1,047 research outputs found

    Impedance of a Rectangular Beam Tube with Small Corrugations

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    We consider the impedance of a structure with rectangular, periodic corrugations on two opposing sides of a rectangular beam tube. Using the method of field matching, we find the modes in such a structure. We then limit ourselves to the the case of small corrugations, but where the depth of corrugation is not small compared to the period. For such a structure we generate analytical approximate solutions for the wave number kk, group velocity vgv_g, and loss factor κ\kappa for the lowest (the dominant) mode which, when compared with the results of the complete numerical solution, agreed well. We find: if w∼aw\sim a, where ww is the beam pipe width and aa is the beam pipe half-height, then one mode dominates the impedance, with k∼1/wδk\sim1/\sqrt{w\delta} (δ\delta is the depth of corrugation), (1−vg/c)∼δ(1-v_g/c)\sim\delta, and κ∼1/(aw)\kappa\sim1/(aw), which (when replacing ww by aa) is the same scaling as was found for small corrugations in a {\it round} beam pipe. Our results disagree in an important way with a recent paper of Mostacci {\it et al.} [A. Mostacci {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. ST-AB, {\bf 5}, 044401 (2002)], where, for the rectangular structure, the authors obtained a synchronous mode with the same frequency kk, but with κ∼δ\kappa\sim\delta. Finally, we find that if ww is large compared to aa then many nearby modes contribute to the impedance, resulting in a wakefield that Landau damps.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, 1 bibliography fil

    Assessing Learning Styles of Adults in Different Learning Environments

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    To support the development of more supportive learning environments, Kolb’s Learning Styles Inventory (LSI) was used to assess learning styles in adult students of online, classroom, and combination learning environments. There were no significant differences in learning styles between learning environments in the sample population, though learning styles correlated with some demographic measures.https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/current/1001/thumbnail.jp

    A Numerical Investigation of the Gulf Stream and Its Meanders in Response to Cold Air Outbreaks

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    The three-dimensional Princeton Ocean Model is used to examine the modification of the Gulf Stream and its meanders by cold air outbreaks. Two types of Gulf Stream meanders are found in the model. Meanders on the shoreward side of the Gulf Stream are baroclinically unstable. They are affected little by the atmospheric forcing because their energy source is stored at the permanent thermocline, well below the influence of the surface forcing. Meanders on the seaward side of the stream are both barotropically and baroclinically unstable. The energy feeding these meanders is stored at the surface front separating the Gulf Stream and the Sargasso Seal which is greatly reduced in case of cold air outbreaks. Thus, meanders there reduce strength and also seem to slow their downstream propagation due to the southward Ekman flow. Heat budget calculations suggest two almost separable processes. The oceanic heal released to the atmosphere during these severe cooling episodes comes almost exclusively from the upper water column. Transport of heat by meanders from the Gulf Stream to the shelf, though it is large, does not disrupt the principal balance. It is balanced nicely with the net heat transport in the downstream direction

    Wind and Gulf Stream Influences on Along-Shelf Transport and Off-Shelf Export at Cape Hatteras, North Carolina

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    Along-shelf transports across three cross-shelf lines on the continental shelf near Cape Hatteras have been calculated from moored current meter data over a continuous 24 month period in 1992-1994. The along-shelf convergence has been used to infer off-shelf export. Transport and transport convergence have been related to wind and Gulf Stream forcing and to variability in sea level at the coast. The along-shelf transport variability is primarily wind-driven and highly correlated with sea level fluctuations at the coast. Both winds and along-shelf transport exhibit a near-annual period variability. Along shelf transport is not well correlated with Gulf Stream offshore position. Along-shelf transport convergence is highly correlated with Gulf Stream position offshore, with a more shoreward Gulf Stream position leading increased along-shelf convergence by hours to a few days. Long-period variability of 14-16 months and 1-3 months is apparent in both Gulf Stream position and transport convergence. Variability in along-shelf convergence is poorly correlated with wind, wind convergence, or coastal sea level. A likely hypothesis accounting for the observed relationship between Gulf Stream position and along-shelf transport convergence is that the Gulf Stream is directly influencing cross-shelf export processes along the outer boundary of the study site. Despite predominantly convergent flow on the shelf at Cape Hatteras, brief periods of along-shelf divergence and shoreward cross-shelf transport exist (similar to 10% of the time just north of Cape Hatteras and similar to 34% of the time just south of Cape Hatteras during episodes of up to 3-8 days duration). Implied onshore flows of a few cm s-1 are tentatively identified in the moored current meter data for these periods. Satellite imagery for an extended along-shelf divergent period clearly suggests that shelf edge parcels could be advected a significant fraction of the way across the shelf

    Air-Sea Interactions During the Passage of a Winter Storm Over the Gulf Stream: A Three-Dimensional Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Model Study

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    A three-dimensional, regional coupled atmosphere-ocean model with full physics is developed to study air-sea interactions during winter storms off the U. S. east coast. Because of the scarcity of open ocean observations, models such as this offer valuable opportunities to investigate how oceanic forcing drives atmospheric circulation and vice versa. The study presented here considers conditions of strong atmospheric forcing (high wind speeds) and strong oceanic forcing (significant sea surface temperature (SST) gradients). A simulated atmospheric cyclone evolves in a manner consistent with Eta reanalysis, and the simulated air-sea heat and momentum exchanges strongly affect the circulations in both the atmosphere and the ocean. For the simulated cyclone of 19-20 January 1998, maximum ocean-to-atmosphere heat fluxes first appear over the Gulf Stream in the South Atlantic Bight, and this results in rapid deepening of the cyclone off the Carolina coast. As the cyclone moves eastward, the heat flux maximum shifts into the region near Cape Hatteras and later northeast of Hatteras, where it enhances the wind locally. The oceanic response to the atmospheric forcing is closely related to the wind direction. Southerly and southwesterly winds tend to strengthen surface currents in the Gulf Stream, whereas northeasterly winds weaken the surface currents in the Gulf Stream and generate southwestward flows on the shelf. The oceanic feedback to the atmosphere moderates the cyclone strength. Compared with a simulation in which the oceanic model always passes the initial SST to the atmospheric model, the coupled simulation in which the oceanic model passes the evolving SST to the atmospheric model produces higher ocean-to-atmosphere heat flux near Gulf Stream meander troughs. This is due to wind-driven lateral shifts of the stream, which in turn enhance the local northeasterly winds. Away from the Gulf Stream the coupled simulation produces surface winds that are 5 similar to 10% weaker. Differences in the surface ocean currents between these two experiments are significant on the shelf and in the open ocean

    Numerical Modeling of a Wave Turbine and Estimation of Shaft Work

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    Wave rotors are periodic-flow devices that provide dynamic pressure exchange and efficient energy transfer through internal pressure waves generated due to fast opening and closing of ports. Wave turbines are wave rotors with curved channels that can produce shaft work through change of angular momentum from inlet to exit. In the present work, conservation equations with averaging in the transverse directions are derived for wave turbines, and quasi-one-dimensional model for axial-channel non-steady flow is extended to account for blade curvature effects. The importance of inlet incidence is explained and the duct angle is optimized to minimize incidence loss for a particular boundary condition. Two different techniques are presented for estimating the work transfer between the gas and rotor due to flow turning, based on conservation of angular momentum and of energy. The use of two different methods to estimate the shaft work provides confidence in reporting of work output and confirms internal consistency of the model while it awaits experimental data for validation. The extended wave turbine model is used to simulate the flow in a three-port wave rotor. The work output is calculated for blades with varying curvature, including the straight axial channel as a reference case. The dimensional shaft work is reported for the idealized situation where all loss-generating mechanisms except flow incidence are absent, thus excluding leakage, heat transfer, friction, port opening time, and windage losses. The model developed in the current work can be used to determine the optimal wave turbine designs for experimental investment
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