815 research outputs found

    Research on optimization-based design

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    Research on optimization-based design is discussed. Illustrative examples are given for cases involving continuous optimization with discrete variables and optimization with tolerances. Approximation of computationally expensive and noisy functions, electromechanical actuator/control system design using decomposition and application of knowledge-based systems and optimization for the design of a valve anti-cavitation device are among the topics covered

    Company Financing, Capital Structure, and Ownership: A Survey, and Implications for Developing Economies

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    This paper critically surveys the key literature on corporate financing policy, capital structure and firm ownership in order to identify the leading theoretical and empirical issues in this area. The theoretical component of the survey attempts to reconcile competing theories of capital structure and appraises recent models which use agency theory and asymmetric information to explore the impact of managerial shareholdings, corporate strategy and taxation on the firm’s capital structure. The empirical component focuses on univariate analyses as well as multivariate models of capital structure, and makes a comparison between theoretical predictions and empirical results. Implications are identified in terms of promising research ideas (PRIs) for further research. The bulk of the empirical research that we survey is concerned with the experience of a few western industrial countries, and the implications of this research are assessed accordingly. However, we also aim to draw out implications for new research in developing and newly industrialised countries with an expanding corporate sector.

    Optimization of coupled systems: A critical overview of approaches

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    A unified overview is given of problem formulation approaches for the optimization of multidisciplinary coupled systems. The overview includes six fundamental approaches upon which a large number of variations may be made. Consistent approach names and a compact approach notation are given. The approaches are formulated to apply to general nonhierarchic systems. The approaches are compared both from a computational viewpoint and a managerial viewpoint. Opportunities for parallelism of both computation and manpower resources are discussed. Recommendations regarding the need for future research are advanced

    An algorithm for solving the system-level problem in multilevel optimization

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    A multilevel optimization approach which is applicable to nonhierarchic coupled systems is presented. The approach includes a general treatment of design (or behavior) constraints and coupling constraints at the discipline level through the use of norms. Three different types of norms are examined: the max norm, the Kreisselmeier-Steinhauser (KS) norm, and the 1(sub p) norm. The max norm is recommended. The approach is demonstrated on a class of hub frame structures which simulate multidisciplinary systems. The max norm is shown to produce system-level constraint functions which are non-smooth. A cutting-plane algorithm is presented which adequately deals with the resulting corners in the constraint functions. The algorithm is tested on hub frames with increasing number of members (which simulate disciplines), and the results are summarized

    Execution of Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Approaches on Common Test Problems

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    A class of synthetic problems for testing multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) approaches is presented. These test problems are easy to reproduce because all functions are given as closed-form mathematical expressions. They are constructed in such a way that the optimal value of all variables and the objective is unity. The test problems involve three disciplines and allow the user to specify the number of design variables, state variables, coupling functions, design constraints, controlling design constraints, and the strength of coupling. Several MDO approaches were executed on two sample synthetic test problems. These approaches included single-level optimization approaches, collaborative optimization approaches, and concurrent subspace optimization approaches. Execution results are presented, and the robustness and efficiency of these approaches an evaluated for these sample problems

    Cardiac index monitoring by pulse contour analysis and thermodilution after pediatric cardiac surgery

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    ObjectivesTo validate a new device (PiCCO system; Pulsion Medical Systems, Munich, Germany), we compared cardiac index derived from transpulmonary thermodilution and from pulse contour analysis in pediatric patients after surgery for congenital heart disease. We performed a prospective clinical study in a pediatric cardiac intensive care unit of a university hospital.MethodsTwenty-four patients who had had cardiac surgery for congenital heart disease (median age 4.2 years, range 1.4-15.2 years) were investigated in the first 24 hours after admission to the intensive care unit. A 3F thermodilution catheter was inserted in the femoral artery. Intracardiac shunts were excluded by echocardiography intraoperatively or postoperatively. Cardiac index derived from pulse contour analysis was documented in each patient 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 hours after admission to the intensive care unit. Subsequently, a set of three measurements of thermodilution cardiac indices derived by injections into a central venous line was performed and calculated by the PiCCO system.ResultsThe mean bias between cardiac indices derived by thermodilution and those derived by pulse contour analysis over all data points was 0.05 (SD 0.4) L · min · m−2 (95% confidence interval 0.01-0.10). A strong correlation between thermodilution and contour analysis cardiac indices was calculated (Pearson correlation coefficient r = 0.93; coefficient of determination r2 = 0.86).ConclusionsPulse contour analysis is a suitable method to monitor cardiac index over a wide range of indices after surgery for congenital heart disease in pediatric patients. Pulse contour analysis allows online monitoring of cardiac index. The PiCCO device can be recalibrated with the integrated transpulmonary thermodilution within a short time frame

    Quantum beat spectroscopy of repulsive Bose polarons

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    The physics of impurities in a bosonic quantum environment is a paradigmatic and challenging many-body problem that remains to be understood in its full complexity. Here, this problem is investigated for impurities with strong repulsive interactions based on Ramsey interferometry in a quantum degenerate gas of 39K atoms. We observe an oscillatory signal that is consistent with a quantum beat between two co-existing coherent quasiparticle states: the attractive and repulsive polarons. The interferometric signal allows us to extract the polaron energies for a wide range of interaction strengths, complimenting earlier spectroscopic measurements. We furthermore identify several dynamical regimes towards the formation of the Bose polaron in good agreement with theory. Our results improve the understanding of quantum impurities interacting strongly with a bosonic environment, and demonstrate how quasiparticles as well as short-lived non-equilibrium many-body states can be probed using Ramsey interferometry

    Electron affinity of Li: A state-selective measurement

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    We have investigated the threshold of photodetachment of Li^- leading to the formation of the residual Li atom in the 2p2P2p ^2P state. The excited residual atom was selectively photoionized via an intermediate Rydberg state and the resulting Li^+ ion was detected. A collinear laser-ion beam geometry enabled both high resolution and sensitivity to be attained. We have demonstrated the potential of this state selective photodetachment spectroscopic method by improving the accuracy of Li electron affinity measurements an order of magnitude. From a fit to the Wigner law in the threshold region, we obtained a Li electron affinity of 0.618 049(20) eV.Comment: 5 pages,6 figures,22 reference

    A micro-accelerometer MDO benchmark problem

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    Many optimization and coordination methods for multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) have been proposed in the last three decades. Suitable MDO benchmark problems for testing and comparing these methods are few however. This article presents a new MDO benchmark problem based on the design optimization of an ADXL150 type lateral capacitive micro-accelerometer. The behavioral models describe structural and dynamic effects, as well as electrostatic and amplification circuit contributions. Models for important performance indicators such as sensitivity, range, noise, and footprint area are presented. Geometric and functional constraints are included in these models to enforce proper functioning of the device. The developed models are analytical, and therefore highly suitable for benchmark and educational purposes. Four different problem decompositions are suggested for four design cases, each of which can be used for testing MDO coordination algorithms. As a reference, results for an all-in-one implementation, and a number of augmented Lagrangian coordination algorithms are given. © 2009 The Author(s)
