754 research outputs found

    The Consequentialist Foundations of Traditional Yoruba Ethics: an Exposition

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    Several treatises have been written on the foundations of African moral systems. A significant number of them favours the claim that these systems are founded on religion, with the latter providing a justification for the former. Others have taken a contrary position, denying the supposed necessary causal connection between religion and African moral systems. This paper neither seeks to support nor rebut any of the foundations proposed, but rather to argue for the thesis that from whichever perspective it is viewed - religious, humanistic or rationalist - the Yoruba moral system has strictly consequentialist foundations, and is hence subsumable under the general consequentialist ethical programme. However, the paper notes that Yoruba consequentialism diverges significantly from its western counterpart on the claim that “the end justifies the means”; for whereas this is true of western consequentialism, according to Yoruba consequentialism no evil, however well-intended, can bring about a good end. The Yoruba oral tradition, and particularly the Yoruba language as currently spoken and written among the Yoruba people of southwestern Nigeria, supplies tools of analysis, while ethical consequentialism provides the theoretical framework. Key Words Consequentialism, Foundations, Yoruba, Traditional Ethic


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    Different disciplines have explored the concept of lecturing from different perspectives. However, adapting some modern methods of lecturing in Nigerian universities have not been systematically studied.   Therefore, this paper examines critically the modern   methods of lecturing in our modern days tertiary institutions in Nigeria.In agreement with other researches, this paper notes that there are many challenges facing the   methods of teaching in Nigerian Universities today. Triangulation method was used to gather information for this paper, and both primary and secondary   sources were used to obtain information for this article.  The findings of this paper show that the traditional lecture method will not lead to much educational achievements unless it is combined with interactive engagements with the students and prompt feedback from the tutorsThe paper recommends that if Government could live up to her   expectation by provision of basic amenities and   state-of-the-arts teaching facilities to the tertiary institutions, the phenomenon could be reduced. A concerted effort is therefore needed among all stake holders in the education sector for the task of promoting effective teaching in our tertiary institutions

    Analysis Techniques on Yagi-Uda Antenna Configured for Wireless Terrestrial Communication Applications

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    The paper focuses on analysis and operation of Yagi-Uda antenna which is usually excited at frequencies between 30MHz and 3GHz with coverage of 40 to 60km.  The length of the reflector is selected approximately equal to 0.55wavelength of the radiated signal. The optimum spacing between the reflector and the driven element is chosen between 0.15wavelength and 0.25wavelength. The length of the reflector has a large effect on the front-to-back ratio and antenna input impedance. For the dipole driven element, a length of 0.47wavelength was chosen to ensure good input impedance to a 50 ohms feed line. In this paper both empirical and measured data were collated to ensure a solid and efficient analysis of the parameters of this antenna. However, the paper has successfully presented a comprehensive analysis of the design, implementation and operation of the end-fire antenna configured for wireless terrestrial communication services. Keywords: Yagi-Uda antenna, Coverage, Reflector, Dipole driven element, end-fire, Wireless terrestrial communication service

    Effect of accelerated ripening agent on nutrient and antinutrient composition of banana

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    Food safety especially of fruits is important for a healthy and sustainable food system. Though accelerated ripening of fruits is common in Nigeria, its effect on nutritional quality of fruits remains underexplored. This study was conducted to investigate the changes in the nutrient and antinutrient composition of banana ripened with Calcium carbide (CaC2). In this study, mature bunches of freshly harvested green bananas were grouped separately and allowed to ripen naturally and artificially (with CaC2). At the end of the ripening stage, the nutritional parameters (proximate, minerals, vitamins) and antinutritional parameters were determined using relevant analytical methods, and the results obtained were compared across groups. The results showed that the proximate composition of the artificially ripened samples increase in ash (1.49), fat (0.76), and moisture (69.86) while carbohydrate (23.92) and protein (1.88) contents declined. Similarly, Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, Fe and Zn (mg/100 g) contents were higher in calcium carbide ripened than naturally ripened sample. Naturally ripened samples contained the higher amount of Vitamins C (28.87 mg/100 g), niacin (0.89 mg/100 g), pantothenic acid (0.27 mg/100 g) and pyridoxine (0.29mg/100 g). The β-carotene (127 mcg/100 g), Vitamin E (2.9 mg/100 g) and Vitamin K (0.31 mg/100 g) increased significantly in the artificially ripened samples, when compared to the naturally ripened samples. The use of calcium carbide as a ripening agent increases moisture and phlobatannin content, and loss in protein, carbohydrate, fibre, niacin, pantothenic acid, and pyridoxine composition of Cavendish banana. &nbsp

    A Robust Solution to Unreliable 900MHz GSM Communication Services during Rainfall

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    This paper presents an insight into network performance evaluation and quality of service (QoS) improvement of GSM cellular system services during rainfall. The components of QoS and mechanisms of analyzing and evaluating them are discussed. The paper also identifies the important key performance indicators (KPIs) for QoS evaluation which are used in evaluating the poor GSM network during rainfall. Five assessment parameters (i.e. network accessibility, service reliability, connection quality, and radio propagation and rain attenuation) for evaluating QoS on the network were employed. Prior to the development of this research, result shows that QoS of GSM system in the country is unreliable. It is also found that GSM network accessibility and reliability in the country are unsatisfactory during rainfall. The paper is concluded with recommendations which include the GSM link budget that incorporated the rain attenuation factor that would definitely improve the QoS of poor GSM network services in order to enhance effective and efficient telecommunication system in the country. Keywords: GSM networks, Key performance indicators, Rain attenuation factor, GSM link budget, Assessment parameters. Rainfal

    Impact of Electromagnetic Field on Bacterial Population and Physicochemical Properties of Cassava Wastewater

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    The release of industrial wastewaters into the environment is a major source of toxic contaminants causing global health and environmental challenges. This study aimed to investigate the impact of electromagnetic field (EMF) treatment on bacterial population and physicochemical characteristics of cassava wastewater. Cassava wastewater sample was collected from point source of a small-scale cassava industry in Akure, Nigeria. Sample was thereafter treated with EMF of varying intensities (70- 130nT) and bacterial population and physicochemical properties of raw and treated wastewater sample were determined using standard microbiological, physical and chemical analytical techniques. Results revealed a total bacterial count of 1.34 x 105cfu/ ml. Identity of bacterial genera isolated from wastewater were Enterobacter aerogenes, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Salmonella typhi (Gram negative) while the Gram positive bacteria were Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis and Lactobacillus sp. Results also revealed that treatment of wastewater sample with EMF significantly reduced the bacterial load and physicochemical parameters of the sample and dependent on EMF intensity and duration of exposure. Results revealed a decline in bacterial population from 1.34 x 105- 1.0 x 104 at intensities of 70nT-130nT and exposure time of 0- 144hr with the lowest count obtained at 130nT and the highest at 70nT. This study concludes that the use of Electromagnetic Field holds promise as an effective, non-invasive and eco-friendly strategy to improve the physical, chemical and biological quality of wastewater before discharge into the environment


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    This paper describes the various basic parameters necessary to determine a high level link budget for radio communication operating at 900MHz spectrum band. It considers a typical Lagos terrain by using the Okumura and Hata prediction model in calculating the path loss between a transmitter and mobile receivers. In this paper, the rain attenuation calculation from the updated ITU model was incorporated into the link budget to improve GSM communication during rainfall. These parameters can be used to predict a reliable communication ranges for the design and implementation of future GSM communication systems. Keywords: 900MHz Spectrum Band, Prediction model, Link-budget, Path loss, Rain attenuation, Communication ranges, GSM Communication

    A Robust Analysis of Dual-Band Wireless LAN (4G-WLAN) for Effective Internet Access: A Review Paper

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    This paper presents the findings of a comprehensive study of dual-band WLAN for internet access. It gives an exposition of the architecture of the 4G-WLAN routers which is a more advanced and the latest technology that uses Adaptive Modulation and Coding (AMC) to dynamically react to channel fluctuations while maintaining bit-error rate targets of the transmission. It also x-rays the part played by the internet service providers (ISP), the access providers (i.e. Dial-up, DSL, Satellite and fibre optics) which are responsible for high data throughput and cost of connection. This paper also discusses the IP addressing methods of the connected devices (i.e. BOOTP and DHCP) which depict the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) of the network.  The system clearly provides added convenience of Internet access and the extent of mobility the wireless routers can bring to computer networks and users. This technology provides a platform for future expansion. Keywords— Dual-Band WLAN, 4G-WLAN Router, AMC, Internet access provider, Data throughput, TCP/IP, Access provide


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    Regional-scaled gravity data was interpreted for the Central Equatorial Atlantic African region, a region comprising of both oceanic and continental areas, with a view to understanding more about its complex geological settings and the processes of tectonic evolution. The methods adopted involved the generation of topography/bathymetry, free-air and Bouguer anomaly grids from topography, free-air anomaly and Bouguer anomaly datasets; regional-residual gravity field separation, lineament mapping from the Horizontal Derivative and 2-D modelling of the sub-surface. Within the study area, the elevation ranged from -4,200 to 3,840 m. The free-air anomaly map showed a combination of elongated and circular positive free-air anomalies and elongated, negative free-air anomalies whose values varied between -40 mGal and 70 mGal. The Bouguer anomaly values ranged from -121 to +229 mGal. The Bouguer anomaly map also showed both elongated and circular positive and negative Bouguer anomalies. The dominant orientations of the elongated Bouguer anomalies were the NE-SW, the E-W and the ESE-WNW orientations. Gravity modelling within the oceanic region revealed the presence of a basaltic cover whose thickness varied between 1,330 m to 7,700 m in the oceanic and continental margin regions. Associated with the occurrence of this basaltic cover were kinks interpreted as eruption fissures from which the basaltic cover was ejected. It was discovered that the African West Coast Atlantic margin consisted of a trench around the continental margin region adjoined just to the north by some high density basalt, and also that the West African Coastline is heavily laced with magmatism and must have therefore been an active magmatic region in the past. Based on the interpreted data, the study concluded that the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean might have opened on a framework of rifts which extended into the inland regions to form the present day sedimentary basins and from the Bouguer anomaly profile along latitude 10oN that it is possible that both the Minna batholith and the Jos Plateau exploited the Proterozoic basement weaknesses for their emplacement.U radu su interpretirani regionalni gravimetrijski podatci za središnju ekvatorsku atlantsku regiju Afrike, koja obuhvaća i oceanska i kontinentalna područja. Cilj je bio uvid u njezinu složenu geološku građu, procese i tektonsku evoluciju. Primijenjene su metode izmjere topografije i batimetrije, površinskih (svedenih) i Bouguerovih anomalija na temelju podataka i anomalija mreže, razdvajanja regionalnih i rezidualnih gravimetrijskih podataka, kartiranja lineamenata metodom vodoravne derivacije te 2D modeliranje podzemlja. Unutar kartiranoga područja dubine/visine kretale su se u rasponu od -4200 do 3840 m. Karta anomalija na referentnoj ravnini pokazala je kombinaciju izduženih i kružnih pozitivnih anomalija, ali i negativnih oblika, s vrijednostima između -40 i 70 mGal. Vrijednosti Bouguerovih anomalija kreću se između -121 i 229 mGal. Takva karta također pokazuje izdužene i kružne strukture, pozitivne i negativne. Prevladavajuća orijentacija takvih izduženja jest SI – JZ, I – Z te IJI – ZSZ. Gravimetrijsko modeliranje u oceanskome i prijelaznome kontinentalnom području pokazalo je nazočnost bazalta s debljinom između 1330 i 7700 m. Zajedno s bazaltima dolaze i deformirane stijene kao ostatci pucanja uzrokovanih erupcijama bazalta. Pokazano je kako se atlantski rub zapadnoafričke obale sastoji od jaraka uz kontinentalni rub, koji se pružaju prema sjeveru ispunjeni bazaltom velike gustoće. Zapadnoafrička obala također je snažno obilježena ostatcima magmatizma koji upućuju na veliku magmatsku aktivnost u prošlosti. Zaključeno je kako je ekvatorsko područje Atlantskoga oceana bilo zona riftanja (širenja) koje se širilo prema kopnu i oblikovalo današnje taložne bazene. Profil Bouguerovih anomalija na širini 10 stupnjeva sjeverno upućuje na mogućnost da su batolit Minna i plato Jos istisnuti kroz oslabljeni dio proterozojske podine