15 research outputs found

    Time between first and second transurethral resection of bladder tumors in patients with high-grade t1 tumors: is it a risk factor for residual tumor detection?

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    Purpose: We evaluated the risk factors for residual tumor detection after transurethral resection of bladder tumors (TURBT) in patients with newly diagnosed high-grade T1 transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. Patients and Methods: Overall 132 patients underwent TURBT for primary bladder tumors and were diagnosed as high-grade T1 bladder cancer. Patients with incomplete resections were excluded from the study. Clinical and pathologic characteristics of the patients were compared and multivariate analysis was performed to determine independent prognostic factors. Results: Residual tumor was demonstrated in 57 (43.1%) of the patients. The residual tumor rate was significantly lower in patients with solitary tumors, tumors 3 cm in size, absence of detrusor muscle in the initial TURBT specimen, TURBT performed by trainees and finally, as a new finding, prolonged interval between first and second TURBT are independent predictors for residual tumor detection in patients with high-grade T1 tumors. (c) 2013 S. Karger AG, Base

    Prognostic significance of surgical margin status and gleason grade at the positive surgical margin in predicting biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy in a turkish patient cohort

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    Objective: To investigate the prognostic role of positive surgical margin (PSM) features in addition to well-defined risk factors in predicting biochemical recurrence (BCR) after radical prostatectomy. Materials and Methods: This study used the prostate cancer database from the Urooncology Association in Turkey. Clinical, surgical, pathological and follow-up data were recorded from the database. PSM features, including number, location, linear length and Gleason grade (GG) were also recorded. Kaplan-Meier survival analyses were performed to assess differences in BCR-free survival (BCR-FS). In order to identify prognostic factors affecting BCR-FS, univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses were performed. Results: The study included 984 patients who met the eligibility criteria. The median follow-up time was 29 (minimum: 6, maximum: 210) months, and BCR was detected in 178 (18.1%) patients. BCR-FS was found to be significantly lower in patients with higher total prostate-specific antigen, higher International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) grade, extraprostatic extension (EPE), seminal vesicle invasion, lymphovascular invasion, lymph node involvement, PSM and GG at PSM (PSMGG) >= 4 (log-rank p<0.001, p<0.001, p<0.001, p<0.001, p<0.001, p<0.001, p<0.001 and p=0.005). ISUP grade, EPE and PSM were identified as independent prognostic factors in predicting BCR-FS [Hazard ratio (HR): 1.89, p=0.035 and HR: 4.65, p<0.001, HR: 1.82, p=0.030, HR: 1.77, p=0.042, respectively]. Unlike the univariate analysis, in multivariate analysis, PSMGG did not prove to be an independent prognostic factor in predicting BCR-FS. Conclusion: PSM GG >= 4 was found to be significantly associated with shorter BCR-FS. There is a need for large, randomised prospective studies to clarify the role of PSMGG to be used in nomograms as an independent predictor to determine patients who would benefit from adjuvant radiation therapy

    Serum testosterone levels, testis volume, and the risk of prostate cancer: are these factors related?

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    OBJECTIVE: Inconclusive results have been published in the literature regarding the relationship between free and total serum testosterone levels and prostate cancer. We investigated the relationship between total and free serum testosterone levels, testes volume, and prostate cancer in our patient population. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Total and free serum testosterone levels and serum PSA levels were recorded for 102 consecutive patients. All of the patients underwent transrectal ultrasonography-guided prostate biopsy due to an abnormal digital rectal examination finding and/or a serum PSA level of >4.0 ng/mL. All of the transrectal and testis US examinations and prostate biopsies were performed by the same radiologist. The testis length, width, and height were measured from transverse and longitudinal gray scale images, and the testis volume was calculated. RESULTS: Prostate cancer was detected in 32 of 102 patients (31.3%) who underwent prostate biopsy (prostate cancer group). The remaining patients had benign histopathological findings (prostate cancer-free group). The prostate cancer and benign histology groups were compared for age, total and free testosterone, PSA values, and testis volume. The patients with prostate cancer were found to have a higher mean age (p=0.04). There were no significant differences in serum PSA levels, free or total testosterone levels, or testis volumes between the two groups (p>0.05). A binary logistic regression analysis showed that neither free nor total testosterone was a predictor of prostate cancer (p=0.315 and p=0.213, respectively). Only age was found to be a significant risk factor for the development of prostate cancer (p=0.02). CONCLUSION: Our study failed to show a relationship between total or free serum testosterone levels, testis volume, and the risk of prostate cancer. Therefore, monitoring serum testosterone levels for prostate cancer prediction does not appear to add an advantage over PSA screening

    Serum testosterone levels, testis volume, and the risk of prostate cancer: are these factors related?

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    Amaç: Literatürde serum serbest ve total testosteron düzeyleri ve prostat kanseri arasındaki ilişki hakkında kesin olmayan sonuçlar bildirilmiştir. Biz kendi hasta grubumuzda total ve serbest serum testosteron düzey- leri, testis hacmi ve prostat kanseri arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırdık. Gereç ve yöntemler: Alt üriner sistem semptomları ile üroloji polikliniğine başvuran 102 hastada serum total ve serbest testosteron düzeyleri ve serum PSA değerleri kayıt edildi. Anormal rektal muayene bulgusu ve/veya >4.0ng/mL serum PSA düzeyi nedeni ile bütün hastalara transrektal ultrasonografi (US) rehber- liğinde prostat biyopsisi yapıldı. Bütün transrektal ve testis US incelemeleri ve biyopsileri aynı radyolog tarafından yapıldı. Testis uzunluğu, genişliği ve yüksekliği transvers ve longitudinal gri skala görüntülerde ölçüldü ve testis hacmi hesaplandı. Bulgular: Prostat biyopsisi yapılan 102 hastanın 32sinde prostat kanseri saptandı (%31.3) (prostat kanseri grubu). Geri kalan hastalar benign histopatolojik bulgulara sahipti (prostat kansersiz grup). Prostat kanseri ve benign histoloji grupları yaş, total ve serbest testosteron, PSA değerleri ve testis hacmi açısından karşı- laştırıldı. Prostat kanseri olan hastaların ortalama yaşı daha büyük bulundu (p= 0.04). Serum PSA, serbest testosteron ya da total testosteron ve testis hacmi açısından iki grup arasında anlamlı fark yoktu (p>0.05). İkili lojistic regresyon analizi ne serbest ne de total testosteronun prostat kanseri için belirteç olmadığını göstermiştir (sırasıyla p= 0.315 ve 0.213). Sadece yaş prostat kanseri gelişimi açısından anlamlı bir faktör olarak bulunmuştur (p= 0.02). Sonuç: Çalışmamızda total, serbest serum testosteron düzeyleri, testis hacmi ve prostat kanseri riski arasın- da bir ilişki gösterilememiştir. Dolayısıyla prostat kanserini ön görmek için serum testosteron düzeylerine bakmak PSA taramasına katkı sağlıyor gibi görünmemektedir.Objective: Inconclusive results have been published in the literature regarding the relationship between free and total serum testosterone levels and prostate cancer. We investigated the relationship between total and free serum testosterone levels, testes volume, and prostate cancer in our patient population. Material and methods: Total and free serum testosterone levels and serum PSA levels were recorded for 102 consecutive patients. All of the patients underwent transrectal ultrasonography-guided prostate biopsy due to an abnormal digital rectal examination finding and/or a serum PSA level of &gt;4.0 ng/mL. All of the transrectal and testis US examinations and prostate biopsies were performed by the same radiologist. The testis length, width, and height were measured from transverse and longitudinal gray scale images, and the testis volume was calculated. Results: Prostate cancer was detected in 32 of 102 patients (31.3%) who underwent prostate biopsy (prostate cancer group). The remaining patients had benign histopathological findings (prostate cancer-free group). The prostate cancer and benign histology groups were compared for age, total and free testosterone, PSA values, and testis volume. The patients with prostate cancer were found to have a higher mean age (p= 0.04). There were no significant differences in serum PSA levels, free or total testosterone levels, or testis volumes between the two groups (p&gt;0.05). A binary logistic regression analysis showed that neither free nor total testosterone was a predictor of prostate cancer (p= 0.315 and p= 0.213, respectively). Only age was found to be a significant risk factor for the development of prostate cancer (p= 0.02). Conclusion: Our study failed to show a relationship between total or free serum testosterone levels, testis volume, and the risk of prostate cancer. Therefore, monitoring serum testosterone levels for prostate cancer prediction does not appear to add an advantage over PSA screening

    A survey of patient preparation and technique of ultrasound guided prostate bıopsy: A multicenter study of urooncological association

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    Ultrasonografi kılavuzluğunda yapılan prostat biyopsisi prostat kanseri tanısı için standart yöntemdir. Bu anketin amacı, Türkiye’deki üroloji uzmanları arasında ultrasonografi kılavuzluğunda yapılan prostat biyopsilerindeki hasta hazırlığı ve biyopsi teknikleriyle ilgili farklılıkların araştırılmasıdır. Temmuz 2004’te prostat biyopsi protokollerini sorgulamak amacıyla, Üroonkoloji Derneği Üyeleri’nin e-posta adresine bir anket formu gönderildi. Anket formundaki sorular çoktan seçmeli olup, prostat biyopsilerindeki hasta hazırlığı ve teknikleri sorguluyordu. Cevaplar yine aynı yolla toplandı ve değerlendirildi. Ankete 24 merkezden 32 üroloji uzmanı katıldı. Bu merkezlerde prostat biyopsileri sadece üroloji uzmanları (%54.16), üroloji ve radyoloji uzmanı beraber (%37.5) ve sadece radyoloji uzmanları (%8.33) tarafından yapılıyordu. Ultrasonografi kılavuzluğunda yapılan prostat biyopsileri büyük çoğunlukla transrektal yolla yapılıyordu. Merkezlerin %50’si biyopsi yapmak için PSA eşik değeri olarak 4 ng/ml’yi kullanıyordu. Biyopsi öncesi hazırlıkta bütün merkezler antibiyotik başlarken; yaklaşık yarısı bağırsak hazırlığı yapmaktaydı. Merkezlerin %37.5’i işlem sırasında analjezik kullanmazken; %29.1’i ağrıyı azaltmak için periprostatik sinir blokajı uyguluyordu. ÜrolojiIntroduction: Ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy is the standard method for the diagnosis of prostate cancer. The aim of the present survey is to assess the variability in patient preparation and technique of ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy among Turkish Urologists. Materials and Methods: In July 2004, a questionnaire was sent out to e-mail addresses of the members of Urooncological Association, asking about the details of prostate biopsy protocol of the members. The survey consisted of multiple choice questions about the patient preparation and prostate biopsy technique. Responses were acquired via e-mail and analyzed in detail. Results: Thirty two urologists from 24 centers responded. The biopsy procedure was performed by the urologist only in 54.16% of the centers, both urologist and radiologist in 37.5%, and radiologist only in 8.33%. Transrectal route was the most common method for ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy. A half of the responders performed biopsy when PSA was greater than 4 ng/ml. All of the centers administered antibiotic and a half of them used enema before the procedure. Approximately 37% of responders did not administer any type of analgesia, but 29.1% of all responders administered a periprostatic nerve block for reducing pain during the procedure. Most urologists obtained 10 or 12 biopsy cores and only 20.8% of them obtained routine transitional zone biopsy during the initial biopsy session. Conclusion: This survey demonstrated that patient preparation and technique of ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy is not standardized among Turkish Urologists, and a guideline on prostate biopsy is needed

    Ultrasonografi kılavuzluğunda yapılan prostat biyopsisinde hasta hazırlığı ve teknik anketi: Üroonkoloji derneği çok merkezli çalışması

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    Introduction: Ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy is the standard method for the diagnosis of prostate cancer. the aim of the present survey is to assess the variability in patient preparation and technique of ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy among Turkish Urologists. Materials and Methods: in July 2004, a questionnaire was sent out to e-mail addresses of the members of Urooncological Association, asking about the details of prostate biopsy protocol of the members. the survey consisted of multiple choice questions about the patient preparation and prostate biopsy technique. Responses were acquired via e-mail and analyzed in detail.Results: Thirty two urologists from 24 centers responded. the biopsy procedure was performed by the urologist only in 54.16% of the centers, both urologist and radiologist in 37.5%, and radiologist only in 8.33%. Transrectal route was the most common method for ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy. A half of the responders performed biopsy when PSA was greater than 4 ng/ml. All of the centers administered antibiotic and a half of them used enema before the procedure. Approximately 37% of responders did not administer any type of analgesia, but 29.1% of all responders administered a periprostatic nerve block for reducing painduring the procedure. Most urologists obtained 10 or 12 biopsy cores and only 20.8% of them obtained routine transitional zone biopsy during the initial biopsy session. Conclusion: This survey demonstrated that patient preparation and technique of ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy is not standardized among Turkish Urologists, and a guideline on prostate biopsy is needed.Ultrasonografî kılavuzluğunda yapılan prostat biyopsisi prostat kanseri tanısı için standart yöntemdir. Bu anketin amacı, Türkiye'deki üroloji uzmanları arasında ultrasonografî kılavuzluğunda yapılan prostat biyopsilerindeki hasta hazırlığı ve biyopsi teknikleriyle ilgili farklılıkların araştırılmasıdır. Temmuz 2004'te prostat biyopsi protokollerini sorgulamak amacıyla, Üroonkoloji Derneği Üyeleri'nin e-posta adresine bir anket formu gönderildi. Anket formundaki sorular çoktan seçmeli olup, prostat biyopsilerindeki hasta hazırlığı ve teknikleri sorguluyordu. Cevaplar yine aynı yolla toplandı ve değerlendirildi. Ankete 24 merkezden 32 üroloji uzmanı katıldı. Bu merkezlerde prostat biyopsileri sadece üroloji uzmanları (%54.16), üroloji ve radyoloji uzmanı beraber (%37.5) ve sadece radyoloji uzmanları (%8.33) tarafından yapılıyordu. Ultrasonografî kılavuzluğunda yapılan prostat biyopsileri büyük çoğunlukla transrektal yolla yapılıyordu. Merkezlerin %50'si biyopsi yapmak için PSA eşik değeri olarak 4 ng/ml'yi kullanıyordu. Biyopsi öncesi hazırlıkta bütün merkezler antibiyotik başlarken; yaklaşık yarısı bağırsak hazırlığı yapmaktaydı. Merkezlerin %37.5'i işlem sırasında analjezik kullanmazken; %29.1'i ağrıyı azaltmak için periprostatik sinir blokajı uyguluyordu. Üroloji uzmanlarının çoğu ilk biyopsilerde 10 veya 12 odaktan biyopsi alırken; %20.8'i rutin olarak transizyonel zon biyopsisi yapıyordu. Bu anket, Türkiye' deki üroloji uzmanları arasında ultrason kılavuzluğunda yapılan prostat biyopsilerinde hasta hazırlığı ve biyopsi teknikleriyle ilgili bir standardizasyon olmadığını ve bunun için bir kılavuz gerektiğini göstermektedir

    The Effect of Diagnostic Ureterorenoscopy on Intravesical Recurrence in Patients Undergoing Nephroureterectomy for Primary Upper Tract Urinary Carcinoma

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    Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of diagnostic ureterorenoscopy (URS) prior to radical nephroureterectomy (RNU) on intravesical recurrence (IVR), in patients with primary upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma (UTUC). Materials and Methods: Retrospective analysis of 354 patients, who underwent RNU for UTUC from 10 urology centers between 2005 and 2019, was performed. The primary endpoint was the occurrence of IVR after RNU. Patients were divided into URS prior to RNU (Group 1) and no URS prior to RNU (Group 2). Rates of IVR after RNU were compared, and a Cox proportional hazards model was used to evaluate potential predictors of IVR. Results: After exclusion, a total of 194 patients were analyzed: Group 1 n = 95 (49.0%) and Group 2 n = 99 (51.0%). In Group 1, a tumor biopsy and histopathological confirmation during URS were performed in 58 (61.1%). The mean follow-up was 39.17 +/- 39.3 (range 12-250) months. In 54 (27.8%) patients, IVR was recorded after RNU, and the median recurrence time within the bladder was 10.0 (3-144) months. IVR rate was 38.9% in Group 1 versus 17.2% in Group 2 (p = 0.001). In Group 1, IVR rate was 43.1% in those undergoing intraoperative biopsy versus 32.4% of patients without biopsy during diagnostic URS (p =0.29). Intravesical recurrence-free survival (IRFS) was longer in Group 2 compared to Group 1 (median IRFS was 111 vs. 60 months in Groups 2 and 1, respectively (p< 0.001)). Univariate analysis revealed that IRFS was significantly associated with URS prior to RNU (HR: 2.9, 95% CI 1.65-5.41; p < 0.001). In multivariate analysis, URS prior to RNU (HR: 3.5, 95% CI 1.74-7.16; p < 0.001) was found to be an independent prognostic factor for IRFS. Conclusion: Diagnostic URS was associated with the poor IRFS following RNU for primary UTUC. The decision for a diagnostic URS with or without tumor biopsy should be reserved for cases where this information might influence further treatment decisions