23 research outputs found

    The Past amidst the Woods. The Post-Medieval Landscape of Polan贸w

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    This publication explores a complex landscape south of Polan贸w, and its transformations over the last few centuries. The area is rich in early and late modern earthworks which have been investigated through various archaeological prospection methods. Recognising that the forest is a dynamic and complex entity, the impacts on archaeological discovery strategies are discussed. Thus, while the work identifies the role that the longevity of forest has had on the survival of archaeological monuments, at the same time, this volume aims to demystify the omnipresent woodland of West Pomerania. While increasing awareness of earthworks in the forest, that otherwise have rarely attracted the attention of inhabitants of the area, this volume also draws attention to other actors in the landscape, including archaeologists.Publikacja prezentuje wielowarstwowy krajobraz okolic Polanowa, a tak偶e jego przekszta艂cenia na przestrzeni kilku ostatnich stuleci. Ukazana zostaje wielo艣膰 i rozmaito艣膰 wczesno- i p贸藕nonowo偶ytnych obiekt贸w archeologicznych o zachowanej formie terenowej. Jednocze艣nie analizie poddana zostaje efektywno艣膰 r贸偶norodnych metod prospekcji archeologicznej. Las rozumiany jest jako dynamiczny i niejednorodny fenomen, kt贸ry wp艂ywa na strategie prowadzenia bada艅 archeologicznych oraz do pewnego stopnia definiuje odkrycia b臋d膮ce rezultatem tych bada艅. Publikacja omawia zwi膮zek pomi臋dzy d艂ugotrwa艂ym zalesieniem a stanem zachowania obiekt贸w archeologicznych. Jednocze艣nie jej celem jest demistyfikacja powszechno艣ci las贸w na Pomorzu Zachodnim. Opracowanie d膮偶y do zwi臋kszenia 艣wiadomo艣ci odno艣nie obiekt贸w archeologicznych o w艂asnej formie terenowej, kt贸re zazwyczaj pozostaj膮 na marginesie zainteresowania lokalnej ludno艣ci, a tak偶e innych uczestnik贸w omawianego krajobrazu, w tym archeolog贸w.This research was sponsored by National Science Centre through the Preludium programme (decision no. DEC-2012/07/N/HS3/00825). Airborne laser scanning data was collected thanks to a financial support provided by the ArchaeoLandscapes Europe project (2010-1486/001-001) funded by the European Union within the framework of the Culture 2007-2013

    Dostrzec i zrozumie膰. Por贸wnanie wybranych metod wizualizacji danych ALS wykorzystywanych w archeologii

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    Application of airborne laser scanning (ALS) for archaeological purposes allows for identification of relief features. Unless the detection is automated, the recognition of archaeological objects in the observed dataset is bounded by the interaction between human mind, eye and visual phenomena that are displayed on the screen. To improve effectiveness of ALS interpretation several visualization techniques have been developed. However, due to their complexity the spatial information produced by these algorithms differs. The aim of the paper is to present the discrepancies between the most popular visualization techniques used for archaeological purposes. Unlike previous attempts, the presented comparison is based on the vector outputs of the interpretative mapping. Therefore, we demonstrate in detail the differences in the morphology as well as quantity of identified archaeological features due to the use of various visualization techniques

    Lotniczy skaning laserowy w polskiej archeologii. Czy w pe艂ni wykorzystywany jest potencja艂 prospekcyjny metody?

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    Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) is an advanced method of archaeological prospection. One can easily spot an increasing number of applications of LiDAR data within Polish archaeology. Due to that fact it is important to understand the prospective potential of the method as well as subjective character of generated information. The aim of this paper is to describe analytical and interpretative aspects of ALS. Application of LiDAR data is characterised by various processes which lead to the reduction of information about the past. Those processes will be identified and a number of practical solutions aiming to prevent them will be presented. The paper, based on a critical analysis of the procedur臋 of data acquisition and processing as well as creation of the final products, shows how important is knowledge of subjective character of data, tools and techniques during usage of ALS for archaeological purposes

    Past landscapes in the point cloud

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    Celem pracy jest identyfikacja relacji zachodz膮cych pomi臋dzy aplikacj膮 lotniczego skanowania laserowego (ALS) w archeologii a mo偶liwo艣ciami interpretacyjnymi dziedziny. Polega ona nie tylko na rozpoznaniu w jaki spos贸b teoria archeologiczna kszta艂tuje wykorzystanie metody, ale i na sprawdzeniu relacji zwrotnej, poprzez ukazanie, jak mo偶liwo艣ci interpretacyjne archeologii zmieniaj膮 si臋 wraz z zastosowaniem ALS-u. Wybrane obszary: zalesione okolice Polanowa (powiat koszali艅ski) oraz Starego Krakowa, a tak偶e Wrze艣nicy i S艂awska (powiat s艂awie艅ski) stanowi膮 poligony do艣wiadczalne aplikacji metody skanowania w badaniach nad wycinkiem wsp贸艂czesnej rzeczywisto艣ci, jakim s膮 przesz艂e krajobrazy. Wyniki docieka艅 ukazuj膮, 偶e zastosowanie skanowania w studiach krajobrazowych umo偶liwi艂o zar贸wno uzyskanie danych nowego typu i jako艣ci, odnosz膮cych si臋 do wsp贸艂cze艣nie konstruowanych znacze艅 przesz艂ej rzeczywisto艣ci, doprowadzaj膮c tym samym do zmian w rozumieniu przesz艂o艣ci, jak i wymusi艂o refleksj臋 nad istot膮 bada艅, ich procedur膮 oraz dekonstrukcj膮 takich kategorii, jak 藕r贸d艂o archeologiczne oraz narracja.The main purpose of this book is to identify the relationship between the application of Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) in archaeological research and the interpretative potential of archaeology. This relationship can be reached via the recognition of consequences which are brought about by the use of ALS data. Identification of these issues is carried out within the bounds of four levels of interaction of technology and the interpretative potential of archaeology. Selected areas of Pomerania have been used as case studies for these purposes, including the forested surroundings of Polan贸w, Stary Krak贸w, as well as Wrze艣nica and S艂awsko. These areas have been used as testing grounds for the application of the method in studies focused on past landscapes. Results from this study have revealed that the use of the method in archaeological research has led to an acquisition of data of a new quality, which in turn refer to contemporarily constructed meanings of the Past. As a consequence, this has caused major changes in our understanding of the Past. Additionally, this has provoked a significant deliberation on the essence of archaeological studies and their procedures, forcing a deconstruction of such categories as archaeological source and narration

    Past landscapes in the context of spatial data. Cutting-edge technology and interpretative potential of archaeology for selected areas of Pomerania

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    Wydzia艂 HistorycznyZasadniczym celem pracy jest identyfikacja relacji zachodz膮cych pomi臋dzy aplikacj膮 zaawansowanych technologii w archeologii a mo偶liwo艣ciami interpretacyjnymi dziedziny. Zostaje on osi膮gni臋ty poprzez rozpoznanie konsekwencji, jakie dla niejednorodnych studi贸w nad przesz艂ymi krajobrazami niesie wykorzystanie danych przestrzennych pozyskanych metod膮 lotniczego skanowania laserowego i przetworzonych oraz analizowanych w 艣rodowisku system贸w informacji przestrzennej. Identyfikacja zostaje przeprowadzona w obr臋bie czterech poziom贸w wzajemnego oddzia艂ywania technologii oraz mo偶liwo艣ci interpretacyjnych. Dla potrzeb niniejszej pracy, wybrane obszary Pomorza: zalesione okolice Polanowa (powiat koszali艅ski) oraz Starego Krakowa, a tak偶e Wrze艣nicy i S艂awska (powiat s艂awie艅ski) stanowi艂y poligony do艣wiadczalne aplikacji metody skanowania w badaniach nad wycinkiem wsp贸艂czesnej rzeczywisto艣ci, jakim s膮 przesz艂e krajobrazy. Wyniki docieka艅 ukazuj膮, 偶e zastosowanie ALS-u w studiach archeologicznych Pomorza umo偶liwi艂o zar贸wno uzyskanie danych nowego typu i jako艣ci, odnosz膮cych si臋 do wsp贸艂cze艣nie konstruowanych znacze艅 przesz艂ej rzeczywisto艣ci, doprowadzaj膮c tym samym do zmian w rozumieniu przesz艂o艣ci, jak i wymusi艂o refleksj臋 nad istot膮 bada艅, ich procedur膮 oraz dekonstrukcj膮 takich kategorii, jak 藕r贸d艂o archeologiczne oraz narracja.The main aim of the thesis was to identify the relation between application of cutting-edge technology in archaeological research and the interpretative potential of this field of humanities. It was reached due to recognition of consequences which were brought by the use of spatial data (generated by Airborne Laser Scanning and thereafter processed and analysed with Geographic Information Systems). The identification was carried out within the bounds of four levels of interaction of technology and interpretative potential of archaeology. For the purposes of the thesis selected areas of Pomerania: forested vicinities of Polan贸w (county Koszalin), Stary Krak贸w, as well as Wrze艣nica and S艂awsko (county S艂awno) were used as testing grounds for the application of Airborne Laser Scanning in studies on the past landscapes, which are a particular aspect of present reality. Results revealed that the use of the method in archaeological research on Pomerania led to an acquisition of data of a new kind and quality, referred to a contemporarily constructed meanings of the past. In consequence major changes in understanding of the past were caused. It provoked also a significant deliberation on the essence of archaeological studies and their procedure, and forced the deconstruction of such categories as archaeological source and narration

    Towards National Archaeological Mapping. Assessing Source Data and Methodology鈥擜 Case Study from Scotland

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    While the National Record of the Historic Environment (NRHE) in Scotland contains valuable information on more than 170,000 archaeological monuments, it is clear that this dataset is conditioned by the disposition of past survey and changing parameters of data collection strategies over many decades. This highlights the importance of creating systematic datasets, in which the standards to which they were created are explicit, and against which the reliability of our knowledge of the material remains of the past can be assessed. This paper describes issues of data structure and reliability, then discussing the methodologies under development for expediting the progress of national-scale mapping with specific reference to the Isle of Arran. Preliminary outcomes of a recent archaeological mapping project of the island, which has been used to develop protocols for rapid large area mapping, are outlined. The primary sources for the survey were airborne laser scanning derivatives and orthophotographs, supplemented by field observation, and the project has more than doubled the number of known monuments of Arran. The survey procedures are described, followed by a discussion of the utility of ‘general purpose’ remote sensed datasets, focusing on the assessment of strengths and weaknesses for rapid mapping of large areas

    Past landscapes in the point cloud

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    Celem pracy jest identyfikacja relacji zachodz膮cych pomi臋dzy aplikacj膮 lotniczego skanowania laserowego (ALS) w archeologii a mo偶liwo艣ciami interpretacyjnymi dziedziny. Polega ona nie tylko na rozpoznaniu w jaki spos贸b teoria archeologiczna kszta艂tuje wykorzystanie metody, ale i na sprawdzeniu relacji zwrotnej, poprzez ukazanie, jak mo偶liwo艣ci interpretacyjne archeologii zmieniaj膮 si臋 wraz z zastosowaniem ALS-u. Wybrane obszary: zalesione okolice Polanowa (powiat koszali艅ski) oraz Starego Krakowa, a tak偶e Wrze艣nicy i S艂awska (powiat s艂awie艅ski) stanowi膮 poligony do艣wiadczalne aplikacji metody skanowania w badaniach nad wycinkiem wsp贸艂czesnej rzeczywisto艣ci, jakim s膮 przesz艂e krajobrazy. Wyniki docieka艅 ukazuj膮, 偶e zastosowanie skanowania w studiach krajobrazowych umo偶liwi艂o zar贸wno uzyskanie danych nowego typu i jako艣ci, odnosz膮cych si臋 do wsp贸艂cze艣nie konstruowanych znacze艅 przesz艂ej rzeczywisto艣ci, doprowadzaj膮c tym samym do zmian w rozumieniu przesz艂o艣ci, jak i wymusi艂o refleksj臋 nad istot膮 bada艅, ich procedur膮 oraz dekonstrukcj膮 takich kategorii, jak 藕r贸d艂o archeologiczne oraz narracja.The main purpose of this book is to identify the relationship between the application of Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) in archaeological research and the interpretative potential of archaeology. This relationship can be reached via the recognition of consequences which are brought about by the use of ALS data. Identification of these issues is carried out within the bounds of four levels of interaction of technology and the interpretative potential of archaeology. Selected areas of Pomerania have been used as case studies for these purposes, including the forested surroundings of Polan贸w, Stary Krak贸w, as well as Wrze艣nica and S艂awsko. These areas have been used as testing grounds for the application of the method in studies focused on past landscapes. Results from this study have revealed that the use of the method in archaeological research has led to an acquisition of data of a new quality, which in turn refer to contemporarily constructed meanings of the Past. As a consequence, this has caused major changes in our understanding of the Past. Additionally, this has provoked a significant deliberation on the essence of archaeological studies and their procedures, forcing a deconstruction of such categories as archaeological source and narration

    The Past amidst the Woods. The Post-Medieval Landscape of Polan贸w

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    This publication explores a complex landscape south of Polan贸w, and its transformations over the last few centuries. The area is rich in early and late modern earthworks which have been investigated through various archaeological prospection methods. Recognising that the forest is a dynamic and complex entity, the impacts on archaeological discovery strategies are discussed. Thus, while the work identifies the role that the longevity of forest has had on the survival of archaeological monuments, at the same time, this volume aims to demystify the omnipresent woodland of West Pomerania. While increasing awareness of earthworks in the forest, that otherwise have rarely attracted the attention of inhabitants of the area, this volume also draws attention to other actors in the landscape, including archaeologists.Publikacja prezentuje wielowarstwowy krajobraz okolic Polanowa, a tak偶e jego przekszta艂cenia na przestrzeni kilku ostatnich stuleci. Ukazana zostaje wielo艣膰 i rozmaito艣膰 wczesno- i p贸藕nonowo偶ytnych obiekt贸w archeologicznych o zachowanej formie terenowej. Jednocze艣nie analizie poddana zostaje efektywno艣膰 r贸偶norodnych metod prospekcji archeologicznej. Las rozumiany jest jako dynamiczny i niejednorodny fenomen, kt贸ry wp艂ywa na strategie prowadzenia bada艅 archeologicznych oraz do pewnego stopnia definiuje odkrycia b臋d膮ce rezultatem tych bada艅. Publikacja omawia zwi膮zek pomi臋dzy d艂ugotrwa艂ym zalesieniem a stanem zachowania obiekt贸w archeologicznych. Jednocze艣nie jej celem jest demistyfikacja powszechno艣ci las贸w na Pomorzu Zachodnim. Opracowanie d膮偶y do zwi臋kszenia 艣wiadomo艣ci odno艣nie obiekt贸w archeologicznych o w艂asnej formie terenowej, kt贸re zazwyczaj pozostaj膮 na marginesie zainteresowania lokalnej ludno艣ci, a tak偶e innych uczestnik贸w omawianego krajobrazu, w tym archeolog贸w.This research was sponsored by National Science Centre through the Preludium programme (decision no. DEC-2012/07/N/HS3/00825). Airborne laser scanning data was collected thanks to a financial support provided by the ArchaeoLandscapes Europe project (2010-1486/001-001) funded by the European Union within the framework of the Culture 2007-2013

    Przesz艂e krajobrazy w chmurze punkt贸w

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    Celem pracy jest identyfikacja relacji zachodz膮cych pomi臋dzy aplikacj膮 lotniczego skanowania laserowego (ALS) w archeologii a mo偶liwo艣ciami interpretacyjnymi dziedziny. Polega ona nie tylko na rozpoznaniu w jaki spos贸b teoria archeologiczna kszta艂tuje wykorzystanie metody, ale i na sprawdzeniu relacji zwrotnej, poprzez ukazanie, jak mo偶liwo艣ci interpretacyjne archeologii zmieniaj膮 si臋 wraz z zastosowaniem ALS-u. Wybrane obszary: zalesione okolice Polanowa (powiat koszali艅ski) oraz Starego Krakowa, a tak偶e Wrze艣nicy i S艂awska (powiat s艂awie艅ski) stanowi膮 poligony do艣wiadczalne aplikacji metody skanowania w badaniach nad wycinkiem wsp贸艂czesnej rzeczywisto艣ci, jakim s膮 przesz艂e krajobrazy. Wyniki docieka艅 ukazuj膮, 偶e zastosowanie skanowania w studiach krajobrazowych umo偶liwi艂o zar贸wno uzyskanie danych nowego typu i jako艣ci, odnosz膮cych si臋 do wsp贸艂cze艣nie konstruowanych znacze艅 przesz艂ej rzeczywisto艣ci, doprowadzaj膮c tym samym do zmian w rozumieniu przesz艂o艣ci, jak i wymusi艂o refleksj臋 nad istot膮 bada艅, ich procedur膮 oraz dekonstrukcj膮 takich kategorii, jak 藕r贸d艂o archeologiczne oraz narracja. The main purpose of this book is to identify the relationship between the application of Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) in archaeological research and the interpretative potential of archaeology. This relationship can be reached via the recognition of consequences which are brought about by the use of ALS data. Identification of these issues is carried out within the bounds of four levels of interaction of technology and the interpretative potential of archaeology. Selected areas of Pomerania have been used as case studies for these purposes, including the forested surroundings of Polan贸w, Stary Krak贸w, as well as Wrze艣nica and S艂awsko. These areas have been used as testing grounds for the application of the method in studies focused on past landscapes. Results from this study have revealed that the use of the method in archaeological research has led to an acquisition of data of a new quality, which in turn refer to contemporarily constructed meanings of the Past. As a consequence, this has caused major changes in our understanding of the Past. Additionally, this has provoked a significant deliberation on the essence of archaeological studies and their procedures, forcing a deconstruction of such categories as archaeological source and narration