67 research outputs found

    Deformation of Banach spaces

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    summary:Using some moduli of convexity and smoothness we introduce a function which allows us to measure the deformation of Banach spaces. A few properties of this function are derived and its applicability in the geometric theory of Banach spaces is indicated

    Neuropoznawcze modele przestępczości i ich zastosowanie w psychologii sądowej na przykładzie diagnostyki dewiacyjnych preferencji seksualnych

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    Neurocognitive Models of Crime and their Application in Forensic Psychology Based on Deviant Sexual Preferences Diagnosis This article applies to applications of cognitive neuroscience in forensic psychology and sexology. Many studies show that anti-social people demonstrate deficits in the central area of ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VMPF) and related to it executive functions (FZ). These people have difficulties with learning, discounting of rewards and use the rules. The somatic markers theory explains this in terms of disorders in the formation of association between stimulus and reward or punishment (function VMPF). Tests involving VMPF should therefore differentiate between control groups and those manifesting anti-social behavior. The theory is confirmed by numerous studies measuring the efficiency of the FZ in the population of sex offenders. Deficits in the FZ are used in the diagnosis of deviant sexual preference


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    The benefits of the additional measurement of rotational degrees of free-dom on the performance of the vibration diagnosis of bridges are studied in this paper. The common vibrational diagnostics that uses translational degrees of freedom is extended by measurements of rotations. The study is curried out on a footbridge and the presence of damage as well as its location and size is determined with use of FEM updating procedure. The results showed that rotational degrees of freedom significantly improve the effectiveness of the vibrational method

    Efficient Simulations of Large Scale Convective Heat Transfer Problems

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    We describe an approach for efficient solution of large scale convective heat transfer problems, formulated as coupled unsteady heat conduction and incompressible fluid flow equations. The original problem is discretized in time using classical implicit methods, while stabilized finite elements are used for space discretization. The algorithm employed for the discretization of the fluid flow problem uses Picard's iterations to solve the arising nonlinear equations. Both problems, heat transfer and Navier-Stokes quations, give rise to large sparse systems of linear equations. The systems are solved using iterative GMRES solver with suitable preconditioning. For the incompressible flow equations we employ a special preconditioner based on algebraic multigrid (AMG) technique. The paper presents algorithmic and implementation details of the solution procedure, which is suitably tuned, especially for ill conditioned systems arising from discretizations of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. We describe parallel implementation of the solver using MPI and elements of PETSC library. The scalability of the solver is favourably compared with other methods such as direct solvers and standard GMRES method with ILU preconditioning.

    Modular FEM framework "ModFem" for generic scientific parallel simulations

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    We present the design and its' implementation for a flexible and robust parallel modular finite element (FEM) framework, called ModFem. The design is based on reusable modules which use narrow and well-defined interfaces to cooperate. At the top of the architecture there are problem dependent modules. Problem dependent modules can be additionally grouped together by "super-modules". This structure allows for applying the sequential codes to parallel environments and also support solving multi-physics and multi-scale problems