1,183 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamic signatures of stationary Marangoni-driven surfactant transport

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    We experimentally study steady Marangoni-driven surfactant transport on the interface of a deep water layer. Using hydrodynamic measurements, and without using any knowledge of the surfactant physico-chemical properties, we show that sodium dodecyl sulphate and Tergitol 15-S-9 introduced in low concentrations result in a flow driven by adsorbed surfactant. At higher surfactant concentration, the flow is dominated by the dissolved surfactant. Using Camphoric acid, whose properties are {\it a priori} unknown, we demonstrate this method's efficacy by showing its spreading is adsorption dominated

    Utility of prophylactic cervical cerclage in intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection twins: a prospective study

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    Background: Several interventions have been used to reduce the rate of preterm birth and prolonging gestation in a twin pregnancy and routine usage of cervical cerclage in twin pregnancy conceived after intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) procedure has found to be beneficial.Methods: Prospective case series studies, series of expectant mothers with twin pregnancy conceived by ICSI were studied under tertiary care hospital setting. A total of 108 cases with twin pregnancy were included during a period of 2016 to 2019. Obstetric profile of all the cases was taken; cervical cerclage procedure was done at 14-16 weeks of gestation (McDonald method) after a normal nuchal translucency scan and a double marker test. Pregnancy outcome parameters like abortion, preterm labour/delivery, premature rupture of membranes (PROM), and mode of delivery, gestational age at delivery, birth weight and neonatal complications were assessed.Results: Mean age of the mothers was 30.61±4.45 years, rates of the pregnancy outcome parameters were abortion 0%, preterm labour 11.1%, premature rupture of membranes (PROM) 9.3%, mean gestational age at delivery was at 34.56±1.71 weeks. Neonatal outcome parameters were mean birth weight was at 2279±470 grams, 77.8% of the neonates had normal APGAR scores. The rates of NICU admission was 28%, RDS– 24.1%, 3.7% had sepsis and 92.6% of neonates survived and 7.4% died.Conclusions: In ICSI twin pregnancies with normal cervical measurements, prophylactic cervical cerclage is effective in prolonging pregnancy and preventing preterm delivery and thereby minimizing neonatal morbidity and mortality

    Studi Teknologi Intake untuk Pendingin Kondensor dan Instalasi Desalinasi pada Pltn

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    STUDI TEKNOLOGI INTAKE UNTUK PENDINGIN KONDENSOR DAN INSTALASI DESALINASI PADA PLTN. Telah dilakukan studi teknologi intake untuk pendingin kondensor dan instalasi desalinasi untuk memasok kebutuhan air pada PLTN. Teknologi intake mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting untuk memasok kebutuhan air dari laut. Ada dua jenis intake air laut untuk pendingin kondensor dan instalasi desalinasi yaitu surfaces intake dan subsurface intake. Kedua teknologi tersebut mempunyai keunggulan masing-masing. Teknologi surfaces intake terdiri dari dua sistem yaitu traveling water screen dan passive screen, sedangkan subsurface intake terdiri dari tiga sistem yaitu sumur pantai, infiltration gallery dan seabed filtration. Teknologi intake yang baik menjamin stabilitas kualitas dan kuantitas pasokan air umpan, yang merupakan faktor penting dalam memperbaiki efisiensi proses dan keandalan keseluruhan instalasi, dengan dampak ekologi minimum. Dampak ekologi yang perlu dipertimbangkan yaitu impingement dan entrainment. Untuk PLTN kelas 1000 MWe yang direncanakan dibangun di Ujung Lemah Abang Jepara, jenis traveling water screen dapat menjadi pilihan karena sesuai dengan persyaratan kecepatan dan arah aliran, serta memenuhi kuantitas pasokan air. Jenis travelling water screen dapat mengurangi dampak ekologi impingement 80-90%, namun tidak mengurangi entrainment dari telur dan larva dari berbagai macam organisme laut

    Force Distributions in Frictional Granular Media

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    We report a joint experimental and theoretical investigation of the probability distribution functions (pdf's) of the normal and tangential (frictional) forces in amorphous frictional media. We consider both the joint pdf of normal and tangential forces together, and the marginal pdf's of normal forces separately and tangential forces separately. A maximum entropy formalism is utilized for all these cases after identifying the appropriate constraints. Excellent agreements with both experimental and simulational data are reported. The proposed joint pdf (which appears new to the literature) predicts giant slip events at low pressures, again in agreement with observations.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figure

    Studi Tekno-ekonomi Reaktor Maju Apwr-mitsubishi

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    STUDI TEKNO-EKONOMI REAKTOR APWR- MITSUBISHI. APWR- Mitsubishi merupakan PLTN generasi maju jenis air tekan dan berpendingin air ringan yang dikembangkan oleh Mitshubishi Heavy Industry - Jepang.dan Westinghouse – USA. PLTN ini dikembangkan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip operasi dan perawatan sederhana, keselamatan tinggi, lebih ramah lingkungan, keandalan tinggi, dan lebih ekonomis.Untuk mendukung program pemerintah yang berencana akan membangun PLTN di Indonesia, maka perlu dikaji berbagai jenis PLTN yang telah dikembangkan di dunia. Pada makalah ini akan dibahas masalah perkembangan teknologi APWR Mitsubishi, sehingga saat dilakukan tersedia data-data teknologi dari berbagai jenis reaktor daya. Dari hasil kajian disimpulkan bahwa APWR-Mitsubishi lebih unggul dibandingkan PWR konvensional

    Left ventricular mass index and pulmonary artery pressure in patients with the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

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    Background: Sleep apnea is accompanied by some cardiovascular complications. It has even been hypothesized that sleep apnea, itself, can induce some of these complications. Given such controversies, we assessed the left ventricular mass index (LVMI) and systolic pulmonary artery pressure in patients with sleep apnea. Methods: Through convenience sampling, 56 patients with the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) were included in the present descriptive cross-sectional study. Patients with any past history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus were excluded. The apnea severity was assessed via the polysomnography-derived apnea-hypopnea index (AHI). All the patients underwent transthoracic echocardiography. In this cross-sectional study-data regarding age, gender, smoking, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, polysomnographic parameters (AHI, severity of disease, mean heart rate, mean oxygen saturation SaO2, lowest SaO2, and duration of SaO2 below 90% d.SaO2 < 90%), and echocardiographic parameters (systolic pulmonary artery pressure and LVMI) were accumulated and processed. Results: Fifty-two men and 14 women at a mean age of 49.29 ± 11.79 years participated in this study. Systolic and was significantly high in the severe group compared with the mild group (128.21 ± 9.73 mmHg vs. 119.23 ± 12.5 mmHg; p value = 0.007). The LVMI was increased parallel to an increase in the severity of the OSAS, but that increase was not statistically significant (p value = 0.161). The d.SaO2 < 90% was positively correlated with the LVMI, and this relationship remained true after adjustment for the body mass index (r = 0.27; p value = 0.042). Conclusion: Severe OSAS was accompanied by a higher blood pressure. The LVMI did not differ significantly between the patients with the OSAS and those who did not suffer from other risk factors of cardiac diseases. © 2016, Tehran Heart Center. All rights reserved

    Kajian Gambar Ekspresi Karya Siswa Tingkat Sekolah Dasar (Studi Deskriptif Analitik terhadap Karakteristik Gambar Karya Siswa Kelas 3 Sdn 01 Gandrungmangu Kabupaten Cilacap)

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    Karakteristik gambar ekspresi karya siswa kelas 3 dipilih karena tingkat ekpresi kreatifnya sedang dalam masa emas atau puncak. Penelitian dilakukan di SDN 01 Gandrungmangu Kecamatan Gandrungmangu Kabupaten Cilacap. Kepala Sekolah, Guru Wali Kelas 3, dan gambar ekspresi karya siswa-siswi kelas 3 SDN 01 Gandrungmangu menjadi narasumber dan objek yang diteliti. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui tipe dan gaya pada gambar ekspresi karya siswa kelas 3 tersebut. Pendekatan kualitatif merupakan metode yang cocok dalam menggali makna yang terdapat pada objek penelitian yang dikaji peneliti. Selanjutnya dalam pemilihan metode, peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif dalam penggambaran data. Setelah penelitian dilakukan, diperoleh hasil penelitian yang kemudian disimpulkan bahwa karakteristik umum yang muncul dalam gambar karya siswa laki-laki maupun perempuan sebagian besar adalah tipe visual. Tipe haptik sebagian kecil ditemukan pada hasil gambar anak. Gaya yang tampak pada gambar karya siswa kelas 3 yaitu sebagian bergaya structural form, sebagian kecil bergaya lyrical, rhythmical pattern, dan romantic. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, disarankan agar tenaga profesional atau guru pengajar di bidang kesenirupaan lebih memperdalam pengetahuan dan wawasan mengenai teori kreativitas dan ekspresi kreatif siswa

    Derivation of normal macrophages from human embryonic stem (hES) cells for applications in HIV gene therapy

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    BACKGROUND: Many novel studies and therapies are possible with the use of human embryonic stem cells (hES cells) and their differentiated cell progeny. The hES cell derived CD34 hematopoietic stem cells can be potentially used for many gene therapy applications. Here we evaluated the capacity of hES cell derived CD34 cells to give rise to normal macrophages as a first step towards using these cells in viral infection studies and in developing novel stem cell based gene therapy strategies for AIDS. RESULTS: Undifferentiated normal and lentiviral vector transduced hES cells were cultured on S17 mouse bone marrow stromal cell layers to derive CD34 hematopoietic progenitor cells. The differentiated CD34 cells isolated from cystic bodies were further cultured in cytokine media to derive macrophages. Phenotypic and functional analyses were carried out to compare these with that of fetal liver CD34 cell derived macrophages. As assessed by FACS analysis, the hES-CD34 cell derived macrophages displayed characteristic cell surface markers CD14, CD4, CCR5, CXCR4, and HLA-DR suggesting a normal phenotype. Tests evaluating phagocytosis, upregulation of the costimulatory molecule B7.1, and cytokine secretion in response to LPS stimulation showed that these macrophages are also functionally normal. When infected with HIV-1, the differentiated macrophages supported productive viral infection. Lentiviral vector transduced hES cells expressing the transgene GFP were evaluated similarly like above. The transgenic hES cells also gave rise to macrophages with normal phenotypic and functional characteristics indicating no vector mediated adverse effects during differentiation. CONCLUSION: Phenotypically normal and functionally competent macrophages could be derived from hES-CD34 cells. Since these cells are susceptible to HIV-1 infection, they provide a uniform source of macrophages for viral infection studies. Based on these results, it is also now feasible to transduce hES-CD34 cells with anti-HIV genes such as inhibitory siRNAs and test their antiviral efficacy in down stream differentiated cells such as macrophages which are among the primary cells that need to be protected against HIV-1 infection. Thus, the potential utility of hES derived CD34 hematopoietic cells for HIV-1 gene therapy can be evaluated