1,596 research outputs found

    Modeling and experimental investigations of the stress-softening behavior of soft collagenous tissues

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    This paper deals with the formulation of a micro-mechanically based dam-age model for soft collagenous tissues. The model is motivated by (i) a sliding filament model proposed in the literature [1] and (ii) by experimental observations from electron microscopy (EM) images of human abdominal aorta specimens, see [2]. Specifically, we derive a continuum damage model that takes into account statistically distributed pro- teoglycan (PG) bridges. The damage model is embedded into the constitutive framework proposed by Balzani et al. [3] and adjusted to cyclic uniaxial tension tests of a hu- man carotid artery. Furthermore, the resulting damage distribution of the model after a circumferential overstretch of a simplified arterial section is analyzed in a finite element calculation

    Ship emissions of SO2 and NO2: DOAS measurements from airborne platforms

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    A unique methodology to measure gas fluxes of SO2 and NO2 from ships using optical remote sensing is described and demonstrated in a feasibility study. The measurement system is based on Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy using reflected skylight from the water surface as light source. A grating spectrometer records spectra around 311 nm and 440 nm, respectively, with the telescope pointed downward at a 30A degrees angle from the horizon. The mass column values of SO2 and NO2 are retrieved from each spectrum and integrated across the plume. A simple geometric approximation is used to calculate the optical path. To obtain the total emission in kg h(-1) the resulting total mass across the plume is multiplied with the apparent wind, i.e. a dilution factor corresponding to the vector between the wind and the ship speed. The system was tested in two feasibility studies in the Baltic Sea and Kattegat, from a CASA-212 airplane in 2008 and in the North Sea outside Rotterdam from a Dauphin helicopter in an EU campaign in 2009. In the Baltic Sea the average SO2 emission out of 22 ships was (54 +/- 13) kg h(-1), and the average NO2 emission was (33 +/- 8) kg h(-1), out of 13 ships. In the North Sea the average SO2 emission out of 21 ships was (42 +/- 11) kg h(-1), NO2 was not measured here. The detection limit of the system made it possible to detect SO2 in the ship plumes in 60% of the measurements when the described method was used. A comparison exercise was carried out by conducting airborne optical measurements on a passenger ferry in parallel with onboard measurements. The comparison shows agreement of (-30 +/- 14)% and (-41 +/- 11)%, respectively, for two days, with equal measurement precision of about 20%. This gives an idea of the measurement uncertainty caused by errors in the simple geometric approximation for the optical light path neglecting scattering of the light in ocean waves and direct and multiple scattering in the exhaust plume under various conditions. A tentative error budget indicates uncertainties within 30-45% but for a reliable error analysis the optical light path needs to be modelled. A ship emission model, FMI-STEAM, has been compared to the optical measurements showing an 18% overestimation and a correlation coefficient (R-2) of 0.6. It is shown that a combination of the optical method with modelled power consumption can estimate the sulphur fuel content within 40%, which would be sufficient to detect the difference between ships running at 1% and at 0.1%, limits applicable within the IMO regulated areas

    Sensitivity analysis of statistical measures for the reconstruction of microstructures based on the minimization of generalized least-square functionals

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    For the simulation of micro-heterogeneous materials the FE2-method provides incorporation of the mechanical behavior at the microscale in a direct manner by taking into account a microscopic boundary value problem based on a representative volume element (RVE). A main problem of this approach is the high computational cost, when we have to deal with RVEs that are characterized by a complex geometry of the individual constituents. This leads to a large number of degrees of freedom and history variables at the microscale which needs a large amount of memory, not to mention the high computation time. Therefore, methods that reduce the complexity of such RVEs play an important role for efficient direct micro-macro transition procedures. In this contribution we focus on random matrix-inclusion microstructures and analyze several statistical measures with respect to their influence on the characterization of the inclusion phase morphology. For this purpose we apply the method proposed in Balzani and Schr¨oder (2008); Balzani et al. (2009a), where an objective function is minimized which takes into account differences between statistical measures computed for the original binary image of a given real microstructure and a simplified statistically similar representative volume element (SSRVE). The analysis with respect to the capability of the resulting SSRVEs to reflect the mechanical response in some simple independent virtual experiments allows for an estimation of the importance of the investigated statistical measures

    Is the number of non-native species in the European Union saturating?

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    Background Non-native species can have significant negative impacts on the environment, economies, and amongst others, also human Non-native species can have significant negative impacts on the environment, economies, and human Non-native species can have significant negative impacts on the environment, economies, and human well-being, among other factors. Globalisation and economic incentives have substantially facilitated the growth in the numbers of newly recorded non-native species in the European Union. The European Union’s diversity in terms of political and socio-economic differences across member states may have contributed to the introduction of non-native species. Results Data reported in the Alien Species First Record Database, however, suggests a decreasing trend in the number of non-native species recorded over the past three decades. InvaCost, a database of non-native species with economic impacts, similarly shows increasing numbers of reported non-native species with costs until the 2010s, which were, however, followed by a plateauing and ultimately decline. Although the recent trends in non-native species reports may be affected by a lag time in reporting and data allocation as well as possibly a disparity in research efforts, their impacts persist, leading to a growing ecological but also economic burden. We further identified substantial spatial differences as western European member states generally reported higher numbers of non-native species and non-native species with monetary impacts. Conclusions Without improved actions, biological invasions and their associated impacts will continue to rise, degrading natural capital and hampering sustainable development and sustainability targets. Therefore, improved coordinated efforts across the European Union are necessary to improve reporting of non-native species and a centralized collation of data through accessible databases should be considered

    Optimal refrigerator

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    We study a refrigerator model which consists of two nn-level systems interacting via a pulsed external field. Each system couples to its own thermal bath at temperatures ThT_h and TcT_c, respectively (θTc/Th<1\theta\equiv T_c/T_h<1). The refrigerator functions in two steps: thermally isolated interaction between the systems driven by the external field and isothermal relaxation back to equilibrium. There is a complementarity between the power of heat transfer from the cold bath and the efficiency: the latter nullifies when the former is maximized and {\it vice versa}. A reasonable compromise is achieved by optimizing the product of the heat-power and efficiency over the Hamiltonian of the two system. The efficiency is then found to be bounded from below by ζCA=11θ1\zeta_{\rm CA}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\theta}}-1 (an analogue of the Curzon-Ahlborn efficiency), besides being bound from above by the Carnot efficiency ζC=11θ1\zeta_{\rm C} = \frac{1}{1-\theta}-1. The lower bound is reached in the equilibrium limit θ1\theta\to 1. The Carnot bound is reached (for a finite power and a finite amount of heat transferred per cycle) for lnn1\ln n\gg 1. If the above maximization is constrained by assuming homogeneous energy spectra for both systems, the efficiency is bounded from above by ζCA\zeta_{\rm CA} and converges to it for n1n\gg 1.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Atomic scale engines: Cars and wheels

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    We introduce a new approach to build microscopic engines on the atomic scale that move translationally or rotationally and can perform useful functions such as pulling of a cargo. Characteristic of these engines is the possibility to determine dynamically the directionality of the motion. The approach is based on the transformation of the fed energy to directed motion through a dynamical competition between the intrinsic lengths of the moving object and the supporting carrier.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures (2 in color), Phys. Rev. Lett. (in print

    MHz Unidirectional Rotation of Molecular Rotary Motors

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    A combination of cryogenic UV-vis and CD spectroscopy and transient absorption spectroscopy at ambient temperature is used to study a new class of unidirectional rotary molecular motors. Stabilization of unstable intermediates is achieved below 95 K in propane solution for the structure with the fastest rotation rate, and below this temperature measurements on the rate limiting step in the rotation cycle can be performed to obtain activation parameters. The results are compared to measurements at ambient temperature using transient absorption spectroscopy, which show that behavior of these motors is similar over the full temperature range investigated, thereby allowing a maximum rotation rate of 3 MHz at room temperature under suitable irradiation conditions

    (13)C or Not (13)C: Selective Synthesis of Asymmetric Carbon-13-Labeled Platinum(II) cis-Acetylides.

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    Asymmetric isotopic labeling of parallel and identical electron- or energy-transfer pathways in symmetrical molecular assemblies is an extremely challenging task owing to the inherent lack of isotopic selectivity in conventional synthetic methods. Yet, it would be a highly valuable tool in the study and control of complex light-matter interactions in molecular systems by exclusively and nonintrusively labeling one of otherwise identical reaction pathways, potentially directing charge and energy transport along a chosen path. Here we describe the first selective synthetic route to asymmetrically labeled organometallic compounds, on the example of charge-transfer platinum(II) cis-acetylide complexes. We demonstrate the selective (13)C labeling of one of two acetylide groups. We further show that such isotopic labeling successfully decouples the two ν(C≡C) in the mid-IR region, permitting independent spectroscopic monitoring of two otherwise identical electron-transfer pathways, along the (12)C≡(12)C and (13)C≡(13)C coordinates. Quantum-mechanical mixing leads to intriguing complex features in the vibrational spectra of such species, which we successfully model by full-dimensional anharmonically corrected DFT calculations, despite the large size of these systems. The synthetic route developed and demonstrated herein should lead to a great diversity of asymmetric organometallic complexes inaccessible otherwise, opening up a plethora of opportunities to advance the fundamental understanding and control of light-matter interactions in molecular systems

    A Master equation approach to modeling an artificial protein motor

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    Linear bio-molecular motors move unidirectionally along a track by coordinating several different processes, such as fuel (ATP) capture, hydrolysis, conformational changes, binding and unbinding from a track, and center-of-mass diffusion. A better understanding of the interdependencies between these processes, which take place over a wide range of different time scales, would help elucidate the general operational principles of molecular motors. Artificial molecular motors present a unique opportunity for such a study because motor structure and function are a priori known. Here we describe use of a Master equation approach, integrated with input from Langevin and molecular dynamics modeling, to stochastically model a molecular motor across many time scales. We apply this approach to a specific concept for an artificial protein motor, the Tumbleweed.Comment: Submitted to Chemical Physics; 9 pages, 7 figure