8 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pajanan Asap Terhadap Jumlah Candida Pada Rongga Mulut (Studi Pada Pekerja Pengasapan Ikan Di Desa Bandarharjo, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah)

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    Latar belakang: Kesehatan gigi dan mulut merupakan bagian dari kesehatan tubuh secara keseluruhan, karena dapat mempengaruhi kualitas kehidupan. Flora normal banyak ditemukan dalam rongga mulut manusia, antara lain Candida Albicans. Candida albicans adalah jamur dimorfik yang memungkinkan untuk terjadinya 70-80% dari semua infeksi candida, sehingga merupakan penyebab tersering dari candidiasis. senyawa yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan candida adalah fenol dan asam asetat, komponen senyawa ini terdapat dalam proses pengasapan ikan.Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh antara pajanan asap dengan jumlah Candida pada pekerja pengasapan ikan di Desa Bandarharjo, Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah.Metode: penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian observasional dengan jenis cross sectional, serta menggunakan metode analitik deskriptif, dan rancangan consecutive sampling, sampel sebanyak 96 orang yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok dan telah memenuhi kriteria inklusi, yang selanjutnya dilakukan pemeriksaan swab pada rongga mulut untuk melihat jumlah candida yang ada pada rongga mulut responden.Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan rata-rata jumlah koloni antara kelompok yang terpajan asap dan kelompok kontrol (p=0,0001). Dengan rata-rata jumlah koloni pada kelompok yang terpajan (27,8) lebih besar daripada kelompok kontrol (2,81).Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara pajanan asap dengan kejadian kolonisasi Candida Albicans.Kesimpulan: Pajanan asap berpengaruh terhadap jumlah candida pada rongga mulut pekerja pengasapan ikan di Desa Bandarharjo, Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah

    Pengaruh Pajanan Asap Terhadap Jumlah Candida Pada Rongga Mulut (Studi Pada Pekerja Pengasapan Ikan Di Desa Bandarharjo, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah)

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    Background of study: Oral health is part of overall body health, as it can affect the quality of life. Normal flora are found in the human oral cavity, such as Candida albicans. Candida albicans is a dimorphic fungus that allows for the 70-80% of all candida infections, so it is a common cause of candidiasis. compounds that can inhibit the growth of candida are phenol and acetic acid, the components of this compound are in the process of curing fish.Methods of study: This study used an observational study design with the type of cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical methods, and design of consecutive sampling, a sample of 96 people who were divided into 2 groups and have met the inclusion criteria, which further examination of the oral cavity swab to see the number of existing candida in the oral cavity of respondents.Results: there are differences in the average number of colonies between the smoke-exposed group and the control group (p = 0.0001). With the average number of colonies in the exposed group (27.8) is greater than the control group (2.81) .There are significant relationship between exposure to smoke with colonization.Conclusions: Exposure to smoke has effect on the amount of Candida in the oral cavity of fish in the village of fumigation workers Bandarharjo, Semarang regency, Central Java

    Murine Typhus and Leptospirosis as Causes of Acute Undifferentiated Fever, Indonesia

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    To investigate rickettsioses and leptospirosis among urban residents of Semarang, Indonesia, we tested the blood of 137 patients with fever. Evidence of Rickettsia typhi, the agent of murine typhus, was found in 9 patients. Another 9 patients showed inconclusive serologic results. Thirteen patients received a diagnosis of leptospirosis. No dual infections were detected


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    Background: Hand washing is an important means of preventing hospital acquired infections. Few facilities were installed, and studies or campaign on this subject have been done in RSDK. This study is aimed to observe hand hygiene compliance rate among health care workers, to seek difference of its compliance based on wards and professions, and to find factors related to hand washing practices. Methods: This was a cross sectional study, involved 100 health workers (residents, nurses, and co-assistants) in RSDK during April to June 2011 as sample. All samples fulfilled the criterias. One person was observed for 1 hour, a simple questionnaire exploring factors related hand hygiene was given in the last observation. Data were analyzed using Kruskal Wallis and Mann–Whitney U tests. Result: A total 1076 activities was observed, compliance is 25,92%. The rate with hand hygiene is 24,16% in Surgery, 26,09% in Paediatric, 25,13% in Internal Medicine, 25,9% in HCU, 26,11% in PICU, and 25,72% in ICU. The Kruskal Wallis test showed p=0,766). Hand hyegiene compliance according to professions is residents 21,22% (n=33), nurses 31,31% (n=35), and co-assistants 21,69% (n=32). The Kruskal Wallis test showed that p=0,000 (significant), continued with Mann–Whitney U test that resulted p=0,000 (residents-nurses), p=0,517 (resident-coassistant), and p=0,000 (nurses-coassistant). Conclusion: Hand washing rates are low. There were not significantly difference in hand hygiene compliance based on wards. According to professions, there were signifficant difference in residents with nurses, and nurses with co-assistant, but no difference in residents and co-assistant

    PENGARUH CARA PENYIMPANAN TERHADAP KUALITAS MIKROBIOLOGI AIR : Penelitian Pada Wadah Berbahan Dasar Tanah Liat dan Plastik

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    Background: The storage process can affect water quality. Containers used to store water are made from plastic and clay. Clay is known to have antibacterial activity. This study aimed to determine the effect of storage on microbiological quality of water. Methods: This was a laboratory experimental study conducted in Microbiology Laboratory of Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University in Semarang. Subjects was water from six wells, five samples from tap water and five samples of drinking water in several regions of Semarang city. Data were the amount of colon count. Data analyzed by using SPSS 17.0 for windows with independent t-test to compared the colony count in water in the clay vessel and plastic jug. Paired t-test is used to compared the colony count in water before and after storage. Result:The highest mean of initial colony count (34510 cfu/ml), colony count of water stored in clay vessel (46810 cfu/ml) and colony count of water stored in plastic jug (36700 cfu/ml) were found in the samples of drinking water. The result of colony count analysis among those stored in clay vessel and plastic jug were not significantly different for samples from wells (p=0,515), tap water (p=0,612) and drinking water (p=0,195). The analysis of colony count of water from wells (p=0,007) and drinking water (p=0,001) before and after stored in clay vessel were increased significantlyt, but didn’t differ significantly in the samples of tap water (p=0,205). The colony count analysis before and after storage in plastic jug were increased significantly in the samples from wells (p=0,003) and drinking water (p=0,001), but didn’t differ significantly in the samples of tap water (p=0,201). Conclusion: Clay vessel and plastic jug didnot affect the microbiological quality of water

    Murine Typhus and Leptospirosis as Causes of Acute Undifferentiated Fever, Indonesia

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    To investigate rickettsioses and leptospirosis among urban residents of Semarang, Indonesia, we tested the blood of 137 patients with fever. Evidence of Rickettsia typhi, the agent of murine typhus, was found in 9 patients. Another 9 patients showed inconclusive serologic results. Thirteen patients received a diagnosis of leptospirosis. No dual infections were detected