162 research outputs found

    Susceptibility of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat retinal function and ocular blood flow to acute intraocular pressure challenge.

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    PURPOSE. To consider the hypothesis that streptozotocin (STZ)-induced hyperglycemia renders rat retinal function and ocular blood flow more susceptible to acute IOP challenge. METHODS. Retinal function (electroretinogram [ERG]) was measured during acute IOP challenge (10-100 mm Hg, increments of 5 mm Hg, 3 minutes per step, vitreal cannulation) in adult Long-Evans rats (6 weeks old; citrate: n ¼ 6, STZ: n ¼ 10) 4 weeks after citrate buffer or STZ (65 mg/kg, blood glucose >15 mM) injection. At each IOP, dim and bright flash (À4.56, À1.72 log cd.s.m À2 ) ERG responses were recorded to measure inner retinal and ON-bipolar cell function, respectively. Ocular blood flow (laser Doppler flowmetry; citrate: n ¼ 6, STZ: n ¼ 10) was also measured during acute IOP challenge. Retinas were isolated for quantitative PCR analysis of nitric oxide synthase mRNA expression (endothelial, eNos; inducible, iNos; neuronal, nNos). CONCLUSIONS. STZ-induced diabetes increased functional susceptibility during acute IOP challenge. This functional vulnerability is associated with a reduced capacity for diabetic eyes to upregulate eNos expression and to autoregulate blood flow in response to stress. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. RESULTS. STZ-induced diabetes increase

    Identifying cell class specific losses from serially generated electroretinogram components

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    Purpose. Processing of information through the cellular layers of the retina occurs in a serial manner. In the electroretinogram (ERG), this complicates interpretation of inner retinal changes as dysfunction may arise from “upstream” neurons or may indicate a direct loss to that neural generator. We propose an approach that addresses this issue by defining ERG gain relationships. Methods. Regression analyses between two serial ERG parameters in a control cohort of rats are used to define gain relationships. These gains are then applied to two models of retinal disease. Results. The to gain is unity whereas the to and to gains are greater than unity, indicating “amplification” (). Timing relationships show amplification between to and compression for to and to , (). Application of these gains to -3-deficiency indicates that all timing changes are downstream of photoreceptor changes, but a direct pSTR amplitude loss occurs (). Application to diabetes indicates widespread inner retinal dysfunction which cannot be attributed to outer retinal changes (). Conclusions. This simple approach aids in the interpretation of inner retinal ERG changes by taking into account gain characteristics found between successive ERG components of normal animals

    Blood Pressure Modifies Retinal Susceptibility to Intraocular Pressure Elevation

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    Primary open angle glaucoma affects more than 67 million people. Elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) is a risk factor for glaucoma and may reduce nutrient availability by decreasing ocular perfusion pressure (OPP). An interaction between arterial blood pressure and IOP determines OPP; but the exact contribution that these factors have for retinal function is not fully understood. Here we sought to determine how acute modifications of arterial pressure will affect the susceptibility of neuronal function and blood flow to IOP challenge. Anaesthetized (ketamine:xylazine) Long-Evan rats with low (∼60 mmHg, sodium nitroprusside infusion), moderate (∼100 mmHg, saline), or high levels (∼160 mmHg, angiotensin II) of mean arterial pressure (MAP, n = 5–10 per group) were subjected to IOP challenge (10–120 mmHg, 5 mmHg steps every 3 minutes). Electroretinograms were measured at each IOP step to assess bipolar cell (b-wave) and inner retinal function (scotopic threshold response or STR). Ocular blood flow was measured using laser-Doppler flowmetry in groups with similar MAP level and the same IOP challenge protocol. Both b-wave and STR amplitudes decreased with IOP elevation. Retinal function was less susceptible to IOP challenge when MAP was high, whereas the converse was true for low MAP. Consistent with the effects on retinal function, higher IOP was needed to attenuated ocular blood flow in animals with higher MAP. The susceptibility of retinal function to IOP challenge can be ameliorated by acute high BP, and exacerbated by low BP. This is partially mediated by modifications in ocular blood flow

    Sustained and Transient Contributions to the Rat Dark-Adapted Electroretinogram b-Wave

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    The most dominant feature of the electroretinogram, the b-wave, is thought to reflect ON-bipolar cell responses. However, a number of studies suggest that the b-wave is made up of several components. We consider the composition of the rat b-wave by subtracting corneal negative components obtained using intravitreal application of pharmacological agents to remove postreceptoral responses. By analyzing the intensity-response characteristic of the PII across a range of fixed times during and after a light step, we find that the rat isolated PII has 2 components. The first has fast rise and decay characteristics with a low sensitivity to light. GABAc-mediated inhibitory pathways enhance this transient-ON component to manifest increased and deceased sensitivity to light at shorter (<160 ms) and longer times, respectively. The second component has slower temporal characteristics but is more sensitive to light. GABAc-mediated inhibition enhances this sustained-ON component but has little effect on its sensitivity to light. After stimulus offset, both transient and sustained components return to baseline, and a long latency sustained positive component becomes apparent. The light sensitivities of transient-ON and sustained-OFF components are consistent with activity arising from cone ON- and OFF-bipolar cells, whereas the sustained-ON component is likely to arise from rod bipolar cells

    Using the electroretinogram to understand how intraocular pressure elevation affects the rat retina

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    Intraocular pressure (IOP) elevation is a key risk factor for glaucoma. Our understanding of the effect that IOP elevation has on the eye has been greatly enhanced by the application of the electroretinogram (ERG). In this paper, we describe how the ERG in the rodent eye is affected by changes in IOP magnitude, duration, and number of spikes. We consider how the variables of blood pressure and age can modify the effect of IOP elevation on the ERG. Finally, we contrast the effects that acute and chronic IOP elevation can have on the rodent ERG

    Gene Therapy with Endogenous Inhibitors of Angiogenesis for Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Beyond Anti-VEGF Therapy

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of substantial and irreversible vision loss amongst elderly populations in industrialized countries. The advanced neovascular (or “wet”) form of the disease is responsible for severe and aggressive loss of central vision. Current treatments aim to seal off leaky blood vessels via laser therapy or to suppress vessel leakage and neovascular growth through intraocular injections of antibodies that target vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). However, the long-term success of anti-VEGF therapy can be hampered by limitations such as low or variable efficacy, high frequency of administration (usually monthly), potentially serious side effects, and, most importantly, loss of efficacy with prolonged treatment. Gene transfer of endogenous antiangiogenic proteins is an alternative approach that has the potential to provide long-term suppression of neovascularization and/or excessive vascular leakage in the eye. Preclinical studies of gene transfer in a large animal model have provided impressive preliminary results with a number of transgenes. In addition, a clinical trial in patients suffering from advanced neovascular AMD has provided proof-of-concept for successful gene transfer. In this mini review, we summarize current theories pertaining to the application of gene therapy for neovascular AMD and the potential benefits when used in conjunction with endogenous antiangiogenic proteins

    Physiology and Pharmacology Glial Cell Contribution to Basal Vessel Diameter and Pressure-Initiated Vascular Responses in Rat Retina

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    PURPOSE. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that retinal glial cells modify basal vessel diameter and pressure-initiated vascular regulation in rat retina. METHODS. In rats, L-2-aminoadipic acid (LAA, 10 nM) was intravitreally injected to inhibit glial cell activity. Twenty-four hours following injection, retinal glial intracellular calcium (Ca 2þ ) was labeled with the fluorescent calcium indicator Fluo-4/AM (F4, 1 mM). At 110 minutes after injection, intraocular pressure (IOP) was elevated from 20 to 50 mm Hg. Prior to and during IOP elevation, Ca 2þ and retinal vessel diameter were assessed using a spectral-domain optical coherence tomography/confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope. Dynamic changes in Ca 2þ and diameter from IOP elevation were quantified. The response in LAA-treated eyes was compared with vehicle treated control eyes. RESULTS. L-2-Aminoadipic acid treatment significantly reduced F4-positive cells in the retina (LAA, 16 6 20 vs. control, 55 6 37 cells/mm 2 ; P ¼ 0.02). Twenty-four hours following LAA treatment, basal venous diameter was increased from 38.9 6 3.9 to 51.8 6 6.4 lm (P &lt; 0.0001, n ¼ 20), whereas arterial diameter was unchanged (from 30.3 6 3.5 to 30.7 6 2.8 lm; P ¼ 0.64). In response to IOP elevation, LAA-treated eyes showed a smaller increase in glial cell Ca 2þ around both arteries and veins in comparison with control (P &lt; 0.001 for both). There was also significantly greater IOP-induced vasoconstriction in both vessel types (P ¼ 0.05 and P ¼ 0.02, respectively; n ¼ 6 each). CONCLUSIONS. The results suggest that glial cells can modulate basal retinal venous diameter and contribute to pressure-initiated vascular responses

    Retinal Alpha-Synuclein Accumulation Correlates with Retinal Dysfunction and Structural Thinning in the A53T Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease

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    Abnormal alpha-synuclein (α-SYN) protein deposition has long been recognized as one of the pathological hallmarks of Parkinson\u27s disease\u27s (PD). This study considers the potential utility of PD retinal biomarkers by investigating retinal changes in a well characterized PD model of α-SYN overexpression and how these correspond to the presence of retinal α-SYN. Transgenic A53T homozygous (HOM) mice overexpressing human α-SYN and wildtype (WT) control littermates were assessed at 4, 6, and 14  months of age (male and female

    Levodopa Rescues Retinal Function in the Transgenic A53T Alpha-Synuclein Model of Parkinson\u27s Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Loss of substantia nigra dopaminergic cells and alpha-synuclein (α-syn)-rich intraneuronal deposits within the central nervous system are key hallmarks of Parkinson\u27s disease (PD). Levodopa (L-DOPA) is the current gold-standard treatment for PD. This study aimed to evaluate METHODS: Anaesthetised 6-month-old mice expressing human A53T alpha-synuclein (HOM) and wildtype (WT) control littermates were intraperitoneally given 20 mg/kg L-DOPA (50 mg levodopa, 2.5 mg benserazide) or vehicle saline ( RESULTS: We found that photoreceptor (a-wave) and bipolar cell (b-wave) ERG responses ( CONCLUSIONS: These findings deepen our understanding of dopamine and alpha-synuclein interactions in the retina and provide a high-throughput preclinical framework, primed for translation, through which novel therapeutic compounds can be objectively screened and assessed for fast-tracking PD drug discovery

    Altered Outer Retinal Structure, Electrophysiology and Visual Perception in Parkinson\u27s Disease.

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    BACKGROUND: Visual biomarkers of Parkinson\u27s disease (PD) are attractive as the retina is an outpouching of the brain. Although inner retinal neurodegeneration in PD is well-established this has overlap with other neurodegenerative diseases and thus outer retinal (photoreceptor) measures warrant further investigation. OBJECTIVE: To examine in a cross-sectional study whether clinically implementable measures targeting outer retinal function and structure can differentiate PD from healthy ageing and whether these are sensitive to intraday levodopa (L-DOPA) dosing. METHODS: Centre-surround perceptual contrast suppression, macular visual field sensitivity, colour discrimination, light-adapted electroretinography and optical coherence tomography (OCT) were tested in PD participants (n = 16) and controls (n = 21). Electroretinography and OCT were conducted before and after midday L-DOPA in PD participants, or repeated after ∼2 hours in controls. RESULTS: PD participants had decreased center-surround contrast suppression (p \u3c 0.01), reduced macular visual field sensitivity (p \u3c 0.05), color vision impairment (p \u3c 0.01) photoreceptor dysfunction (a-wave, p \u3c 0.01) and photoreceptor neurodegeneration (outer nuclear layer thinning, p \u3c 0.05), relative to controls. Effect size comparison between inner and outer retinal parameters showed that photoreceptor metrics were similarly robust in differentiating the PD group from age-matched controls as inner retinal changes. Electroretinography and OCT were unaffected by L-DOPA treatment or time. CONCLUSIONS: We show that outer retinal outcomes of photoreceptoral dysfunction (decreased cone function and impaired color vision) and degeneration (i.e., outer nuclear layer thinning) were equivalent to inner retinal metrics at differentiating PD from healthy age-matched adults. These findings suggest outer retinal metrics may serve as useful biomarkers for PD