40 research outputs found


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    Since the Voyager 1 (V1) flyby in 1980, Titans exploration from space and the ground has been ongoing for more than a full revolution of Saturn around the Sun (one Titan year or 29.5 Earth years was completed in May 2010). In this study we search for temporal variations affecting Titans atmospheric thermal and chemical structure within that year. We process Cassini CIRS data taken during the Titan flybys from 2006-2013 and compare them to the 1980 V1IRIS spectra (re-analyzed here). We also consider data from Earth-based and -orbiting observatories (such as from the ISO, re-visited). When we compare the CIRS 2010 and the IRIS data we find limited inter-annual variations, below the 25 or35 levels for the lower and middle, or the high latitudes, respectively. A return to the 1980 stratospheric temperatures and abundances is generally achieved from 50degN to 50degS, indicative of the solar radiation being the dominating energy source at 10 AU, as for the Earth, as predicted by GCM and photochemical models. However, some exceptions exist among the most complex hydrocarbons (C4H2 and C3H4), especially in the North. In the Southern latitudes, since 2012, we see a trend for an increase of several trace gases, possibly indicative of a seasonal atmospheric reversal. At the Northern latitudes we found enhanced abundances around the period of the northern spring equinox in mid-2009 (as in Bampasidis et al. 2012), which subsequently decreased (from 2010-2012) returning to values similar to those found in the V1 epoch a Titanian year before

    Water Vapor in Titan's Stratosphere from Cassini/CIRS Far-infrared Spectra

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    Since the first detection of water vapor in Titan's stratosphere by disk-average observations from the Infrared Space Observatory (Coustenis et al. 1998) we report here the successful detection of stratospheric water vapor using the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS, Flasar et al. 2004). CIRS senses water emissions in the far infrared spectral region near 50 microns, which we have modeled using two independent radiative transfer codes (NEMESIS, Irwin et al 2008 and ART, Coustenis et al. 2007, 2010). From the analysis of nadir spectra we have derived a mixing ratio of (0.14 0.05) ppb at an altitude of 97 kilometers, which corresponds to an integrated (from 0 to 600 kilometers) surface normalized column abundance of (3.7 plus or minus 1.3) x 10(exp 14) molecules per square centimeter. In the latitude range 80 S to 30 N we see no evidence for latitudinal variations in these abundances within the error bars. Using limb observations, we obtained mixing ratios of (0.13 plus or minus 0.04) ppb at an altitude of 115 kilometers and (0.45 plus or minus 0.15) ppb at an altitude of 230 kilometers, confirming that the water abundance has a positive vertical gradient as predicted by photochemical models (e.g. Lara et al. 1996, Wilson and Atreya 2004, Horst et al. 2008); retrieved scaling factors (from approximately 0.1 to approximately 0.6) to the water profile suggested by these models show that water vapor is present in Titan stratosphere with less abundance than predicted

    Evolution of the Far-infrared Cloud at Titan's South Pole

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    A condensate cloud on Titan identified by its 220 cm (sup -1) far-infrared signature continues to undergo seasonal changes at both the north and south poles. In the north the cloud, which extends from 55 North to the pole, has been gradually decreasing in emission intensity since the beginning of the Cassini mission with a half-life of 3.8 years. The cloud in the south did not appear until 2012 but its intensity has increased rapidly, doubling every year. The shape of the cloud at the South Pole is very different from that in the north. Mapping in December 2013 showed that the condensate emission was confined to a ring with a maximum at 80 South. The ring was centered 4 degrees from Titan's pole. The pattern of emission from stratospheric trace gases like nitriles and complex hydrocarbons (mapped in January 2014) was also offset by 4 degrees, but had a central peak at the pole and a secondary maximum in a ring at about 70 South with a minimum at 80 South. The shape of the gas emissions distribution can be explained by abundances that are high at the atmospheric pole and diminish toward the equator, combined with correspondingly increasing temperatures. We discuss possible causes for the condensate ring. The present rapid build up of the condensate cloud at the South Pole is likely to transition to a gradual decline during 2015-16

    Surface albedo changes with time on Titan’s possible cryovolcanic sites: Cassini/VIMS processing and geophysical implications

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    We present a study on Titan’s possibly cryovolcanic and varying regions as suggested from previous studies [e.g. 1;2;7]. These regions, which are potentially subject to change over time in brightness and are located close to the equator, are Tui Regio, Hotei Regio, and Sotra Patera. We apply two methods on Cassini/VIMS data in order to retrieve their surface properties and monitor any temporal variations. First, we apply a statistical method, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) [3;4] where we manage to isolate regions of distinct and diverse chemical composition called ‘Region of interest – RoI’. Then, we focus on retrieving the spectral differences (with respect to the Huygens landing site albedo) among the RoIs by applying a radiative transfer code (RT) [5;3]. Hence, we are able to view the dynamical range and evaluate the differences in surface albedo within the RoIs of the three regions. In addition, using this double procedure, we study the temporal surface variations of the three regions witnessing albedo changes with time for Tui Regio from 2005-2009 (darkening) and Sotra Patera from 2005-2006 (brightening) at all wavelengths [3]. The surface albedo variations and the presence of volcanic-like features within the regions in addition to a recent study [6] that calculates Titan's tidal response are significant indications for the connection of the interior with the cryovolcanic candidate features with implications for the satellite’s astrobiological potential

    Celebrating One Year of Atmospheric Evolution on Titan Since Voyager with Cassini/CIRS

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    Seven years after Cassini's Saturn orbit insertion, we have in hand almost a complete picture of the stratospheric evolution within a Titanian year by combining Voyager 1 Infrared Radiometer Spectrometer (IRIS) measurements from 1980, Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) continuous recordings from 2004 to 2010 and the intervening ground-based and space-borne observations with ISO (Coustenis et al 2003). We have re-analyzed the Voyager l/IRIS data acquired during the 1980 encounter, 30 years (one Titan revolution) before 2010, with the most recent spectroscopic data releases and haze descriptions (Vinatier et al 2010, 2012) by using our radiative transfer code (ART). The re-analysis confirms the Vl/IRIS retrievals by Coustenis and Bezard (1995) and updates the abundances for all molecules and latitudes based on new temperature, haze and spectroscopic parameters. ART was also applied to all available CIRS spectral averages corresponding to more than 70 flybys binned over 10 deg in latitude for both medium (2.5 cm(exp -1) and higher (0.5 cm(exp -1) resolutions and from nadir and limb data both. In these spectra, we search for variations in temperature (following the method in Achterberg et al 2011) and composition at northern (around 50 deg N), equatorial and southern (around 50 deg S) latitudes as the season on Titan progresses and compare them to the new Vl/IRIS, ISO and other ground-based reported composition values (Coustenis et al., 2012, in prep). Other latitudes were examined in previous papers (e.g. Coustenis et al 2010)

    Water Vapor on Titan: The Stratospheric Vertical Profile from Cassini/CIRS Infrared Spectra

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    Water vapor in Titan's middle atmosphere has previously been detected only by disk-average observations from the Infrared Space Observatory (Coustenis et al., 1998). We report here the successful detection of stratospheric water vapor using the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS, Flasar et al., 2004) following an earlier null result (de Kok et al., 2007a). CIRS senses water emissions in the far-infrared spectral region near 50 microns, which we have modeled using two independent radiative transfer and inversion codes (NEMESIS, Irwin et al 2008 and ART, Coustenis et al., 2010). From the analysis of nadir spectra we have derived a mixing ratio of (0.14 plus or minus 0.05) ppb at 100 km, corresponding to a column abundance of approximately (3.7 plus or minus 1.3) x 10(exp 14) moles per square centimeter. Using limb observations, we obtained mixing ratios of (0.13 plus or minus 0.04) ppb at 125 km and (0.45 plus or minus 0.15) ppb at 225 km of altitude, confirming that the water abundance has a positive vertical gradient as predicted by photochemical models. In the latitude range (80 deg. S - 30 deg. N) we see no evidence for latitudinal variations in these abundances within the error bars

    The evolution of the atmosphere and surface of Titan from Cassini infrared observations

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    Saturn’s Earth-like satellite Titan has a thick and dense atmosphere consisting of nitrogen (98.4%), methane (1.6%) and trace gases such as hydrocarbons and nitriles [1]. The condensed organics are deposited on the surface and the atmosphere-surface-interior interactions shape the ground. In particular, Titan’s methane cycle, similarly to the Earth’s hydrologic cycle, plays an important role in these exchanges by transporting methane at all layers. By applying our radiative transfer code (ARTT) to Cassini/CIRS data taken during Titan flybys from 2004-2010 and to the 1980 Voyager 1 flyby values inferred from the reanalysis of the Infrared Radiometer Spectrometer (IRIS) spectra, as well as to the intervening ground- and space- based observations (such as with ISO), we study the stratospheric evolution over a Titanian year (V1 encounter Ls=9° was reached in mid-2010)


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    Science teachers' main concern is to motivate their students to actively participate in their lessons. Since students are usually excited about Astronomy, subjects of the Space Science can be used as educational tools to engage them in the learning process. In this framework, the European Space Agency (ESA) challenges student teams to enter the annual European Astro Pi contest. This contest gives the opportunity to young students to design and perform a space science experiment by building a computer program in Python language. Selected codes run on the International Space Station (ISS). In this paper, we present a project for secondary education inspired by the Astro Pi Challenge. We ask students to design a space experiment by using the microprocessor equipment provided by ESA. The case study of the project is to search for any Sun effects to the inner environment of ISS using the sensors of the Astro Pi. Students are asked to investigate possible variations in the interior (pressure, temperature, luminosity) during the light/dark circles. Students' simulations are tested in the terrestrial day/night circle. A previous student experience in writing code is not prerequisite. This activity focuses on developing transversal skills and competences of the involved students, such as scientific knowledge, cognitive and communication skills. These skills are crucial for the citizen of the 21th century. Students' reception, collaboration and performance to this activity are impressive. It seems that the project meets students' needs for further active involvement in the learning process

    A despeckle filter for the Cassini synthetic aperture radar images of Titan's surface

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    Cassini synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images of Titan, the largest satellite of Saturn, reveal surface features with shapes ranging from quasi-circular to more complex ones, interpreted as liquid hydrocarbon deposits assembled in the form of lakes or seas. One of the major problems hampering the derivation of meaningful texture information from SAR imagery is the speckle noise. It overlays real structures and causes gray value variations even in homogeneous parts of the image. We propose a filtering technique which can be applied to obtain restored SAR images. Our technique is based on probabilistic methods and regards an image as a random element drawn from a prespecified set of possible images. The despeckle filter can be used as an intermediate step for the extraction of regions of interest, corresponding to structured units in a given area or distinct objects of interest, such as lake-like features on Titan. This tool can therefore be used, among other, to study seasonal surficial changes of Titan's polar regions. In this study we also present a segmentation technique that allows us to separate the lakes from the local background. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd