1,006 research outputs found

    Human rights in politics: observations on minimalism, conflict and deliberation

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    With the essay "Human Rights: Ethics, Rhetoric, and Politics", Lilian Bermejo-Luque explores the controversial aspects of the human rights debate, proposing some conditions through which they could represent a positive element of political life. In particular, Bermejo-Luque proposes the thesis of political minimalism, associated, on the one hand, with the idea that the essence of politics does not reside in conflict, and on the other hand, with a conception of political deliberation based on empirical considerations connected to what communities consider of particular importance. This paper intends to offer some food for thought along the line of reasoning proposed by Bermejo-Luque: firstly by presenting some observations on political minimalism, related to the weight of representation in politics and the complexity of certain political phenomena; this is followed by a reflection on conflict and the importance of justifying political choices to citizens, for which it seems difficult to establish boundaries on what is purely concrete and practical and what instead involves ethical considerations.Con il contributo “Human Rights: Ethics, Rhetoric, and Politics”, Lilian Bermejo-Luque esplora gli aspetti controversi del dibattito sui diritti umani, proponendo alcune condizioni attraverso le quali essi potrebbero rappresentare un elemento positivo della vita politica. In particolare, Bermejo-Luque propone la tesi del minimalismo politico, associata da un lato all’idea che l'essenza della politica non risieda nel conflitto, dall'altro lato a una concezione di deliberazione politica basata su considerazioni empiriche legate a ciò che le comunità considerano di particolare importanza. Questo lavoro intende offrire alcuni spunti di riflessione seguendo la linea di ragionamento proposta da Bermejo-Luque: dapprima presentando alcune osservazioni sul minimalismo politico, legate al peso della rappresentanza in politica e alla complessità di alcuni fenomeni politici; segue quindi una riflessione sul conflitto e sull'importanza della giustificazione ai cittadini delle scelte politiche, per le quali appare difficile stabilire confini su cosa sia puramente concreto e pratico e cosa invece coinvolga considerazioni etiche

    Underactuated Attitude Control with Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Autonomy is a key challenge for future space exploration endeavors. Deep Reinforcement Learning holds the promises for developing agents able to learn complex behaviors simply by interacting with their environment. This work investigates the use of Reinforcement Learning for satellite attitude control applied to two working conditions: the nominal case, in which all the actuators (a set of 3 reaction wheels) are working properly, and the underactuated case, where an actuator failure is simulated randomly along one of the axes. In particular, a control policy is implemented and evaluated to maneuver a small satellite from a random starting angle to a given pointing target. In the proposed approach, the control policies are implemented as Neural Networks trained with a custom version of the Proximal Policy Optimization algorithm, and they allow the designer to specify the desired control properties by simply shaping the reward function. The agents learn to effectively perform large-angle slew maneuvers with fast convergence and industry-standard pointing accuracy

    The CGEM-IT: An Upgrade for the BESIII Experiment

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    The BESIII experiment has been collecting data since 2009 at the e+e− collider BEPCII in Beijing, a charm-τ factory characterized by high statistics and high precision. The discovery of exotic charmonium-like states and the still open questions in low-energy QCD led to an extension of the experimental program, with several upgrades. This review focuses on the CGEM-IT, the innovative solution proposed to replace the current inner tracker, which is aging. It consists of three, co-axial, cylindrical triple-GEM detectors and will be the first cylindrical GEM operating inside a 1 T magnetic field with analogue readout. For this purpose, a dedicated mixed-signal ASIC for the readout of CGEM-IT signals and FPGA-based electronics for data processing have been developed. The simultaneous measurement of both ionization charge and time distribution enables three reconstruction algorithms, to cope with the asymmetry of the electron avalanche in the magnetic field and with non-orthogonal incident tracks. The CGEM-IT will not only restore the design efficiency but also improve the secondary vertex reconstruction and the radiation tolerance. The gas mixture and gain settings were chosen to optimize the position resolution to ∼130 µm in the transverse plane and better than 350 µm along the beam direction. This paper addresses the innovative aspects in terms of construction, readout, and software, employed to achieve the design goals as well as the experimental measurements performed during the development and commissioning of the CGEM-IT

    Micro-TPC reconstruction performance for planar GEM detector with high-rate beam

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    A new reconstruction method for the Micro Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGD) has been implemented, called Micro-TPC, and implemented for Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors. The possible dependence of the drift velocity on the presence of residual charge in high-rate conditions motivated the test performed with planar GEM at MAMI Facility in Mainz. In this work the Micro-TPC technique, the setup and the results of the test beam that allowed to find the optimal working conditions will be presented

    Gli Angiò nell’Italia nord-occidentale (1259-1382), éd. R. Comba, Milan, Unicopli, 2006, 443 p.

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    L’étude de la domination angevine dans les régions de l’Italie du Nord a toujours été un sujet plutôt négligé par l’historiographie italienne, si l’on exclut les quelques études datant des premières décennies du xxe siècle ciblées principalement sur les aspects diplomatiques et militaires (comme par exemple la monographie de Giovanni Maria Monti, La dominazione angioina in Piemonte, Turin, 1939). Le livre Gli Angiò nell’Italia nord-occidentale (1259-1382) édité en septembre 2006 par l’équipe ..