760 research outputs found

    A Time and Place for Premarital Desire: Positive Uses of Lust in Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene

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    Lust plays a large role in Edmund Spenser’s famous 1590 poem The Faerie Queene—this much Early Modern scholars can agree on. Surrounding the purpose lust serves in this didactic tale, however, there is a good deal of contention. Some academics argue that Spenser uses his lurid descriptions of lust to reveal to readers their own sinful preferences. Others claim that Spenser uses lust simply to attract an audience. The list of differing interpretations of the text goes on. But one overarching theme can be seen in all of these unique analyses of lust: each operates on the assumption that Spenser intended lust to be an entirely wicked force in his romance. In my essay, I seek to challenge this assumption. I believe that in order to create more nuanced theories regarding desire in Spenser’s poem, it is necessary to move beyond the tendency to take the evil of lust as a given. Thus, in my own research, I have attempted to keep an open mind regarding the nature of desire in The Faerie Queene. Through close analysis of the tale’s wealthy heroes, who channel their sexual energies toward a higher cause, I assert that Spenser proposes that lust can have a positive use when experienced by members of the upper-class. This means of understanding Spenser’s poem is innovative and unique, but it also proves to be illuminating

    Does strategic tillage undo long-term improvement in soils under no-till?

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    We determine pros and cons of strategic tillage in continuous no tillage

    Talking Trailers: Promotional materials, and the value of the paratextual turn

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    In the last decade, the term ‘paratext’ has become increasingly popular and dominant in studies of promotional materials, applied to study a range of different media forms. Genette’s term appears in Coming Attractions: Reading American Movie Trailers (Kernan 2004), before being developed in Show Sold Separately (Gray 2010) and a special issue of Critical Studies in Media Communication (Brookey and Gray 2017). The latter issue states that ‘we know that paratexts walk amongst us’ and that paratextual analysis has advanced ‘a wide and impressive range of academic debates’ (ibid, 101), there has been little discussion about the use value of such a term for the broader work that exists around the production and reception of promotional materials (see, for example, Hesford and Johnston 2015; Johnston 2019). What follows is a discussion between three scholars whose work spans different aspects of promotional materials, to think through the advantages and limitations of the paratextual turn, and the future of this field

    Profil sinhrontronske rengenske difrakcijske linije

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    We analyse diffraction line profiles obtained at the X3B1 National Synchrotron Light Source powder-diffraction beamline. Calculated diffraction-line widths are compared to the measurements of a National Institute of Science and Technology Standard Reference Material, LaB6. The discrepancy at high Bragg angles is probably caused by the inadequate Gaussian approximation for the Darwin width of monochromator Bragg reflection. The equatorial-slit width has a major influence not only on vertical (equatorial) divergence but also on the character of diffraction-line profiles at high angles. The least-squares fits of instrument-function deconvoluted tungsten-line profiles show that a Voigt function satisfactorily models physically broadened line profiles.Analizirali smo difrakcijske profile linija dobivenih na snopu X3B1 Nacionalnog sinhrotronskog izvora svjetlosti u Brookhavenu. Načinili smo usporedbe za razne uvjete i s viơe prilagodbenih funkcija. Prilagodbe primjenom najmanjih kvadrata za profile volframovih linija, koje su bile dekonvoluirane instrumentalnom funkcijom, pokazuju da Voigtova funkcija dobro opisuje fizičko proơirenje profila linija

    Profil sinhrontronske rengenske difrakcijske linije

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    We analyse diffraction line profiles obtained at the X3B1 National Synchrotron Light Source powder-diffraction beamline. Calculated diffraction-line widths are compared to the measurements of a National Institute of Science and Technology Standard Reference Material, LaB6. The discrepancy at high Bragg angles is probably caused by the inadequate Gaussian approximation for the Darwin width of monochromator Bragg reflection. The equatorial-slit width has a major influence not only on vertical (equatorial) divergence but also on the character of diffraction-line profiles at high angles. The least-squares fits of instrument-function deconvoluted tungsten-line profiles show that a Voigt function satisfactorily models physically broadened line profiles.Analizirali smo difrakcijske profile linija dobivenih na snopu X3B1 Nacionalnog sinhrotronskog izvora svjetlosti u Brookhavenu. Načinili smo usporedbe za razne uvjete i s viơe prilagodbenih funkcija. Prilagodbe primjenom najmanjih kvadrata za profile volframovih linija, koje su bile dekonvoluirane instrumentalnom funkcijom, pokazuju da Voigtova funkcija dobro opisuje fizičko proơirenje profila linija

    Residual Stresses in Tungsten Thin Films for Single Photon Detectors

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    The residual stress in 20 nm thick tungsten films deposited on silicon substrate by dc magnetron sputtering is investigated. The sample was held in a continuous flow cryostat, which was capable of achieving temperatures as low as 8 K. The cryostat was mounted on a goniometer to enable the angle-dispersive x-ray diffraction measurements. X-ray diffraction was used to monitor the shift of the α-W {110} Bragg reflection at room temperature and 8 K. From the shift of the {110} Bragg reflection, the total residual stress was estimated at about 6.0 GPa. After applying corrections for the thermal stress in the film, the residual intrinsic stress is estimated at 5.8 GPa


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    ConCave Ph.D. Symposium 2020: Divergence in Architectural Research, March 5-6, 2020, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.In today’s sciences we pay a great deal of attention to the complexity of biological form and ecological formation. Analogies in urban research refer to cities as living (eco)systems, organisms or technological artifacts, which follow the rules of an urban metabolism. All these narratives seem to suggest that all matter (acting and interacting) on earth belong to a complex whole and their physiological characteristics share common organizational physical laws, which are rather dynamic and formless by their nature. A quantitative and qualitative theory for understanding these complexities and the dynamics of such a condensed organization of urban organic and inorganic materialization remains elusive, however, its impact on our planet is explicit and evident in various forms. Currently, most of humanity lives in cities. Their organization of human society and the tendency of cities to grow put ecological pressure on the global environment. The urban realm is an ever-unfolding amalgam of the biosphere and the techno-sphere within a dynamical system of materiality which threatens the concept of static form as an expression of physiological states. This formlessness is rather an expression (and empowering) of emerging patterns than an ambiguous loss of control. This paper argues that developing a new theoretical measure of understanding the materiality of forms, and the formation of the urban realm(s) as the effect of a complex information system of interrelations seems to be necessary. The following text will discuss the trajectory through three major approaches: The philosophical concept of (New) Materialism in relation to discursive formations (a terminology developed by Michel Foucault), the scientific concept of Systems Ecology of Howard T. Odum and the theoretical concept of individuation by Gilbert Simondon (1992). Systems ecology grants a view to dynamism of the physical, chemical, economic, and social forces in the field of urban morphological ensembles—the passive potentialities (energy storage) and the active transgressing forces (energy transfer) governed by the second law of thermodynamics. Odum’s understanding of urban energy cycles bears the potential to unravel the information patterns of an urban organism controlled by time

    Das kolonisierte Heiligtum: Diskriminierungskritische Perspektiven auf das Verfahren der Musealisierung

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    WĂ€hrend der Zeit des historischen Kolonialismus wurden in Völkerkundemuseen komplexe Formen rassistischer und religiöser Diskriminierung institutionalisiert, z.B. in den dort gĂŒltigen Ästhetik- und Kunstbegriffen. Viele der heutigen Museumsangestellten erklĂ€ren sich deswegen zu Reformen bereit. Doch können sie sich tatsĂ€chlich vom Kolonialismus trennen? Ist eine Dekolonisation ethnologischer Museen mit kolonialer Beute je abschließend möglich? Am Beispiel umstrittener HeiligtĂŒmer lebender Kulturen untersucht der Autor das Verfahren der Musealisierung durch die Linse der Diskriminierungskritik. Im Fokus stehen dabei die Sammlungen der "Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin"

    Das kolonisierte Heiligtum

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