50 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Quantum-Classical Correspondence for Two Interacting Spins

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    The conditions of quantum-classical correspondence for a system of two interacting spins are investigated. Differences between quantum expectation values and classical Liouville averages are examined for both regular and chaotic dynamics well beyond the short-time regime of narrow states. We find that quantum-classical differences initially grow exponentially with a characteristic exponent consistently larger than the largest Lyapunov exponent. We provide numerical evidence that the time of the break between the quantum and classical predictions scales as log(J/{\cal J}/ \hbar), where J{\cal J} is a characteristic system action. However, this log break-time rule applies only while the quantum-classical deviations are smaller than order hbar. We find that the quantum observables remain well approximated by classical Liouville averages over long times even for the chaotic motions of a few degree-of-freedom system. To obtain this correspondence it is not necessary to introduce the decoherence effects of a many degree-of-freedom environment.Comment: New introduction, accepted in Phys Rev A (May 2001 issue), 12 latex figures, 3 ps figure

    Gastric Schwannoma

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    Schwannomas, also known as neurinomas or neurilemmomas, are generally benign, slow-growing neoplasms originating in any nerve that has a Schwann cell sheath. These neoplasms are rare among the spindle cell mesenchymal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, but develop most commonly in the stomach representing 0.2% of all gastric tumors. We present the case of a 57-year-old female patient with a large schwannoma in the stomach that was palpable in the abdomen. She underwent subtotal gastrectomy under suspicion of gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST), but post-operative histopathological and immunohistochemical findings showed a fascicular arrangement of spindle cell with pallisading nuclei, and positive for S-100 protein with negative smooth muscle actin (SMA). These results confirmed schwannoma as the diagnosis

    Founding quantum theory on the basis of consciousness

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    In the present work, quantum theory is founded on the framework of consciousness, in contrast to earlier suggestions that consciousness might be understood starting from quantum theory. The notion of streams of consciousness, usually restricted to conscious beings, is extended to the notion of a Universal/Global stream of conscious flow of ordered events. The streams of conscious events which we experience constitute sub-streams of the Universal stream. Our postulated ontological character of consciousness also consists of an operator which acts on a state of potential consciousness to create or modify the likelihoods for later events to occur and become part of the Universal conscious flow. A generalized process of measurement-perception is introduced, where the operation of consciousness brings into existence, from a state of potentiality, the event in consciousness. This is mathematically represented by (a) an operator acting on the state of potential-consciousness before an actual event arises in consciousness and (b) the reflecting of the result of this operation back onto the state of potential-consciousness for comparison in order for the event to arise in consciousness. Beginning from our postulated ontology that consciousness is primary and from the most elementary conscious contents, such as perception of periodic change and motion, quantum theory follows naturally as the description of the conscious experience.Comment: 41 pages, 3 figures. To be published in Foundations of Physics, Vol 36 (6) (June 2006), published online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10701-006-9049-

    Reality, measurement and locality in Quantum Field Theory

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    It is currently believed that the local causality of Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is destroyed by the measurement process. This belief is also based on the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox and on the so-called Bell's theorem, that are thought to prove the existence of a mysterious, instantaneous action between distant measurements. However, I have shown recently that the EPR argument is removed, in an interpretation-independent way, by taking into account the fact that the Standard Model of Particle Physics prevents the production of entangled states with a definite number of particles. This result is used here to argue in favor of a statistical interpretation of QFT and to show that it allows for a full reconciliation with locality and causality. Within such an interpretation, as Ballentine and Jarret pointed out long ago, Bell's theorem does not demonstrate any nonlocality.Comment: 15 pages. Published versio

    Hidden variables with nonlocal time

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    To relax the apparent tension between nonlocal hidden variables and relativity, we propose that the observable proper time is not the same quantity as the usual proper-time parameter appearing in local relativistic equations. Instead, the two proper times are related by a nonlocal rescaling parameter proportional to |psi|^2, so that they coincide in the classical limit. In this way particle trajectories may obey local relativistic equations of motion in a manner consistent with the appearance of nonlocal quantum correlations. To illustrate the main idea, we first present two simple toy models of local particle trajectories with nonlocal time, which reproduce some nonlocal quantum phenomena. After that, we present a realistic theory with a capacity to reproduce all predictions of quantum theory.Comment: 16 pages, accepted for publication in Found. Phys., misprints corrected, references update

    Quantum Reality and Measurement: A Quantum Logical Approach

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    The recently established universal uncertainty principle revealed that two nowhere commuting observables can be measured simultaneously in some state, whereas they have no joint probability distribution in any state. Thus, one measuring apparatus can simultaneously measure two observables that have no simultaneous reality. In order to reconcile this discrepancy, an approach based on quantum logic is proposed to establish the relation between quantum reality and measurement. We provide a language speaking of values of observables independent of measurement based on quantum logic and we construct in this language the state-dependent notions of joint determinateness, value identity, and simultaneous measurability. This naturally provides a contextual interpretation, in which we can safely claim such a statement that one measuring apparatus measures one observable in one context and simultaneously it measures another nowhere commuting observable in another incompatible context.Comment: 16 pages, Latex. Presented at the Conference "Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of Foundations, 5 (QTRF5)," Vaxjo, Sweden, 15 June 2009. To appear in Foundations of Physics

    Quantum models of classical mechanics: maximum entropy packets

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    In a previous paper, a project of constructing quantum models of classical properties has been started. The present paper concludes the project by turning to classical mechanics. The quantum states that maximize entropy for given averages and variances of coordinates and momenta are called ME packets. They generalize the Gaussian wave packets. A non-trivial extension of the partition-function method of probability calculus to quantum mechanics is given. Non-commutativity of quantum variables limits its usefulness. Still, the general form of the state operators of ME packets is obtained with its help. The diagonal representation of the operators is found. A general way of calculating averages that can replace the partition function method is described. Classical mechanics is reinterpreted as a statistical theory. Classical trajectories are replaced by classical ME packets. Quantum states approximate classical ones if the product of the coordinate and momentum variances is much larger than Planck constant. Thus, ME packets with large variances follow their classical counterparts better than Gaussian wave packets.Comment: 26 pages, no figure. Introduction and the section on classical limit are extended, new references added. Definitive version accepted by Found. Phy

    Quantum Mechanics and Leggett's Inequalities

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    We show that when the proper description of the behaviour of individual photons or spin 1/2 particles in a spherically symmetric entangled pair is done through the use of the density matrix, the Leggett's inequality is not violated by quantum mechanics.Comment: 7 pages, no figures. A missing global sign in the r.h.s. of eq. (4.10) in section 4 of version 1 (v1) invalidates the conclusion of that particular section, which is then suppressed in the present version (v2

    Universally valid reformulation of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle on noise and disturbance in measurement

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    The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that the product of the noise in a position measurement and the momentum disturbance caused by that measurement should be no less than the limit set by Planck's constant, hbar/2, as demonstrated by Heisenberg's thought experiment using a gamma-ray microscope. Here I show that this common assumption is false: a universally valid trade-off relation between the noise and the disturbance has an additional correlation term, which is redundant when the intervention brought by the measurement is independent of the measured object, but which allows the noise-disturbance product much below Planck's constant when the intervention is dependent. A model of measuring interaction with dependent intervention shows that Heisenberg's lower bound for the noise-disturbance product is violated even by a nearly nondisturbing, precise position measuring instrument. An experimental implementation is also proposed to realize the above model in the context of optical quadrature measurement with currently available linear optical devices.Comment: Revtex, 6 page