9,066 research outputs found

    Computerized Schedule Effectiveness Technique /SET/ determines present and future schedule position

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    Computerized scheduling system calculates an index of overall schedule-effectiveness. The schedule-effectiveness index is a measurement of actual overall performance against the existing schedule, and a series of schedule-effectiveness values indicates the trend of actual performance. This computer program is written in Fortran 4

    An acreage response model for Arkansas rice farms

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    In recent years, market forces have signaled a strong demand for rice as well as other Arkansas crops. However, high fuel, fertilizer, and chemical costs have negatively impacted farm income, and these input costs are widely known to impact planting decisions of farmers. The goal of this study is to develop and estimate an acreage response model for rice. The model is used to compute acreage response elasticities and provides insight into roles that input costs and crop prices play in acreage decisions made by producers. Economic theory predicts that prices for important inputs such as fuels and fertilizers as well as the relative prices of rice and soybeans will impact acreage decisions. Soybean prices are expected to be important because most of the machinery needed to produce rice and soybeans is the same and these crops are already used commonly in rotation. Results of the study show that crop price variables do indeed play a significant role in producer planning. Short- and long-run own-price acreage response elasticities are estimated to be 0.69 and 1.19, respectively. Soybean prices have the expected negative impact on rice acreage with a cross-price elasticity of -0.33 in the short run and -0.57 in the long run. On the other hand, the expected economic impacts of input prices on rice acreage were not supported by the results. Estimated relationships were negative, as would be predicted by economic theory, but were not statistically significant

    Operations research investigations of satellite power stations

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    A systems model reflecting the design concepts of Satellite Power Stations (SPS) was developed. The model is of sufficient scope to include the interrelationships of the following major design parameters: the transportation to and between orbits; assembly of the SPS; and maintenance of the SPS. The systems model is composed of a set of equations that are nonlinear with respect to the system parameters and decision variables. The model determines a figure of merit from which alternative concepts concerning transportation, assembly, and maintenance of satellite power stations are studied. A hybrid optimization model was developed to optimize the system's decision variables. The optimization model consists of a random search procedure and the optimal-steepest descent method. A FORTRAN computer program was developed to enable the user to optimize nonlinear functions using the model. Specifically, the computer program was used to optimize Satellite Power Station system components

    Technology and Economics, Inc. Technology Application Team

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    Technology + Economics, Inc. (T+E), under contract to the NASA Headquarters Technology Transfer Division, operates a Technology Applications Team (TATeam) to assist in the transfer of NASA-developed aerospace technology. T+E's specific areas of interest are selected urban needs at the local, county, and state levels. T+E contacts users and user agencies at the local, state, and county levels to assist in identifying significant urban needs amenable to potential applications of aerospace technology. Once viable urban needs have been identified in this manner, or through independent research, T+E searches the NASA technology database for technology and/or expertise applicable to the problem. Activities currently under way concerning potential aerospace applications are discussed

    Behavioral, computational, and neuroimaging studies of acquired apraxia of speech

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    A critical examination of speech motor control depends on an in-depth understanding of network connectivity associated with Brodmann areas 44 and 45 and surrounding cortices. Damage to these areas has been associated with two conditions-the speech motor programming disorder apraxia of speech (AOS) and the linguistic/grammatical disorder of Broca's aphasia. Here we focus on AOS, which is most commonly associated with damage to posterior Broca's area (BA) and adjacent cortex. We provide an overview of our own studies into the nature of AOS, including behavioral and neuroimaging methods, to explore components of the speech motor network that are associated with normal and disordered speech motor programming in AOS. Behavioral, neuroimaging, and computational modeling studies are indicating that AOS is associated with impairment in learning feedforward models and/or implementing feedback mechanisms and with the functional contribution of BA6. While functional connectivity methods are not yet routinely applied to the study of AOS, we highlight the need for focusing on the functional impact of localized lesions throughout the speech network, as well as larger scale comparative studies to distinguish the unique behavioral and neurological signature of AOS. By coupling these methods with neural network models, we have a powerful set of tools to improve our understanding of the neural mechanisms that underlie AOS, and speech production generally

    The Shortsightedness of Blind Trusts

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