by Raja Ali Haji

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    This study explains the values of ukhuwah wathoniah in the poem Gurindam 12 by Raja Ali Haji. Researchers used a literature review method with three steps. First the exploration of Malay cultural texts related to ukhuwah wathoniah, and data collection through the internet, libraries, and scientific dialogues with experts. The second, uncover the meanings of the essential phrases found in Gurindam 12. The third, constructs the values found. The study's results found that the values of ukhuwah wathoniah in Gurindam 12 contain fundamental values, practical operational values, and reflective meta-values. The fundamental values in building ukhuwah wathoniah are; knowledge, nobility, language, the goal is happiness and glory. In practical operational values, one can understand textual and contextual issues, issues of humanity and unity, and issues of justice and welfare. The Meta-Reflective Approach Gurindam 12 values can be reflected in building nationalism in the era of Industry 4.0. In conclusion, the values of ukhuwah wathoniah are relevant to understanding the phenomenon of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia as a country. This originated from a sense of togetherness of nations in the post-colonial archipelago of the Dutch East Indies and continues to grow to achieve common goals. Cultural works reflect the creativity of generations in their time. Thus, Raja Ali Haji's Gurindam 12 complements the Language Manual, which was used as a guide in the Sumpah Pemuda (Youth Oath) of October 28, 1928, to promote Malay as the national language of Indonesia. The rise and fall of Indonesia-Malaysia relations can be understood in the context of ukhuwah wathoniah and ukhuwah Islamiah


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    Painting as the work of art represents the values that the artist believes in interpreting life based on personal experiences and point of views. This study aims to explore various representations of harmony values in women’s bodies in Galih Reza Suseno paintings. The study was conducted at Bangunharjo, Sewon, Bantul, Indonesia during July-December 2020. This study used a qualitative method with an embedded single case study approach. The results showed Galih painted based on Imago Dei's concept, which is a value in Christian teachings, which means that man was created similar to God. Galih presents women's bodies in paintings based on the view that the world of imagery often deceives modern women. Galih defines women, not as objects but subjects who become themselves and are entitled to their bodies. Visualization of women's bodies in various gestures, expressions, and imagery represents the values of harmony within the spirituality of life


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    Media is a tool to construct meaning to its readers. News that is released to the public is always related to the ideology and interests of the media in responding a problem. This research intends to see a representation of Pesarean of Mount Kawi which is conducted by local, regional, and national mass media in Indonesia. This research is a qualitative research with content analysis method. This study is going to be focused on the value embedded in texts which contain news about pesarean of Mount Kawi. This approach is very useful to figure out meaning that lies behind the news texts of pesarean of Mount Kawi. The result of the research shows that mass media supports the commodification process of pesarean of Mount Kawi. Through the narration of origin, genealogy, and heroism which are based on Indonesia's national historical event became one of the strategies that are used to demolish the representation of Mount Kawi as a haunted and taboo place to be visited by society. There is a similarity of vision in changing the representation of pesarean of Mount Kawi. Modernity and advancement of reasons have been the reasons for discarding cultural values and traditions that have developed within the culture of Javanese society for centuries by adapting them to the contexts of modern human life today
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